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© KYODOUkrainian evacuee fights fake news after uprooting life to Japan
By Peter Masheter TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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"Upon arriving in Poland, Tiazhka went straight to the Japanese Embassy to arrange the visas."
From Poland (NATO save heaven) to Japan?!
Why do I smell that rotten stench of fish?
And yes, one is allowed to ask questions.
She currently lives at the home of a Japanese family friend who acted as a guarantor for her and her son.
I would like to hear her uninhibited take on the steps the Japanese government is taking to avoid supporting the Russian war effort in the Ukraine.
Peeping_TomToday 07:11 am JST
There is a simple explanation.
In 2015 Ukraine passed a law making OUN/UPA National heroes.
In retaliation Poland passed a law in 2018 making it a crime to deny the crimes done by OUN/UPA among other groups that committed war crimes in WW2 this includes the flying of the black and red UPA flag.
So Poland is NATO, but not friendly to certain far right Ukrainians.
So for a YouTuber that is highly pro Ukraine and may or may not use "controversial" events of the past in a way that may violate Polish law not being in a comtry that may lead to one being arrested is a better move. Other European countries also have similar laws or have the "first country" refugee rule (meaning you get refused it you arrived in a previous safe country).
People forget that despite their unified stand on Russia, Poland and Ukraine are not friends and this goes back to WW2, all the way back the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Things in that region aren't as black and white as they seem.
Good Job, FAKE news these days is a major problem in our daily lives and it is going to get even worse. Many countries even sponsors fake news outlets to push their agendas and lies to keep control over events and people.
It is getting harder by day to figure out what is true and what is not.
Mr Kipling
There is just as much or more fake news coming from official Ukrainian "news".
Maybe she could look at that too?
"Why do I smell that rotten stench of fish?" is not a legitimate question.
It is a statement of disbelief.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
News is always getting over exaggerated or bending the truth.
Tom San
Really fighting it, or also contributing to it?
Sven Asai
Yes, all those little crazy information warriors…lol Who really cares about fake news providers and the opposite fake news fighters? That’s very much overestimated and only for and amongst a very limited target group, mostly internet and smartphone addicted younger people who still have too much time too little to do and don’t have any other daily work or life problems. The overwhelming majority hasn’t the time or capabilities to intentionally produce, fight or only reading all that childish propaganda bs. Innovate something new, meet with real friends , go into the nature, follow a hobby with sense, all you little digital morons.
"It is a statement of disbelief."
Since you're "pretending" not to have seen the question:
"From Poland (NATO safe heaven) to Japan?!"
Howz dat?
She knew that she can be more vocal as well as continue with her shenanigans in Japan and gain sympathy rather than stay in Poland and be oppressed under strict Polish laws!
what Russian misinformation? She is the misinformer. She should study how Crimea, previously a part of Russia with Russian as its native tongue, held a referendum and overwhelming voting to return back to their homeland. Russia agreed. No takeover. DB.
I've studied awhile and understand Russian, regularly consuming local news media. Despite (or because of?) their efforts since the war outset, the overall propaganda quality seems to have been very down, easily disputed and disproved at the end.
I'm fully aware that both Ukrainian and Russian are conducting propaganda warfare. Though I try to be cautious and fair, many Russian versions are highly implausible or laughable to me. They are a cheap joke. Ukraine is more accountable and overwhelming in terms of both quality and quantity.
"Its reports on the downing in 2014 of the Malaysian Airways plane MH17 by a rocket over an area controlled by pro-Russia ".
Then, she can tell what happened to MH370 ?
While I agree the Russian stuff is often pure fiction.
I remind people that Ukraine has as many laws as Russia limiting free speech, these include but not exclusive to it being illegal to contradict official government dictates including history, so what is official history in most of Europe, is illegal to say in Ukraine and has been since 2015.
Poland in 2018 officially made it illegal to promote the Ukrainian version dictated in the 2015 law.
So I imagine her YouTube channel from within Ukraine had to comply with the Ukrainian government official views and if she remained in Poland, she would have to comply with Polish law that would conflict with Ukrainian official views.
So rock and a hard place, either stay in Poland and follow polish laws and risk later being arrested for violating Ukrainian laws, or remain in Poland follow official Ukrainian dictate and risk being arrested for violating Polish law.
So run to Japan where following Ukraine dictate and laws isn't a problem.
We seem to only get one view on this subject,
As I previously stated, this war is not occuring in a vacuum, there isn't just this Everyone hates Russia dynamic.
Yes Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc...all hate Russia and feat Russia, but at the same time they pretty much don't like eachother.
I know many Polish people and a good number of ukrainian they up until this war couldn't stand eachother the only thing any of them could agree on was not liking Russia.
How long will she be an "evacuee" before gaining resident status?
Good for Ms Tiazhka for keeping up the good fight against the fascist Russians and their sick propagandists who try to downplay the war crimes being committed against innocent Ukrainians.
Japanese people in the vast majority are welcoming of these peace-loving Ukrainians who have been forced out of their beloved homeland.
May Ms Tiazhka's husband and all Ukrainians bravely fighting for their land destroy as many invading fascist Russians as they can. Full respect and support.
Seth M
Why do these people always label anything they disagree "fake" these days? You're 10 timezones away what do you know about truth. I saw videos of Ukrainian villagers welcoming Russins with tears and flowers. It may sound shocking but the truth is every one in Ukraine has their own view of this war
Surely people can not expect those fleeing the Russian invasion and destruction in Ukraine to cross the border into Poland and simply stay there. Millions of people milling around Poland's border with Ukraine is untenable. They must move on and disperse into other nations to share the huge burden of housing, food, health care and in the short term perhaps even limited employment to allow self supporting to occur.
Many nations in Europe and the America's, Asia and Pacific have expressed a desire to assist by taking in refugees. Japan is one nation to agree to assist a limited number and has so far taken in 661. I can not see how this would surprise anyone in any way except to have expected higher numbers of Ukrainians to be admitted to the country by now.
Over an 30 month period, July 2015 to December 2017 Australia admitted refugees from:
Afghanistan - 3,217
Iraq - 13,567
Syria - 11,359
Total from those three nations alone for that period was 24,926
Since 23 February 2022 the Department has granted over 6,000 visas to Ukrainian nationals in Ukraine and hundreds more to Ukrainian nationals elsewhere. As at 6 April, over 1,700 of these visa holders have since arrived in Australia and more arrive every day.