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© KYODON Korea abductee's mother longs for progress at G7 as time runs out
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Aly Rustom
After Koizumi revisited Pyongyang in 2004, North Korea handed over to Japan cremated remains that it claimed were those of Megumi, but they were later proven through DNA analysis not to be hers.
That part of the article is factually incorrect
An interview in the 3 February 2005 issue of **Nature revealed that the DNA analysis on Megumi's remains had been performed by a member of the medical department of Teikyo University, Yoshii Tomio. Yoshii, it later transpired, was a relatively junior faculty member, of lecturer status, in a forensic department that had neither a professor nor even an assistant professor. He said that he had no previous experience in the analysis of cremated specimens, described his tests as inconclusive, and remarked that such samples were very easily contaminated by anyone coming in contact with them, like "stiff sponges that can absorb anything". The five tiny samples he had been given to work on (the largest of them 1.5 grams) had anyway been used up in his laboratory, so independent verification was thereafter impossible.**
Megumi Yokota - Wikipedia
Samit Basu
Here are the facts.
Yokotas traveled to North Korea in 2014 to meet Yokota's daughter(Proven by DNA test), who told her grand parents that her mother(Yokota Megumi) was dead.
If Yokotas won't believe their own grand daughter's word that Megumi's dead, there is no one who can make them believe it.
No, she has not. She is pushing herself forward all the time, perhaps understandably, but sadly it has become a little tiresome. The first comment above from kyushubill says it all very well.
It's always one-way when Japan deals with other countries until and unless that other nation goes first. Look at how hard Yoon has been working despite getting VERY little in return up to now in terms of acknowledgment of history. When did Japan make the most progress on this issue? When Koizumi became an actual leader and went over there to talk honestly. They got the abductees back but then Japan reneged on everything, destroying all progress. Now, the issue is "resolved" according to NK, same as Japan constantly claims issues are resolved when others seek admittance and/or redress. And yet, whenever the international scene is focused on Japan they parade out the Hiroshima victims and Ms. Yokota (until recently with her husband, RIP), and talk about how badly Japan has been victimized in history. And look at the things said here,
"Give us back everyone and THEN we will talk about talking!" (despite the fact there is no one proven to have been abducted on the list of... what is it.... hundreds of people aside from Megumi Yokota and a couple we have no news on?
"Give in to Japan's demands and then maybe we'll talk (except then we'll renege)".
I feel so horrible for Ms. Yokota, I really do. But what I feel equally as horrible about is how she has been used as a political tool all these decades; constantly fed false hopes when the popularity of the current PM is down, paraded in front of the media pre-election then ignored post. Told the issue would be resolved (vowed, promised, sworn) and then once again ignored until the next election cycle or international political forum is held. I fear she'll never have any questions answered before her death because no politicians here want to make any unpopular moves and be real leaders, as Koizumi was until the backlash.
You may not like the information or The way he says it but it is basically what they do.
Take this part.
They make it sound like this was the Japanese government that did the testing.
But it was a private thing and most places claiming they can get viable DNA from cremated ashes, bones or teeth, are 99% just taking advantage of people's desperation.
Kyodo news service should point this out but that would make the story a waste of time.
This woman is still waiting for a 13 year old to return,
I cannot imagine what she feels and went through but the people feeding her false hope for political gain are the real problem.
Ricky Kaminski13
Roll her out? Like some sort of ornament? Lady has been separated from her daughter for over 45 years. Have a bit of dignity with the comments ay Mr K.
Mr Kipling
They roll her out every chance they get to show North Korea in a negative light. Something that isn't really that hard to do.
The Yokota family is incredible, and this woman, an Iron Lady. I heard of her husband's passing and I thought of her thoroughly. It's a pity that she's welcomed with empty words when her struggle is so significative for us all.
God bless this poor woman. I don't what more she wants done. Koizumi had remains returned to her. She refused to accept them insisting her daughter is still alive. Abe (both times) gave her proof she is dead. Hatoyama brought her daughter's former husband from DPRK and arranged a meeting so her could tell her personally she died in 1998 from a fever. She refused insisting her daughter is alive.
Many have tried to help her but her refusal makes it seem she just wants attention. The international community has repeatedly said it is an issue between Japan and DPRK and refuse to get involved. Poor lady needs to accept the fact her daughter is dead and live the rest of life in peace.