Japan Today

Evacuation plans stir fresh doubts over reactor restarts

By Kentaro Hamada

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Evacuation?.No1 get the hell away from these things. When they go wrong due to incompetence run. When they go wrong run. Yep cheep and safer than wind, geothermal. Just run. They have the capacity to destroy the environment for 1000000000 of years, run!

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Ok 100 is that better? I doubt we will last 100 , so 10000000000000 really does not matter

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@Cricky For a billion years? Really? WOW!

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I would be fine to restart the reactors ONLY IF the governments buys all the currently contaminated land from the owners and compensates them for losing their jobs and families.

If you don't get my sarcasm, hell would freeze over before that happening.

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These townspeople are completely right to be worried, because there obvious is NO evacuation plan. NPP, all of them, should be shut down forever as the consequences of them going wrong are too too much to handle. Can we now begin to invest in renewal, sustainable energy on this rock to keep things going? Please, let's get real and do that.

gogogo, you do crack me up! Zichi-san, a voice of reason and sanity.

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zichi: A very good point! But sadly, that that fact will probably go unchallenged or simply fall on deaf ears.

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“The evacuation plan itself is very sloppy, just slotting bits and pieces into a manual without giving any consideration to the special features of the area,” said Zenyu Niga, a Buddhist monk whose mountain-side temple overlooks the Sendai plant.

Surely no one is really suprised by this, given the history of Japan's nuclear industry.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

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