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© KYODOFears grow over heat exhaustion caused by wearing masks in summer
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half-hearted jumper
So much for your "people can make their own informed choices" theory.
Vince Black
heres an idea, I know it may sound crazy but how about taking the mask off outside when its really hot?
Dango bong
Really wish people would stop making problems out of nothing. Stay home is always a choice stop complaining. Solve a problem for once instead of making new ones.
Of the hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in Japan wearing masks all year including in summer over the past decade, how many have suffered heat exhaustion from wearing the masks?
Derek Grebe
In these uncertain times, it's nice to know that some things can been relied on. This is my 25th summer in Japan, and the 25th time I've been given blindlngly obvious advice about how to stay cool in the hot summer months.
Without these annual pearls of wisdom, I don't doubt I would have misguidedly put on my long johns and woolen overcoat, wrapped aluminium foil around my tackle and run around in the midday sun pouring chili oil down my underpants.
Certain Tokyoites will wear masks all day, every day, whatever the weather. They always will. The fact that we're embroiled in a pandemic will make them feel better about choosing to hide their faces from society.
Mirai Hayashi
@Mr. Noidall
Excellent point. Japan has always been a mask culture even waaay before covid19, and yet now its a problem. Absolute nonsense. Here's a solution: If you can't run with a mask, then stay home. Get a mini trampoline and run in place....and for crikes sakes stop whining about how inconvenienced you are!
so we still have to descendants from those idiot anti-mask league during the Spanish Flu.
If virus is with us, during summer, what is your suggestions?
oh, just do business as usual, not sure what you are smoking/drinking but need to face reality.
If they are worried about heat exhaustion, imagine what its going to be like for students that will be required to wear masks at school and during PE lessons in June, July, late August and September. Not much AC happening in school gymnasiums in Japan either. One more reason perhaps to start the school year in September and give students July and August off to stay cool (and teachers too).
This is classic Japanese thinking. It's 33.4C now but the months that are "hot" are in summer, which doesn't start for another two months.
Toshihiro: Masks most certain DO affect breathing in the heat, as well as the cold (just look at anyone with glasses who wears a mask in winter). Also, not drinking hot drinks in summer means nothing to the body. In fact, so long as the air temperature is lower than that of your body, drinking hot drinks can actually help you cool down internally, whereas cold drinks can cause numerous problems.
Anyway, we're going to see more people than ever drop this year because of heat stroke. It's unavoidable in regular years, never mind that it's already hotter than normal and more humid, and people are wearing masks all the time, gloves, and what have you. Government's probably thanking its lucky stars the Olympics have been postponed and are already praying, "Next year might be cooler! We don't know!"
Face mask seems not necessary if strangers are not around you. I don't wear mask home but wash hands and face often. And better not go out if the day is hot weather as easily taking off mask in crowd.
People are going to have a mask tan on their suntanned faces.
Be reasonable, make a balance. Beware that a heatstroke is also deadly with 1,581 death toll in 2018; 500-1,000 latest year on year average in Japan. It's unwise to keep a mask in place while feeling hot. It could also occur without any symptom.
tooheysnew: "Peoples’ over reliance on air conditioning is making said people weak & susceptible to the heat."
The external units also give off tremendous heat, which causes hotter temperatures overall, be it the air around said units, or because environmentally air-conditioners are a big part of the problem in big cities with the heat-island effect.
Do not wear mask when doing exercising.
Politicians have asked for joggers to wear masks, not doctors. Doctors do just say it is ok when doing some light exercises.
More aircon promotion. To help prevent the spread of the virus you are meant to ventilate rooms.
Many shopping centres, trains, etc. in Japan already use the air con on ridiculously cold settings during the summer. The massive difference in outside and inside temperatures is not good. Also, setting the air con on too cool is not good for the environment. I agree though, that the general +28c limit in many places (like public schools) is not good and is too hot, - +25/26c would be better.
If you have pre-existing conditions, if you have allergies that are severe, if your working outdoors be careful with wearing a mask. Remove it if necessary, especially if you have problems breathing.
I read stories in China, children going back to school, doing gym class outside, running outdoors with the mask on. 3 children have died and their parents blame wearing the mask while running in the sun.
This article is not even about face masks that we see every day. The very last line makes it clear that they are discussing something else altogether.
Quote: The deaths have prompted experts to warn of the dangers of wearing high-grade masks during intense exercise, which could lead to oxygen deficiency.
There was also the case of a little boy dying last year during P.E. at school, because of the hot weather.
Imo people shouldn't be forced (e.g., in schools) to have any intense exercise or P.E. even during virus-free but hot seasons during the summer, as it's just straining the body too much (and kids don't always recognise the worrying symptoms or tell about them before it's too late), but now it's even more important, with the virus-threat and the masks, if/when they open the schools.
Lived half of my life in a third world tropical country, where it's extremely hot through the year and never heard of heat exhaustion there. And during all this Covid19 season they've been wearing they're masks and yet I don't hear anything about heat problems. Japan gets hot for a week and boom, cases everywhere. I will never get that.
Wear a mask is good, it's bad. I don't know. Wearing a mask jogging they say and now wearing a mask in summer could be dangerous. So confusing.
"Fears grow over heat exhaustion caused by wearing masks in summer".
Why ? There should be more fears without a mask.
If you can't run with a mask, then stay home. Get a mini trampoline and run in place
I like the mini trampoline part.
Bouncy bouncy
I am forced to wear a mask at my office the whole day. It is a new company rule to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus
Every evening I have a headache because of lack of Oxygen.
But I am the only foreigner among 300 japanese Co-workers. And all my co-workers didn't complain about wearing a mask. Only me!
I am not used to wear that thing 9-10 hours a day.
Just stay at home like you should, problem solved.
"Rikka", the traditional start of Summer in Japan (as opposed to the globally-accepted geological start of Summer), was on May 5 this year.
"He suggested turning on air conditioners, drinking water at regular intervals and increasing rest time."
No problem. No problem at all. But, he left out ice cream.
Yes, but according to that calendar, haru starts on Feb 5, on average the sixth coldest day of the year where I live, and get this, aki starts on August 5th, making O-bon an aki holiday.
It was mostly in jest, but my main point is the expression "hot summer months" isn't very appropriate for Japan. It can be plenty hot enough to make you ill at times of year that people refuse to call summer. My eldest once got heatstroke from dancing at a festival in Golden Week. I think there is some variance about when summer starts, but it definitely ends on Sep 1 when the public swimming pools close. September is officially not summer.
half-hearted jumper
Ummm... don't know how to break this to you: but Japan's summer vacation for students is mid/late July through August, with student returning back somewhere between the very end of August or early September.
Mama says "Drink enough water".
How about taking the virus seriously first?
I’m sure people are smart enough to think for themselves...
I’ll be dead of starvation this year never mind oxygen deprivation !
Bugle Boy of Company B
And here I thought Japan was a sovereign nation! Silly me!
Japan makes it’s own rules. European laws and customs don’t apply.
garypen better get used to it.
Do not turn the aircon down !
Peoples’ over reliance on air conditioning is making said people weak & susceptible to the heat.
We have never had an aircon in our place & all family members are quite resilient to the summer heat.
Paper Masks don't work. If you really care about your children and elders, use surgical masks and eye protection. Cheap option is two masks! Only touch, adjust the outside layer and dispose after close contact. Don't touch the mask or eye protection. Wash hands. Social distance. 70+stay home.
Not rocket science, but Darwin Prize expertise seem to believe masks are supernovas or something.
i do research into the protective program theories to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2. D614G mutation an ex-patient of heat attack, I recommend, medically speaking, go out in the morning and/or evening. Go the beach, river or lake to cool down and social isolate.
drink water. If nobody is around, pull your mask down to breath properly.
And ventilate.
Stupid is what stupid does
Do the hustle
*Fears grow over heat exhaustion caused by wearing masks*** in **summer
Well, don’t wear them! They do very little (if anything) to prevent the spread of the virus.
Sorry to see people suffer, but the solution here is very simple - turn up the aircon to 19 degrees and stay inside on hot afternoon days. Insulate your homes and use double-pane glass before you complain on the costs.
That is what the rest of the world does and is fine.
As someone who grew up in a tropical country, wearing a face mask will not make you more vulnerable to heat exhaustion. If the Japanese want to stay cool, how about turning their air condition at a cooler temperature and not the same temperature as outside and use an electric fan along with it. In addition to that, how about dressing down during the summer and not drink piping hot tea mid-day. School uniforms change to the seasons but working clothes remain the same throughout the year.
As you all know, it is an individual decision which the government cannot force. This pandemic indicated that all over the world. It is one's own responsiblity for themselves and their offspring (children). Hopefully there are more wise persons than foolish ones in deciding how ti handle the weather and their need for protection from the virus and and other related illnesses. May they all make that wiser decision.
who ask you to wear mask?????????? did you get life insurance with Abe no mask?
you are not forced to do it. if mask were effective , Virus with never make victim. do not be brain washed. if you are looking for ultimate protection . wear a GAS mask with NBC outfit.
A mask may be "mandatory" in my neck of the woods but that doesn't mean everyone's been wearing it. In fact in many states across my country people have been gathering in public crowing stores and public events with zero masks and zero social distancing. People have had it with this already.
I see more people around the world hopefully rebel against this mask wearing nonsense.