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© KYODOFukushima plant water release to prolong seafood safety woes
By Junko Horiuchi TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Aly Rustom
Japan's neighbors AND now Japanese fisheries groups are not happy with the government's decision. This was a stupid move, BUT considering we are talking about the LDP headed by a PM whose so incompetent he almost makes Abe look good, who here is surprised?
I just bought Fukushima fish products early this afternoon while it was raining so I could get rainy day points.
Fish looked great. Also got some nice stuff from Hokkaido.
Korea and China have some nerve criticizing the water dumping. China is a ridiculously polluted place. Shanghai river runs black.
Korea dumps Tritium water all the time from its reactors as does Europe and everywhere else.
Let's (try to) be fair and reasonable with a cool head. Almost all nuclear powerplants release tons of water into seas or rivers nearby.
海外でもトリチウム放出 韓国原発は年間136兆 仏再処理施設は1・3京
Mr Kipling
Panic! Panic!
They are going to release water that is so contaminated with Tritium that if they added six times as much the WHO says it would be a safe level for drinking water! Just let that sink in. If the contamination was 6X worse it would be under the safety level for DRINKING water! This is then going to be diluted in the PACIFIC!
Let Fukushima be a lesson to all fans of nuclear energy. Nuclear power is inherently unsafe and dangerous. Japan would do well to work towards closing all of its nuclear power stations and generating energy via solar, wind and tidal lagoon backed up by battery and pump storage.
Do the hustle
Fukushima plant water release to prolong seafood safety woes
Do you think so? Wow! Did it take a team of experts to come up with this blatantly obvious revelation?
They should be more concerned about what this release will do to their already strained international relations.
The stored radioactive water is not as serious as the melted corium that nobody knows where it is or how to contain it. It includes plutonium, americanim, strontium, cesium and a variety of others. It is leaking directly into the water table, and everywhere with heavy rain, snow and typhoons.
Does this mean the rise of government sponsored mislabeling of food products? not worry! @Bamboo has been rambling all day the water is safe, but we just do not understand Japanese radiation and water culture!
I am more inclined to blame the public because the LDP does what the public "sheepishly" allows them to do.
@Mr Kipling
Panic! Panic!
They are going to release water that is so contaminated with Tritium that if they added six times as much the WHO says it would be a safe level for drinking water! Just let that sink in. If the contamination was 6X worse it would be under the safety level for DRINKING water! This is then going to be diluted in the PACIFIC
But,but how many nukes US and France detonate in Pacific. wonder how this compares to Fukushima...
Samit Basu
Just ban all seafood import from Japan from 2023 and onward.
Problem solved for foreigners.
Now Japanese consumers will have to look for imported seafood to protect themselves, preferably from Atlantic Ocean.
Koreans already ban food from Japan before we even release the water.
This is just another excuse to bash Japan over the head from the long list of complaints you have against Japan.
U.N. Atomic agency, IAEA, the experts and regulators when it comes to nuclear energy are on Japan's side! Not the bias S. Korean which no amount of evidence would ever be good enough.
The amount of pollution and damage coming from China, over fishing, building fake islands, doing damage to marine life, that's perfectly fine. Don't see you Koreans willing to rock the boat or complain.
Japan following world order, same rules other have, Not good enough!
Why not South Korea handling its home "contaminated" water problem?
Why South Korea is wrong about Fukushima tritium
The worlds oceans are severely overfished. The worlds oceans are severely polluted by commercial fishing (and plenty of other causes). There appears to be no other option then to release the tritium laced water now, or let it leak out anyway in the future. Maybe one bad will help reverse the other. If enough people fear the fish are contaminated and stop eating fish, maybe this reduces fishing and the oceans and the fish in them have a chance to recover somewhat. Not saying releasing tritium into the ocean is good, just that there may be an upside.
I want to raise two points of doubt about Fukushima water release. If coolant water can be treated with tritium level reduced to one fourtieth, why didn't TEPCO instal water treatment faclities for starters rather than building storing tank after another.
South Koea and China accuse Tokyo's decision to release the water, saying the Pacific Ocean is not Japan's exclusive dumping ground. I wonder then how these two countries dispose of treated water.
Aly Rustom
spot on mate!
The top ten countries that run nuclear power plants are, in order, as follows:
U.S.A (99), 2. France (58), 3. Japan (42), 4. China (35), 5. Russia (30), 6. South Korea (25), 7. India (21), 8. Canada (19), 9. Ukreine(15), 10. U.K. (15) The total number of nuclear power plants possesssed by these ten countries are: 359.Are they all absolutely safe and accident-free, by force majeuer or not? I hope so