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© KYODOMaster brewer teaches tradition to rivals, sake brewer heirs
By Rui Azuma SENDAI©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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A little surprised that the Nihon-shu industry is/was so closeted.
I'd have thought exchange of ideas, techniques, methods etc would have been quite normal, esp since harder times have hit.
Compared to Wine, where people in the industry gain work experience and knowledge by moving all over the world training and learning about everything and anything to do with the craft.
Often young winemakers spend years at various wineries doing such.
It certainly is one reason why wine has taken off exponentially around the world.
All working for the industry to create a better product.
Sake sales are gaining steam in the U.S. and the Americans who drink sake actually appreciate the process and are - for Americans - a pretty particular group of people. If these sake producers (and their marketing teams) do it right, there's plenty of demand in America for premium hopefully this 'growth mindset' holds and sake culture spreads. These smaller sake producers truly need to band together a bit to help promote their brands overseas like a manufacturer's co-op.
'Kobe beef' on the other hand, in a lost cause.
they love alcohol. But only cans of cheap happousyu beer or chuhai. Abenomics.
Patricia Yarrow
Cooperation and opening up within the sake industry is absolutely needed to slow down, even reverse, the ongoing decline of the sake industry. Many young people are interested in it, and in working in the shuzo. Sake making is a craft and industry that brings joy to many. Not everyone is cut out for office work. Good for Dewazakura! They are on the right track.
To many varieties and version of the products this generation, therefore young people are confused what to choose.
Companies should stick with only 3 version, not more than that.
Original - For all
Version 2 - For low class
Version 3 - For high class
Patricia Yarrow
Cricky, What in the world were you drinking? Some low class rotgut sake? Surely not the delicately flavored junmai and other premium sake so many informed sake drinkers love, none of which would trigger your violent reaction...
It is a pity that the Japanese are not imbibing as they used to...
It’s just like drinking petrol, one sip and I need something to get the horrendous taste out of my mouth. Sorry for those who savour the nuances of its part kerosene part petrol taste. But I like something I want to drink more of, I don’t want to discharge my entire stomach through my nostrils.