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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Fukushima operators send robot into worst-hit melted reactor
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It just 11 years too late.
And despite all of this, Japan is switching it's old nuclear plants back on. Just how bad does it have to get before people recognise the costs of nuclear power always dramatically outweigh the benefits?
What’s your solution?
Destruction of forests and lands to set up millions of solar panels (which actually should be on every new house
Tom Doley
Michael Machida
Great! Japan is always 10 to 20 years behind the rest of the world. So yeah! Fukushima is still being fixed by the inept Japanese Government in 2022. Great job!
And to think, all this could have been avoided if they had taken the advice they were given by a French team of experts in 2002 to move the back up generators onto the roofs of the housings to ensure they could not be flooded.
Instead of sending men into space for the rich man club use those rockets to send the nuke water into orbit. The sun will take care of it. Might be a better option.
I bet one rocket could send about 0.000001 of the nuke water. Besides, you would be putting other harmful chems into the atmosphere in order to destroy other harmful chems. If it crashed into the ocean though, it would at least be a little further off-shore from Japan.
Yes, I wonder how many layers of led they had to put around the newer robots. Plus, I wonder if they had to clear out all the conked out robots first that were in the way. I'd like to see the video footage.
into the environment and we try to force people to eat food products from there?
(according the NPP design), construction cost, running cost, maintain and upgrading, security, disaster measures, fuel, decommissioning and storage of spent waste in secure locations for about 1000 years…
Sheikh Yerboaby
This should be a government mandate. I have just bought a new house and really wish they had installed solar panels.
Peter Neil
I agree with you zichi. I am an ME with a specialty in nuclear power. I designed power systems for nuclear plants in the late 1970’s. It was staggering incompetence on the part of TEPCO. There is no excuse or rationale to answer away the failure of due diligence. Engineering is about anticipating risks, not the P&L of TEPCO.
It’s criminal, not a civil issue.
Sheikh Yerboaby
This isn't a movie.....water is heavy, it's unlikely that they have a rocket powerful enough to send all that water into space......even before you add on the weight of the lead lining needed to stop the radiation from bursting out whilst sitting IN the rocket. Also, you want to strap explosive material to the bottom of the this radioactive super soaker and risk the whole thing exploding on launch, which is a fair possibility, spreading it's highly radioactive contents into the air over a vast area.....yeah...great idea. Maybe they should just beam the water into the sun.....seems just as likely to happen
Well placing a nuclear power plant next to the coast on a island that is known for tsunami was there fault for not taking that into consideration
@zichi is right. They didn’t do it because the cost transporting the material which came mostly by ship was more expensive. They also downsized a lot to cut cost over safely.
Another option since they said the nuke water are considered diluted at reasonably safe then just boil the water and let it evaporate and the wind will take care of the rest
At the time of the incident in March 2011,they had to beg France and the US for robots,this in spite of Japanese robots supposedly being the world's best.
Turns out that most Japanese ones are either employed on the production line or for cutey duties like ASIMOV or the one SoftBank used which was nothing more than a glorified iPad.
in March 2010 even.