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© KYODOJapan 'baby hatch' man empowers kids via program to live best life
By Yasuto Matsuyama KUMAMOTO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Why have more of these not been set up across Japan?
They should set up baby hatches all throughout Japan. There are far too many stories about mothers abandoning their infants in parking lots, toilets, cars etc. At least provide them with this option - it's anonymous and it gives the mother a small peace of mind that they're baby will be safe, warm, and cared for.
The man in this story was three or four when he was dropped off - far from an infant! Glad he got lucky with his foster parents.
In Japan it is far more common to kill the child than to use the baby hatch. Life is valued differently. They're studying the implementation in Tokyo for at least 20 years, with nothing being done. Also the punishment for the mothers is almost symbolic (2-3 years), showing a societal acceptance for the kill.
The "German system" is actually many hundreds of years old and European, as many large churches or monasteries would have it, with a small bell to ring and alert.
Here another article. There are many studies on infanticide in Japan online
Those saying "They should set up more of these" should realise these centre and people that run them have personal qualities required to manage a children safely on their own are rare. They are going screen candidates exhaustedly from social post to asking your neighbours have you ever yell at your pet dog. So how many would pass a screening. Yeah not many. This bloke is doing his best and a person so dedicated and trusted are a rarity. The article state he is opening a couple in Tokyo. His biggest holdback is candidates that pass the screening.
I remember when these first came about and the public was outraged.
Clearly, these kids need a safe place.
Open more of them.