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© KYODOJapan's antismoking plan with gaping loophole sparks outcry
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"......but restaurants and bars with a floor area of up to 30 sq meters will be exempted if they obtain consent from all employees to work in a smoking environment."
@Coconut H2O
So true! In reality, employees in Japan are forced to breathe in second hand smoke or lose their jobs.
Here is one from the comments : "My grandmother smoked for over 60 years and lived to be 100." I have heard statements like this all too many times from people as well (my own experience). Others here may not have directly heard these kind of statements, though.
Coconut H2O
I can only imagine the "consent" obtained from employees. "Do you want to keep your job? Great, everyone consents."
My friend eats sweets and loves everything sugary with high calories, but she isn't fat.
a) smokers: and she doesn't even exercise
b) Japan Today smokers: therefore, sugar consumption does not make one fat
c) non-smokers: maybe she doesn't eat sweets that often
d) Japan Today non-smokers: maybe she has a high enough metabolism rate
Discussion should be welcomed and so if a question questions the method of arriving at 15,000, it should be taken as a springboard for discussion. That said, it's of little value to point to second-hand smoking as the sole culprit and cause of death. It is enough that it leads to cancer more easily for those who...
Everyone's body and immunity system is different. That second-hand smoking does not lead to death for some, does not and cannot refute the fact that smoking of all kinds is dangerous to one's health.
Dirk T
Had a hospital stay in Japan years ago and every other floor had a smoking room, something along the lines of what is found currently in airports but not nearly as nice and airtight as those.
I wonder if the hospital has done away with them because when I drive by now I see a dozen patients or more all in their hospital gowns standing around the front entrance enjoying a smoke. A real picture of health.
dew gun
smithinjapan I want to underline the hysteria of majority of non smokers. Try to read all the comments and you can find people complaining about people smoking close to a station or some doors.
Furthermore second hand smoke is so overrated and people think that if they breath a puf from someone smoking while walking they get cancer. So hysterical.
dew gun: "Yea like the logic of non smokers that think if someone who doesn' t smoke get cancer is because of the smokers smoking in a smoking area next a station. So scientific."
No one has ever said every case of cancer is the result of second-hand smoking, but only those in denial say that second-hand smoke doesn't kill.
dew gun
Some logical fallacies are being made by most of the pro-smoking people. Hasty generalizations saying "I know a case where someone smoked and was fine for years..."
Yea like the logic of non smokers that think if someone who doesn' t smoke get cancer is because of the smokers smoking in a smoking area next a station. So scientific.
Toasted Heretic
Thanks, Tiger. Good on your Father! I must cultivate the discipline, in the meantime.
We had tobacco companies giving us free packs of smokes back in Europe around the 90s, so I guess there must have been a push around that time to get us hooked. Well, I was already there. Started in my early teens.
Christopher Glen
Jalan made assurances it would introduce anti-smoking laws in time for the Olympics, in line with previous host cities. It has proven itself unable to do so.
Woukd anyone miss the Olympics if they were handed to another city or cancelled? I doubt it. Not being able to use public trash cans for an entire month is something on the way.
Once again, I say if Japan can’t keep its promises, it should lose the Olympics.
I still remember my first ever trip to Japan around 1995. I was in Osaka and I kid you not, they had showroom girls out on the street giving away free packs of cigarettes. My friends back home thought I was making it up.
TigerTokyoDome: Yes!! The ads here are like American cigarette ads from the 1950s: “Smoke Menthol and it’s good for your throat!” Or body builders on billboards smoking, etc. yes, the IOC should step in and add some weight.
A friend of mine died from a smoking related disease. Maybe one day, it will catch up with me. Or maybe I'll wean myself off the habit. the quicker you do the better off youll,be the longer you smoke the greater the risks youll die from the habit. My Uncle is 66yrs old and a fitness freak goes to the gym 5 times a week and looks like a man 20yrs younger. He had a mild heart attack about 2yrs ago, his doctor said while he is incredibly fit for a man his age he was a smoker in his earlier yrs. Unfortunate the damage and hardening of his arteries was already done and is the most likely reason he had this attack even though his health check blood test revealed no abnormalities. Smoker dont all die from cancer but have considerably higher rates of respiratory illness, heart attacks and strokes compared to non-smokers. Which is why smokers will die on average about 12yrs sooner than non-smokers
smith, I'd also like to see the International Olympic Committee grow a pair. They awarded the Olympics, on reasonable grounds, but they now have the responsibility to deal with a host city unwilling to accept passive smoking laws. Japan won't deal with the situation, but the IOC can.
Does anyone else on here feel physically sick when they run those Japan Tobacco lifestyle ads on TV here. The family lifestyle film showing children playing sports, then at the end the sponsors name Japan Tobacco comes up. That would be illegal in most progressive countries.
"Japan is among the lowest-ranked countries in terms of tobacco control, with no smoke-free law covering indoor public spaces. "
Whenever I point this statistic out to Japanese people who defend smoking areas, they get EXTREMELY defensive and vehemently denying, simply shutting down the conversation, red-faced, and fuming. They sure don't like to be told the facts when they are not favoured.
But fact it is; Japan is arse-backwards and does NOT deserve to have the Olympics, for this and other reasons, and obviously Japan is also spineless when it comes to smoking and keeping promises.
I doubt that stat very much. However, the stat should be how many regular izakaya/ yakitoriya customers smoke. And the answer to that would be more like 50/50. Whenever I visit an izakaya or yakitoriya I would estimate that half of the customers are smoking.
What a joke. September 2019? Saizeriya are only bothering to show some face in time for the Olympics. They will probably reverse the ban after the summer of 2020.
South Korea has banned smoking in bars and restaurants, using an approach similar to that proposed by the LDP: start with a ban in large restaurants and gradually reduce the size threshold over time.
The news reports here always mention the smoking bans in London and Rio, but they never mention South Korea. Could this be to avoid the embarrassment of pointing out the backwardness of Japan compared with Korea?
Toasted, its entirely your own business and not mine if you want to smoke cigarettes. You know the risks. But a story that might help you is my own Father, who was told in no uncertain terms by his Doctor around 40 years ago, that he was going to seriously damage his health if he didn't stop smoking. My Father was so upset that he quit almost immediately and started jogging then chewing gum for the habit. My Father is still alive today. I hope you can kick the habit.
Toasted Heretic
I can't say I've ever heard a smoker say that, or read it here, tbh.
I'd be of the opinion that the majority of us smokers are well aware that it is distinctly unhealthy to smoke.
Whenever anti smoking article is posted here, everyone is harping on banning smoking indoors and which is fine but did you know that smoking is practically banned everywhere outdoors (especially in tokyo) besides few smoking areas by the station?
Japan has it backwards, if outdoor smoking became bit more relaxed, indoor smoking can be banned easily.
"all the foreigners" will no doubt include people from Malaysia, Ukraine, Holland, South Korea, France, Cuba, and ... well, basically not just your berating friends. Some of them might be quite happy.
Some logical fallacies are being made by most of the pro-smoking people. Hasty generalizations saying "I know a case where someone smoked and was fine for years..."
Toasted Heretic
Well, I don't usually smoke in restaurants anyway. I've no problem with a ban in such an establishment. As for the pub - it's a place where you go to unwind and indulge in your vices. Be it alcohol or cigs. Or both.
And if and when a ban is brought in there, as well, fair enough.
I know that smoking is not good for you. A friend of mine died from a smoking related disease. Maybe one day, it will catch up with me. Or maybe I'll wean myself off the habit.
medical fact smokers die approx 12yrs sooner than non-smokers,
The people complaining about the right the breathe smoke free air - you can - at your home where the air is yours to do with as you see fit. same old BS arguments were regurgitated when the west had their legal battles with smoking. fact is 80% of the population doesnt smoke so at least 80% of public enclosed spaces should also be smoke free . we live in a democratic society where a minorities pasttime shouldnt infringe on the majorities right to clean air and healthy lifestyle. SO if smoker wants smoke they can do it in their homes and not inconvenience the other 80%. there fixed it for you.
My home country of Australia has pretty much made smokers quit and now cancer relating to smoking has dropped. Yah ! Australia..........
Read my original post. We always call ahead to say we are bringing young children. It was our first visit so we had absolutely no clue that it allows customers to light up all over the place. The fact that we called ahead means that the "FOOD RESTAURANT" has an obligation to protect children from breathing cigarette smoke. It is not advertised as a "CIGARETTE SMOKING ROOM THAT HAPPENS TO SERVE FOOD."
My friend, don't you realise how ridiculous the statement "smoking restaurant" sounds? A bar it is not. And even in a bar, why should customers wanting a beer have to breathe cigarette smoke?
dew gun
"protect children and others from passive smoking lung cancer fascist" ???
Why you have to bring children in a smoking restaurant or bar ? Just go to non smoking facilities it' s not hard. And even if they stay for some minutes in a smoking facilities they don' t get ill relax. You have to be exposed for so many years and with a so big quantity of smoke.
Duterte has banned smoking in public places and while moving as well.
Aaaaaaah Duterte what an example of democratic person.
that person
Bhutan has ot banned smoking entirely, look it up
A health fascist I am not. I am more of a "protect children and others from passive smoking lung cancer fascist".
But why should we have to go out of our way to approach someone smoking in a restaurant serving food to families and children to ask them to put it out? What you are stating is that unless someone asks you, you are happy to smoke cigarette smoke all over a restaurant with other customers in.
Even back home in the UK, where it takes one week to see a doctor, where trains can't get people to work on time, and where teenagers regularly stab each other to death because of cuts to the police force - we have banned smoking in pubs and restaurants. Even in the UK!
Like outside a train station, or walking on the street. or in non-smoking
zones where smokers some anyway. Are you dreaming? There is no
way anyone in this country can make it through a normal day without
being poisoned by you selfish and clueless smokers. Also find even one
square meter in any downtown area that does not have your litter in it.
Just as you care little for poisoning others you care little about being clean.
Duterte has banned smoking in public places and while moving as well. Smoking
can only occur in specific areas where smokers can all give each cancer faster.
Heretic - not wishing to stink like an incinerator, doesn't make me a fascist.
Health and other serious issues aside, the crux of the matter re smoking is "it's time is up".
It had it's halcyon days - where all was dandy & right - and it's conjurers reaped wealth beyond imagination.
But as for many things, social / scientific progression now allows us to know what we didn't before, relegating practices to the archaic heap. Happens all the time. Simply tobacco and it's associated habits, publicly belong to prior eras.
What people choose to do in the privacy of their own surrounds, without inflicting discomfort on others is their own choice. In fact private wallowing is to be encouraged, in order to clear the public air for others.
Toasted Heretic
Yuko Maeda, well said. Unfortunately, the health fascists are in the ascendant now. All this talk of banning things, it's hardly democratic.
That said, I intend to give up one day. And I would always extinguish my cigarette if asked.
dew gun
It' s fun how non smokers say that they are for the right of everybody blocking someone to do a thing only because they don' t like. Japan is one of the last country that respect the right to both smokers and no. I am relly wondering why instead of forbid they can' t just go to non smoking facilities.
This is the perfect example of an addicted self-absorbed clueless smoker. Simply amazing that Ms Maeda thinks she can defend giving others, including kids, cancer because she is too weak to stop slowly killing herself with nicotine or the 5000 others chemicals she inhales and unfortunately exhales as well.
Smoking along with causing cancer also diminishes mental ability but there I am stating the obvious.
Heretic, Bhutan has banned smoking entirely. Look it up.
@Yuko Maeda
Actually, I think you kinda should apologize for stinking up the air everyone needs. You can't expect people to only stay at home to avoid smoke, but you could leave your smokes at home instead of being selfish and make others breathe your poison.
Toasted Heretic
What country has "banned" smoking???
So the 'right to smoke' is a thing? Sure... so is the right to drink. So, the byproduct of your smoking is billowing all over me in the local izakaya. I'm enjoying a few quiet beers nearby, and I suddenly have the urge to pee. I climb onto a nearby bar stool and pee all over you. Fair enough? :P
My wife and I went to Yokohama today to eat lunch. 1.5 hours later and after inquiring at 6 different restaurants, we found one smoke free. Name was Sparta. Greek place. Pretty good food, and we smelled normal after leaving.
Vernon Watts
Actually I have lived here long enough to remember when JAL and ANA simultaneously banned smoking on their flights because they were losing business to United which banned smoking years earlier. Funny story when I was in college and worked part-time in a restaurant one of the short order cooks was a recovering heroin addict who told me he kicked the heroin but could not quit smoking!
Timely article.
Was out last night with the family, including a toddler and a baby. Nice modern yakitoriya known for its delicious food. Not some dirty old izakaya. We asked the restaurant in advance if it was ok to bring small children - no problem they said. Guy to my right was constantly smoking next to us, then the party who sat to our left absolutely stunk the area out with their cigarette smoke.
The point here is that lawfully, if a restaurant serving food allows children in, then it should be illegal to subject those children to passive smoking. As simple as that. If they cannot stop customers from smoking over the food then they should ban families with children and say please don't eat here.
The Olympic Committee should threaten Tokyo with a huge fine (too late to cancel the Tokyo Olympics) and Olympics tourists are going to have a shocker when they go out to eat locally.
Yuko Maeda
We as smokers should not have to apologize for parking in something which is legal. Until Japan bans the sale of cigarettes, we will continue to smoke. The people complaining about the right the breathe smoke free air - you can - at your home where the air is yours to do with as you see fit. As for the outside, you are breathing in a mix of pollutants caused by an endless list of companies, people, and nature - deal with it.
Smoking was completely banned inside restaurants in my home country few years ago and now even smokers think it was a good decision. I think Japan should try to push for ambitious smoking law. Opposition will see the benefits and come around.
Actually it's in the thousands. More than 7000 scientific articles since the 60's yes i was just being conservative, didnt want to hurt the feelings of those smokers that ignore the scientific FACTS, after-all its more sympathy towards them as the FACTS show the majority of smokers will die prematurely of their habit
despite the lounges since they dont' help much because of the locations they placed or the areas right outside the entrance, both defeat the purpose, just ban the smoking where it is 50 ft from any entrance period.
Now come one, we all know this boils down to only one Yes,KnowBetter, these LDP lawmakers are pure scum.
And to think, even Beijing made more of an effort in the run up to the 2008 Olympics and you know how much they smoke! Fancy that, not being able to get one over on China.
Japan is at the bottom of the pile when it comes to doing something about the health effects of smoking, and yet Japan is usually scared of losing face from gaiatsu, especially when compared to wealthy western countries.
And forget about Koike - I never fell for her charm. Absolute useless, disloyal, unlikable, two-faced and a revisionist.
I've had to go to a particular izakaya once or twice. The smoke was awful. Not one person said anything, and yet nobody, including the boss, was a smoker. I'm not going back to that place, even if it means turning down one of those ridiculously-priced year-end parties. Thankfully, the last one was in a private room, but I was still not pleased with the price.
Yes, those LDP members claiming that people should have "the right to smoke" are not worried about those smokers' rights but more so in their own bottom line as they have shares in Japan Tobacco.
Two things that are VERY WRONG WITH JAPAN.
There clearly are no conflict of interest laws for politicians. 3rd world corruption in Japan lives!!!
Smokers have the right to posion people simply trying to do their job to make a living because smoking is so much more important than non-smokers' right to clean air in the workplace.I hope that the masses that come to Japan will put their foot down and draw the world eyes to this 1st world joke of a political system of Japan that talks out of both corners of its mouth while profiting on the health of the majority which are non-smokers. This will be one of those times when youtube will serve its place. Shame the lot of those corrupt LDP scum!!!
From "second hand smoke" garnered 13,272 scientific articles
At some point after the first thousand or so, it should have been called a spade
Actually it's in the thousands. More than 7000 scientific articles since the 60's, maybe even more
that person
I'm one of hose weird people who loves being able to smoke in a bar yet hates second hand smoke (I know, I don't get it myself).
But I'm going to vote against myself here, and say that this whole talk about business going down is ridiculous. Just ban indoor smoking with NO EXCEPTION and no one's business will be affected!
but I find it difficult to believe so many people die as a direct result of secondhand smoke only.
there is mountains of medical evidence and research to show that passive smoking increases your risk of lung cancer and respiratory illness. hundred of doctors and medical papers support these claims including the WHO
I’m just sick of breathing second hand car fumes while I walk around. It’s possibly killing me. yes and the take up of electric / hydrogen vehicles is happening within 20yrs the majority of new car sales will be these vehicles. No it cant happen overnight as we cant expect used car owners to sell their ICE cars for new electric, but we can tell smokers to get off their butts and smoke outside so that non smokers and smokers alike can enjoy the clean air when they come back in.
Oh, I see. So, just because you believe it means everybody should? I have read the research and there is no unequivocal proof that secondhand smoke is the sole cause of terminal illness in non-smokers. If anything, it is based more on circumstantial evidence than fact. However, there is a lot evidence to support that some people are more susceptible to cancers than others. Breast cancer is a good example of genetic susceptibility. If people are willing to take the stance that their aunt got breast cancer because she was standing next to someone smoking for ten minutes then, it shows just how foolish and naive you really are.
Bill Wright
A 21st century move! Thank you GOJ Health Organization .
Japan, so damned primitive at times, & the smoking issue makes Japan look worse than stupid to boot!
Earth to Japan please USE the Olympics to do something good that your politicians don't have the stones to do on their own! Gaiatsu can be a good thing, USE IT!
It's sad that a zealots response to any questioning of such an obviously politicized statistic like '15,000 die of second-hand smoke each year' is immediate appeal to authority fallacy. But sure, point me to the research that controlled for all the other pollution variables to come to the conclusion of 15,000.
"I don't like the balance between individual freedom and public health concerns that Japan has decided to strike, so therefore they're stupid dinosaurs that don't believe in science!"
Ahh living in Vancouver is great, you can go out for a bite to eat or a beer or two at your local bar and not come home smelling of smoke.
Leave science to the scientists. One person's experience is not applicable. Passive smoke kills
and everyone in Japan is exposed to it. Everyone. You can read the real research on it if you wish. 15,000
deaths in Japan due to passive smoke is probably a conservative estimate.
This new rule makes Japan look horribly regressive and out of touch with science.
Aso-san, if he could, would make smoking an Olympic sport. Such a loser and so perfectly a picture of the LDP lack of leadership leadership.
It does not seem to be an anti-smoking ban anymore. Started as a good idea and now has become somewhat of a joke. Saying the Olympics should be cancelled because of this is a bit of a knee jerk over-reaction however it would be nice to see this ban passed. Second hand smoke has been proven to be harmful to others and it also smells!! I cannot understand why any proprietor of a restaurant proud of their food would allow smoking as it deters one ability to really taste and smell the food they are eating.
Christopher Glen
Unless Tokyo takes the correct measures, it shouldn’t host the Olympics.
I don't suppose this decision has anything to do with the fact that the Japanese government owns a huge chunk of Japan Tobacco and, therefore, benefits financially not only in terms of tax but also from profits by selling more coffin nails to more coughing males. Or am I just being cycnical?
I fully support a total smoking ban and cannot understand Japan's reluctance to put this ban into place. However, the above statement has always bothered me. How can they prove these people all died from secondhand cigarette smoke? People who live in large cities are exposed to many carcinogens from car exhausts, tire rubber and factory pollution plus, there are also exposed to a lot of EMF radiation from electricity pole transformers, laptop computers and mobile phones. And, you could also add diet and lifestyle, excessive drinking and eating McDonalds. All of these are known to cause cancers. Then, on the other hand, you have people who smoke all their lives and live to be 80 or more. My grandmother smoked for over 60 years and lived to be 100. I'm not saying there isn't a link between passive smoking and terminal illness, but I find it difficult to believe so many people die as a direct result of secondhand smoke only.
Vernon Watts, when Japan Airlines banned smoking, people did not refuse to fly on Japan Airlines.
Japan Airlines was one of the last, if not the last, airlines to ban smoking. That meant customers did not have any choice but to fly on a no-smoking airline.
Change happens slowly in Japan.
Lorem ipsum
Made me laugh. Make efforts! Urge! Oh yes! God forbid that you should actually introduce a bill that bans people from, or forces them to do something, right? What a waste of paper that drafted bill was even printed on.
Schopenhauer - Well done and best of luck with staying off the cigarettes.
I never had any friends who smoked until moving here. Not sure if that is telling or not. The "special" rooms are nothing new, unless now they are mandatory. Were they voluntary before? They seem useless. Even the 'sealed up' ones leak. One of my good friends here who smokes was just diagnosed with lung cancer. Great guy, but just can't give up his smokes. While banning smoking all together would be nice for us non smokers' clothing and health(I'm all for it), I really think the ability to quit smoking must come from within and not mandated. Lord knows I have tried to convince my friends, but even peer pressure doesn't work.
Vernon Watts
When Japanese airlines banned smoking, smokers refused to fly? And why are cigarettes so cheap in Japan compared to the US and Europe? Simply put, studies have shown that if you keep the price of cigarettes low you are assured a steady stream of new smokers. When prices are high--like the US and Europe--current smokers do not quit, but people who start smoking is drastically lowered. The Japanese government must sell its stake in Japan Tobacco or else the smoking laws will never change.
Simian Lane
Can we ban all cars in cities too while we’re at it, and pedestrianize all streets in the center of Tokyo. Whilst I might sound like I’m being facetious, I can assure you I’m not. I’m just sick of breathing second hand car fumes while I walk around. It’s possibly killing me.
Just wait until all the foreigners come to Japan during the Olympics and become unhinged and start berating Japanese smokers while they are trying to eat their ¥20,000 sushi or teppanyaki course thinking for that price point they can enjoy their meal in a smoke free environment. The sh_t will hit the fan and the Governments policy will change overnight because the NO SMOKING restaurants will suddenly become more popular than the traditional smoking establishments.
Japan Tobacco vs. Olympic tourists? score round one for the smoky backroom.
A group of lung cancer patients
his group's survey has revealed many people reluctantly go
many people found it hard
Don't get me wrong. I am a non-smoker and don't enjoy inhailing others' used smoke, but
the above quotes lead me to think that the opposition to indoor smoking is not a large movement.
A couple of days ago, I wrote a question here about why men and women equally become cancer while women do not smoke and men smoke overwhelming more than women. My comment was removed soon. On Friday, I went to a hospital and I asked the same question to my doctor. He said men suffer lung and larynx cancer far more than women. I agreed and I am starting to quit smoking from yesterday.
Methinks there are some heavy smokers amongst lawmakers.
But its ranking on general health are pretty good. Asking Japan to adopt the anti-smoking laws of other countries would be somewhat perverse if the goal was to reach the health levels of, for example, Scotland.
Disgustingly greedy behavior by the Japanese government. Smoking should be banned in all indoor public spaces. Customers can choose not to enter, but employees forced to breathe in second hand smoke should be outraged.
In Japan, the greed of Japan Tobacco is ruining the live music scene, the dining experience and the health of employees and children. Sickening.
I'm out, rather than in Japan for the majority of the time these years, but the incidence of smoke in the face, or even the smell of a cigarette is notably reduced from just a couple of years ago.
This plan is, sadly, typical 忠太半端 (half-arsed) thinking by the old boys who are obliged to let their buddies smoke and sell smokes.
Hasegawa of the lung cancer patient group deplored such a move. "It is embarrassing that we see a series of setbacks. I wonder whether (Tokyo is) truly entitled to host the Olympic Games," he said.
No it is not.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Oyagi's are never letting go
80% of Japan don't smoke yet money trumps all? Sickening!