Japan Today

First gay wedding held at Tokyo Disney Resort


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Boycot Disney! I have no issue with civil unions but gay marriage is not appropriate with my beliefs. And I'me not spiritual!

-133 ( +24 / -150 )

Good on them, and good on Disney.

65 ( +76 / -13 )

I really do not agree with Disney characters being used this way ... for things that are for many are highly controversial, political, cultural or religious... it will have repercussions on many levels... who at Disney approved this abuse of Mickey and Minnie and the Disney family image? Mickey Mouse is not Pokeman.

-109 ( +17 / -121 )

good luck to all that had to explain their children why there was no bridegroom at this wedding. i'd like Disney to announce gay marriages days in advance, so that my family could avoid them.

-100 ( +18 / -114 )

I hope they have a happy life.

69 ( +75 / -8 )

Hooray! This is great, progressive and wonderfully liberating.

47 ( +59 / -14 )

Its Disney world for cryin' out loud. Its they're lives and they're not forcing anyone to do anything they don't wanna do.

31 ( +39 / -8 )

I can't believe what I am reading in these comments! Are people still homophobic, even in 2013?!?!

64 ( +77 / -17 )

This doesn't bother me at all, and right on to everyone involved. But why am I not surprised that its two Japanese females getting married there? I shudder to recall how many Japanese women I've met who are pathologically obsessed with Disney and Disneyland. I knew one who thought it was her magical entrance to "gaikoku" and would go there every weekend to escape her reality in Japan...rather than saving up that money to check out the real world outside of her country. So, I kind of wish they had taken their progressive energies in a more progressive direction, to a more progressive place.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Yes Ebisen. Keep your children indoors so you dont need to explain the realities of outside to them.

49 ( +61 / -13 )

Very nice.

18 ( +26 / -8 )

Mark G, K. Hawaii, ebisen, Chin4sailor; you can avoid going to Disney if you like, that's so trivial, but don't block 2 people who are in love want to spend their lives together with the same rights as everyone else.

Mark G, civil unions are so far removed from equal rights. There are over 1000 laws in the USA that only apply to married couples, not those in civil unions. For example, a straight American man can marry a "mail order bride" and bring her to the States with a green card, but a gay man can't bring his foreign partner to the USA no matter how long their relationship. It's good to see Disney and other American companies, politicians, people realize that 2 people in love are the same, no matter the make up of the couple and deserve to be treated equally

22 ( +32 / -10 )

Great move Disney. This is the world we live in and two consenting adults deserve a chance at love and a happy ending just like anyone else. I wish them all the best that Japan and the world has to offer.

They are a beacon for others seeking to bravely express their individual identities in the face of bigotry and H8ers.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

Seriously? Against this? What year are some of you folks living in? You would rather see these women in a "normal" marriage to men then cheat on their husbands because that is not who they are? Kudos to them for stepping up and making a commitment to each other publicly.

@ MarkG...thanks for trying to push your beliefs on us but I don't think I will boycott Disney just because gay marriage is against your beliefs. And you don't make sense. You want to boycott a place for a marriage that doesn't exist???

As for being against Mickey and Minnie being "used" for controversial moments... I see what was meant there but perhaps you don't see the flip side of the coin. It was a happy day and a very special day for this couple, why would Disney exclude them from something that is allowed to any other guest of the park? Simple...there is no reason to.

@ Poke, I know what you mean when you say "right on to everyone involved". And initially I agreed you that perhaps they should have take their progressive energies to a more progressive place.

But then I stopped and thought waaaait a minute...perhaps they did the right thing...if progressive folks take their progressive energies elsewhere, then how will Japan ever take progressive steps? While I agree Disney seems like a childish route to take (I wouldn't choose it for myself), scores of people get married at Disney elsewhere...and in this case, obviously Disney was the place willing to be progressive enough to allow them a wedding ceremony. So, I suppose, kudos to the couple and kudos to Disney!! (Incidentally, Disney has been doing this for almost a year now!)

16 ( +27 / -11 )

What a glorious wast of two beautiful women.....

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Congratulations to them.

It's unfortunate however that the air of publicity around this is gives it a somewhat shambolic outside appearance and will probably insult a lot of homosexual couples who don't need to be in the spotlight to feel justified for who they are.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Or Ebisen - you could just get on with your life and let others get on with theirs and explain to your children that love is the most important energy in the universe, regardless of who loves who?

Thats what I told my kids and they love my gay friends and dont bat an eyelid at them. In return, my gay friends have exactly the same moral standards and respect as my straight friends, not to behave in an inappropriate way in front of my children.

Whats the problem?

12 ( +22 / -10 )

JPs lesbians look great! Mickey is retiring now after Minnie announced she wants to also get a new partner called Lillie.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Good words peachy871. I thoroughly agree.

I am from the UK, and have seen first hand the joy and freedom of expression the right to civil partnership has brought, so anything that can benefit this is fine by me. Nothing to hate about it at all, unless one is of a narrow and unimaginative mind, paranoid and scared of the wonder of the world going on around them.

I really do have difficulty understanding the problem some people have with homosexuality; a common theme of their complaint seems to be that it is immoral or corrupting. A very weird and paranoid stance to take. Perhaps that it all they can muster against something which is such a non-event as being gay or straight.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

Oh, and yes, wow! They both look absolutely beautiful! Omedeto Hiroko and Koyuki! It is always a joy to see when two people - ANY two people - come together to publically declare their love for each other. Except on facebook ;) !

2 ( +11 / -9 )

@kringis - this should embolden homosexual couples to come out outside of industries that accept them like entertainment, fashion, and cosmetics. Homosexuals deserve recognition of their rights including civil unions. It's not easy but nothing worthwhile ever was.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

I shudder to recall how many Japanese women I've met who are pathologically obsessed with Disney and Disneyland

.Poke - you said it. I have just finished humiliating myself dressing up as Minnie Mouse and doing a dance for the kindergarten graduation for one of my children. Now, I dont mind doing it for the kids but the other 10 in the group - all women in their 30s and 40s - were frighteningly "into" it! It really made me wonder who exactly this was all for.....!

But at the end of the day Disneyland IS fun, it is still a place people can go to escape and it obviously gets it right as other theme parks fall by the wayside but it keeps going strong. I can laugh at the adult-children here with the best of them, but quite honestly with the stressful, pressured lives they lead here, can say I blame them for wanting a little escapism in the "happiest place on earth".

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Good on them! However, I don't think gay marriage or civil unions is legal in Japan. Does anybody know?


For example, a straight American man can marry a "mail order bride" and bring her to the States with a green card, but a gay man can't bring his foreign partner to the USA no matter how long their relationship.

Obama's new immigration law that is being discussed in the US at the moment will allow legally married gay couples the same rights as straight couples. Let's hope that clause stays in the final law.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Dayum! I'd love to join their honeymoon.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

Wow...I was wondering if gay marriages could ever happen in Japan. Nice to know that JTown and DTown is on the right side of history!

0 ( +9 / -9 )

Yeah...I first read about this on Christian Broadcasting Network.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Nice that they can have a ceremony, but I don't think that city hall (the ward office) recognises their "marriage" as being official. They still have some way to go here...

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Mickey and Minnie and the Disney family image?

What is a "family" image these days? I see all kinds of families, not just man, woman, two children. Family image to me is lots of love and respect for each other. Ths couple seem to have that nailed.

0 ( +10 / -10 )


1 ( +6 / -5 )

WOW. So much negativity against the gay here. Im not gay, but I fully support gays on getting married, and why wouldnt I, why would someone DENY another human being the right to get married to the person they love. shame on all of you who utter such negativity.

BTW Good on these 2 very lovely birds to tie the knot.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Love is love. It can happen between any two people. That's what you tell your children. It's a beautiful thing.

10 ( +20 / -10 )

I thought it was said that travel broadens the mind. If so, it is really dispiriting to find so much homophobia here among people who have clearly travelled. They may as well have stayed home.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

One small step. :D

0 ( +7 / -7 )

While I think these ladies are incredibly brave and doing the right thing, I do wonder why evrything has to be disneyfied in Japan. Grown-ups trying to pretend they're living in a dream world. Well, they're not. But what do I know? Perhaps this is the only option to get "married" as a same-sex couple in Japan. I certainly can't see you local onsen accepting this.

Ultimately, though, I applaud both Disney Sea and these two ladies for (hopefully) leading the way in this country of confirmity.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

To take this these comments as "why can't two people in love be married" can this also include minors as spouse's? I am not against homosexuality but I can't call it a marriage...yea, maybe I am stuck in old ways. Family members and friends I have are gay. I don't care. But, I don't consider their life partner as a husband or wife. Just can't just won't. Sorry. As for Disney the thought came to mind in Orlando had a gay day some years ago. It was VERY unpopular with the families at the park with no notice of such day. The gay males were carrying on a bit too much for for a family theme park. Their are more appropriate places for that.

-18 ( +9 / -27 )

It had to be at Disney! I hope they provided various characters to be best dog, bridesmouse, various ducks of honour and so on.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Why should we be content to show delight in this celebration of the unnatural ?

-21 ( +8 / -29 )

wow, not your typical looking lesbians, that's for sure! But congrats! marriage should be between two people that love each other.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Obviously this is truly only a "play" wedding in terms of its impact on social progress--but it may have been a clever promotional move for Disney to host the event, and it certainly gives the issue of same sex unions, legal or otherwise, more coverage than it usually sees here. Still, I'd like to hear about a same sex couple who held--or tried to hold--a similar event at one of the traditional wedding facilities like Happo-en, or one of the big hotels...

From a legal standpoint, same sex marriage will not happen anytime soon in Japan, no matter how much progress the rest of the developed world makes; the family registry system is just too big an obstacle, and at this point there's simply no mandate from the gay community that would encourage even public discussion of the issue to get off the ground. People--including, I suspect, this couple--don't realize what they're sacrificing for their complacency with the status quo, until it's too late and a spouse falls ill, or dies, or, heaven forbid, they should want to start a family; then their lack of legal recognition really becomes an issue.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

good luck to all that had to explain their children why there was no bridegroom at this wedding.

Sounds harder to explain the kids why so pretty and stylish brides want to marry in a kitsch and ugly place like Disney Koen. Mazel tov to the brides !

3 ( +6 / -3 )

It's very nice for them to be able to splurge out on their dream wedding, but they are no more legally married now than they were before, nor does Japan recognise civil partnerships. They have no more rights as a couple than they did before their Disney wedding, just somewhat thinner bank accounts.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

MarkG...nice try at a good point, but these women were consenting adults. Minors are not. And fair enough if you do not agree with gay marriage and that you have gay friends. So, are you saying that you will no longer speak to these friends if gay marriage is legalized and they become life partners with all the same legal rights as any committed couple should have?

These people are not married on a piece of paper, but guess what...they are married emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. In my eyes, they are a married couple. Ceremonies and paper? Made by humans...nothing to do with true commitment, except for legal rights, really. Therefore, no real reason same-sex, committed, loving couples should be denied the status of "married".

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Great news! And I love seeing the ratio of thumbs up to thumbs down on the comments here. heh heh

1 ( +10 / -9 )

Wow. The first few comments had me thinking we were still in the 50's or something.

Congrats to them, and good luck with their future life together

3 ( +12 / -9 )

Is this a mind control anti family post? Couples of the same sex may not have children....it is unnatural to seek out mates from the same sex! And imagine the world gay! There would a complete global breakdown in less than a generation...,,

-22 ( +8 / -30 )

Congratulations Ou you two!!!!!! In Japan, commercialism accepted gay marriage first!! Then POLITICS has to follow!!!!!!!!! :)

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Many here says it is 'liberating' but I doubt they would say the same if 2 oyajis comes together and say the same, well, they might after a grimace behind their anonymous keyboards.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Is this a mind control anti family post?

Not at all! If anything, it is incredibly pro-family! It is about recognizing that there are lots of kinds of families out there. It might be unnatural for you to seek out a mate of the same sex, because you are straight. Completely makes sense. It is also unnatural for someone who is gay to seek out a mate of the opposite sex, because they are gay.

Couples of the same sex may not have children.

There are many same sex couples with children...and guess what...that doesn't necessarily mean those children will grow up gay; they will grow up to be whomever nature meant them to be.

Supporting gay marriage has nothing to do with mind control or making the world gay. That will never happen just like no one can make the entire world straight; everyone is different. There are gay people, straight people, single moms, single dads, blended families, multi-cultural couples, mixed families, and on and on. It is about supporting love, acceptance and recognizing that whether you love the same sex, the opposite sex, want children, don't want children, choose to be married, choose not to be married, the important thing is working toward a good, caring society.

5 ( +9 / -4 )


I agree with you. So long as its pretty girls like it will be accepted. When two men try to do this I expect a public outcry.

Congrats to this couple. I'm happy for them but can't support them. Job opportunities should be equal but they aren't invited into my home. I think that's fair enough.

-12 ( +6 / -18 )

A generation ago, many people on both sides of the ocean would have frowned on my marriage to my Japanese wife, calling it improper or perhaps even unnatural. But we're just two people who love each other, and I'm happy we live in an age where the vast majority of people don't think we're a strange couple.

I see gay couples the same way. I sincerely hope that, in a generation, they will be able to get married in peace and happiness, without having to be berated by people telling them that their love is wrong.

Congratulations to this happy couple, even if they're not actually "married" yet.

13 ( +19 / -6 )

Is tis humor? Many same sex couples with children? Really?

A link to the many please.....

-26 ( +5 / -31 )

@borax. Oh they are OFFICIALLY married. They are married in the eyes of God. He recognizes their love and that's all that matters. God is above man. If you listen to the courts then you might as well not celebrate Valentines Day.

I respect these women cause we share one true belief in life. Only you can decide who your spouse is. Don't let anyone tell you who you can and cannot be with. Life is the pursuit of happiness. It's not the bureaucratic yellow brick road laid out by people who desire to rule others.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

>People--including, I suspect, this couple--don't realize what they're sacrificing for their complacency with the status quo, until it's too late and a spouse falls ill, or dies, or, heaven forbid, they should want to start a family; then their lack of legal recognition really becomes an issue.

But they aren't able to get married with a straight man are they? Unless lying themselves as a straight? Being gay is not something you can choose to be. Good on them, at least they are honest and trying to fulfill their life together no matter what others say. Hopefully one day Japan also recognizes same sax marriage or civil union like other developed nations.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

For those worrying about what effect explaining homosexuality will have on their children:


I wish this couple a very happy and healthy life together. Hopefully their country will one day allow them to marry legally in the eyes of the law.

@Borax Very nicely put.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

The world is changing. The reality of what was is no longer.For this to happen in Japan and in such a public place is a sure sign that people and their beliefs are changing...good for Japan good for the two girls taking this brave step..I wish them the best of luck.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

It's really sad what kind of opinion some people have about a gay wedding. They are just two people wich are in love with each other. Why should they choose an unhappy live and become frustrated with an partner they can't love und can not become happy with it, just because some conservative society members want to see man and woman together? I can't get it why people are so discriminatary And also when they both want to marry in Disney Sea, why not. It's a special day for them and they should celebrate it special at a place they like, like other people would do. I wish for the japanese LGBT-community all the best and that they get soon rights for official rights!

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Congratulations. And a beautiful couple they make. It's a shame their wedding, or even their love for each other, will mean sweet FA in the eyes of Japanese law, whereas some straight men and women will continue to marry and divorce in a split second. Talk about giving a marriage a bad name!

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Is tis humor? Many same sex couples with children? Really?

A link to the many please.....

In the U.S., at least, approximately 25% of same-sex couples--legally married or otherwise--were raising children, according to 2010 U.S. Census data.


6 ( +9 / -3 )

I have no issue with civil unions but gay marriage is not appropriate with my beliefs. And I'me not spiritual!

Do you even realize how contradictory this is? You are hung up on the semantics of the word marriage, but fail to take into account that all "marriages" are in effect civil unions between a couple.

If you are not "spiritual" then I wonder what "beliefs" you adhere to that society would find acceptable? Sounds more like you are afraid of and have a difficult time understanding not only your own, but other people's sexuality.

I congratulate these two women, they look beautiful. I hope that have a wonderful long life together.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Opposition to recognition of gay marriage implicitly implies the support of the idea of a central moral authority, that being the government or the church (although the church has no legal authority), with the power to regulate and impede individual liberties, which is either the fundamental core of a state theocracy or a cornerstone of far-left wing ideologies like Communism. Advocating restriction to gay rights is the same as advocating infringement on free speech or the right to bear arms ( in the US).

1 ( +5 / -4 )

But they aren't able to get married with a straight man are they? Unless lying themselves as a straight? Being gay is not something you can choose to be. Good on them, at least they are honest and trying to fulfill their life together no matter what others say. Hopefully one day Japan also recognizes same sax marriage or civil union like other developed nations.

What I meant was that few gay couples in Japan openly express an interest in forming a legal relationship, despite the ways in which it could potentially alter their lives for the better (though there are a small number who have attempted to press local governments--individual wards in Tokyo, for example--to consider registering same-sex couples, or who advise gay couples on other legal means for securing certain rights to hold or bequeath joint property, etc.). This is partly because most of them believe it would be impossible given Japan's legal and social restraints ("It just wouldn't work here"), and partly because they are not as uncomfortable with the status quo as their counterparts in other nations (in surveys I've seen over the years, the percentage of gay couples in Japan who respond that living together is a significant priority is much lower than in the U.S., for example). The 'don't rock the boat' mentality runs deep. Also, while I can't speak for what's going on in Europe or elsewhere, in the U.S., at least, there is strong pressure on corporations to give equal recognition to same-sex relationships if they want to recruit and retain talented employees, and corporations have responded with practicality, for the most part supporting or even actively lobbying for recognition of same-sex unions. That's another factor that is entirely absent in Japan.

Of course I'm happy for this particular couple, and glad they were able to proceed with their symbolic gesture with the very visible support of a major corporation. That's great.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Only the wealthiest couples can adopt children or find surrogates not this Japanese couple This alone raises psychological issues Also, it raises issues later in life for the child...

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

The Big Disney Gay Wedding Shock will be forgotten in a week, except by the brides, who will cherish their day of promise, hopefully forever, even though they are not married under the law and face a future of being denied critical rights and benefits that protect heterosexual couples in daily life.

They will call it their wedding, Disney will call it a potential goldmine in a crazy economy. And so what if they threw themselves a fancy themed party at the happiest place on Earth. It's their money, and the lack of the symbolic ceremony would not have stopped them from being together anyway. Don't hate.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

A civil Union or dedicated life partner is fine. And I do agree they (man-man or woman-woman) should have every "social benefit" I have as a heterosexual married man. I an delighted when 2 matched partners find each other and grow and thrive together no matter what gender. Just so long as it is mature adults. Still Marriage is traditionally a woman and man with intent (but not always) to procreate. Calling gay lovers married is inaccurate. Calling it progressive is absurd. How far does "progressive" go? Is manbla (MAN Boy Love Association) "progressive"? Sorry, I can NEVER agree to that!

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

A beautiful couple, a wonderful story!! May they be blessed. Thank you, Tokyo Disney!

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Their happy picture brought a smile to my face! Congratulations to the beautiful couple, and best wishes for a wonderful and happy future together!

2 ( +7 / -5 )

wow, before i clicked i thought it was gonna be of two men! congrats to the couple and disney for living up to their theme: "make your dreams come true". i guess the wedding song will be amuro namie's "can we thelebrate"?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Congratulations! And WTG Disney!

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Calling gay lovers married is inaccurate.

Not in forward thinking countries that realise it's 2013, not 1913.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Some proper venom in a few comments above! Scissoring, people. Disney..themed..scissoring! What's wrong with that picture? Absolutely nothing.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Marriage is between man and woman. Just because its the 21st Century it does not mean we should throw our traditions into the trash. Gay marriage? Name it something else. You guys get so offended when we dislike your sexual choice, then don't pollute our sexual choice! Trying to claim its marriage is offensive to heterosexuals.

Ah I love it how people can insult me and call me a homophobe just because I don't agree with them. Talk about verbal assault. I'm not a homophobe I just don't agree with gay marriage.

I'm offended that Disney would do this. It can be also highly offensive for families and kids there who saw it.

-14 ( +8 / -23 )

Sorry, I can NEVER agree to that!

MarkG Nobody is asking you to agree with it, but why should you be allowed to dictate how other people live their lives?

5 ( +11 / -6 )

They look so beautiful and happy, I envy them so much^-^! Congratulations and I hope to see more gay and lesbian weddings around Japan in the future.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

They both look lovely and happy. I hope the one on the left starts eating a bit more of the cake and soon!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Congratulations! They deserve to be happy no matter what others think or say. Everyone should have the rght to love whom ever they want...

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Boycot Disney! I have no issue with civil unions but gay marriage is not appropriate with my beliefs. And I'me not spiritual!

I am with MarkG on this one.

Morally sick people living in fantasy dreamworld,and yeah donot ever go for surrogacy because that would showup your hollow sick moral standards...

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Only the wealthiest couples can adopt children or find surrogates not this Japanese couple

They are both women- no surrogates required, just a sperm donor. You really have been living under a rock for quite a while, haven't you?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

@Cortes Elijah

Traditionally marriage is a man/woman thing, but times change, and so do social mores. You can't let other people's prejudices & insecurities dictate your happiness.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

I am surprised to read so many people against same sex marriage... I am not sure to understand their reason. WTH do you care ?! What will change in your life ? Can't you be happy for people sharing life and loving each other ?! And all the "I'm not a homophobic I just don't agree with gay marriage. ", "I am not homophobic, I have gay friends", etc. Please think a second time about what you're saying. Hopefully in a few generations people will look at this period like we know look at racial segregation now ...

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Its about time!!!

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

No one can withdraw the human choice to make a sin.

Who are you to say that a natural behavior is or is not a sin?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Good on them and congratulations!

I hope they stay together for the rest of their lives and are very happy.

I really CANNOT believe some of the comments here. Love is love. Be it between man and woman or whoever.

Love is extremely powerful and has no bounds, no logic, does not conform to religion or other peoples views. It does not care who disapproves of it or who cannot understand it. And it is the single most furfilling emotion in all human existance.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Congratulations, ladies! Wonderful smiles. Now we just need to change the laws to make gay marriage legal.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Congratulations to the beautiful couple! It's about time people get used to it because from now on more and more couples will follow their lead in Japan and other countries as well. Welcome to a whole new world :)

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Just when I thought Disneyland couldn't get any gayer! Congrats to the happy couple!

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Now that Disney is promoting gay marriage it should not be much longer before we see Minnie in a flannel shirt and a mullet hair cut.

-18 ( +4 / -22 )

It's sad enough this world is so conservative, but it's even sadder to see many homophobes commenting on this........

People need to grow up and realize people have the right to love whoever they want.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Now that Disney is promoting gay marriage

There is a huge difference between accepting something and promoting it. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that this will somehow do the impossible and convince someone to become gay. It will not,

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I find it hilarious that the biggest issue Disney had was that they couldn't wear the same garments. It kind of shows how all of this stuff is just for appearance's sake in Japan.

As for the many homophobic comments here, I've kind of always had a suspicion that Japan is a bastion for foreigners who want to see the world but think gays are "icky". As a gay man in Tokyo, while I've never received any direct insults for being gay, there is a total ignorance surrounding the subject.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

I was thinking about the same question on my way to work today. Congratulations, by the way. As a father, I have no problems speaking to my childern about same sex marriage if we were run into this lovely couple at Disney. Good on Disney, good on Japan.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

People may not realize this, but Disney has been relatively progressive about L/G since the 1990s. I worked at Disneyland Anaheim, CA in the late 70s and early 80s, and L/G sponsored events were not allowed; period. I even saw openly same-sex couples removed from the park. However, in the 90's L/G sponsored events became as frequent as any other sponsored event. The first weddings took place starting around 2007 at Disney World in Florida, and aboard Disney Cruises. Happiest place on Earth. For everyone.

0 ( +4 / -4 )


Is tis humor? Many same sex couples with children? Really?

Only the wealthiest couples can adopt children or find surrogates not this Japanese couple This alone raises psychological issues Also, it raises issues later in life for the child... A link to the many please.....

Sure thing! Here are a few links (thought it would be helpful to supply you with more than just one) to different countries where same sex couples are raising children. They are not the rich and famous, just ordinary loving parents.





As for the psychological issues of which you speak, here are a couple of other links for you:



5 ( +8 / -3 )

Wow some of these comments are really sad and depressing.

I say good on the couple, and can't wait for a few years from now when no-one will even remember what all this fuss was about and like all other civil liberty issues will be protected by law and almost universally accepted by society.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I am a flaming heterosexual and am not the least offending with using the term "marriage" when it comes to a homosexual couple. lol! No one is trying to pollute homosexuality. And no one is saying we need to throw the tradition of heterosexual marriage in the trash...they are saying that homosexual couples who are in a lifelong, committed relationship should also have the same legal rights as couples who signed a piece of paper that gives their dedicated life partnership. No trashing of the hetero side of life here, just a quest for equal human rights for all. If you don't like the idea of homosexuality, fair enough, remain heterosexual. Simple, easy.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Good news for once ^-^ My best wishes to the new married couple :)

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Oops! "Offended", not "offending". My bad

2 ( +2 / -0 )


"imagine the world gay! There would a complete global breakdown in less than a generation..."

Upon what empirical, scientifically supported data do you base this assertion? Not that it matters since homosexuality accounts for approximately 10 percent of any given population, a number that has not changed significantly over the past 40-odd years its been collated. A plague of homosexuality seeeping the world has been anticipated by homophobes for well over half a century now, and it still hasn't happened yet. Why? Because, just as most objective research reveals, genetics are the determining factor, not some random decision to "be gay today." Those genetics aren't going to change much in one, ten, or a thousand generations.

Trust me on this: Humanity will keep on popping kids out the old-fashioned way (much to the detriment of the seven billion-plus people this planet is currently struggling to provide for).

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Congratulations to the gorgeous couple! They look lovely together. Well done to Disney too. Let's hope one day Japan catches up to the many western nations, drops their conservatism on this issue, and gives same-sex couples the right of marriage. If it offends some old-fashioned bigots here then bad luck to them. Considering how far Japan lags on other social issues though - I cant see this happening for decades.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


"Only the wealthiest couples can adopt children or find surrogates not this Japanese couple This alone raises psychological issues..."

Not even remotely true. In fact, I'm surprised that you would make a statement like this that is so easily disprovable. I'm from a family of nine. Every last one of my siblings is adopted, myself included. Not only were my mother and father unable to have chidlren despite being the magical male-female match, but they also were not the least bit wealthy.

"Also, it raises issues later in life for the child..."

Ironically enough, the only issues children of same-sex marriages are likely to encounter will come from people with your particular mindset.

Two people who love each other should be allowed to form a legally recognized civil union called marriage, complete with all the benefits, if they should so choose. Barring any genuine provable consequences for such a thing, to stand in the way of other people's happiness based on something as ephemeral and undefined as "I just feel.." is just plain childish.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

There are a lot of issues with redefining marriage. It is the children whose rights are ignored. Every child has a right to their father and mother. Every marriage does not have children but all children have a mom and a dad. I think that the benefits spoken of by people who wish to share a future should be had by any couple or more, without regards to orientation. Why cannot a brother and sister receive similar benefits? Or even throwing in an old man/woman or the homeless. Why not? What people do in private is their business but the benefits can help a group of people. Marriage should be focused on the rights of a child to have a mother and a father. C'est tout.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Kelli PendletonMar. 06, 2013 - 08:57AM JST Love is love. It can happen between any two people. That's what you tell your children. It's a beautiful thing.

And how are they going to have children ? surrogacy, now that smaks of double standards. Love can happen between any two people, sure, everthing thing is fine and they should be treated equal as straight couples, but should end with them also, no future generations, cant have both ways.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

I wouldn't mind if they were men but I don't approve of girls marrying each other.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

There is no way they can have kids, it is ridiculously impossible. Japanese people nowadays "normal people have hard times taking care of their kids, how about none straight people??? Come on, give me a break...

And how are they going to have children ? surrogacy, now that smaks of double standards. Love can happen between any two people, sure, everthing thing is fine and they should be treated equal as straight couples, but should end with them also, no future generations, cant have both ways.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Victoria Maude said: Look past the rose-tinted glasses of "tradition" and check out the real world.

Well that's the problem right there...your so called 'Real World' which is falling apart in front of our eyes. No where in time has the world and people's morals and values been more scr*wed up than it is now. And it's just going to get worse!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I wonder if Disney would allow polygamous (or polyandrous) marriages. Like gay marriages, they are illegal here, but legal elsewhere in the world. They may even be legal in the US shortly - there s a case about to be decided in federal court.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Ok, let's say you are right. and just quick question: how do you see the feature look like if this keep going then, say another 50 years?

Pretty similar to the Biblical ten commandments, even though I'm not religious. I guess the difference between me and you is that I value everyone's capacity to love, and feel like the freedom I enjoy as a (normally) heterosexual person should be extended to everyone. Gay relationships have been around as long as man has been, so if you think that the good old days were the better time, then you must realize that not a lot has changed. All that has changed is that people don't have to hide themselves anymore. If a man is not judged for holding a woman's hand in public, and vice versa, while a man and a man or a woman and a woman are, then something is wrong. "Judge not lest ye be judged", right?

Society is constantly changing and evolving. Homosexuals have always been around, in multiple species. They're just more open now. Let them be, and they'll let you be.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I hope this isn't the start of a trend at Tokyo Disney...

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

despite an initial ruling that one had to wear men’s clothes

Reading this sentence, it's easy to understand why there are so many negative comments about two people in love trying to celebrate their union with loved ones.

Sometimes, when I see and hear how intolerant people still are in this day and age, I think that the Mayan calendar should have been right.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I do think that Tokyo Disney is hardly the place to be promoting the LGBT agenda though.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Disney in the US is super gay friendly. Every year in Orlando Florida there is a Gay Day at Disney. Though not official, it is not discouraged and probably encouraged. The entire park is filled with LGBTQ folks. The parade is something not to be missed as well when all the gay staff are dancing for family. I was suprised when someone at Tokyo Disney intially thought a gay wedding would not be OK. The company in the US was one of the first to offer benefits to gay couples. I like a lot of things about Japan, homophobia isn't one of them. Historically homosexuality is rampant in Japanese history. I'm sorry that was lost along the way and hope that acceptance will again return. I have been suprised at how much the butch/fem dynamic is expected in some parts of the culture. Who you are has nothing to do with who you are attracted to.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

There is something you can't teach human, sadly. it is distinguishing between right and wrong. And this is what I love about this life. The God brought us here to test each one of us so there are some who pass and others fail. now how do you know this gay marriage thing is right or wrong. we need a little logic in here. I'm not going to mention anything about God after this line because I know most of people here are infidels. The simple lesson is taken from normal daily life which is traffic light for example. The police assign this traffic light to guide people as it ease peoples' life and protect them from dangers. it also protect the traffic in many circumstances and weather change. Now if someone trans passed the traffic light, they would lead to side effects. Either vehicles will cause problems and maybe death to someone at max or property damage or anything harming. so by logic, people understand that traffic light is important to human in order to arrange traffic and protect everyone as it protect the society. Now how about gay marriage, for men and let's say if this thing is correct, then there should some benefits to the couple and the society. if we look at it closely, you will find out there is no society benefits from gay marriage. Ok, now the only benefit is here for the couple themselves which is "desire or call it whatsoever you want". On the other hand, let's look at the opposite way "disadvantages". As a result of gay sex, there is a high risk of a disease called "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS " which eventually endanger human life and lead to death. There are also psychological diseases as a result of that including depression, Cognitive Problems and etc.. read more here http://www.livestrong.com/article/164809-psychological-effects-of-hivaids/. In a very simple analysis we can understand the impact of anything by reading and researching, not giving weird opinion and try to be as democratic and open as possible without logic and sense... Think about it again, and you will definitely find the answer, if they "gay couple" are fine today, that doesn't mean they are going to be tomorrow. And time tells. (it is all about time only). Cheers

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Congradulations Ladies!

Some of you can joke and put these and others like us down for marrying our same sex partner, but in the end how does it effect your lives??

Don't be narrow minded, and please keep all your Holier then thou religious beliefs to yourself!

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Stephen Knight,

I'd like to hear about a same sex couple who held--or tried to hold--a similar event at one of the traditional wedding facilities like Happo-en, or one of the big hotels.

A friend of mine is a Christian minister in Okinawa. He frequently gets asked to conduct weddings at hotels. He received a request to conduct a wedding for a large hotel here. When he arrived for the rehearsal, he found that the bride was a guy in a wedding dress.

It put him on the spot, because the Bible does not hold with homosexual union, but since the couple and guests were there and the wedding breakfast was all prepared, he felt he had no choice but to go through with it.

The point I'm making is that there is at least one example of a large hotel hosting a same-sex wedding, complete with wedding dress, tuxedo, photographers, chapel, minister and wedding breakfast.

I'm sure there are many more.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

let's look at the opposite way "disadvantages". As a result of gay sex, there is a high risk of a disease called "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS " which eventually endanger human life and lead to death.

So promiscuous unsafe sex is a Bad Thing. Couldn't agree more.

What has that to do with two people in an exclusive, faithful relationship? If people pair up and stay faithful to one another, won't that lead to a reduction in the risk from HIV/AIDS?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Osakametal, You can think and say what ever you like, as can I, and what two consenting legally single adults want to do is none of your business frankly.. and they like everyone else should be free, entitled and protected by law to live their lives in whatever they like with-in the law.. and by law Im referring to the International Human right laws, that people should not be unfairly treated on the basis of Race, Religion, gender, sexuality and so on..

This is a civil liberty issue even if you like it or not, if you value your freedom to should grant other people theirs.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

These two women held a wedding ceremony at DisneySea.

Maybe in some countries, this would mean that they were married, however, in Japan it wouldn't mean they were married even if they were a heterosexual couple.

They would still have to register their marriage at a city office.

And that's where the problem lies.

The Japanese system is based on the family register (koseki) system. This assumes heterosexual marriage. To admit homosexual marriage, the whole system would have to be changed.

That would be a massive undertaking.

Even if it had general acceptance, which, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The Japanese system has changed already recently to allow Foreigners and Japanese Citizen to be registered together, its not that difficult.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

And how are they going to have children ?

Pregnancy, etc... But what makes you think they want children ? These days most Japanese married couples don't want any.

but in the end how does it effect your lives??

We risk being invite to even more weddings. That's costly.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Some people have a Mickey and Minnie doll, some may have two Mickey dolls and other may have two Minnie dolls. Different strokes for different folks. Get over it. Homosexuality has been around since humans have been around. Nothing new there, just more open now.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Congrats!!!!! Like it!!!! And why should it be bad for children???????????????????? One of collegues is lesbian and its total normal for my other collegues kids (and also for us). It doesnt hurt anyone. And there are lot more things in life then love that will be dangerous for kids...

0 ( +4 / -4 )

down vote all you like...

gay marriage parade? wtf is that? and they cry about not getting equality? when are the heteros getting their marriage parade?

not everyone who visits disney wants their children exposed to that or is ready to have the talk with their inquisitive kids

u suck, disney jp

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

In other news, men's dream became (again not) true.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Whatever you view on homosexuality is, it doesn't change the fact that this is a bad lesson for kids that Disney is condoning. Under Japanese law, homosexuals cannot marry. Therefore Disney is condoning breaking the law to children. Dislike it all you want LGBT community, but it's the law and that's a fact.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

"Mods" -

Post deleted twice, with no satisfactory explanation in spite of a request to do so, as it was very much on topic both times.

A later post heavily edited, completely distorting what I had said, and twisting its meaning to sort YOUR agenda.

As usual, any criticism of you has to be posted here, so that you can conveniently delete it and sweep it under the carpet because you're too pathetic to hold yourselves accountable and have a mail address where grievances can be submitted. I tried in the past after finding a contact address of some sort; that mail was summarily ignored.

I've written "mods" above, as you've no real claim to the title, so poor are you at your "job". Power tripping here of all places; grow up.

Go forth and multiply yourselves.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Pure idiocy. Think about kids who could see that.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Absolutely fantastic to see such happy people at a wedding celebration! So happy for them. I was also encouraged to see the negative posters get such a whacking too, this really does highlight how far we have come in terms of accepting this into our society, but as Cleo points out, we are not all the way there, and as the negative posters highlight, there is still a lot of bigotry. Nevertheless, progress!

And imagine the world gay! There would a complete global breakdown in less than a generation...,,

Well, imagine the world 10% gay instead and what do you see? If society is breaking down, I don't think sexual orientation would be identified as the main culprit.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Pure idiocy. Think about kids who could see that.

What? You mean the happy people? Heaven forbid!

1 ( +7 / -6 )

"...when are the heteros getting their marriage parade?"

Umm... They already do if they hold a wedding at Tokyo Disney Resort. It's part of the package.

I think I've mentioned it before, but it bears repeating. How about actually doing a little research before you insert proverbial foot into proverbial mouth?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

"Therefore Disney is condoning breaking the law to children."

ROTFLMAO!! Wow. Does the words "grasping" and "straws" ring a bell for anyone here?

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Nothing wrong with lesbians. I have something in common with them too...I also like women! So there!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

"Mommy / Daddy, isn't there supposed to be a Prince Charming? Why are there two Cinderellas?"

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Whatever you view on homosexuality is, it doesn't change the fact that this is a bad lesson for kids that Disney is condoning. Under Japanese law, homosexuals cannot marry. Therefore Disney is condoning breaking the law to children.

You do understand that Disneyland is a theme park? It's not the real world. Nobody broke any laws.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

@ Mark G I'm fascinated to learn how your beliefs should be a factor my decision to buy Disney products or a homosexual's decision to get married. So please enlighten me.

For everyone who might not know what to say to their kids when they see two boys/girls kiss, please keep this in your wallet;

You know how mommy and daddy really love each other and some times kiss and hug? You know how we really love you and sometimes we kiss and hug Well those two, really love each other so sometimes they kiss and hug. Is that okay....it's ok, now lets go get some ice cream.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

@isoducky, I'm not a supporter of the LGBT agenda, nor am I trying to pick a fight with the LGBT community (despite what it may seem from my posts. Bottom line is that I still believe in knowing people for who they are as a person, not their sexuality or whatever, so long as it isn't flamed in my face, of course). but I really do appreciate your little wallet note. It's the perfect answer to a really complex issue. Well done, and thank you.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

When the comedian from US, Ellen DeGeneres got married with Portia de Rossi nobody complain bout that...and when a multi million British singer Sir Elton John married David Furnish nobody say something bout that too...and when you watch Glee....that Kurt fellow fall in love with a gay guy....nobody cares to complain bout it either...because they are rich people and celebrity...but when Koyuki and Hiroko chan got married..it started to be an issue...why???? do you have a grudge on them?? or are you jealous on them because they choose to be with the same sex....instead of being with the opposite sex...and yet some of the hypocrite love to watch the same sex doing sex... don't be a hypocrite!!!!! Love is in everyones heart....nobody knows where they will fall in love....and to whom you will love....it's better to love someone whom you trust then to waste your life in an unhappy marriage... Seriously....Disney??? my god...there a some part where Goofy kiss Donald...and Pluto kiss Mickey...but doesn't mean they will get married...gosh...wake up...it's just a cartoon...where have you live all these time???

I congratulate them and hope they will built a happy life together as long as they shall live....

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Tokyo Disney Resort is a place for children not for gay couples. Maybe money is the real issue here. Marry fine, just do it where children won't be seen.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

"Mommy / Daddy, isn't there supposed to be a Prince Charming? Why are there two Cinderellas?"

Generally people who move to Japan are probably pretty open-minded.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

You either support prejudice and discrimination or you don't. 20 years ago I would have thought this was outrageous, but one has to move with the times. It is now time for gay marriage to be as acceptable as inter-racial marriage. Anything else is narrow-minded and quite frankly out-of-date. I hope Japan follows the examples of other countries (now 11 or so) that support gay marriage legally. If this journey towards real equality for homosexuals starts off with a Disney moment, then good on Disney.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Disney has always had the the theme of "where dreams come true"! For Koyuki and Hiroko if their dream came true then thats fantastic. Congratulations for these two people for standing up for what they believe in. A bad lesson for kids? I think not,. More to the point a wake up call for the Japanese government that their marriage laws our outdated and not in touch with an evolving society.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

People who say civil unions are the same as marriage so why can't we just call it that ,don't understand the legal ramifications of the word "marriage". "Marriage" comes with literally hundreds of legal rights, benefits and responsibilities. Unless you are going to change the wording of every one of these to include "civil marriage" it's simply not the same. Having blacks sit at the back of the bus is not equal rights, nor is civil marriage

1 ( +4 / -3 )

This is not right - no one should ever degrade a marriage by holding it a Disneyland, a world of superficial sentimentalism and commercialism.

However, good luck to the happy couple - I hope they raise awareness in Japan.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Im not gay, could never imagine being gay, would never want to be gay nor do I see why anyone want to be gay. But that is just how I think, and I realise others dont think the same as I do.

They should have the freedom to do what they want to do just like everyone else in our society. So good luck to these ladies, and every other gay couple (male and female) that wants to get married. If we want less discrimination in our society and more tolerance/acceptance of others, then we should all welcome this marriage.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

What's up with the anti-gay comments?

They looked happy, Disney is the best place for this- kids can see normal, happy gay ppl having a fun marriage ceremony. (Personally I would not choose Disney tho, doesn't seem like a "real" wedding to me).

Those girls looked happy, I hope they have their families' blessings and a good life.

Those girls also looked really hot.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

@ DudeDeuce I used to agree until I saw some of the posts on here! lol

@ yourock Disney holds a LOT of weddings. This one is not a first. While the amusement park section is geared toward children, that does not mean it is a "No Adults Allowed" place; they are not going to start excluding adults and weddings. And yeah, when it comes to the wedding industry, just like any other major industry, it is indeed all about the money. Anyone who has glanced at the bill for even a low-budget wedding ceremony knows it is about the money! lol

Two consenting adults should be allowed to marry...in other words have their lifelong commitment to each other recognized as legally binding, which therefore grants them all the rights that all legally married couples should have. It is not a question of "where do we draw the line?" that many are implying on here. It is an issue of two, loving, consenting adults declaring their lifelong commitment and promising themselves to each other. It is not about this steering us down the road of adults being allowed to marry children, socially accepting molestation of minors, and other ridiculous scenarios some posters on here have dreamt up in an attempt to shoot down the idea of adults having a faithful, lifelong partnership based on love.

Accepting homosexuals into the institution of marriage is not about abolishing the nuclear family. It is not going to make the entire world homosexual, (thereby dooming our whole species within a generation...almost fell off my chair laughing when I read that).

What it is, is finally giving public recognition to something that has been around since the dawn of time. Acknowledging there are all kinds of consensual, adult, human relationships and that there are all kinds of families in this world. Those who are joining together in a same-sex union do not stand up and say that heterosexual unions are wrong, they make no attack on the love of any other couple. Instead, they are leading by exemplifying something a whole lot of you on here need to learn in order to be happier in society:

Live and let live.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I'm not going to judge who they are I just strongly disagree with the word "marriage" being used here since the word marriage means : The formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife. They could be the nicest people in the world for all i know, but I don't agree with the choices made.

0 ( +6 / -6 )


-5 ( +4 / -9 )

I can't believe there are so many posts on this.

They look so happy. Just let them be happy.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

What is noteworthy here, is not this "marriage" at Disneyland...

The expressions of happiness and support, aren't noteworthy.

What is noteworthy is the bullying tone towards those whose opinion is not one of sterling approval.

Isn't this what "news and discussion" is about, opinions?

All those condemning those with different opinions, are just as guilty of being intolerant...

I guess the difference between me and you is that I value everyone's capacity to love, and feel like the freedom I enjoy as a (normally) heterosexual person should be extended to everyone.

But not to those "normal" enough, to have their own opinion?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

All those condemning those with different opinions, are just as guilty of being intolerant...

I don't know. I think there is at least one time when it is okay to be intolerant and that is being intolerant of intolerance.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Congrats to them. I am curious does Japan recognize same sex marriage for tax and benefit purposes?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

nevermind I missed that line

though gay marriage has no legal standing in Japan.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Really, should gay marriage even be argued???

I happen to have friends of the family who are a happily married lesbian couple and have a complete house full of children. Every single one of those children understand their parents' relationship and are living normal, happy lives.

Anyone and everyone, no matter what race or gender, should be allowed to marry whomever they want.......

Anyhow, I long for the day ALL conservative thinking is completely erased from this planet. Conservatism is the true disease that holds the human race back.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

The "well you're just as guilty of being intolerant of intolerance" is the general non-argument used by conservatives to put up duck blinds and end arguments they usually start.

1 ( +5 / -4 )


"Tokyo Disney Resort is a place for children not for gay couples."

How about gay children? They exist, you know. Would you have them banned as well to satisfy your sexual insecurities?

0 ( +7 / -7 )

HOORAY for this! Definitely a step towards a better future :D

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

I'm all in favour of gays having to get married. Why should they have all the fun?

2 ( +8 / -6 )

All those condemning those with different opinions, are just as guilty of being intolerant...

I don't know. I think there is at least one time when it is okay to be intolerant and that is being intolerant of intolerance.


That might hold water if this were a story of 2 women, unhappy because they were not allowed to have their wedding ceremony.

I personally have no opinion on this. It doesn't effect me, live and let live...

But to be able to express an opinion, be it be pro, or con, without being browbeaten, is what is important here.

Yes, it is 2013, and people still cannot accept that everyone does not think exactly alike!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I am curious, in the US there is a celebration at Disney World called Gay Day. You don't have that in Japan?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Gay? why Gay, prefer sad or oddball. Perhaps gender related as oral marriage or anal marriage to reflect which gender they represent.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

I'll be HAPPY to IMPREGNATE whoever they decide is the WIFE, so they can have their children :P

2 ( +2 / -0 )

That might hold water if this were a story of 2 women, unhappy because they were not allowed to have their wedding ceremony

Why? Disney accepted the women. It is the intolerance of the people posting in this thread that I am speaking about.

But to be able to express an opinion, be it be pro, or con, without being browbeaten, is what is important here.

This goes both ways. I see both sides clearly represented in this discussion.

I personally have no opinion on this. It doesn't effect me, live and let live...

Yet, there are many people in this thread that do not see it this way. It is to them that I was referring.

Yes, it is 2013, and people still cannot accept that everyone does not think exactly alike!

Exactly my point. These two women have a right to find happiness and Disney has a right to accept it. I think it is nice they did.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I don't think I have ever seen a comment getting more than 100 minus votes! I think I am going to celebrate this event at Tokyo Disneyland because 'they' are tolerant of others.

Live long and prosper ladies, you deserve all the happiness in the world.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I will defend your right to express your opinion, no matter how much I disagree with it, but you can't just say "it's just my opinion" and expect others to just leave it alone.

So what you are saying is, "I defend your right to express my opinion."

I assume we have the right to free speech, here, and others have the right to ignore it, or engage in debate.

Name-calling, bullying, and "majority rules" manipulation, is not part of debate.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

So what you are saying is, "I defend your right to express my opinion."

No, I have not seen anyone suggesting that. Just that responding to opinions is also a part of free speech.

Name-calling, bullying, and "majority rules" manipulation, is not part of debate.

Let everyone have an opinion and opinions about opinions. That is real freedom of speech. FYI, the only name calling I have seen in this thread is those of those against this photo and what is represents.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I wonder which one will wear the proverbial 'pants' in the family?

They are Japanese, so both will.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Readers, please stop bickering.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is just a Fabulous, Awesome, Great Story!!

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Ummm yuck.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

I find it rather lovely, these two women in love. On the other hand i find the fact that people are against this due to beliefs to be very queer.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

gay marriage has no legal standing in Japan

It was just a ceremony between two (pretty good looking) women, what's the problem?

And remember, you never know who's in those costumes, could be a gay parade goin on right now.

Srew the legal stuff and enjoy life.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


To be fair, the above post shouldn't be directed at you. As you stated earlier,

"I personally have no opinion on this. It doesn't effect me, live and let live..."

But my point still stands. A vocal enough segment of people uncomfortable with the reality of homosexuality have all but promoted and defended and socialized discrimination against homosexuals.

Their intolerance isn't the simple expression of an opinion and it isn't as innocent as you would make it out to be. These people support and promote political officials in their governments who actively encourage and promote institutionalized social policies that effectively marginalize homosexuals, and ensure that future generations will do the same ("Hide the gays. We don't want our children seeing them."). That's not the simple expression of an opinion. That's action followed by genuine and hurtful consequences.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


It is the intolerance of the people posting in this thread that I am speaking about.

Then, why don't you show some tolerance and let those who don't agree with gay "marriage" voice their opinions?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Then, why don't you show some tolerance and let those who don't agree with gay "marriage" voice their opinions?

I have not stop anyone from voicing their opinion.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The task for human being future is whether you can embrace gay.When human try to become happy, no matter what others think or say. Although running this idea needs your courage.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Whatever you view on homosexuality is, it doesn't change the fact that this is a bad lesson for kids that Disney is condoning. Under Japanese law, homosexuals cannot marry. Therefore Disney is condoning breaking the law to children.

Ohhhh dear - broken down on many fronts here. So kids don't need to know about the real life? I don't think so. Under Japanese law... OK, since they can't actually be "married" under Japanese law, exactly what law are they breaking? They had a part at Disney and expressed their love for each other and if you look at the picture, do you see an unhappy couple?

Too much misery in this world to let that anti-gay league add even more. Divert the energy into fighting for equality, not more discrimination!

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Congratulations to them and their Disney choice. Wonder what it might have cost them, but surely a heck of a lot cheaper than what they would have paid if they were married in a 'robotic' hotel scene. And what a way to get the celebration started by lining up for an hour to get on some ride. Ah, that time could have been used to take photos.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


"Then, why don't you show some tolerance and let those who don't agree with gay "marriage" voice their opinions?"

Who's stopping them? On a thread that's reached 186+ posts, it's more than evident that everyone, no matter what side of the issue, is more than free to speak his or her mind here.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Very nice of Disney for doing that!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Not everything is about you. If two people like a place and celebrate a wedding there, it really has nothing to do with that place. It would, however, say something about the place (or company) if they refused them. The conservative old Disney standards of Walt's era have changed with the times. Disney is not working for the Board of Education, and are not instructing children how to act. Their movies and tv cartoons show a very accepting and inclusive view of the world. Even the bad guys are not absolutely bad, these days. Ultimately, parents and schools have the job of giving children values, and if Disney products, shows and parks are not 100% what a parent's values are, they will take it from there. Children face conflicting messages all the time, and they will sort it all out if given the support they desire. I don't think allowing a gay wedding in a Disney park is going to make anyone gay, any more than a wedding of another religion is going to make someone turn away from Shinto. Does seeing someone eating pizza make you stop eating your dinner and want to switch? If your problem is not wanting to look at pizza, then move on and don't bother them. It's a big park. Weddings are good for business in tourist places, and they will accept them, or have to answer why, leading to embarrassment.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The wedding cake should have had two Minnie Mice on it.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Kitzrow, on the contrary, a disney wedding is one of the most expensive options available.

7 million yen, for a max of 50 guests

Yes, that is $2500 per guest. This couple are most likely not struggling for cash

1 ( +1 / -0 )

This gives me the impression that the civil rights movement happening in the U.S. right now is seen as some kind of pop-culture fad in Japan.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Having a "wedding" at Disneysea in Japan is one thing, but gaining acceptance for same sex "marriage" here with the same rights as a heterosexual couple is a long, long way off.

"Right" or "wrong" don't have anything to do with it.

They laugh at the "pet" gays who appear on the TV, but in the vast majority of cases, Japan is so conservative that if a son or daughter wanted to "marry" a person of the same sex, it would be a huge problem, involving "family meetings," and hours and hours of "discussion." Homosexuality occurs here, in - I guess - similar numbers to European or American countries. But it's hidden, and certainly not mainstream.

I was watching some kindergarten kids playing the other day and one kid called another "Homo." Out of curiosity, I asked him what "Homo" meant. It seems that the word is used for someone who is odd, strange - I hate to use the word - abnormal.

Most Japanese consider that they have to be "normal." They don't mind gaijin doing things that are outside this frame of reference, because gaijin are "odd" anyway.

But for a same sex couple to enjoy the same acceptance as a man-woman couple is not going to happen in Japan very quickly.

Can you see having a "spouse visa" for a same sex couple?

Or a same sex "married" couple adopting kids in Japan?

1 ( +3 / -2 )


Having a "wedding" at Disneysea in Japan is one thing, but gaining acceptance for same sex "marriage" here with the same rights as a heterosexual couple is a long, long way off.

You're absolutely right about this, unfortunately. Right now, Japan is still struggling with the concept of legal recognition of parentage with couples who have a child via in vitro fertilization. And divorce laws in Japan as far as custody and visitation rights of children would enrage most Westerners. Then there's the starkly lopsided gender gap between how women are treated versus men in virtually every area of society from the home to education to the workplace.

Homosexual rights are way, way, waaaaaay down on the list of priorities when it comes to the long list civil rights issues that are in need of sweeping change.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Homosexual rights are way, way, waaaaaay down on the list of priorities when it comes to the long list civil rights issues that are in need of sweeping change.


There is a lot of work to do in this country.

After ALL this time, foreigners are beginning to get some rights.

Just beginning.

Bertie (or Bernie, if you prefer)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

"Bertie (or Bernie, if you prefer)"

Oops! Sorry about that.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


San Fairy Anne!

(Ca ne fait rien!)

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Peter Esztelecky Nicely put. I think much of the world has moved a great deal in the last 20 years, and even though I don't think it has moved nearly enough, I'm glad it is going in the right direction. Terribly long way to go, lets keep driving it home until we get there. We are all equal.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

No Miso-san,

Well I'm glad you think the world is going in the right direction.

I'm afraid I can see very little right about the direction it seems to be going in.

Is it my age?

Or cynicism?

Or both?

If we define "good" or "right" as doing "those things that help mankind to live safely and well without preventing other people from doing the same, I'm afraid I see very little of this. I see a lot of hidden activity, arrest, imprisonment and torture without the accused being given the right to speak. I see freedom being curtailed on a massive basis. I see individual people and whole countries racking up huge debts. I see the "free world" becoming the "entrapped world." Rigged elections. Corrupt politicians. Manipulation of people through the media. Messing around with the value of money. Wars. Military build up. Global warming - the Earth is the hottest it's been for 4,000 years. The super, super rich whose dream is a honeymoon on Mars and the super, super poor wondering if their children will be able to eat tomorrow. Prisons overflowing. Police unable to keep the peace, huge and widespread drug use and just an awful lot of dissatisfaction and down and out misery.

Against this backdrop, granting a same sex "couple" the right to "possess" each other as in a marriage seems a bit trivial, doesn't it?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Whoa! We are three of us consenting adults, I just think Disney would've the place to launch the polygamous trend!

2 ( +3 / -1 )


I'm afraid I see very little of this. I see a lot of hidden activity, arrest, imprisonment and torture without the accused being given the right to speak. I see freedom being curtailed on a massive basis. I see individual peop.......

OK, so you see a lot of things. Did you see the happy couple too? Or is that just too much to bear?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

@bertie again

Against this backdrop, granting a same sex "couple" the right to "possess" each other as in a marriage seems a bit trivial, doesn't it?

And if your point is that this really shouldn't be in the news then we are 100% in agreement. The day that gay marriage isn't "news" and we can all accept that we are not exactly the same will be cause for a huge celebration. The items you mentioned, including repression are hugely important, so lets not concern ourselves with stuff that really shouldn't be a headline, other that the two people concerned in this case are extremely happy.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

No Miso,

Did you see the happy couple too?

I see two girls laughing/smiling.

I don't know whether they are happy or not.

I certainly hope they are and hope they remain so.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Yes BertieWooster. It is presumed they will live happily ever after reading all the supportive comments. Reality is quite different however many relationships (*) relationships appear perfect at first.

*In ANY relationship both heterosexual as well as homosexual.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Bottom line is.... they're married, and I hope this sparks a chain of events in order for Japan to rid itself of the multiple conservative and anti-individualist fears that have held this country in darkness and misery for years.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Just out of interest - does anyone know how the divorce rate compares with same sex couples against heterosexual couples?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

In thinking about Japan's conservative attitudes to just about anything, I tend to think that it is about 20 years behind thinking in the West, but it gets there eventually. Gay marriage is only just getting established on the statute books in the West, so I would not expect to see it here until the 2030s.

If you excuse my slightly patronizing tone, Japan was basically in the middle ages 150 years ago, by which time the enlightenment had been going for 200 years

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"Just out of interest - does anyone know how the divorce rate compares with same sex couples against heterosexual couples?"

There aren't a lot of reliable studies out there on the subject, largely, I suspect, because it's such a politically charged issue on both sides. Anti-gay advocates wil insist their data shows the divorce rate is high. Gay rights advocated will insist that it's lower than that of heterosexuals.

One study that I found credible was cited in Psychology Today. It was a Danish study that made several findings, the chief being that homosexual couple do indeed see a lower divorce rate than their heterosexual peers.

Some conclusions at the end of the article:

The vast majority of gay marriages in Denmark are male-male, and only 14 percent of these end in divorce, compared to 23 percent of female marriages. The higher rate for lesbians is consistent with data showing that women initiate most of the heterosexual divorces in Denmark. (In the United States, women request about two-thirds of divorces.) "Women simply expect different things from marriage than men do," says Nissen. "And if they don't get them, they prefer to live alone."


3 ( +3 / -0 )

US studies also indicate that gay marriages are more stable than straight marriages. For one there are no shotgun weddings cause Rosie got preggars. But more important is that getting married for gays is a real commitment, not a fashion statement like it is for many of us in the straight community. I recall reading that in Vermont the divorce rate for gays is below 5% while for straights it is about 50% nationwide. So which group really defends marriage? Regarding Disney, this is terrific that they are open minded. No doubt a huge percentage of Disney employees are same sex types, especially in LA at HQs. And frankly, Mickey has always stuck me as being in the closet, sorry Minnie.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Marriage is between man and woman. Just because its the 21st Century it does not mean we should throw our traditions into the trash. Gay marriage? Name it something else. You guys get so offended when we dislike your sexual choice, then don't pollute our sexual choice! Trying to claim its marriage is offensive to heterosexuals.

Thank You.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Nonsense! Disney is a family place for normal people!!!

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Reading the many hateful comments above pain me.

Disney is a place for happy events and what is more happy than two human beings loving each other so much that they have decided to spend the rest of their lives supporting each other?

Seriously people, love is between humans, regardless of gender, race or shape. Saying otherwise is small minded beyond belief.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

In a lawless society, there is no difference between good and evil, no morals, no values, and those who have no morals have no values, have no stand and would just fall for anything. Selfish acts becomes the defining values of a society, and conformity shames the whole society. Personally, I don't have a problem with gay people, it's their choice, but their acts don't define me, and I don't support what I don't value. For me it's about being a loner, a person who questions everything before agreeing to be a participant. I don't follow the mass. People should be responsible for their own acts, and judgement is upon them not me. I have boundaries as a person. The problem with the world society today is it has no stand, it moves with the currents. The world is corrupted, and anything that a man starts, and these corrupt ways are being pushed into the young minds of young people. A society defined by it's acts will always support anything that comes up, no matter how wicked it is. A society defined by morals will always oppose what they don't approve. Homosexuality falls in this category, and I don't see anything wrong to question. Questioning shouldn't be seen as judgment, and if you view me as a moron for questioning, then I prefer being a moron. My intelligence is not defined by other people, It's defined by what I view and stand for. You can be a homosexual I really don't care, but don't try to push or force your stupid values into mine, or those I care for.....

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

The world has moved from the phase of enlightenment to the phase of destruction. Why? A family builds a society, a society builds a country. If you wanna demolish a building, start be destroying the core. Women were the strength of a family, they made families go through hard times and led them to success. Feminism is preaching otherwise, portraying women as slaves of men. why complain divorce of heterosexuals without looking at the core cause? Second way of undermining family values is promoting homosexuality. Again, homosexuality becomes a problem, but what is the cause? It is very difficult for a properly raised up child by both parents to become a homosexual. It's all psychology, and the environments defines us. Children learn from what they see. You could start exposing your own kids to homosexuality and you will see how they will grow up to be. I don't hate Japan for being conservative, that conservationism if what has kept them going for centuries. The so called "Western Values" are tearing them apart. And by so called civilized, do you mean conforming to the western Culture? Those who treat you as an inferior race are the ones you want to be like?

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

@spiddygy, you have made the best comment so far.Hats off, nothing to add.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

"You can be a homosexual I really don't care, but don't try to push or force your stupid values into mine, or those I care for"


You've already tainted the validitidy of your argument by presenting yourself as a liar from the very start. You claim to not care about homosexuality, yet in very same sentence condemn the idea of accepting homosexuality as something stupid. That's an implicit admission that you apparently do care about the issue -- at least enough for you to want to tell everyone here you think the idea is foolish.

If you can't be honest with yourself about your obvious discomfort with homosexuality, how can you expect others to lend any credence to what you have to say?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

LFRAgain: In a free world, people are free to do or say whatever they think it is right for them. That's the part I don't care. The only part I care is about myself and my family. You are either a person who is defined and stand by Morals and values, or a person who conforms to the society and worldly pressure. It's not only homosexuality I don't approve, I disapprove many other things. Like when some people think they are better and superior than others, where they think their culture is better than others, and start pushing their ways to be respected and obeyed.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

And don't hate me for not liking gays. At least am honest. I don't pretend to like people or say I love people who I don't even interact with. And don't be surprised if I said I had gay friends. I tell them whatever they do should remain their personal business. I am not a judge, and I don't change my stand to please someone. These days both homosexuals and heterosexuals have the same problem, so don't try to make it sound cool to be gay. And I don't attend weddings, personally I see it ironical to attend a wedding that won't even last, where deception plays the main role.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

"You are either a person who is defined and stand by Morals and values, or a person who conforms to the society and worldly pressure."

Some would argue that these two are one and the same.

In a free world, people are free to do or say whatever they think it is right for them. That's the part I don't care. The only part I care is about myself and my family.

For me it's about being a loner, a person who questions everything before agreeing to be a participant. I don't follow the mass.

Then why are you so concerned about the preservation of "family values," a concept born of communities united towards common cause? Society is nothing if not the ultimate expression of "following the mass."

So, if you're such a loner, then why bother with sharing your opinion here at all?

It seems you are more concerned with trying to convince readers that you are better enlightened than they are, which comes into stark conflict with your claim that you disapprove of *"when some people think they are better and superior than others." Your posts come across as more than a little pretentious and hypocritical.

don't hate me for not liking gays

I never said I hated anyone.

so don't try to make it sound cool to be gay.

No one here has tried to make being gay sound cool. But a number of people here have gone out of their way to make being gay sound like a very bad thing, you included, even though you claim you don't care.

Seriously, what's your point here? If you care so very little, then why bother to post? And please, just leave the amateur philosophical musings out of it.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

hey, am not hating, am just stating. I don't approve gay marriage, call me weird or whatsoever. and any Man or Woman attracted to an opposite sex would feel or say the same, apart from a few who pretend. I am open, I prefer being open and honest. And sharing an opinion is not a bad thing. Thinking and reasoning independently doesn't mean that one is stupid. That is why I said so, I prefer being a loner in personal decision making. You don't have to agree or disagree with me.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Glad we cleared that up.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Most of people who are being labeled as hating gays actually don't hate gays, they just hate their practices which are not normal and are unnatural. @spiddyguy, for many posters here the only good opinion to express here is the one supporting gay marriages, if not then you are backwards.Actually I like how all non western ways of thinking are considered backwards.Soon even speaking a non western language will be considered backwards.lol

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


Most of people who are being labeled as hating gays actually don't hate gays, they just hate their practices which are not normal and are unnatural

"Normal" and "unnatural" are completely relative terms. What's normal for you may not be so for another. What's natural for you may not be so for another.

Left-handedness was considered "abnormal" and a sign of Satanic possession for centuries in the Christian tradition. Now, as a more enlightened society (one would hope), we know that left-handedness is simply a genetic factor that affects 10% of females and 12% of males in the overall population.

Being born with non-Western European white skin was also considered abnormal for the longest time, with prominent American and European scholars forwarding "evidence" that Caucasians were evolutionary superior in every way to all other people on the planet. We know, as a civilized, learned society, that this thinking is utter hogwash born of frightened minds unable to grasp to vast world differences we live in.

And then we get to homosexuality which numerous reputable scientific studies have demonstrated possesses clear genetic links and is prevalent among anywhere from 2% to 12% of the general human population. No, not a "lifestyle choice." It's a phenomenon of human reproduction that occurs the moment a sperm successfully fertilizes an ovum leading to cell division and eventually a human being.

It's scientific fact. I just want to be clear here that we both agree on the meaning of the word, "Fact," okay?

When you insist upon "hating their practices" when homosexuals have no more choice about whether they will be gay than they do about whether they'll have blue eyes or brown, curly hair or straight, male pattern baldness or lush locks lasting well into old age, well, guess what? That's backwards.

Just as we know that people who shunned, feared, and tormented left-handed people or furthered the shameful legacy of racism were (and still are) painfully, embarrassingly backwards.

for many posters here the only good opinion to express here is the one supporting gay marriages

No, the only opinions I suspect most people are interested in are ones free of abysmal ignorance and bigotry steeped in massive concentrations of obnoxious. No one's demanding that everyone like homosexuality. But it's high time some folks learned they have no rational basis for hating it either.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Same or opposite sex wedding, I have always found it childish to get married in Disney or any place like this.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I have always found it childish to get married in Disney or any place like this.

You could argue that it is childish to want to spend a lot of money on fancy dresses, decorations, food and drink to mark the occasion wherever the location - the 'adult' thing is to just head off to the registry office and get it over with as quickly and simply as possible and with the minimum of fuss. In Japan it's even simpler, just sign the paper, get your witnesses to sign, and hand it in over the counter.

But if you are going to go the dressing-up, flowers, party and jollification route, how is Disneyland any different from any other venue? What difference does it make if the 'show' takes place in a theme park or a more conventional 'wedding palace'? If it's what the couple wants, and it makes them happy, and they can afford it, who cares?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"Normal" and "unnatural" are completely relative terms

Sure with this way of thinking, nothing remains normal and nothing remains natural even though billions of people in the globe do not find it normal and natural.

Just because in the past men have made mistakes (though sometimes it was to pursue a certain agenda and not completely out of ignorance) doesn't mean that we are wrong on this one.

Being born with non-Western European white skin was also considered abnormal for the longest time

I'm afraid to understand.Are you equaling being non-white to being gay?I will not answer on that until I clearly understand this statement.

It's scientific fact. I just want to be clear here that we both agree on the meaning of the word, "Fact," okay?

Sorry it's not a fact, just because you want it to be a fact doesn't make it a fact.It's not commonly accepted in the scientific community.Many researches have proven that there is no such thing as a gay gene.Now sure you are free to believe the research that fit your way of thinking.

And yes it is choice.When a child grows up, he goes throw many stages while learning about his sexuality and may have some gay tendencies but with this society promoting (not only accepting but promoting) being gay as cool and people boasting about having gay friends and supporting their rights, they are only encouraging homosexuality.I'm sure that if many children have been told that it is not natural and taught properly about sexuality they would not turn out gays.But talking about gay rights, what rights are we talking about anyway?They already have the right to marry(someone of the opposite sex), they can have children , they can work, they can go to school, etc.The only problem people have is with their practices and with the media and people promoting and pushing it into our throat. By doing so, the "anti-gay" as you call them, will become more and more radical.In France they even want to change the family code and replace father and mother with parent 1 and parent 2 just to please a minority, which is not helping the gay cause.

No, the only opinions I suspect most people are interested in are ones free of abysmal ignorance and bigotry >steeped in massive concentrations of obnoxious. No one's demanding that everyone like homosexuality. But it's >high time some folks learned they have no rational basis for hating it either.

Actually it is exactly what is going on with you people, you are demanding that we all support it, you are calling backwards and ignorant people who don't agree with you, which is bigotry.We have our reasons to dislike those practices but still what we hate is the constant bombardment everywhere about the gay rights and marriage and that is why people are tired.There are soooooooooo many other priorities and problems in this world but what we are constantly fed with is ,gay this gay that.You know what , most people think that gays can get married , call it whatever they want make children if they want (good luck with that) so we can finally move to something else. All this matter it is just a false issue and some people in lack of cause to fight for just jump on this one.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Oops I forgot to mention who I was addressing to.The above post was for @LFRAgain.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Afroengineer "And yes it is choice.When a child grows up, he goes throw many stages while learning about his sexuality and may have some gay tendencies but with this society promoting (not only accepting but promoting) being gay as cool and people boasting about having gay friends and supporting their rights, they are only encouraging homosexuality". Therefore you had to make this choice to ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Eppee ..to realize that their sexuality is not normal and go back to the natural ways.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I seem to recall hjat most natural way marriages end up in divorces anyway.

You have no right to demonize two people wishing to be together just becaue they are of the same sex.

1 ( +2 / -1 )



Sure with this way of thinking, nothing remains normal and nothing remains natural even though billions of people in the globe do not find it normal and natural.

Actually, "billions of people" likely don't care one way or another. Also, millions of people around the globe do think homosexuality is normal and natural. You would ignore them? Or are you suggesting this all be solved via a "my-gang-can-beat-up-your-gang" exchange?

Just because in the past men have made mistakes (though sometimes it was to pursue a certain agenda and not completely out of ignorance) doesn't mean that we are wrong on this one.

No, it doesn't. But it does suggest a strong repeating human predilection for ostracizing sub-groups for no better reason than to not appear out of step with the most aggressively insistent members of society.

Re: Being born with non-Western European white skin was also considered abnormal for the longest time

"I'm afraid to understand. Are you equaling being non-white to being gay? I will not answer on that until I clearly understand this statement."

No, I'm talking about racism. Racism and the idea that Caucasians are naturally superior to non-Caucasians has guided many "civilized" societies to actively discriminate against Blacks, indigenous tribes, Asians, Hispanics, et al. for centuries. This has left an indelible stain on human history from its roots in slavery to institutionalized racism in the form of laws and public policy designed exclusively to prevent non-Caucasians from partaking in the economic and social successes Caucasians take for granted. People thought that this was only natural. People thought that marriages between blacks and whites, Asians and whites, Hispanics and whites were unnatural. We now know all of this to be utter hogwash.

Re: It's scientific fact. I just want to be clear here that we both agree on the meaning of the word, "Fact," okay?

Sorry it's not a fact. It's not commonly accepted in the scientific community. Now sure you are free to believe the research that fit your way of thinking.

No, you're correct. It's not commonly accepted in the scientific community. Some scientists do indeed disagree. That's the wonder and beauty of science: It continually challenges itself to get closer to the truth.

However, I'm sorry to say that the preponderance of scientific evidence shows a definite biological foundation for homosexuality, particularly among men. Chromosome linkage studies, epigenetics studies, fertility studies, pheromone studies, and brain structure studies all point unerringly at a biological component(s) to whether one is homosexual or not. No one knows precisely what yet.

This reality coupled with numerous studies that show a 2~10% prevalence of homosexuality in any given human population, reinforces the point. This percentage never seems to go higher than this, despite what you claim to be an aggressive pro-gay agenda that has only seen greater visibility in the last 20 years or so. Your claim of pro-gay advocates should be resulting in every-higher rates of homosexuality in the general populace. But guess what? The numbers still haven't changed. Choice apparently has a negligible effect on it. Furthermore, the 2~10% benchmark existed long before groups like GLAD were formed and well before the advent of the Internet. That suggests consistency, despite claims that it's a concious choice. There is no rational scientific explanation to account for a consistent 2~10% of the population with no apparent connections or similarities by claiming people now ad have always chosen to be gay, particularly in societies that until only very recently were even more openly hostile towards homosexuals than they are now.

Add to this indisputable evidence that homosexuality is prevalent in specific families (suggesting a hereditary component of some sort), and we have the basis for a strong scientific hypothesis that choice is most not definitely not the key operator when it comes to why people are gay.

Many researches have proven that there is no such thing as a gay gene.

Researchers have done no such thing. Many researchers have looked for a gay gene and failed to find one. In genetics, that is not the equivalent of proving the non-existence of something. It's the equivalent of saying, "We still just don't know." Also, many researchers have tried to replicate the findings of earlier studies and failed to do so. That too is proof of nothing more than a need for continued investigation.

And yes it is choice. When a child grows up, he goes throw many stages while learning about his sexuality and may have some gay tendencies . . .

". . . may have some gay tendencies . . . "? You all but admit that there are natural factors at work in the development of a child's sexual identity that are completely out of his or her control. That's what "tendency" often means.

with this society promoting (not only accepting but promoting) being gay as cool and people boasting about having gay friends and supporting their rights, they are only encouraging homosexuality.

This is a red herring of an argument. For one thing, children expressing homosexual tendencies have been around for far longer than there has been a gay rights movement, just as homosexuals have been around far longer than most detractors are comfortable with admitting.

For another, I don't know where you're seeing this active promotion of gayness being something to aspire to. The most mainstream media source for gay issues I can think of the is the wildly popular U.S. drama/comedy Glee. And the gay protagonist in that story spends the better part of his time being abused and ridiculed for being gay. Nothing cool about that, I'm afraid. The foremost message being forwarded in the storyline is one of tolerance. But active promotion of homosexuality as something to try? Not in a single episode. In fact, it goes against one of the basic tenets of the show's message about the character's homosexuality: That it is who the character is and has always been. It was never a choice.


1 ( +3 / -2 )



I'm sure that if many children have been told that it is not natural and taught properly about sexuality they would not turn out gays.

Oh, really?? I can only respond to the above with this:

Mary Cheney, gay daughter of former U.S. Republican Vice President Dick Cheney

Lisa Sander, gay daughter of San Diego Republican Mayor Jerry Sanders

Dee Coram, gay son of Colorado Republican politician Don Coram

Travis Looper, gay son of Colorado Republican politician Marsha Looper

Maya Keyes, gay daughter of former diplomat and conservative presidential aspirant Alan Keyes

Are you suggesting that the gay offspring of the parents listed above weren't raised in an environment that properly taught them about sexuality? Perhaps you should contact these parents and offer some parenting tips. I'm sure they'd love to have someone explain to them where it all went wrong.

But talking about gay rights, what rights are we talking about anyway? They already have the right to marry (someone of the opposite sex)...

But not of the same sex...

they can have children...

But not while in a same-sex marriage...

they can work...

But not free to be as open about their same-sex relationships as heterosexuals are about theirs...

they can go to school...

But have to keep their sexual orientation a secret for fear of being bullied or physically assaulted...

The only problem people have is with their practices and with the media and people promoting and pushing it into our throat. By doing so, the "anti-gay" as you call them, will become more and more radical. In France they even want to change the family code and replace father and mother with parent 1 and parent 2 just to please a minority, which is not helping the gay cause.

So, in other words, you are advocating that gays stop being so uppity about their homosexuality and just keep it to themselves, lest violence be visited upon them. Hmm... Deja vu...

What, in your opinion, would help the cause cause?

Actually it is exactly what is going on with you people, you are demanding that we all support it, you are calling backwards and ignorant people who don't agree with you, which is bigotry.

Sigh... The "you're being intolerant of me" argument again. I've addressed this before, but I'll do it again for you. My intolerance of anti-gay bigotry is vastly different from your intolerance of homosexuals, the primary reason being that my intolerance does not rob you of rights most others take for granted. My intolerance of anti-gay bigotry does not result in lost wages, missed promotions, and institutionalized discrimination that prevents you from expressing love for your partner, whomever that may be.

Anti-gay intolerance, on the other hand, does precisely that for homosexuals, with examples ranging from your open hostility here against homosexuality as "unnatural" or "abnormal" to support of politicians who are willing to sponsor legislation that would effectively prevent homosexuals from enjoying the same freedoms others expect as a matter of course.

My intolerance of your position, at its worst, perhaps bothers you. Maybe it even makes you feel a tad angry. But anti-gay intolerance ruins lives, and this is a demonstrable point of fact.

We have our reasons to dislike those practices but still what we hate is the constant bombardment everywhere about the gay rights and marriage

Then stop opposing them and devote more time to keeping your own house in order, rather than sticking your nose into the affairs of others.

You know what , most people think that gays can get married , call it whatever they want make children if they want (good luck with that) so we can finally move to something else.

FINALLY! Something you've said that I can get behind 100%! Yes, let homosexuals get married, call it whatever they like, have children, and allow society move on to other pressing matters. That's all homosexuals and their advocates have been asking for this entire time.

I'm glad we finally see eye-to-eye on this.

All this matter it is just a false issue...

Obviously not, since so many conservative politicians have made fighting gay rights a cornerstone of their campaign platforms and so many homosexual have chosen to speak up for themselves in opposition to this.

some people in lack of cause to fight for just jump on this one

Oh, no. I've got a whole boatload of causes I like to fight for. This is just one of them. Wander through my post history and you'll see I'm like a dog that refuses to let go of a bone. :-D


1 ( +3 / -2 )

People are going to do what they want and businesses are gonna be there to take their money. How is any of this surprising to people? Gays get married, there is an uproar. Gays being prevented from getting married there is an uproar. A venue of Disney is involved--OH NO! Can't let children see this. :/

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It's simple.

If you don't like same-sex marriage, don't have one. Nobody is forcing you to.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Also, millions of people around the globe do think homosexuality is normal and natural. You would ignore them? Or are >you suggesting this all be solved via a "my-gang-can-beat-up-your-gang" exchange?

just because some people think it is normal doesn't make it normal.It's not just a matter of numbers.

No, it doesn't. But it does suggest a strong repeating human predilection for ostracizing sub-groups for no better >reason than to not appear out of step with the most aggressively insistent members of society.

The people you refer as gays don't belong to a sub-group.They belong to a country, a tribe, a nation, etc. like you and I and every single human on this earth.I told you many times we don't hate the people, we think their sexuality which is not normal.

If you take the case of males who are engaged those behavior as we are talking about sexuality and you mentioned about science.Those people during there sexual relations make use of a digestive system organ as a sexual organ.Biology puts that part of the body in the digestive system, therefore it is not supposed to be used that way.If you see for the females, the parts don't fit.What makes it unnatural is the fact that some artificial means are used to make those sexual relation possible.I didn't want to go on such details and I apologize to those who will be shocked.I just wanted to show the unnatural character of the behavior.

No, I'm talking about racism.

The people you refer as gays don't belong to any race.I don't know why you bring racism here.

No, you're correct.

So you admit that you were wrong to insist that it is was a fact?

It continually challenges itself to get closer to the truth.

So before even scientific proofs you already consider your viewpoint as being the truth?

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Chromosome linkage studies, epigenetics studies, fertility studies, pheromone studies, and brain structure studies >all point unerringly at a biological component(s) to whether one is homosexual or not. No one knows precisely what >yet.

Still that doesn't make it a scientific fact.Which studies?Didn't we both agreed that there is no unanimity in this?

This percentage never seems to go higher than this, despite what you claim to be an aggressive pro-gay agenda >that has only seen greater visibility in the last 20 years or so.

I have never made mention of a pro-gay agenda.I don't think that these people are interested in converting people to their practices.And one generation has not passed since we are under bombardment of the gay promotion so it is too early to know the stats according to it.

suggesting a hereditary component of some sort

This has been dismissed scientifically.And even gay people are using that to say that their "children" won't be gays.

Researchers have done no such thing.Many researchers have looked for a gay gene and failed to find one.

Well the main point is as long as they don't find one (good luck with that) it remains a choice.

". . . may have some gay tendencies . . . "? You all but admit that there are natural factors at work in the development >of a child's sexual identity that are completely out of his or her control. That's what "tendency" often means.

Tendencies don't make it right.It is because humans are that way, we are intelligent people and left with the choices. Some tend to love their neighbor wife, that doesn't make it right to go after her.Some tend to want to love children, that doesn't make it right to go after children.etc.I'm not talking about sexuality identity, I'm talking about sexual practices.Those tendencies come out of ignorance, curiosity and investigation.

And the gay protagonist in that story spends the better part of his time being abused and ridiculed for being gay. Now it is those who opposed the gays that are being ridiculed.Just look at the comments here.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


And the gay protagonist in that story spends the better part of his time being abused and ridiculed for being gay.

Now it is those who opposed the gays that are being ridiculed.Just look at the comments here.

Are you suggesting that the gay offspring of the parents listed above weren't raised in an environment that properly >taught them about sexuality?

They parents may have taught them about how it is wrong but they have made the choice to do what they wanted to, the same way parents tell their children that drugs are bad, killing is bad but that doesn't prevent some good persons to have criminals children.That doesn't justify anything.

They can't marry the same sex because that's the law of nature and the law of many countries.They can't choose to be what they are and wanting to change a country constitution just for a tiny minority of a minority(believe it or not, many gays don't want to be married and associated to all this gay marriage promotion thing).In France, they have the civil solidarity pact that isn't enough already?

If they can't have children, the fault to who?

When I was registering to school or doing interviews , I have never filled a form asking me if I was hetero or homo. I have never been asked if I was hetero or homo, so why do you want to go tell to anyone your sexual practices?

But have to keep their sexual orientation a secret for fear of being bullied or physically assaulted

Speaking personally I never had done so.So I'm not concerned.

So, in other words, you are advocating that gays stop being so uppity about their homosexuality and just keep it to >themselves, lest violence be visited upon them

No I'm asking them to stop being selfish and that if they can't have it their way to just give it up.

What, in your opinion, would help the cause cause?

What I have said above.Oh and also, they should stop with their gay parade.It just shows how abnormal, vulgar and promiscuous some of them are.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

@LFRAgain (end)

My intolerance of anti-gay bigotry does not result in lost wages, missed promotions, and institutionalized >discrimination that prevents you from expressing love for your partner, whomever that may be.

I don't condemn love, I condemn their practices and the fact that they want to change the stability of society because of their selfishness.Why should I give up my right to be called father on a birth act and be named parent 1?

My intolerance of your position, at its worst, perhaps bothers you. Maybe it even makes you feel a tad angry.

I'm not angry don't worry.I'm not bothered at all.We are having a debate and didn't see any ill feelings or disrespect in that conversation so far.I have no reason to be angry.

But anti-gay intolerance ruins lives, and this is a demonstrable point of fact.

No it doesn't. Or may be it does if you feel like not having your way is ruining your life.

Then stop opposing them and devote more time to keeping your own house in order, rather than sticking your nose >into the affairs of others.

I'm not sticking my nose in their affairs, they are overexposing their affairs to us, ex: gay prides, over exposition in the media.As many posters have also said we don't want our children to be exposed to that.

FINALLY! Something you've said that I can get behind 100%! Yes, let homosexuals get married, call it whatever they >like, have children, and allow society move on to other pressing matters. That's all homosexuals and their advocates >have been asking for this entire time.

In France they have something like marriage but they want more.Have children?You can't be serious right? And no all homosexuals are not asking that, actually some don't want all the fuzz about it and many of them.You should also fight for them as you like causes.

Obviously not, since so many conservative politicians have made fighting gay rights a cornerstone of their campaign >platforms and so many homosexual have chosen to speak up for themselves in opposition to this.

This is a total different topic, the politicians just want to be elected or blame their failures or hide them blaming immigrants and yes homosexuals.

Oh, no. I've got a whole boatload of causes I like to fight for.

Good for you, concerning this issue you will have people like me on your way who will stick for social values and the sacred character of family.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


A couple of things first.

One: I'm not gay. You've made a few statements that seem to suggest you're operating under that assumption, so in the interests of full disclosure, I'm not.

Two, you're either experiencing some confusion, possibly due to the sheer volume in our exchanges, or you're simply being evasive, because you seem to be forgetting and/or contradicting some of the very points you yourself have posted. I don't think it's in anyone's interest, particularly mine, to have to go back and remind you point-by-point of things you've written but then later denied or retooled to frame your intent in an entirely different and seemingly benevolent light. I have no interest in such games.

Regardless of the causes, you've done it with enough frequency that I've begun to question why you got involved in this thread at such a late stage. Was it in order to encourage an exchange of viewpoints and ideas? Or was it simply to express your dislike for homosexual activities and be on your way? Considering the time you've invested in replying to my posts, I assumed it might be the former. But now I'm not so sure.

Three, you've either intentionally or mistakenly failed to address germane points I've made by introducing unrelated topics or using misdirection with enough frequency that I again question your motives here. If you aren't interested in finding a mutually beneficial solution to the issue that is significantly more substantive than, "I'm asking them to stop being selfish and that if they can't have it their way to just give it up.", then there really isn't much more for us to say to one another on this subject. And that's fine, of course. If you aren't ready or willing to truly discuss the issue, then I certainly can't force you.

So we'll just have to agree to disagree and leave it there..

However, I would be remiss not to point out that the tide of social change against your rigid definition of "social values" and "sacred character of family" is a relentless one. Your particular mores and values don't carry the same weight they used to and are in the steady process of losing any sort of meaningful relevance in modern public discourse, largely due to the intractable attitude so many anti-homosexuality proponents take. As history has demonstrated time and again, in any contest where the civil rights of a free nation's citizens are less equal for some than for others, the conservatism that allows such inequality to flourish loses almost every single time.

Good luck in your future endeavors.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@LFRAgain (1/2)

First I knew that you are not gay, it was obvious in your answers.

I saw a comment that was truthful to me and I just wanted to praise it that's why I started to comment.Because usually I don't bother to discuss with supporters of gays.They are usually very aggressive, name you bigot, hater , backwards , unevolved and then turn any of your arguments into derision without even trying to listen.

I even don't bother express my views on the subject most of the time with the people around me to avoid unnecessary dramas.When I was student , I was at a dinner with girl from New Zealand.In the conversation she suddenly started talking about the gays cause, I didn't want to say anything then she kept on insisting to know my opinion.I told her that i think that these practices are unnatural then she asked me how would i reacted towards a gay friend, i told her i don't have any thus I can't know how would I react to that and then i was tagged as homophobic, hater, bigot, etc, erased from fb(actually i didn't care about this).Just to tell that intolerance is not only from the people you labeled as anti-gays.

Was it in order to encourage an exchange of viewpoints and ideas?

Yes with you, because you were polite and respectful in your answers and seeing your long answers I felt that you were doing the effort to discuss and explain your views, something i do respect.

I personally think that I have not contradict myself and I think you may not have understood what I meant and I think it is a pity that you think I'm playing games (which is not very nice after I took my time to gave you a long point by point answer).

I did dismiss your references to racism because I think it is unrelated to the topic.Gay is not a race.

I wanted to prove you the unnatural character of homosexuality.I may have failed to prove it to you or you may have failed to see it through my arguments.

You also have failed to prove me the scientific fact that gay is natural or I may have failed to see it through your arguments as well.

I still think that gays are selfish for demanding society and states to change their laws and constitution to justify their unnatural practices.Though it is a complete different thing, you don't see mormons, muslims or jews in western countries asking for legalization of polygamy.I don't know your opinion on that issue but the people belonging to those groups are all consent and i don't think it is unfair to give them that right.

They are also selfish because they also want to adopt or buy children just because they want to live a way that doesn't allow them to do so but still want children.The problem not being that they will take better care of their children than whatever but every single child has the right to know his father and his mother and you know that there is no such a thing that a child with 2 mothers or 2 fathers.

In the west nowadays, gays are far from being oppressed so i don't think it is right to say that society is being unfair to them or they are being discriminated.They have the exact same rights and I pointed them to you.

And to finish as long as I live I hope I will always stand for the values that have built humanity, stable societies and strong nations for thousands of years.I don't see how promoting a practice that will lead a specie to its self-destruction can be see as progressive or called part of evolution.

Good luck in your future endeavors.

Thank you and I wish you the same except on those going against the values I cherish.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Please ignore the "(1/2)", I thought it would be over the limit.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I though Aiban and Tsuji got married there ten years ago! Oh wait... Kago was caught smoking so we pretend she never existed!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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