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© KYODOJapan seeks to remember its war dead as individuals in new memorials
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wayan Ubud
I like this news. Japan does have this right to remember all those who it someone who fought or a civilian.
What part of ignorance, do they do not understand
Maybe they can also remember the millions who needlessly died at their hands.
jiji Xx
funny that people, everywhere, refer to "the outbreak of war".... as though it just sort of happens, like an 'outbreak' of a virus.... a species-wide case of dissociative disorder, my view....
simon g
Japan has a terrible history of aggression and offensive invasions. None of those killed abroad were protecting anything except colonial ambition.
I think there is no countries in the developed and civilized world so obsessed about the past like Japan.
In the old and new world nations they try to look forward but here they bring all the WW2 and past to another level.
The death must be honoured yes but it’s for the people living now and the future generations they must look for.
Hi everyone, i would like to let you know the very fact that most of the rank and file people had been against the war, but they could not help going to the battle fields as a soldeir. they were also victims of the war.
Abe and Takaichi, who are top rank Japanese politicians, still look supportive to this war. it is a scarry.
I believe that some military officials and some politician did begin the war just because of their benefits and fames in the name of national security and love-Japan sprits, which seem to a kind of same things as Abe and Takaichi are arguing today!!!
simon gToday 09:39 am JST
Japan has a terrible history of aggression and offensive invasions. None of those killed abroad were protecting anything except colonial ambition.
It is not fair only taliking about Japan's colonaization. how about the western nations' long lasting colonaization?
It is an autocity to Honor War Criminals and forces that created mass genocide everywhere they went.
They expermented and Followeed their Leader and ASdolf Hitler and should never be honored and disgraced for life time and in all History books.
Why can not the Japanese people be like the German People renounce and who stand proud of their rebuttal to the Nazi empire of sychopants.
In this time the world still will not Forgive Japan and will hold them in history as the deady fascist Nazi's that japan was.
Come clean Japan and beg the world for forgiveness of the atrocities that were committed by the Imperial Japanese Nazi's of WW2
History is easily forgotten.
You look around in the 1900s and what you see is Western nation dominating the world. Even dominating Asia, China, Vietnam, Philippines.
Are Japanese crimes acceptable or justified? No.
Did Japan want to be like Western nations expanding, powerful, with colonies? Yes.
the biggest difference between Japan and the "Western nations" (btw, i hate grouping all european countries and USA together as western as we are not the same!) is that the western nations didn't massacred the people in the scale of what Japan did...
back home we have remembrance day to commemorate the soldiers and civilians who died in WWII and other wars... we give a 2 minute silence... thats about it, instead the nation focuses more on how to ensure peace for the future so that our next generations don't go through such sufferings again (maybe Japan should focus more on this as well)
1) Do people actually read to the end of articles these days?-
[ "Leaving behind the person's name is to recognize the individuality of the person. The government has to take responsibility for having mobilized its citizens into the war," Oda stressed. ]
2) Do people even read the article?
the biggest difference between Japan and the "Western nations" (btw, i hate grouping all european countries and USA together as western as we are not the same!) is that the western nations didn't massacred the people in the scale of what Japan did...
[ During a gathering in March ahead of the 76th anniversary of the March 1945 overnight Tokyo air raid conducted by the United States, about one hour was spent reading out the names of 410 victims in a ceremony mourning the more than 100,000 civilians who were killed. Dubbed the "bombing of Tokyo," it was the single most destructive firebombing raid in human history. ]
So... the whitewashing and 'playing the victim' exercise continues...
Given this attitude, little wonder that the Chinese and Koreans still hate Japan. I can't blame them for that
Numbers are difficult to verify, but one estimate holds the British Raj responsible for the deaths of 1.8 billion Indians.
its not just Japan who has history.
I’m sure the Belgium Congo would disagree
History does not break out. It's been always interacted geographically and chronologically
Nothing wrong with Whataboutism unless you just want to disgrace Japan and Japanese.
mardariusToday 06:43 pm JST
I never agree with the view " 'get over it and move on' that Japan is always so eager to give to others". It is just common here at JT boards. In my opinion all Japan and Japanese right wingers say is " Stop fabricating historical facts"