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© KYODOChinese people vexed by Communist Party's image among Japanese
By Tomoyuki Tachikawa BEIJING©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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No thanks China.
Chinese diplomats now show the world China’s intentions
I would love to visit China however I am scared. It feels like North Korea. I really don't trust the government.
The news media of Japan lied to the nation about the Pacific war. The defeat came as a terrible shock. This same Japanese news media is lying again today about China and promoting a revival of the militarism that brought disaster in 1945.
If Japanese people only read and watch anti-China news, naturally they will have a bad impression of China.
This article is itself an example. It repeats all the false criticisms of China while pretending to wonder why anyone would have a bad impression of China.
There is now a wealth of online information about China in English that tells the truth. YouTube has many good channels that tell the truth about China's economic successes and the power of socialist planning. However there is big a lack of truthful online Japanese language sources about China.
The Asian diplomat interviewed in this article is correct. Japanese journalists are simply not allowed to report about China in a positive way.
Peter Neil
Yes, sayoku, China is so wonderful that JapanToday is blocked.
Every Chinese foreign student I have talked to complains about the CCP, but they feel powerless to do anything. The world would be a better place without the CCP and the thug Xi Jinping.
Good to see that not all Chinese citizens believe in the "all Japanese are evil war deniers" garbage propaganda.
"I would love to visit China however..."
Once conditions improve with the pandemic, it would be an excellent idea to visit China. In the meantime, taking a look at videos from English speakers living in China can be very helpful.
For example, Jason Lightfoot, a British vlogger, has a good, very popular, YouTube channel called Living in China.
As for the media in China, is it not a wonderful thing that a handful of extremely rich reactionary individuals cannot control the media to brainwash the public?
There are too many stories about the Chinese Govt doing evil things to their citizens at home and overseas for people to have a favorable opinion of China.
That doesn't mean that China and Chinese people don't have many, many, things of which to be very proud. It just means that systematic attacks on democratic parts of China, Taiwan, Western Chinese people, and govt attacks on free speech cannot be tolerated.
It would be great if Chinese companies played "fair", by default, not after being caught violating contracts, violating the spirit of laws and performing espionage against foreign companies, but inside China and in other parts of the world.
Let me know when Chinese people who are not under arrest are free to leave China and take their money with them. That's a big problem now.
No? Really? China is exactly equal to the Communist Party. Mainland Chinese people can worry all they want that other countries dislike them for their aggressive actions but unless they do something about it, they will remain under the boot of the CCP.
Nope, sorry. Japan has better quality control than China. This leads to better products. China doesn't respect intellectual property so imitations proliferate.
I was once interested in visiting China. I'd never step foot on their soil now. I'm sure there are many people in Japan, and the World, who share this sentiment. China is making enemies at a rapid pace. My worry is that it will lead down a road from which we cannot return.
If chinese people want other countries to have a better image of the countries the solution is easy, act openly enraged about all the problems that the CCP causes, at least in the same degree as when foreign companies supposedly hurt chinese values when they express worry about human rights violations.
Not possible? well, that is the real reason then.
on which he parrots CCP propaganda.
If Chinese want to improve their image in Japan, respect Japan’s sovereignty over the Senkakus and just stop violating Japanese waters and airspace immediately.
And how do you propose ordinary chinese people, whom this article is about, do that?
Alfie Noakes
Such exquisite irony given Kyodo has been a mouthpiece of the Japanese state since 1936, and that Edward Snowdwn revealed in 2012 the Japanese government had secret reports on 78,000 Muslim residents of the country.
Maybe they think it's a disinformation site?
Some dude
Chinese President Xi Jinping has taken a hardline approach to foreign powers
Sounds like he could teach Suga how to interact with the IOC.
I worked near China Town in London and my impression of Chinese are: mannerless and unhygienic. The dirtiest restaurants and takeaways are Chinese, except of the upscale ones, where they charge an arm and a leg for basic food. As for mainland China, having millions of cameras recording everything people do, does not give good impression nor does the suppression of information and freedom of expression, tells me all I need to know about CCP. What has been done to HK is a good reason never to trust China. And it's intentions towards Taiwan are totally unacceptable. Therefore in conclusion, I have zero reasons to see China in a good light in the foreseeable future...
Desert Tortoise
Nobody really controls the media in the west. Every point of view is available and governments do not suppress these. You know that is true. Even the wealthiest and best funded media empire has competition in the marketplace of ideas. The same is emphatically not true in China and you know that too. There is no equivalence whatsoever.
The Chinese as well as Japanese elites are doing a great job at pitting their people against each other so that they can run off with all the money. There are many differences between the way they go about it, but it looks the Chinese so called communist party is doing slightly better (no praise intended).
Some dude
I find China generally fascinating, and that word does not have to be positive only in meaning.
The Chinese people I have met in Japan have for the most part been whip-smart and often a lot more intellectually curious than many Japanese people of my acquaintance.
Now with a billion people plus, that’s obviously not going to apply to everyone. But surely the way to know a country is to see it for yourself. Otherwise you’re dealing in preconceptions and “my mate said”-ism.
There are plenty of reasons to like and not like the Chinese, and the same can be said of Japanese, and any other countries people as well.
If one wants to focus on the bad, that is all they will see.
Hideomi Kuze
Present Japan's shameful ruling parties congratulated China where repeats oppression or human rights violation.
Only Japan's Communist Party criticized autocratic China.
Desert Tortoise
Chinese internet laws require all providers to grant the CCP unrestricted access to the account data of their users and all of their posts. Most western sites will not comply with such rules and are thus blocked by the Chinese government. However a good VPN will allow the gentle reader in China to access anything they wish to see on the internet. Just have your privacy screen up so nobody else can see what you are viewing!
They appear they want to say that their communist party and the people of China are different. But we are very much afraid of the country that is under one party rule. We think the communist party dominates their people and the people of China obey blindly to the orders of the communist party. Opposition opinions are suffocated. If Xi declares China will invade Taiwan, they will follow Xi and do so.
Boycott China. Dictatorship, concentration camps, re-education, death squads, corruption, tofu dregs construction, survellience, all kinda put a damper on things
Invest in a real country. Find a democracy to invest in.
I would not feel safe in China. Anyone who does not agree with the CCP or who posts something negative about them is likely to be arrested on trumped up charges if it is their wish. I loved Hong Kong but unfortunately will never visit again.
Aly Rustom
it has
No sane person would
China having pretended for decades now is letting loose with hate and fear onto the world. Those capitalists who enabled China to make a buck have allowed this to happen in every governemnt. Turns out capitulating to a dictatorship doesn't do anything but keep it running! Who knew? What fools.
Now China is going to have to be stood up to and be stopped, if not now, then one day.
I've been to China three times, twice on business and once as a tourist. I was just among ordinary Chinese, and I had a great time.
Sorry but people and govts are often seen as going hand in hand. When you think intelligently, you understand they are often two separate entities but unfortunately, the general perception isn't. The govt. that these "perplexed" citizens have are harming many others and is about to hurt even more in the near future.
Also wasn't labelled a spy because your home country put a Chinese person legally on trial there, and not wisked away to jail for three years then given a show trial . But hey there's always next time
I agree with the Chinese people comments about the difference between the people and the government. That might be true, but the CCP is the one that makes the laws and will throw me in jail or worse for the smallest slight or dissent. It is not the "average Chinese person" on the street.
It is the CCP patriot violating the human rights of its own people by placing them in prison and concentration camps for slave labor across the country, the CCP patriot violating international border treaties in order to steal natural resources, the CCP patriot stealing intellectual technology and research from their foreign employer, the CCP patriot hacking foreign governments and private organizations, or the CCP patriot that wants to anally probe me when I visit your country because of a pandemic that probably originate in a CCP facility all for the benefit of the communist government.
I'll pass for now, but once the ideology and human rights track record changes for the better then I will re-evaluate.
Sven Asai
Yes, we all know, that the CCP is only a smaller part of all Chinese people, maybe approx. a tenth or eighth of the population. The problem is more the absolute fastened grip and surveillance on whole society there and that you don’t really know what part your communication counterpart belongs to. Outside of China you don’t have that problem, there you find all kind of Chinese people, very kind and good or some bad Chinese, like in all other countries or populations too, and the influence of the CCP is almost away.
Ricky Kaminski13
Lovely stuff Xi, inspirational language and sentiment. Everyone loves seeing a bully claim victimhood, then threaten to smash heads on walls. The imagery is a perfect representation of how batsit crazy you and your hoards of morons have become. But, please come and enjoy China. Really? They must think the world is as daft as they are to buy such nonsense.
Power really is poison isn’t it?
egads man!
China is the largest cancel-culture country on the planet. One spark of outrage causes nationwide boycotts. S. Korea and Japan have felt those economic waves, so I'm a bit skeptical over Chinese sincerity in this matter. I don't plan on traveling there anytime soon.
Until that sick, authoritarian nation stops committing mass genocide against their Muslim population - the worst genocide since Nazi Germany- no-one with any sense of morality, freedom and belief in democracy will respect China.
The only people who respect China are sick collaborators.
Boycott Communist China. Boycott the Genocide Games 2022.
"China is not equal to the Communist Party,"
Oh really? Put that proposition to the CCP and see what happens to you. You will disappear.
Here we have 1.4 Billion people living in an advanced prison. Oh sure, the jailers have put better food on the table, installed a nice flat-screen tv and leather sofas in cells and have painted the bars gold. But it's still a prison.
Don't think so? Try to leave. Tell the guards you want to form an independent union or a political party and see what happens to you. This is a totalitarian expansionist dictatorship that lacks any legitimacy. The CCP is in power because it has shown itself perfectly willing to imprison or kill its own citizens in order to maintain its grip.
Power is addictive and many in power (in many countries) don't want to give it up easily once they've had a taste of it. Whether it's an individual or a group (a political party, a religious group or a cult etc.), humans generally don't like losing power and the power addicts will silence (or kill) others to hold on to it. They'll ignore the rules, change the rules, and create new ones to keep themselves in power. They have to do it with an iron fist because they know there's always a chance they themselves will be killed because of the power they have.
Technically, yes. But just for example it wouldn't be impossible for Xi to hold such an extravaganza for the party anniversary without state public money (embezzlement). He has also opened a museum dedicated to the CCP. If Japan's ruling LDP plans to build a party's history museum (financed by tax money) they would face serious setbacks and scrap it eventually.
In China, many critics "disappear" all of a sudden from the streets, "reappear" in custody confessing wrongdoings under duress.
The CCP is dictatorial and lies to the world, and makes China greedy and rude. What do you expect?
"China is not equal to the Communist Party!"
That's like saying a Tea Party member isn't the same thing as a typical Trump voter.
Yes, it is. As long as the Communist Party is responsible for calling all of the shots, it equals China.
Time for the Chinese people who believe in freedom, human rights and fairness - and are against genocide, torture and the evils of totalitarianism (if there are still any alive there) to stand up to and challenge the Communist party.
Those who dont are guilty as murderous communists by association.
You know what would quickly improve the image? a fully transparent probe into the pandemic origins with lots of responsible people identified and punished.
It’s this hate that many Japanese people have towards their neighbors ( mainly China and Korea ) that made the imperial army start a war in the past! Seems like people haven’t learnt from past mistakes. Live and let live…
The CCP represents and dictates what happens in China. China and the CCP are inseparable.
Chinese people are not the CCP. They didn't have a say in the CCP, and they don't have a way of saying they don't want the CCP.
On that note, it's a person-by-person difference.
The diplomat is ignorant of opinion diversity and open discussions practiced in Japan. Pro-China, Pro-Beijing (and even oddly anti Japanese) views also still appear in the local mainstream media.
It should be noted that the bilateral relations with China are not necessarily balanced and mutual especially in sociopolitical domains. Chinese expats and students (are allowed to) take advantage of free speech tradition in the West to address and justify their positions and interests. They are free to join any political activities and influence the local discourse. Their counterpart living in China can hardly do the same, or get thrown into custody or "re-education" camp. Their civil rights and open spaces are largely curtailed and even discriminated compared to their local neighbors or Chinese nationals. Pretty unfair double-standard.
Well it isn't like the CCP is helping that "image" one bit especially after Xi the Pooh's rant/tirade yesterday.
Sino interference with it's neighbors is a big problem. Border disputes with just about everyone . Japan needs to keep any eye on this and the Kim Klan up-north. Why has the world allowed the terrible treatment of the Muslim minorities ? Who came to save them in the Balkans? What are the conservative Wahabi Saudi's doing to prevent ethnic cleansing. Money for Oil. Forget human rights. North & South American did and are doing the same to native peoples. Wake-up. Money then power and then blame the past or outsiders for the your lies
Wow the Uighur population must be all terrible drivers.
Hence the use of facial recognition technology to arrest them and put them in retraining camps.
Who knew.
I thought they were Ben arrested just for being Muslim
As with any government, the citizens are ultimately responsible for what their government does. And as with any country, you can’t have it both ways.
When your government is being aggressive, engaging in abhorrent practices and disregarding safety considered common sense in most of the world, you can’t suddenly claim to be a victim of being bullied or shamed.
So, sure, while I have a good half dozen Chinese friends here in Japan, I am content to spend my money elsewhere when I go siteseeing.
Peter Neil
I've spent as much time in China as most people here. Hell, when I first went to China, I was followed by two people 24 hours per day and Beijing was busses and bicycles.
China was a magnificent culture 50o years ago.
Tell people that Mao and his wife killed a million people and Chinese people say they've never heard of that. It's hard to put an exact number, but 750,000 to 3 million is the estimate of people killed in the Cultural Revolution.
Bart Fargo
The almost 90% "unfavorable" impression of China shouldn't surprise me as much as it did.
NCIS Reruns
Big countries with huge populations don't have small problems. That's certainly so for China, and it's increasingly starting to look that way for the US. There appears to be little room for optimism for the future.
Concerned Citizen
What other impression could we expect regarding a communist dictatorship? Admiration? I don't think so.
Pocket Ace
I’ve been to China and had a great time. There are some of the world’s kindest, most genuine people. Not sure what’s all the hate is about. Everyone should visit so one can see it firsthand instead of just reading about it from mass media reports.
I've met chinese students here in japan (read: they have access to free, uncensored internet) and they still believe anything their government says over other international news. they did this to themselves. they are either brainwashed or too afraid to speak the truth.
Unfortunately millions of Mongolians, Tibetans, Uighyur Muslims, freedom fighters in Hong Kong - and Taiwanese - disagree with you.
I will NEVER lower myself to visit a totalitarian communist state that is committing the worst genocide against minorities since Nazi Germany. I suspect many agree with me.
Easy to talk bravely. People in Japan, the US and the UK seem unable to change the course of their countries, and they live in so-called democracies. Chinese people literally put their lives on the line when they challenge their government - and yet many do. People are arrested daily for just that. Many disappear.
Easy to talk big here in an anonymous forum. Chinese are far braver than any Americans or Japanese (or others) when it comes to challenging their government. This is a fact that many keyboard warriors here don't seem to appreciate.
gundam origin
China today = Nazi Germany in the 30s
They are a combination of Nazi Germany and North Korea.
Seth M
China is the villain the West created out of their own greed, period. Unlike the previous ones however, this one may be just too costly to overcome.
Japan should bet on both side, and hopefully this is a very long standoff to profit from
@jim 11:27
thanks for history lesson much appreciated. There is no longer freedom in HK Taiwan is next. There are real reasons to hate CCP
englisc aspyrgend
If they don’t like the image the CCP is creating for China, tell your government to stop. Oh, no you can’t can you because of all that wonderful technology used to monitor and control you!
I've had two bigger culture shocks in my life; the other one was in China, when I went there from Japan. I was expecting it to be more similar with Japan, but in reality it was miles and miles apart. Add to to that the encounters I've had with Chinese tourists over many years (especially in Japan), and sorry to say, but my image of China or the Chinese in general is not very flattering (there are amazing individuals though, of course, as always). Some adjectives and nouns I associate with them: dirty, noisy, ill-mannered, violent, cruel towards animals (and minorities), tacky, superficial, materialistic, unecological, unethical, regressed.
What is good about China, is related to nature, tea and art - but I sadly can't come up with anything positive about the current society there.
The article makes a statement "China is not equal to the Communist Party,". My reaction is, really???!!! So in that case why is it that companies like H&M and Nike have recently faced a backlash from Chinese shoppers after the firms expressed concerns about the alleged use of Uyghur forced labor in cotton production. Therefore NO as far as I am concerned majority of Chinese people do support CCP! This is a fact. And if these companies feel strongly about it, they should pull out of China completely and not do any business with it either as a supplier nor retailer. Screw them, let them choke on their own crap. And as for hi-tech, it is not good to have everything connected to your mobile while big brother is watching you constantly, mobile is tracking you and the security cameras are watching you , where you go, when you travel, who you are with, what you buy, when you sleep, when you go to work, how much you spend and where, how much you earn!!! I do not need that kind of Chinese hi-tech even if they pay me to have it!!! It's as close as one can possibly get to Orwellian totalitarian system. It is disgusting beyond words!!!
China has become the National Socialists of the 21st century. And the world needs to stop it before the CCP uses military aggression to circumvent any domestic discontent.
Been to Taiwan several times, love it there, know a lot of Tibetans and NONE of them have a whole lot of good to say about China, in fact, China is more hated than they probably realize, I would never go and visit that country.
Patrick Kimura-Macke
China invaded Tibet many years ago and they are still there now. Tibetans cannot even display their own flag without being arrested. Communist or not is irrelevant.
Nippori Nick
Actually the whole world thinks that China is a serious threat to freedom.
No to totalitarian governments!
Give me a break ! What Chinese technology ? Seriously what ?
Huawei still runs Linux , no it is even worse they run opensource Android. And their AI tech is actually 1 milion chinese cheap labour chinese staring at screens comparing pictures. Yeah that is what I think about the the Chinese state of the art technology.
CCP's 100th anniversary!!
Look who sent celebration message
LDP Nikai Toshihiro
CDPJ Edano Yukio Ozawa Ichiro Kono Yohei(Kono Danwa)
Komeito Yamaguchi Natsuo
SDP Fukushima Mizuho
This is the reality of Japanese politicians. Shame on them!
Japanese Communist Party
Japanese views on China are in the mainstream of World opinion about China. Most countries in the world don't like.
China has a long respectful and grand legacy and history. In the Imperial Era and the Republic days they made many achievements in the sciences, arts, engineering, mathematics, inventions, philosophies and more that we take for granted today.
Thruout these 7000 years as a civilization (and as the oldest) they made a lot of firsts and it was a land of many philosophies, ideas, thoughts, religions (some regional, some from afar) until Mao and the CCP won in 1949 and they shut them all down. I've seen the 'Son of Heaven' in my hometown but during the same year I saw the beginning of the Tiannemen Square massacre live on TV before the media blackout.
There would be a lot to see and enjoy but the CCP would only let you see what they wanted you too. And they'd probably try to feed a foreign tourist like me all this 'Glorious Revolution' utopia crap. With the secret police skulking around, I wouldn't feel safe. Totalitarian regimes make me sick, give me the heebee-geebees. I wouldn't trust the security or the CCP either.
You've conveniently forgotten that the embargo we imposed. It was designed to cripple the economy and cause food shortage. This we way we can say look at their evil government; they kill their own people. Get off your high horse.
India is next after China. India is estimated to be no. 2 in 2030.
Nazi doesn't seem to be strong enough a word and it's so overused.
Err, well, but alas that is precisely the narrative of the CCP. Every criticism of the CCP is framed of "anti-Chinese". So he should direct his comments at them.
The power of propaganda. China's controlled media have managed to brainwash hundreds of millions of media consumers into believing their narrative.... similar to the CNN consumers voten Biden in the US.
CCP' history is " Blood and Lies". The world must help the Chinese out of the hell.
Pocket Ace
We are so eager to tout in the west the ability to think with objectivity and independently, the comments in this board have proven the sentiment is a perverted illusion of the human mind.
Only the CCP and authoritarian regimes wish others to believe that. Oppression is only used by those who wish to wield power over others... which the CCP consistently does to its own people.
Critical and independent thinking is the foundation of FREE THOUGHT. The CCP wants to CONTROL that. Which violates basic human freedom to think for ones self and developing innovation, new idea and perspectives that are necessary for evolution and growth.
I love China for it's culture, people, and potential... but as long as the CCP demands to suppress and control China's true potential for their own selfish manipulative and deceitful ends, nobody will every "like" China under the CCP. Which is why many advocate for the CCP to either dissolve itself or allow the citizens of the country to VOTE DEMOCRATICALLY (with no backroom manipulation by the CCP on the candidates what happened in Hong Kong
The CCP wants to send astronauts to Mars only to "make themselves look good". Not for the benefit of humanity, but for their own political party grandstanding. The sad thing is, the CCP in space thinking that the galaxy and universe will somehow submit to the CCPs idea of "power" will step on the wrong feet with their ignorant overreach and probably screw humanity and our planet. They couldn't even do the right thing to prevent the COVID pandemic from spreading across the WORLD because they were too busy LYING and COVERING UP the needed information that something was going on that concerned the rest of the globe.
xin xin
Xi wants to be “trustworthy”, “respectable” and “lovable”, but says others are bullying China! Look who’s bullying Taiwan, Vietnam, S Korea, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet, not to mention the Philippines. And look who’s grabbing the South China Sea? And now it wants to bash and bloody other peoples’ heads. This from the president of a country. Quite uncivilized, right? Thugs.
Dirk T
The foreigners I know who live and work in China have either gotten out or on their way out. Foreigners aren't wanted there anymore and that is a fact that professionals in that country are waking up to.
Soon everyone will learn to beg in Chinese or face a swift death.
Love China....amazing country and culture but the top down stuff doesn't play well for plebs like me.
Democracy, an imperfect Nirvana for the rights of all.
Democracy, an imperfect nirvana.
If China wants to redefine previously established boundaries in the SE sea, democratic countries within the region need to get a plan together.
Speech freedom is here in Japan, but quite many choose to say sumimasen, there is nothing I can do with it .
Speech freedom may not exist in China, but everyone has the willings to improve and to positively accept new technologies.
Actually it is quite common that as long as it is not attacking the CCP, people just express any disagreement to anything. Almost everyone around actually knows how to use VPN to surf US webpages, and many of them hold very interesting views on many controversial topics.
I hate it in a democracy system, that even those who don't understand any economics have the same vote to reject a bill drafted by economical pros, especially in a country like Japan where peer pressure exists everywhere that may even influence your choice of bento for lunch.
That’s just personal feeling ,after spending 5 years in the branch office in China.
Anyway, hopefully CCP will allow freedom of speech in China eventually in the future.
Citizens are like the soldiers of the CCP... Free as a bird til you are enlisted and the orders are issued. There is no rule of law when it comes to the CCP, so your words are meaningless.
Uhh you might wanna tell the CCP that, cuz apparently they think all 1.4 billion of you are bricks in the ‘iron Great Wall’
But I get the feeling you wouldn’t say that to the local commissar.
The American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing just had a July 4th barbecue with the Chinese corporate world. I have not heard from friends of such a plan of mass exodus.
Boku Dayo
The CCP is now the National Socialist Party of China, just like the party made by you-know-who.
Sheikh Yerboaby
Ironically the exact opposite view many people have of Chinese people. In my experience with Chinese tourists, they are noisy, not polite and do not think of others with their manners. They have no idea how to queue up and wait their drives me mad.
Same behavior in US and Italian tourists, I have seen in Kyoto. I am fine with that though.