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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2015.Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise: IAEA report
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ah so the facts are in. despite one of the worst nuclear accidents in decades, there have been no deaths directly linked to the fallout. and yet the fearmongering among the anti-nuclear crowd will continue. .
I totally agree, there's a few peepz here on JT that are so adamantly convinced that Japan is fault ridden beyond rescue, that the establishment here is so shady, that they never fail to expect the worst possible outcomes, and wish for the most horrendous things to happen in hopes that they can get confirmation of their beliefs (and feel good about themselves).
I think it stems from a innate superiority complex they have, whereby they believe they always know best, and when Japan chooses to do something that they don't agree with (more often than not they're not even fully informed about whatever that is happening) that's in turn proof of how "backward" (a term you see pretty often in on JT comments) Japan is.
Everybody knows that the report of one of the world's foremost bodies of nuclear experts backed up by detailed research cannot be trusted, because its conclusion doesn't match the world I want to believe in. Thank goodness for random blokes on the Internet, ever eager to pick-apart superficial readings of that report and protect my world-view from ever being challenged.
Sickle-cell anaemia is a genetic disease. Never heard of it being caused by radiation.
@Thunderbird - Hands up all nuclear scientists on this forum... anyone?
If nuclear medicine counts...raises hand!
Mike O'Brien
@Yaki2 (1)(A) No. (B) No, (C) without answers to A and B C can't be answered. (2) Because TEPCO, the government and private citizens are all doing monitoring.
Steam is not being released, regularly or otherwise.
And Misuhei Murata claimed 3 years old that unit 4 was sinking and would collapse any day. Meanwhile here we are 3 years later and unit 4 is still just as tall as ever and hasn't collapsed. I haven't been able to find what his degree is in, but since everywhere he pops up they just call him the former ambassador to Switzerland it makes me think his degree has nothing to do with nuclear power, radiation or any hard science.
“Because the reported thyroid doses attributable to the accident were generally low, an increase in childhood thyroid cancer attributable to the accident is unlikely,” the IAEA report said.
Interesting... Why?
Because this is an industry body who reports directly to the UN Security Council.
Last time I looked, anything remotely connected to the military is prioritised in a specific order. That order is to gain ground on the enemy at all costs, even environmental issues are secondary and most certainly human costs.
So who realistically believes this priority order has changed in respect to how the IAEA sees this incident? ...
The IAEA policing nuclear affairs is akin to allowing the tobacco industry to self-regulate.
This news is differs from what I am reading on other outlets, they say differently. Exposure to nuclear radiation does and always will be a health concern. The people of Japan are just like the people of Chernobyl and everyone else.
Japan's Environment Ministry has found abnormalities in fir trees near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. If the trees have abnormalities than so do the people in that area.
The IAEA in Japan could read < > or <> if NHK world is not available to them and get a better idea as to the scope of the continuing accident and then make educated assessments as to there findings. I really thought IAEA was in Fukushima testing everything from plants and people to soil and water. I need to check there website again but they do do a lot of radioisotope testing so I really do not understand how they are so uncertain about everything.
You nailed it, boy , those paid off lying bastards are something else.
see Japan map on this site:
High thyroid cancer rates detected in Fukushima children
Akira Sugenoya is the mayor of Matsumoto City in Nagano but he's also a respected thyroid surgeon who spent five years treating children in Ukraine and Belarus who developed thyroid cancer after the Chernobyl disaster.
Mike O'Brien
Well that statement is debatable.
But when talking about thyroid cancer the worry is with the release of radioactive iodine-131, which has a half life of 8 days and is only created in a reactor that is critical. Due to the half-life any I-131 from the time of the earthquake was all gone within about 3 months and since the reactors aren't critical no new I-131 is being produced.
So even if uncontainable radioactive discharge was occurring it would not include any I-131 and would not affect thyroid cancer rates.
Mike O'Brien
Yet the analysis for Caesium shows levels of 134 dropping off while 137 remains essentially the same. Meaning there is no fission event still ongoing.
You do realize that Fukushima isn't the only nuclear power plant in the world, right? And thus is not the only possible source of I-131, right?
Only last wee it was reported on this forum that radioactive was being purposely released to make way for even higher level waste.obviously, there is still contamination being produced for which there isn't storage.......
This is a half baked article if ever there were one. A few questions for all you experts here. (1) It is clear that hot spots were found at various places after 3/11. These were well documented ( kanagawa prefecture, Chiba and even Tokyo). (A) How do we know they were all cleaned up? (B) do we know hot particles are not still circulating around Japan? ( i understand they are difficult to find and measure) (C) it possible to quantify the risk of ingestion of these hot particles by a child living in Tokyo? (2) How do we know that continuing radioactive plumes are not contaminating large parts of Japan? It seems steam is still being regularly released. If you look at articles by experts like Ichiro Iiyama, the situation is not good. And the former Ambassador to Switzerland is warning the world of the risks. Are these people not credible? I would like to believe all is safe. However, almost everything I read is about background radiation and i dont really see much attempt to quantify the risk of internal radiation from air, water, the food chain etc. i guess no-one wants to cause panic in Tokyo which is understandable. And I don't want to either. My guess is riisks are minimal but would appreciate advice from someone with real knowledge.
Aly Rustom
Thank you. I stand corrected.
However, Lukemia is caused by radiation.
@Mike O'Brien, thanks, that is helpful. I don't know what Murata's qualification is and his letters are all so short and without support that it gives him little credibility (other than that he was the former ambassador to Switzerland). Get the feeling he is looking for a cause. On the points I raised, judging by your answer it is hard to know whether we should feel comfortable about our kids in Tokyo. Seems nobody does know.
Sure sure they will be in their teens or young adults and deniability will be rampant at the time, that is if tepco has not changed names by then. One of the problems is the amount of time that will pass until people learn there is something wrong.
Even NHK reports give more information into the accident at Fukushima Daiichi. IAEA should watch NHK.
New Findings on Fallout
it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to
Why, since there was supposedly no Lack of testing and dosimeters were placed in and near schools were they not. What are the MEXT radiation readings then.
IAEA should really watch NHK because they would know that 75% of the radioisotopes were released were spread over the 2 weeks after the first 4 days of the accident as the NHK link above shows
primarily due to the lack of detailed arrangements,
How is this possible when there are emergency drills as to what to do in an emergency. There should be stable iodine on hand at each evacuation facility.
Detailed screening in being undertaken Now 4 years after the accident??? This is Not early detection for a triple meltdown of which the article neglects to state.
4 years after the accident??? Now IAEA sees areas where improvements were needed.... I am speechless.
Clean up operations? nonsense. just entomb and be done with it. there is no such thing as a clean up operation when you are just removing the top soil.
The IAEA's primary mission is the promotion of the safe use of nuclear power, as well as reducing proliferation of nuclear weapons.
That is what their nuclear experts are there for...and why a growing number of people, including JT readers and concerned citizens do not believe what they write and promote...
Melissa Shimosato
Fukushima disaster: Tokyo hides truth as children die, become ill from radiation - Ex Mayor Katsutaka Idogawa, The Former Mayor of Futaba in Fukushima Prefecture.
Hands up all nuclear scientists on this forum... anyone?
Yeah, but, the key word in this article is, unlikely, which means they do not know for sure making this whole article a load of politically motivated guff with no real meaning, doesn't it?
Yet again the IAEA has missed a trick. Instead of spending time looking at facts and science they could have come on to JT and asked all of the actual experts on the situation. Clearly they need to have a re-think of their approach for future reports and scientific studies.
How can the IAEA make claims about the future based on incomplete information? Radioactive discharge from the ruined reactors occurs 24/7 and is not containable. Where does this radiation go IAEA?/ The fact is that children in Fukushima are at risk and need monitoring.......
Aly Rustom
No but Sickle Cell Anemia, Lukemia, and various mutations in future children might.
@ wowyz
good site thanks
Félix Lorenzo Martín Moro
It may good that children could live forma many months In other countries like Chernovil's childrens, who pasa many weeks in south Europe (Spain).
Fukushima Thyroid Examination May 2015: 103 Thyroid Cancer Cases Confirmed, 5 in the Second Round Screening
I clearly see an increase in the number of children cancer cases in Fukushima.
Excerpt: Initial Testing in October 2011- ongoing Total number targeted: 367,685 Number of participants in primary examination: 299,543 Number with confirmed results: 299,233
A1 154,018 (51.5%) (no nodules or cysts found) A2 142,936 (47.8%) (nodules ≦ 5.0 mm or cysts ≦ 20.0 mm) B 2,278 (0.8%) (nodules ≧ 5.1 mm or cysts ≧ 20.1 mm) C 1 (0.0%) (requiring immediate secondary examination)(Note: Cysts with solid components are treated as nodules).