Japan Today

Gyms facing COVID mask dilemma amid summer heat concerns


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I trai between the hours of 1am to 6am these days when the venue has no more than 3 patrons at a time. The thing is hanging on my chin. I lift heavy and I need my oxygen to recover between timed sets. If Anytime has a problem with it they can study late-night security cam footage, email me, and I'll kindly ignore them

4 ( +23 / -19 )

Masks may be removed when exercising on partitioned equipment at the gym Tipness, effective 18 July, even though, not a single study has shown that the clear plastic barriers actually control the virus, according to a Bloomberg article (link below).

But Tipness also recently designed and posted large posters instructing members on how to properly wear a mask, so Tipness is definitely digging its heels in on the practice of masking.


8 ( +9 / -1 )

Tipness updated requirement, effective 18 July:

Portioned equipment: No mask required 

Everywhere else: Mask required

5 ( +6 / -1 )

We coped (although highly unpleasant) the last two summers. What’s different now?

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Lawsuit for Covid exposure

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

I've never understood people paying to run on a treadmill. Just go outside!

4 ( +17 / -13 )

Bought a home gym from Costco and we have a Washitsu (tatami room) which operates as a home dojo. Don't need to leave the house to exercise perfectly.

We coped (although highly unpleasant) the last two summers. What’s different now?

2 summers ago, Abe abruptly closed the schools, bars and restaurants and strongly urged companies to let their employees WFH and teachers to do their classes online with their students SFH.

No such measures like that now exist. That's the difference.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Exercising without a mask - no-no.

Idzakaya without a mask - yes-yes.

13 ( +20 / -7 )


lower temperatures

lower humidity

safer than uneven pavement/sidewalks

I get using treadmills. Even paying to do so.

16 ( +19 / -3 )

Don't they have money for room air ventilation or filtration?

6 air exchanges/hour eliminated 82.5% of infections in an Italian study, I doubt that masks can achieve 1/10 of that

11 ( +11 / -0 )

2 summers ago, Abe abruptly closed the schools, bars and restaurants and strongly urged companies to let their employees WFH and teachers to do their classes online with their students SFH.

Abe didn't do anything. All shutdowns depended on the prefectural government. Companies decided the WFH and cities/towns decided SFH.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Professor N. Murakami is probably being paid as a "specially appointed" spokesperson...

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Do masks really work?

Yes, demonstrated scientifically.

Or does the diminished oxygen levels, altered mouth microbiome and intake of microplastics do more harm than good.

None of that has been described as clinically important by the use of masks so no, that would mean the harm is mostly disinformation.

And btw, your eyes are a mucous membrane, so if there are virus particles near your face, they can enter your body through your eyes.

So wearing a mask with your eyes exposed is basically useless.

Any source apart from your own personal uninformed opinion that can sustain this declaration? because people with common sense can understand things can be useful at reducing something even if not absolutely perfect eliminating it.

Yeah, so super effective that masked up Japan,s infection numbers are through the roof, thanks mr. specially appointed professor.

Traffic accidents are orders of magnitude higher now than before seat belts and other safety measures were made obligatory, according to you that means those safety measures are worthless, right?

More transmissible variants and relaxed measures because of lower risk coming from the infections are the reason for the increase of cases, this does absolutely nothing to disprove the objective information that masks are very useful at reducing transmission when used properly.

-12 ( +10 / -22 )

Super heavy weight lifting

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Demonstrated scientifically

That's very amusing !

What happened to the broken record of "scientifically proven" ?

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Exactly this, I go early, very few in the gym. The indoor tennis club don't mind, I have never worn a mask there.

Most of the country are masked, dirty foreign visitors unwelcome and the covid numbers going through the roof so actually masks are useless. Just live with it as most cases are just cold symptoms.

I train between the hours of 1am to 6am these days when the venue has no more than 3 patrons at a time. The thing is hanging on my chin.

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

Nobuo Murakami, a specially appointed professor at Gifu University, who is well-versed in infectious diseases, said masks should be worn during the summer, too.

Well versed.

I guess specialist in other countries that have relaxed mask wearing and have

not experienced increased infection need to be lectured by Murakami.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

"Masks are effective in preventing the infection of others, and keeping us from getting infected ourselves," he said. "There is no objective evidence that wearing masks causes heatstroke either, so we shouldn't demonize it just during the summer."

So many things wrong in just two sentences. There is no evidence that the common cloth masks that people use are effective in preventing infections particularly in gyms where the virus can easily transmit through touching surfaces. Also, no body except a very small minority "demonizes" masking. Let the people who care about it wear their masks and let others who do not want it in this heat not.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

What masks do is slow the spread from an infected individual. It doesn't block a lot of incoming viruses due to your eyes but they do block 90+% of outgoing viruses/bacteria's

The main issue is not knowing you are spreading something as you may not have symptoms but are still contagious and you uncover your nose or don't wear a mask at all or are wearing one of those sponge masks like the guy in the picture which are shown to block nothing and are sharing your oxygen with everybody in a crowded space.

Then once you have caught it you go home take of your mask infect the rest of your family. I would guess that most infections are spread at home then at school and at work Due to the we are in the same bubble mentality.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

If forget this mask, it is the same with Bluetooth doesn’t responsive .

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I drop my mask if someone isn't nearby. Also, wipe the equipment before use.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Abe didn't do anything. All shutdowns depended on the prefectural government. Companies decided the WFH and cities/towns decided SFH.

He urged

In Japan that's the same as ordering.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Hey a bit off topic (forgive me moderator), but for you folks in Japan, what are they doing about masks at onsen? Headed over in a few weeks to visit family, and we're big onsen aficionados.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Wearing a mask in the gym does nothing but hamper the health benefits of going to the gym...

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Nobuo Murakami, a specially appointed professor at Gifu University, who is well-versed in infectious diseases, said masks should be worn during the summer, too.

Not very bright this “soecially appointed” professor, probably amakudari who has no clue about anything.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Would be good to get back to the gym but not until masks are off.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

For this very reason, I cancelled my AnytimeFitness membership. I never wear a mask. Only at my job, because I am paid to do that as a part of my work duties.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Don't need to wear a mask in the onsen from what I've seen & heard mate. Enjoy it when you come.

onsens I go to you have wear a mask until you are naked.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

“ Explain to me like I’m five… “ :

I – Masks work ( yes, they do ), but people need to wear them properly.

II – ( Even if you’re wearing a mask ), you ( still ) need to be careful with your hands.

III – ( Even if you’re wearing a mask ), you should practice social distancing.

IV – Why not start working out at home or outside ?

( O_O )

0 ( +4 / -4 )

It’s been soon three years and based also on the comments every day, people believe what they want to believe. “No asymptotic transmission”, masks are useful”, “this vaccine is the only way out of the pandemic”, “I didn’t get infected yet”, etc. people who have been misled for years, some people lost the best time of their lifes for nothing, the shock of accepting the truth would be overwhelming.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Crank up that AC and problem solved...

I saw a women exercising in the swimming pool the other day (walking side to side), just her on that one lane, with a mask on. I was tempted to ask her if she know what water boarding is.

Meanwhile I saw her saying good-bye to everyone outside the pool without a mask.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

For training, my mask is just a fig leaf. It's so perforated, it wouldn't stop a train coming through. I then use a plastic frame to balance it on my chin leaving a 1 inch gap at the top end to allow me to breath the same as usual.

I've had 3 vaccinations and I've had covid. The chances of me getting it again and giving it to someone else are, dare I say it, very low, but I stick it on because those are the rules/the norms; when in Rome and all that.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Obviously not

NATIONALJapan reports 195,161 coronavirus cases

Do masks really work?

Yes, demonstrated scientifically.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Of course masks help to some degree, but I guess if you spend a long enough time in the same room as some people with low quality masks things will transfer either way.

Things people need to understand is that this won't ever disappear, the only thing we can do is try to limit spread during new waves as to not clog up the healthcare system. Ideally we would improve on it so that won't happen either way, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Other than that with the current strain and the level of vaccination the death rate is not high, the heat alone is going to kill more people this summer.

For all the people scared of getting infected thinking they haven't so far. If you have somewhat lived a normal life, gone to work in the city etc, then you have 100% been in contact with covid, and you have been infected, you are just in the majority that won't even catch a cold when you do so. I work from home and basically never go outside and I still caught it twice, I just happen to be one of the people that get quite bad when getting it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )


... Read the post from @JRO. Middle of the road sensible. Not trying to be difficult about everything like you.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Forcing mask use in the gym is nothing short of madness. I do it for for my lifts (even though its definitely not ideal) but I've haven't been able to do indoor cardio since this started. Treadmills just being used for walking now. What a waste.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Forcing mask use in the gym is nothing short of madness. I do it for for my lifts (even though its definitely not ideal) but I've haven't been able to do indoor cardio since this started.

I had a rough time with it at start, but it's improved my V02 max, and I got used to it. I haven't had to wear one while exercising for a year or so now though.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

I am regular at climbing gym and even gym manager himself told us to remove bask whil climbing to prevent a heatstroke. Also if you are midway climbing and start to get sick because you can’t breathe properly it gets quite dangerous

8 ( +8 / -0 )

open Air gym. I run maskless among nature. No gym beats that.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

In my gym, I simply say, " kenkou no mondai des" and no mask required. Hypoxia, it's more prevalent than you think.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

What will it take for gyms like the one I go to, Renaissance Sports Club, to give it up? Take down the tacky plastic shielding (useless), and not have to wear masks (pretty useless against B.4 and B.5)? Also, I cannot recall what the lower half of people's faces look like any more, in the gym. Keep working out, but it is adversarial and depressing. When will this end?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Better still don't go to a gym. Filthy places even without a pandemic thrown in.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

I’m lucky in that my gym no longer requires masks. Although when they did I wore them with no complaints. It definitely helps vo2max.

Interestingly I’ve had three friends recently travel overseas, two to England and one to the US. While in Japan they always wore masks because everyone does. But back home they didn’t wear masks, and two of them caught Covid on their first day. The other friend took a week to catch it. Here in Japan none of them had caught it. Make of it what you will.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

You can't train properly with a mask on. This is just ridiculous.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I've read the science at PubMed. You can do your own search.

VirusRex is correct as usual.

Masks are effective. The problems are that the new variants are highly virulent and airborne.

People don't wear masks properly. No N95s and gaps for air to enter where the nose is. Anyone who wears their mask under their nose is begging for an infection.

There is a belief that the new virus harmless. Yet data shows 5% (up to 10%) of those infected get debilitating long covid. It is also putting unvaccinated children in hospitals, as well as killing those over 50.

Let's put an end to the mask debate by reading the research.

If you value the lives of people you care about, you can protect then with an N95. This virus isn't going away, so even if you're young now, if you survive, you will be of age where the virus will become a threat.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I've saved thousands on gym fees by just buying my own gym equipment. I've got a bench, dumbbells, barbells, some kettle bells, swiss ball, and I even made a decline ab platform. I know, part of the "enjoyment" of going to the gym is the potential to meet a cute girl but I have dating apps for that.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Keep working out, but it is adversarial and depressing. When will this end?

It's never going to end. It's too late now. US government admitted that today.

It can only end with an worldwide zero covid effort, pause on all rents and bills, pause on the economy, and governments providing food.

But governments aren't that organized and people aren't that selfless. So this is the new normal.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

It can only end with an worldwide zero covid effort, pause on all rents and bills, pause on the economy, and governments providing food.

This current recession just isn't enough for you..?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I,ve always respected your opinion but am quite sceptical on this now. How is it possible that countries with far lower or almost no mask wearing public have same or lower infection rates than Japan than? Masks seemed effective 2 years ago but not with the latest variants. 

What countries and what factors are there that affect the infection rates? Some have had the increase previously so they are coming down from the wave, other have other measures already in places, many are going down with detection efforts because they are focusing vigilance on hospitalizations instead of just infections, etc. etc.

Increased transmissibility makes every measure less effective, but that is very different from making them useless, even if only 1% of the population is not wearing masks in situations of risk (like crowded areas while eating) that would be more than enough to cause the current number of cases.

No one has studied what long-term mask wear does with our immune system. What impact do 2 years of masking up have?

What problems have been identified on those people that have always used masks for most of their days? this is not something that nobody did before, so if any actual problem was possible it would have been already obvious on those people that worked long hours wearing them, even for decades.

The benefits on the other hand are readily evident, pretending that those benefits should be ignored just because something that may (or not) exist is not rational.

By the way, my father, a doctor, never wore a mask in his life and had contact with about 50-100 sick patients every day. He was never sick with the flu or anything.

Your uncontrolled, undefined, badly characterized N=1 empirical study is not enough to contradict the actual studies done to confirm the usefulness of masks.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

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