Japan Today

George Takei sees gay pride beginning in Japan


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I must applaud Takei's courage, and the humour that has opened people's eyes, minds and hearts.

The LGBT community and issues certainly don't enjoy the prominence or understanding they do elsewhere in OECD. I was delighted recently, though, to have a charming transvestite waitress serve me at one of the larger (and most progressive?) family restaurant chains.

Thanks, George.

15 ( +22 / -7 )

We love you George.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

To go from the status quo, where most employees at even the biggest companies (with a few exceptions in the creative industries like advertising) would never think of being out at work, to a situation like the U.S., where many global corporations have officially approved, and politically vocal, LGBT employee groups, will take a lot of work. The media needs to contribute to that effort by moving away from their single-minded focus on drag queens and transgender men as representing the entire LGBT community.

Things are changing, though. In Tokyo, at least, we're seeing less segregation in night life, and more inclusiveness--there are many more bars, restaurants and other businesses where an LGB or T individual can feel welcome and be his/herself without being isolated in the 'gay ghetto.'

8 ( +12 / -4 )

I like reading this story if only to imagine his quotes being spoken in that wonderfully funny voice of his.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

I had the privilege to hear both Mr. George Takei and Mr. Patrick Linehan, the U.S. Consular General for Osaka-Kobe, speak at the special TEDxKyoto event, "To Boldly Go", held at Kobe University of Foreign Studies on Wednesday. Both shared their personal stories with humor and with grace, giving courage to many others in the audience, I'm sure. Later during the Q & A session, both gentlemen also introduced their supportive husbands to the audience as well.Thank you to the U.S. State Department for sponsoring Mr. Takei's visit to Japan during LGBT Pride Month. "Live Long and Prosper!"

4 ( +9 / -5 )

If being gay was normal why would one need to have courage to come out, if being gay was normal why would it be being pushed so hard in the media, if being gay was normal it wouldn't even be an issue, if being gay was normal there would not be any embarrassment or stigma attached to it.

Why do these gays need to attract so much attention to themselves and why is there so much noise about it all the time, perhaps they are trying to normalise it.

Please just be gay if you want but can ya'll do it quietly we don't all need to know your sexual preference.

I'm straight and would encourage others to announce they are straight, lets have a great big straight parade and make media statements about our straightness, lets see how that gets attention..

-36 ( +21 / -56 )


You are cliueless. People use to be arrested in the USA for being gay. You would lose your job. Gays were beaten up all the time until gays finally said no more.

You know anyone who lost their job for being straight? Didn't think so.

Gays, like blacks before them (maybe you think slavery was fun), are coming out of a long history of oppression and legal attack. If being gay was accepted in the USA, why do 31 states prevent gays from getting the benefits of being married?

Yes, being gay is normal for a small percent of the human population. Having full rights like any other straight person in the USA or Japan for that matter is still not even close to being accomplished. Until then you will have to endure hearing from gays and others on what needs to be done to make life for gays normal. Everyday is a celebration of straightness, but that should not be to the exclusion of those that are not straight. That is the point you seem to be missing.

21 ( +31 / -10 )

Storm R. You truly have no idea.

12 ( +22 / -10 )

How do two consenting adults, in the privacy of their own homes, harm anyone with what they choose to do there? Don't be fooled! Sexual minorities are not out to steal your money, burn your house, or molest your children. They just want the same rights and privileges afforded to every other individual and group. It's time they all were given their rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

14 ( +17 / -4 )

Why do gays have to make noises and amping up their antennas if they wanted to be heard? funny i got three siblings among the 12 children a gay and two lesbians.. and i find them so noisy and full of attention grabbing statements just to be heard. a real troublemakers that my parents have to put down and control them that if they wanted to be heard by them just stay quiet and talk without creating so much noise and if they wanted attention just to get the public sympathy , they should never do it or father will do what s needed to put them down, if they wanted public kissing with their same gender lover they better get ...GET A ROOM.. as there are many straight people who would not take it kindly even if there is such thing as equal rights for all human beings, if there is such thing as freedom for their sexual preferences..Humans by nature is racist be white againts black, straight againts gays and on..asians againts asians. christians against muslim and so on..

To ask me about my opinion, it might be normal for some of the human population to accept gays . i dont like gays kissing in public places and i dont like gays period . altho my big family , cousins and distant relatives have so many gays i cant count them on my lil fingers but most of them are jobless due to being discriminated against by companies that dont tolerate gays and some are in their chosen fields but always a step away from being fired never mind if they are so intelligent with scholastic records.. i dont like gays to be subjected to human miseries like bullying so they better just keep quiet and stay true to themselves and BE GAY without needing to be a public disturbance.

-31 ( +13 / -44 )

Congrats to Kei Kurooka form spectacularly missing the point...

15 ( +23 / -8 )

The LGBT community didn't start this fight. They were the victims for decades, imprisoned, assaulted and even killed for something that was an entirely personal and private matter. They remained silent, hoping people would just leave them alone, but silence just allowed the abuse to continue to escalate.

Eventually they said, "Enough", and started to speak out. Yes, the LGBT community is loud, but when you consider the centuries of abuse and silence I have a lot of sympathy. But typical of the US there's a lot of victim blaming going on from homophobes who'd really love it if gays would just shut up and take their beatings and murders quietly, without any fuss or bother.

As for Takei, he's a sweetheart and is welcome to visit anytime!

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Did Sulu see this coming on his gaydar?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Glad to see all the support! As a previously openly gay New Zealander currently living in rural Japan, it's been quite difficult to gauge what kind of response I'd get for revealing my sexuality. I haven't heard a peep from anyone openly gay, and it's sad cause they clearly exist but are unable to live freely. A hideous lifestyle, and I completely understand the fear of not conforming. The conformity part of Japanese culture alone is exceptionally rampant the second you step out of the metropolitan, urban masses and is easily the most problematic part of Japan I encounter daily.

I've decided to keep my sexuality to myself here as I gather enough attention being a foreigner, let alone a "gay foreigner" - now that'd really ruffle some feathers. It's very boring to be endlessly asked about girlfriends and who I think is pretty, and it'd be nice to set them all "straight" (or not so) on the matter, but having never heard anyone so much as reference a gay person - who knows what thoughts they're harboring.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

Oh my! Go Takei!

6 ( +10 / -4 )

All hail George Takei love the guy and hope he stays fit and healthy for many many years to come.

6 ( +8 / -2 )


I've got nothing against your type; some of my best friends are bigots.

I just wish you'd get a room together and spout your opinions in private out of sight of normal, decent folk....

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Good on him for his work for the LGBT community. It's good Mrs. Abe wants to help out as well but I think she needs to do much more otherwise she would have wasted an incredible opportunity to raise awareness in a position like hers.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Waiting for Japan to wake up to the pink yen, a LOT business/money to be made there?

Many industries (travel,fashion, etc) overseas did and are reaping now the benefits.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I'll say this, each to his own. I don't care either way, but I don't believe in gay marriage, that's my stance, other than that, do whatever you want. I just don't like this constant in your face, you have to accept this lifestyle or else, in doing so is discriminatory in itself. People are allowed to believe and think the way they want and if people don't like it, let it go. Forcing someone to accept a certain lifestyle or point of view won't change anything. Bill Maher once said, there is thing called the Gay Mafia-literally. If you don't accept us, then we will hunt you down, ostracize you, ruin your life and career. If you guys are cool with it, fine by me, but don't jump on me or a person that disagrees with that point of view.

-25 ( +5 / -30 )

bass4funkJUN. 06, 2014 - 12:17PM JST I'll say this, each to his own. I don't care either way, but I don't believe in gay marriage, that's my stance, other than that, do whatever you want. I just don't like this constant in your face, you have to accept this lifestyle or else, in doing so is discriminatory in itself.

Ever heard of hypocrisy? You want to tell gay people that they can't get married, but they can't tell you that they'd like you to stop discriminating against them? Wow. You're precisely the reason why LGBT people feel it is necessary to shout, because you clearly can't hear very well.

People are allowed to believe and think the way they want and if people don't like it, let it go. Forcing someone to accept a certain lifestyle or point of view won't change anything.

Bull. Centuries of fighting for civil rights proves you wrong. If people don't fight for their rights then they get walked all over.

Bill Maher once said, there is thing called the Gay Mafia-literally. If you don't accept us, then we will hunt you down, ostracize you, ruin your life and career. If you guys are cool with it, fine by me, but don't jump on me or a person that disagrees with that point of view.

No, you deserve to be jumped all over, because you seem to believe that you're better than LGBT people, that you can dictate what they're allowed to say and do, but they can't say a word to you. You're a bigot.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

To Himeros

I can understand your hesitation to make yourself stand out any more than you already do as a foreigner. I have 2 friends who lived in Toyama Prefecture years back who went through the same situation. Interestingly, they came at the same time but took opposite approaches. One did friend decided to keep his sexuality to himself, while the other was fairly open about it. My open friend received mixed reactions but overall he was treated very positively. Granted some people couldn't "understand" it but he never faced any direct discrimination, etc. They've both since moved to Tokyo and seem to be much more comfortable in this environment as there's a real community that exists, people seem much more receptive to it.

Like anything, progress takes time and Japan seems to be going in the right direction. That's a good thing.

To those posters who suggest gay people should shut up and be quiet, you miss the mark. Shutting up and hiding it only reinforces the notion that "being gay" doesn't exist.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

@Bass I think the conservatives should welcome gay marriage. The image of gays living an immoral, promiscuous lifestyle was one the right loved to throw at the gay community. Surely a monogamous, mortgage/tax-paying couple ( gays on average are more likely to hold professional positions ) is a good thing, no?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Allowing women in Japan the freedom to choice how many children to have (if any) does nothing to help the declining birthrate which in turn affects the economy, or can you not see past your blind ignorance?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I keep noticing the anti-gay folks (often conservative Christian types who refuse to think for themselves and merely accept what a 2.000 year old book tells them to think) love to claim gay marriage 'destroys the institution of marriage' or some variation of that. 

Complete rubbish. 

A/ There are many types of relationship mentioned in the Bible.

B: Man-woman marriage is not a Christian institution. 

C/ If anything is 'destroying the institution of marriage', it's heterosexual marriages that collapse. Over 50% divorce rate in the States. That's what's 'destroying the institution of marriage', not gay couples wanting to marry.

D/ Dig a little and you'll find the anti-gay folks are really only scared about the RE-DEFINITION of the M-F concept of marriage.   Allowing gay marriage doesn't destroy that definition - it enlarges it.

But again and again, the anti-gay folks' prejudices and - I have to say - bigotry blind them from seeing this.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

While I have nothing against gay people, the fundamental problem with being gay is that it's counter evolution: It's a dead-end for human evolution. This raises the question of which one is naturally right: evolution or gayness?!

-20 ( +4 / -24 )

CGB, I think a global population of near 8 billion nullifies that question. :-)

Personally, I think 'gayness' is a natural part of human variation, like red hair.

There's more than 1,500 non-human species that exhibit homosexual tendencies and practices. 

10 ( +11 / -2 )

SushiSake3 it's not about numbers, it's about the fact that gay is counter evolution. Of course the minority of population is gay and at this time not endangering human evolution but if you are anything like a supporter of the evolution theory then you must admit that it's a fact that gay is counter evolution or you're contradicting yourself.

-19 ( +1 / -20 )

CGB Spender I think that you are misunderstanding evolution. Evolution is a theory about genes, not individuals. Gays can surrogate, adopt, or contribute to society in any number of ways which promote the expansion, longevity, well-being, and environmental adaptation of that society such that its genes are preserved and promoted. There are any number of species that have thrived, many of whose members do not reproduce. Worker bees?

(Though when it comes to humans it is more the procreaters that are the worker bees, and the gays the people that create and make it fun to keep working and procreating, but that is probably my prejudice.)

6 ( +9 / -3 )

CGB Spender - What does that have to do with loving, human relationships which people can choose to be in?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

It is not counter to evolution because it exists as a trait expressed by a portion of our species and our species as a whole continues to evolve. You are making assumptions as to what is and is not 'moral' and or 'beneficial' in evolutionary terms. I think it is impossible for you to know that and you are basis your evaluations of your own assumptions of what is 'good' and 'optimal.' Frankly, the process is not hemmed in by these assumptions. One could argue, just as blindly, that suppressing this trait hinders our 'big-picture' evolution as a species. But really, it is impossible for us to evaluate this kind of thing. The scope involved is just to great. So, I don't think the point has any practical merit or relevance.

I think our best bet is to focus on dealing with things on an individual and societal level. And I think the best way forward is to support individual rights and social tolerance. Social tolerance doesn't mean that you have to like or agree with everyone. It just means that you recognize that in a free and responsible society adults should be invested with and respect individual rights, dignity and freedom.

The government has no place in the bedrooms of consenting adults.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

people should be allowed to do what they want as long as they don't hurt their neighbor, and I'm not talking about moral issues [if you are offended by two same-sex people's happiness then it's YOUR problem]; being gay has NEVER hurt anyone but the very people who are gay and not accepted by society. there are enough humans on the planet, actually way too many, making kids already and besides, gay couples can have kids too, it's 2014 for Buddha's sake.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

What does "counter evolution" mean? Evolution does not need anyone's support, or worry. It will keep going. Evolution is the fact that genes that are adapted to their environment survive. If there is a genetic predisposition for pornography, or contraception then they may make the human genepool more adaptive, and we must assume so (assuming it is genetic) since both have been around for a long time.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

CGB SPENDER, you have an overly simplified knowledge about evolution. There is a scientific theory as to why homosexuality exists in the animal world. If you accept the fact that it's genetic (ask any gay person and they will tell you that they were born that way), the passing on of genes benefits when there is a homosexual family member. Here is a simplified explanation.

Heterosexual couple A, have a child A, which is raised by two adults.

Heterosexual couple B, have a child B which is raised by two adults. One of the people in couple B has a gay sibling. Since that gay sibling doesn't have their own child, they put their effort into the child of their sibling Child B. Child B thus has 3 adults looking after it which gives it an advantage over Child A.

In the big picture of evolution, Child B's genetic line will prosper over Child A's. Child B is a genetic descendant of a gay person with their genes, so homosexuality is passed on even though the gay person didn't have a child.

Remember, this is over the course of millions of years, but that's how evolution works. Certain lines of genetic pools get an advantage. This is why a species cannot survive with 100% homosexuality (unless it reproduces asexually like bacteria, some plants etc), but clearly explains why a certain percentage of homosexuality has come to exist in many animal species.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

@timtak "Evolution is a theory about genes, not individuals"

Gay is not something that emerges from individuals but from genes (to stay in physical terms). You're bringing up a list of excuses why gay can support evolution. The fact remains, as you hinted in your 2. Comment, that evolution doesn't need gay to be able to survive. But on the contrary if humans would become mostly gay, it would be a treat for evolution and survival of the species.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

if you are anything like a supporter of the evolution theory then you must admit that it's a fact that gay is counter evolution or you're contradicting yourself . . . 2. Comment, that evolution doesn't need gay to be able to survive. But on the contrary if humans would become mostly gay, it would be a treat for evolution and survival of the species.

This makes zero sense. There is no such thing as "counter evolution" nor is there any such thing as the "survival" of evolution. Evolution is simply changes in the line of descent of a population.

You're arguing from the unfounded premise that there can be no evolutionary advantage to homosexuality. And you're wrong.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I have nothing against gay people and yes, they should have the same rights as straight people... What irks me is that they feel the need to 'camp it up' and have these big parades. Some people see gays as exhibitionists, camp, loud, garish and in your face... these parades only seem to reinforce that stereotype. If openly gay (ie camp) people want to be accepted by the rest of us, maybe they should just calm it down a bit.

Maybe I should organise a Spectacles Pride march...

Anyway, George Takei is a good guy, very funny and I wish him luck...

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

@CGB Those who have attempted to discredit evolution by using pseudo-science have failed miserably and often been ridiculed by intelligent religious people. It's worth reading the verdict of the Christian Judge Jones on Michael Behe in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District. The argument that homosexuality is in your words, 'counter evolution' is another non-starter. Homosexuality is part of nature, it's been with us for a very long time and it's high time that everybody got used to it.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Who cares whether a person is "normal?"

“Normal” is just an average, an attempt to reduce all people down to one figure.

We are all different. And that's what makes life interesting, isn't it?

What's needed is a bit more tolerance.

Internationally as well as in the bedroom.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I don't understand some of the comments here. What is wrong with being LGBT? Aren't you enjoying your own freedom as a straight person (I presume)? Than what's wrong with letting LGBT enjoy theirs?? My gay and bisexual friends suffered so much till they could calmly come out, and they're always weighing their options..see if they can trust people and stuff, always meeting blatantly rude comments and dirty jokes.

About evolution: Evolution is a machine that works on its own, let it do its thing without you saying what is right or wrong. By your reasoning @CGB Spender- a hetero couple cannot even choose whether it wants children or not, it HAS TO have them, because that's what evolution wants. Also, homsexual people would be forced to be in hetero relationships just for the sake of 'evolution'? . That, goes against human rights and also against the power of mutual love and respect. I don't like your ideal world.

For people who are saying "gay is not normal"- you have your own image of yourself as normal, which is automatically warped and self-centered!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Mutant and proud!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Wish Akie was prime minister. Japan has never been Christianized, so there is no such thing as evil sex (which doesn't mean anyting, it is like "evil spaghetti"). People didn't think about it much before because marriage was for controlling flow of wealth through generations, not love, and what you did in your private time was your own business. Under western influence, gay is now seen as "hentai". But spending a few hours with a dominatrix is "hentai", but that doesn't mean you wouldn't like to try it. It is not really a moral thing.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I personally have no issue with gay people, just more beautiful women for us straight guys! That said, I do have a problem with trying to include or compare the LGBT movement with what African Americans have had to endure, and still to this day! There may be “some” similarities, but it in no way compares. Not at all… Have your movement, that’s all good, just don’t compare to the Civil Rights Movement…

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Love George Takei. Saw him in '76 at the Star Trek 10th Anniversary Con at the Philly Sheraton. There is serious, sometimes deadly discrimination against LGBT here in Japan that uses GBT (not L) celebrity men on TV as a smokescreen. Almost as bad as the legalized anti-LGBT situation in Hong Kong. Glad George is over here.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Thunderbird2JUN. 06, 2014 - 04:03PM JST I have nothing against gay people and yes, they should have the same rights as straight people... What irks me is that they feel the need to 'camp it up' and have these big parades. Some people see gays as exhibitionists, camp, loud, garish and in your face... these parades only seem to reinforce that stereotype. If openly gay (ie camp) people want to be accepted by the rest of us, maybe they should just calm it down a bit. Maybe I should organise a Spectacles Pride march... Anyway, George Takei is a good guy, very funny and I wish him luck..

You need to think a little more laterally here 'Thunderbird2'. I mean, when were bespectacled folks ever discriminated against, faced violence, abuse and ostracization?

Everyone wants to be accepted and appreciated in their community and seen as an equal, right? If for some reason people were afraid and angry with who you were and what you did you would want them to understand how misinformed they were, right? If you are gay you often have to hide yourself because if you reveal that you are gay you will often not be accepted.

Gay people have parades and are 'loud' about who they are because they want to promote the understanding that, yes their sexual orientation may not be the 'norm' but that doesn't mean they are not an equal part of the community - 'it's look at us! Yes, we are different in a way, and that's okay - we are fun and not going to hurt you!"

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Thunderbird - "What irks me is that they feel the need to 'camp it up' and have these big parades."

Mate, if you had been repressed as long as they have, you'd probably want to have a big parade too.

There is a reason for everything.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

being gay is that it's counter evolution: It's a dead-end for human evolution.

By that logic then straight people who marry and do not have kids are also counter evolution (sic). Or people who do not marry at all and do not have kids. What about couples that do not marry but do have kids? Is that counter counter evolution (sic)?

What a stupid idea. One of many that makes excuses for people to be bigots and hate what they do not understand or even attempt to understand.

No gay person thinks to themselves, oh I can be gay and counter evolution (sic) or I can have a baby with someone I cannot love.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Good on Takei -- a man with true courage, and a respected celebrity to boot.

bass4funk: "I don't care either way, but I don't believe in gay marriage, that's my stance, other than that, do whatever you want."

Excuse me, but if you don't care either way, then you cannot care if gay people marry each other. Or if you go 180 and do care, it's easy: don't enter a gay marriage, bass. In the mean time, step back for the people that ARE gay and want to enter a marriage. You can't possibly still pretend to believe in some ancient biblical blathering that it's "between a man and a women" when you have probably attended weddings here where the 'priest' is just an English teacher being paid to play the part.

What's the problem with allowing people who love each other and want to get married marry each other? All you are saying by denying them the right is that marriage is an outdated, Western relic which does not have the true meaning of love at heart.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

I must be getting old. Sulu is now 77?! Yikes!

Takei is a great actor, his portayal of Hikaru Sulu was just fabulous, especially as the evil Sulu in the "Mirror, Mirror" episode.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Oh my. Bababooey!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

George Takei did a wonderful job playing a cultural ambassador on television nearly half a century ago and now, embracing the internet age, he's doing something quite similar in real life. I salute you, George.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

CGBSpender: "You're bringing up a list of excuses why gay can support evolution. The fact remains, as you hinted in your 2. Comment, that evolution doesn't need gay to be able to survive. But on the contrary if humans would become mostly gay, it would be a treat for evolution and survival of the species."

You're making even less sense than normal. Homosexuality has been around since the as long as humanity (and even before that!), and we're still going pretty strong despite such news threads distressing you.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Sounds like Takei is telling Japanese, "get out of your closet".

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Homosexuality has been around since the as long as humanity (and even before that!), and we're still going pretty strong despite such news threads distressing you.

You cant say this with certainty, that's the problem. You mean bi-sexuality?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Good post SmithinJapan.

The reality of this issue is so simple it hurts.

Bass, gay marriage hurts no one.

If a gay couple move in next to a straight couple, this causes zero harm to anyone.

If a gay couple decide to get married, this causes zero harm to anyone.

What does cause harm is prejudice - usually held by conservative Christians - who have surrendered their own thinking faculties and instead let religious leaders and a 2,000 year old book tell them what to believe.

In fact, top Anglican clergy in my own country publically apologized to the LGBT community only 2 weeks ago for the >harm< the church admitted it has caused to gays and lesbians.

Allowing homosexuals to get married harms no one, least of all anti-gay folks. The only 'harm' the anti-gay folks experience is the 'harm' they magic up in their own heads..

Legalizing gay marriage doesn't 'destroy marriage' as many anti-gay conservative Christians love to proclaim. ==> all it does is expand the definition of marriage while bringing more happiness to individuals and communities, and more stability (financial and emotional) to gay couples and their dependents. 

As someone else wrote above, if you don't like the idea if a gay marriage, don't enter one.

Otherwise, let gay folks who live each other get married and enjoy the same privileges that straight married folks do. 

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I am totally against any prejudice be it race, creed or sexuality. I too get annoyed about all the gay rights campaigns and publicity but I also realise that some people need it rammed down their throats to get the message. It is about time that the human race accepted others for who and what they are. No discrimination... what a perfect world!

Being gay should not be an issue for anyone. Just like your skin colour.

I am heterosexual but I have many friends and relatives that are not. It's never made me raise my eyebrows because if it is a problem (which it shouldn't be) it is their problem not mine.

Live and let live.. the sooner everyone adopts this opinion the less publicity gays will seek...

0 ( +4 / -4 )

What does cause harm is prejudice - usually held by conservative Christians - who have surrendered their own thinking faculties and instead let religious leaders and a 2,000 year old book tell them what to believe.

I don't understand your fixation and hate against Christians who don't share the same beliefs as you do. So how about non-Christians like Muslims who don't believe in gay marriage? They get a pass from you?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


It's prejudice whoever it comes from. 

I mentioned Christians because I happen to get earfuls of anti-gay tripe from more than a few Christians in my circle of acquaintances. 

It's ok not to like something. That's cool.

It's not ok to try to restrict the rights of another person - who is not causing harm to anyone - by voting or acting in a way that restricts that person's basic rights. 

Many anti-gay folks don't seem to understand this. 

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Personally I always thought Japan would easily accept GAY people if you look around men wearing ladies hairstyles and makeup men carrying women's purses, men cross dressing queer parades, men stealing women underwear, queer bars. Japan has always been GAY so what's wrong with the GAY people coming out. I'm telling you as STRAIGHT as I am and can be!!!!All the GAY people should just come out as hard GAY and keep their personal kissing and affection in the privacy of their homes and not where you have little kids who see this behavior grow up even more confused! All I'm saying is watch the kids let them make their choice when they get older and please don't say people are born that way! People happen to stray that way !

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Mr. George Takei at his very witty, fun, intelligent best, boldly going where few dare to go in a 2013 interview: http://youtu.be/aZl6fb9FuRA

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Oh man, how pathetic that some of you have the energy and time to waste pondering why or whether LGBT issues are real or if they matter. For ages sexual minorities have suffered, and continue to suffer enormous hardship just because of who they privately love and desire and the private loving, sexual relationships they create out of mutual consent. And the only reason they speak up for themselves in a loud voice, band together as one, make themselves visible, and reappropriate words like gay or queer is because they were discriminated and marginalized into doing so, because otherwise they would be killed, tortured, bullied, persecuted, imprisoned.... How stupid do you have to be to not realize these are basic human rights issues? Here in Japan, where there is actually a long history of not only tolerance but even celebration of same-sex relations (albeit only between men), and where Christian morality has virtually no relevance, the debate is rather different than the homophobic comments in this thread. Sure there is homophobia in Japan and society is so geared toward heterosexual marriage and families that it makes gay men and women hide their sexual orientation. But this is changing. Younger generations are radically different these days, and LGBT relationships are becoming more and more visible in the cities. It will take time but I think Japan is ultimately going to be open to creating true LGBT equality, and probably with a lot less of this moralistic, self-serving, ignorant, and arrogant baggage that so many commenters in this forum are ushering forth. I am glad to know that Takei, the US embassy/consulate and so many others are bravely helping to make these silenced voices audible to everyone.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

If you have never been hassled and discriminated againts for just being who and what you natually are then it may be hard to understand the problem If you have ever been afraid of people finding out who you are and have spent a big part of your life acting the opposite of what you are then you may not understand People that are part of the greater majority don't have those problems and sometimes that means they have no empathy. Even here in the United States we still have people being killed, beaten, and bullieed just for being gay.Just because you don't understand does not mean ther is not a problem. You don't face such a problem because it does not affect you.

3 ( +4 / -1 )


Excuse me, but if you don't care either way, then you cannot care if gay people marry each other.

I can say that. That is my personal opinion and I can't be wrong for having my opinion.

Or if you go 180 and do care, it's easy: don't enter a gay marriage, bass. In the mean time, step back for the people that ARE gay and want to enter a marriage. You can't possibly still pretend to believe in some ancient biblical blathering that it's "between a man and a women" when you have probably attended weddings here where the 'priest' is just an English teacher being paid to play the part.

Gay people can marry if they want, that's there right, I don't have to agree with it. I have many gay friends, they know my position, they respect it, I respect them, we have no problems.

What's the problem with allowing people who love each other and want to get married marry each other? All you are saying by denying them the right is that marriage is an outdated, Western relic which does not have the true meaning of love at heart.

Again, you are right, but I just don't believe in same sex marriage, would I stop them, No. Their choice, their life, but is don't have to like it, nor do I have to agree with it.


I think the conservatives should welcome gay marriage. The image of gays living an immoral, promiscuous lifestyle was one the right loved to throw at the gay community. Surely a monogamous, mortgage/tax-paying couple ( gays on average are more likely to hold professional positions ) is a good thing, no?

The funny thing is that most of my gay friends ARE conservative, they are great people. Most conservatives that I know don't have a problem with gays either way, the older ones do and it's not only conservatives that feel like that. I know many older liberals that feel the same. I think it's more of a generational thing than anything else.


Ever heard of hypocrisy? You want to tell gay people that they can't get married, but they can't tell you that they'd like you to stop discriminating against them? Wow. You're precisely the reason why LGBT people feel it is necessary to shout, because you clearly can't hear very well.

I'm not telling gay people anything. Now who is the one prejudging? This is my personal belief and they can shout all they want, I can shout just as loudly.

Bull. Centuries of fighting for civil rights proves you wrong. If people don't fight for their rights then they get walked all over.

So now you think the civil rights movement and gay rights are in the same catagory? Sorry, but they're not.

No, you deserve to be jumped all over, because you seem to believe that you're better than LGBT people, that you can dictate what they're allowed to say and do, but they can't say a word to you. You're a bigot.

ROFL! I deserve to be jumped over? Why? Because you think I don't have the right to form my own opinion? I'm not in the streets calling for boycotting gay establishments and harming or attacking and using violence against gay people. I'm not a bigot, one of my closest friends and guitar player in my band is gay. I'm not even close to being a bigot. All I said was simply, I don't believe in gay marriage. That's all. That's my belief, that's where I stand and I will always stand by that and if people don't like it......

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

I have fathered 3 healthy kids by love with my wife and take all my energy to make them nice people with everyone. I appeciate people realizing that compare to LGBT , life too is complicated sometimes And I the first protect anyone against being harmed, but I fight people who wish more rights than others. Being gay & co is no cooler than being straight and if you are gay, it does allow you to try to "buy" a kid because straight people have and say marriage is needed to prove love. Marriage has always been for the general purpose of procreating and giving a civilized system to our species. No we are not bee, nor ant or even monkeys to compare with. I think there is more openmindedness because mankind has achieved to have conquered its environment. Put it under heavy demographic strain and LGBT will be scorned at again, up to physical torture...

Happy to live now in society where democracy and mutual respect is the norm. Hourah to the people who play game of life. Protect the weak and don t let people think they are naturally better than you, and same applies to every category of people.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Well done to Mr Takai and more power to the Gay community world wide. Btw I was wondering if his character in Star Trek was gay.... I never watched it :( Perhaps I'll checkout Tsutaya tonight :) but I don't have a card :(

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It seems some people have a fundamental misunderstanding of civil rights. You cannot compare LGBT rights and civil rights because they are the same thing. The civil rights movement is aimed at equal rights for all under law, not any specific group. Seemingly well-informed people complaining that LGBT rights are not the same as civil rights just reinforces the importance of LGBT rights campaigning.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

They are not the same. There are no signs saying "Gays not allowed" or "Gay drinking water fountains"., Gays being hung from the street lights, NOT allowing them to vote and on and on. It's is not the same thing to comparing it to the civil rights struggle is an insult to those that lived through it and went through it.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Bass4funk---YES THERE ARE such signs and prohibitions, written and unwritten--all over the world. Have you heard anything about Russia lately? Uganda? Nigeria? A police chief losing her job for being lesbian in the USA? Life partners being separated at the border because one country refuses to acknowledge their union? These days perhaps not as pronounced in the USA and not so obviously and in-your-face, but yes LGBT issues are civil rights issues EVERYWHERE, including here in Japan where it is said that the LGBT population alone would equal at least the population of Yokohama, and where being gay and bullied for it turns out to ve one of the top reasons for suicides. What planet have you been living on, by the way???

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The sooner that people realize the gay rights issue is a human rights issue, the better.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Darwin's evolution is just that. Fact. All species evolve and as they do they change and loose the features that the evolution of that species and environment requires to it's survival. gay genes have not been removed because it is deemed required to balance the species. Otherwise it would have been naturally removed over time. A two sided object is flawed. A three sided object stabilises the situation. That's why gay genes is part of evolution and will remain. Its natural.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

gay genes have not been removed because it is deemed required to balance the species.

I am not going to say gayness is an over all flaw. Everyone and everything is flawed, and its all just part of who we are.

But there is no gay gene. There might be some genes that allow for more sexual variety, who knows? But then, it might be the majority of us who have such genes and it would explain a hell of a lot more than just gayness. If there are people who have sex in only a way that is evolutionary necessary only, I pity them, and I think they must be a sad, sorry minority. I also suspect its them that make most of the noise on issues such as these, who then get all mad that gays have made noises in return.

Anyway, it seems that gayness was not an issue in old Japan. What happened? Well, it seems you can't talk in public about any aspect of your sexuality with some sort of backlash, hardly matters if you are gay or straight. And I think that is the real problem here. Nobody should have to talk about or make excuses for it. But since gays have been forced to, people should be more tolerant of what they didn't want to know. If any listener feels its too much information, they should be attacking the people who forced the information out of them in the first place by such actions as firing them if they are found to be gay.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Bass You keep telling us that you are against gay marriage but you've offered no reasons why. You have gay friends and I'd assume that you'd like them to live happy lives. What is your reason for depriving those you care about of the same rights as you or me? It must be a very good one.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Bass, I shouldn't have to say this: homosexuals are humans too.

If you think homosexuals shouldn't marry, you are making this a human rights issue; which - as I said before - it is. 

I'm not sure why you don't seem to understand this.

Jimizo, I think you will find that Bass believes as he does because the Christian Bible tells him that homosexuality is a 'sin' (never mind that the same Bible provides God's rules for keeping slaves, and that the god of the same Bible orders rape, infanticide, genocide, and even wipes out every living thing on the face of the planet (see the movie 'Noah' for more on this.))

Believing the Bible - as I suspect Bass does - completely abdicates him from the necessity of actually having to think issues like this through.

He is told what to think, unfortunately much like a robot.

Bass, if you are not Christian; please ignore the second part of this post. 

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Really good post above, grungy. You made a very solid case for equality.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


You keep telling us that you are against gay marriage but you've offered no reasons why. You have gay friends and I'd assume that you'd like them to live happy lives. What is your reason for depriving those you care about of the same rights as you or me? It must be a very good one.

Because I don't believe that it is right, I believe in procreation and to do that, you need a man and a woman. Quite simple. Looking at it from scientific POV, not religious. I am not depriving anyone of anything, but this is what gets me about you libs, you want to twist and distort my words trying to accuse me of something, I never said. I'll say it once again. You can do and be whatever you like, it's your life, NOT mine, I don't have to accept it. I'm fine with that, so should you.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

@Bass As someone who votes and is against gay marriage, would you vote against gay marriage? Your vote could help to deny people rights. Your 'scientific' reason for opposing gay marriage doesn't hold water. Many heterosexual couples choose not to or can't procreate. Many widows remarry later in life after being past child-bearing age. Are their marriages not legitimate in your eyes?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

So you must conform to have your say, if it is not within the middle road or pro then you are marginalised, you cannot force those who do not like the gay agenda to accept it no matter what you try.

You cannot force your view onto others we all are free to dislike what ever we decide. Live with it./

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

bass4funk: "I can say that. That is my personal opinion and I can't be wrong for having my opinion."

You are entirely entitled to your opinion, of course, but to say you're not against gays and then say you're against their entitlement to the same rights as you is contradictory, and therefore wrong.

"You can do and be whatever you like, it's your life, NOT mine, I don't have to accept it."

Except that they CAN'T do whatever they long so long as the attitude of people who are against it for absolutely no logical reason exist. The mere fact that you are posting on the topic against gay marriage is testimony to the paradoxical statements you make.

"So now you think the civil rights movement and gay rights are in the same catagory? Sorry, but they're not."

They absolutely ARE the in the same category, especially when the same kind of bigotry tries to suggest that discrimination is 'different'.

"There are no signs saying "Gays not allowed" or "Gay drinking water fountains"., Gays being hung from the street lights, NOT allowing them to vote and on and on."

Sorry, I forget what that US military rule is called.... Don't Ask Don't Tell, maybe? and if you do tell you're 'not allowed', right? I seem to recall some people being in favor of changing it so that they can state their sexual preference and not be kept from military service, and correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you against that?

1 ( +5 / -4 )


Persecution? You mean like not being allowed to marry, not being able to work in certain jobs, not being allowed to serve your country, not being allowed to adopt children. Some of these have changed recently, such as being allowed to serve in the armed forces and being allowed to adopt (in some states), but many haven't.

I was talking specifically about marriage. No, I don't believe in it. Never will.

And lynchings? Well, gays aren't apparently good enough to merit lynchings, they just get beaten to death in clubs, at school, at home, etc.

That is bad, of course. No one should ever hurt or kill anyone because of their race, religion nationality or sexual orientation.

Well you wouldn't understand because you've never tried to get through a month at school or work dodging questions about your apparent lack of a boyfriend/girlfriend, or how people think its weird that you're over a certain age aren't married and don't seem to have a partner, or how you dress well and take care of your appearance...

Uhhh, you can't say, I don't understand or what I know or don't know, you are just speculating now...

Society has lots of ways of making life difficult for LGBT people to hide. I have a gay friend who's now in his 60's, and when he was about 25 he bought a plain gold wedding ring and wore it every day to work, because it stopped women hitting on him and questions from his boss and co-workers about when he was going to get married. It worked pretty well, but it was necessary for him to lie every day of his life to stop people from finding out he was gay, or he would have been fired and probably arrested.

Sorry to hear that.

You clearly haven't considered just how difficult it is to hide something like your sexuality. It is supposed to be private, but that's a load of bull. Just look at the tradition of wedding rings, of companies having functions where spouses/boyfriends/girlfriends are invited, of proms and similar social events.

So now they are the victims? How about the man that owns the cake shop and just because he doesn't believe in gay marriage the courts forced him to make cakes for his gay clients anyway? So now the government once again its PC and powers of overreach is forcing people to accept alternate sexual lifestyles? You call that democracy? Now people are being punished for believing a certain way. That is completely outrageous!

Nobody is trying to force you to do or be anything.

Really? If so, why is it you keep trying to lecture me that I am wrong? How can I be wrong? That is MY OPINION just like you and the others have your own OPINION and I accept it, I don't agree with it at all, but I accept it.

We're just asking for the same courtesy from you. Its two-way traffic mate. You can't demand something from other people and then turn around and get offended when they treat you exactly the same way.

Frungy buddy, I am not offended in the sense, I don't get angry when I see gays together. I just don't believe in it. I am not demanding anything except that we should all respect each others opinions, that's all and I don't think I am being unreasonable.

You seem to have a problem with the idea of equality.

I have no problems. We are all equal, I just believe same sex marriage is wrong. If I were to try to stop or block gays from being married, then you could make that statement.

You think you're allowed to express your opinions, and even tell gay people what they can or cannot do, but nobody else can express their contradictory opinions, disagree with you or tell you anything.

I have that right and you can say to me whatever you like, but I can also counter your argument, especially when you are making false accusations about me and you know nothing of me or my personality and trying to make me something that I am not. And this is exactly how gossip starts and fear mongering starts, you change the narrative to suit your PC agenda. In this case, you think I am a bigot when I already explained to you that I am not. I just don't believe in same sex marriage, but you and the other libs are trying to distort and turn my words around, not going to work. But nice try.

Its a two-way street mate. If you can't handle people disagreeing with you then I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut and hands away from the keyboard. If you can't handle the idea of equality then I'd suggest you move to somewhere like North Korea, where they've never heard of it - although I doubt you'd enjoy it very much.

I can handle anything anyone dishes at me, believe me. But I think you should take the same advice and understand, there are people who will not always agree with you and that is not a bad thing, that is a good thing, that is what democracy is. We need to respect that, I respect your opinions, I think you are wrong, but that is me and I am entitled to my opinions just like you are and just leave it at that.


You are entirely entitled to your opinion, of course, but to say you're not against gays and then say you're against their entitlement to the same rights as you is contradictory, and therefore wrong.

No, I am not, because I can believe what I want.

Except that they CAN'T do whatever they long so long as the attitude of people who are against it for absolutely no logical reason exist. The mere fact that you are posting on the topic against gay marriage is testimony to the paradoxical statements you make.

Again, I am NOT blocking, nor am I advocating that gays should not be married, that is for every gay person to decide, but I just will never be for it. I would not stand in their way and lecture them and I want that same respect extended towards me as well.

They absolutely ARE the in the same category, especially when the same kind of bigotry tries to suggest that discrimination is 'different'.

No, they are not.

Sorry, I forget what that US military rule is called.... Don't Ask Don't Tell, maybe? and if you do tell you're 'not allowed', right? I seem to recall some people being in favor of changing it so that they can state their sexual preference and not be kept from military service, and correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you against that?

No, I could care less if anyone in the military is gay. I was on the fence about the "Don't ask, don't tell" to some extent. I understand both sides for other reasons and NOT for the reasons you might think, but you have a lot of men that are 99% straight and many don't feel comfortable knowing that a gay person is among their ranks, NOT that the person is less or not worthy, but because for some it can bring the morale down, not to mention, some men feel uncomfortable bathing or being nude around gay people, NOW that is NOT my opinion, I couldn't care less. I don't feel threatened either way, but not everyone is like me and some can't accept it, also to keep the morale of the troops up, I don't it is necessarily in that kind of a highly driven testosterone environment a bad thing to uphold, but that is my opinion again, but anywhere else, I don't care.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Bass, stop digging, mate.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

stop digging, mate.

It's called, respecting someone else's opinion, No need to dig if there is no concrete, No need to scratch if there is No itch. We all have different opinions and values, let us respect one another.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

bass4funk: "No, I am not, because I can believe what I want."

Believing it does not make it right, my friend, and fortunately gays are fighting for what is ACTUALLY right instead of some made up notion you believe that they cannot be wed and live for one another. Ironic, isn't it? you showing so much hate when people like George are fighting on behalf of love, and you saying you aren't a bigot.

"No, I could care less if anyone in the military is gay."

Except that you follow that with "i was on the fence......... to an extent.......". Tell me, what percentage is being 'on the fence to an extent'? Being on the fence means you cannot decide, which also happens to contradict you saying you don't care (and by the way, saying you "could care less" literally means you could care less and have not reached your limit. It's actually, "I couldn't care less", as in you could care no more about something), so you're saying you couldn't decide 'to an extent'?

The rambling excuses that follow as an attempt to justify the bigotry say more than enough, and definitely speak volumes about how much you care.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


Believing it does not make it right, my friend, and fortunately gays are fighting for what is ACTUALLY right instead of some made up notion you believe that they cannot be wed and live for one another. Ironic, isn't it? you showing so much hate when people like George are fighting on behalf of love, and you saying you aren't a bigot.

Except that you follow that with "i was on the fence......... to an extent.......". Tell me, what percentage is being 'on the fence to an extent'? Being on the fence means you cannot decide, which also happens to contradict you saying you don't care (and by the way, saying you "could care less" literally means you could care less and have not reached your limit. It's actually, "I couldn't care less", as in you could care no more about something), so you're saying you couldn't decide 'to an extent'?

I already explained my position in the last post.

Sorry, but it's not going to work. I have already express repeatedly over and over again, I am NOT a bigot. Just because I personally oppose gay marriage, doesn't make me a racist, but in true liberal fashion, you guys just focus on and thinking A) I oppose same sex marriage which B) equates me to being hateful and ignorant. Do you know how ludicrous that sounds. It's just like, I don't particularly like Goya, so that means, I hate all vegetables? It's the same analogy. It's like I'm being forced to eat it and love it, because it's good for me. Libs are the ones that are hateful and intolerant of other people that don't believe the way they do. If you believe in God, your an ignorant person. If you are a conservative, you are pathetic, if you oppose anything that the left believes in, you are just NOT fit to live on this planet, because liberals are always sensible, knowledgeable, righteous, never Fallible and never, ever wrong. You guys NEVER want to listen to ANY opposing view and you guys want to twist and distort the opinion of others that disagree with you. This is why the president is having so many problems because he thinks he's smart and everyone else is stupid, especially conservatives and as a result, people are increasingly getting tired of this boasting and this halo of, we are the anointed and the chosen ones. How about trying to accept the view of others? You don't have to like it, but understand, you guys are NOT the chosen and there are people that will disagree with you and I'm one of them. Funny thing is, Obama opposed gay marriage as well, was never for it, now he is all of a sudden? You think he's really sincere? It was always political. There is not way, the man just woke up one day and realized, I am for this. Not buying it, but the cost of the vote is greater than his beliefs on a certain issues, fine, be that as it may. That's his choice and I respect that. But I'm not running for office and I'm not trying to please anyone. I just believe it's not right and I'm allowed to FEEL that way and I'll always feel this way. Now if I'm saying, I will block them and I will do everything in my power to make sure gays can never marry, you and other libs can label me as a bigot, racist, homophobe or whatever pejorative you like. But the fact is, I'm not. I have a few gay friends, they know where I stand, we respect each other and unlike you guys, they DO accept and care for me. But I really can see who is the tolerant and who is intolerant group here.

The rambling excuses that follow as an attempt to justify the bigotry say more than enough, and definitely speak volumes about how much you care.

Smith, Actually, I could flip that statement around.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

@Bass Up to now, your torrential posts haven't even started to explain your reason for opposing gay marriage. Your 'scientific' reason that gay couples can't reproduce has been repeatedly shot down in debates on this topic. As I mentioned, many heterosexual couples choose not to or can't procreate and many widows remarry later in life after being past child-bearing age. Many couples don't have the potential or inclination to reproduce. Ranting on about liberals characterizing conservatives as bigots will happen if conservatives are unable to put forward a coherent and considered argument. Convince us why your reason is a good one. I for one would love to hear it.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Up to now, your torrential posts haven't even started to explain your reason for opposing gay marriage. Your 'scientific' reason that gay couples can't reproduce has been repeatedly shot down in debates on this topic.

They haven't been shot down because I don't have to give a scientific reason. Does every argument have to revolve around science? Just because you can't scientifically ascertain as to why I feel like this. It's perfectly ok if you don't understand my reason for feeling like this and that's ok. As humans, we don't have to use science to comprehend and understand our basic human feeling and emotions. If you are for gay marriage, I don't question you as to why do you support it. That is your right, if you believe in it and I sincerely respect that, but I don't have to agree with you, that is also my right.

Ranting on about liberals characterizing conservatives as bigots will happen if conservatives are unable to put forward a coherent and considered argument.

Rant is when you don't respect another persons opinion and you try, let me repeat, TRY to act if you are intellectually superior and that in itself is a bigoted attitude. What is a coherent argument depends on how the other individual perceives the argument usually.

Convince us why your reason is a good one. I for one would love to hear it.

There is no reason, it's just the way I feel. Like when you fall in love, you can't elaborate why you feel the way you do about a certain individual, you just do or don't. Chemistry.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Bass, you said: 'I believe in procreation and to do that, you need a man and a woman. Quite simple. Looking at it from scientific POV, not religious'

and then when I asked you to explain your 'scientific POV':

' I don't have to give a scientific reason. Does every argument have to revolve around science? Just because you can't scientifically ascertain as to why I feel like this.'

A prime example if why conservatives are treated with suspicion in these debates. All of their objections are either morally bankrupt or illogical. Sliding off down a side alley with 'it doesn't feel right' should be treated with the derision it deserves.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

A prime example if why conservatives are treated with suspicion in these debates. All of their objections are either morally bankrupt or illogical.

That is your opinion, if that is what a person believes in, neither you nor anyone else has the right to tell them to believe otherwise. Funny thing is, Conservatives are not hounding you for your beliefs, nor should you. That is illogical.

Sliding off down a side alley with 'it doesn't feel right' should be treated with the derision it deserves.

That is your right to believe so and I have mine. I am cool with it and so should you, dude.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


There is no reason, it's just the way I feel. Like when you fall in love, you can't elaborate why you feel the way you do about a certain individual, you just do or don't. Chemistry.

Can gays fall in love? Do they have chemistry? Love to hear your answer.

Love and opinions do not equal the same. When opinion become a driver for hatred/disbelief/denial to on another human being it equals discrimination! Nothing more and nothing less.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Can gays fall in love? Do they have chemistry? Love to hear your answer.

You guys crack me up, seriously! Of course, gays can fall in love, I don't have a problem with that. I was talking about marriage. I think the liberal brain and ear are completely immune to paying attention, reading properly and understanding that there is another POV that might not be the same as your opinion.

Love and opinions do not equal the same. When opinion become a driver for hatred/disbelief/denial to on another human being it equals discrimination! Nothing more and nothing less.

Sorry, but there is NO hatred here. As for you some of you, it seems you libs are wallowing in hate. If you guys are really tolerant as you claim to be, just accept the fact that there are people that will never agree with you and it's Ok. We don't always have to agree, as long as we respect each other, that's the main thing.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )


You guys crack me up, seriously! Of course, gays can fall in love

But what, just don't have a universal legal way to confirm it. Because your opinion they should not be allowed! That's discrimination not an opinion!

3 ( +3 / -0 )


But what, just don't have a universal legal way to confirm it. Because your opinion they should not be allowed! That's discrimination not an opinion!

ROFL! I never said, such a thing. People can do whatever they want, but I don't have to agree with it. It's that simple.


Actually, that exactly makes you a bigot.

Sorry, but it doesn't. I don't harm, attack, demand or advocate in the streets that gays should never marry. It's just an opinion about the sanctimony or marriage. But that doesn't make me a bigot, not by a long shot. Again, me NOT eating broccoli doesn't mean, I hate vegetables. But nice try.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I've never seen such a beatdown in the over a decade I've been using this site.

3 ( +4 / -1 )


Sorry, but it doesn't. I don't harm, attack, demand or advocate in the streets that gays should never marry.

You do it on the internet. Does that reach more or less than you on the street! The fact that you say you don't harm anyone quite frankly your opinion but reality would say otherwise.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


allow them all! or ban them all!

And that's fine and fair, I agree. No one should be blocked, Zichi, it's just something, don't think that's right, but I'm not going to stop someone from being happy.


I've never seen such a beatdown in the over a decade I've been using this site.

I would consider it more of defiance to Borg assimilate than anything else (which I would never do)


You do it on the internet.

Uhhh, No, you were attacking me, let's get that lie straight.

Does that reach more or less than you on the street! The fact that you say you don't harm anyone quite frankly your opinion but reality would say otherwise.

That's what you think or believe than fine, it's your opinion.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


I've never seen such a beatdown in the over a decade I've been using this site.

Exciting isn't it!!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"What does cause harm is prejudice - usually held by conservative Christians - who have surrendered their own thinking faculties and instead let religious leaders and a 2,000 year old book tell them what to believe."

Why do people keep saying this!! Japan and Korea and China will ONLY accept gay marriage if they are bullied into it by the post-Christian countries.

The non-religious people I know aren't okay with their sons marrying men. But now, people are too scared to say what every civilisation has said for centuries and also until very recently (including Obama), because they will be bashed and vilified and maybe even lose their jobs or have their businesses attacked by the gay mafia. I don't care what the bIble says.

Neither do the Japanese or Chinese or the Zulus. They just think it's crazy.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

If you say you don't mind people being gay but don't want them to be treated equally to straight people then you're supporting discrimination and you clearly do mind people being gay.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

If you say you don't mind people being gay but don't want them to be treated equally to straight people then you're supporting discrimination and you clearly do mind people being gay.

I don't agree with that at all. If a person says that and feels that in their heart gays shouldn't be treated equally, then you have a good argument, but if a person he or she holds the belief in their heart that is is morally, ethically, religiously or scientifically wrong and again, having their own opinion, NOT trying to impose it on anyone else, how are they supporting anything other than their own opinion. The problem is, many progressive libs can't stand for anyone to fall out of line with what they perceive as the proper righteous societal views and everyone needs to follow them and if you don't, then you should be abused, shunned and scorned for not agreeing with the liberal masses. Last I checked, it was perfectly alright to have an opposite and opinionated POV without being a racist provided you don't physically and emotionally abuse people, then that would be considered to be an act of discrimination.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Bass4funk - What is it about gay people that leads you to have the opinion that they don't deserve to be treated equally? Why should gay people not be able to enjoy the good and bad times that marriages bring that straight people have had? How would a gay couple marrying have any impact whatsoever on you?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

What is it about gay people that leads you to have the opinion that they don't deserve to be treated equally?

What is it with liberals and reading properly. I thought liberals were supposed to be the people that are overly educated. I never said, they don't deserve to be treated differently. I never, ever said that. Again, I NEVER SAID THAT! It is just MY PERSONAL OPINION that it is not right. How you or anyone else thinks is not my concern, just my own opinion. I am allowed to feel the way I want.

Why should gay people not be able to enjoy the good and bad times that marriages bring that straight people have had? How would a gay couple marrying have any impact whatsoever on you?

They are not bothering me, I'm from Long Beach, CA. Lesbian capitol of the West. I don't care what you are, as long as you are a decent person. I do have a problem though with hypocritical liberals that say that they are tolerant, but anything but...

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

bass4funk - I've read your words. Perhaps I've misunderstood, but when you say you don't believe in gay marriage that makes it sound as if you are against it. Are you saying you're not against it?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I've read your words. Perhaps I've misunderstood, but when you say you don't believe in gay marriage that makes it sound as if you are against it. Are you saying you're not against it?

I'm personally against it, but I would never tell anyone how to live their life and I would never impose my belief as right on others, it's just my personal belief. Everyone has the absolute right to be happy and live as they please.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I never said, they don't deserve to be treated differently. I never, ever said that. Again, I NEVER SAID THAT! It is just MY PERSONAL OPINION that it is not right

You never said they don't deserve equal rights but it is your "PERSONAL OPINION [that them having equality] is not right".

How does one believe that they deserve equality while also holding the position that said equality is not right? The cognitive dissonance must be agony.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

How does one believe that they deserve equality while also holding the position that said equality is not right? The cognitive dissonance must be agony.

Easy, because you are not me and I'm not you, we think differently and that's ok. NO agony. I think for many liberals that can't make me think in lock step and are unwilling to accept another POV is the agony for you and them. What makes sense to you, doesn't have to make sense to me and vice versa. You and everyone can formulate any opinion you wish, but you don't know me, so your opinion would be based on a guess and not of any accurate assessment.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

CGB Spender

But on the contrary if humans would become mostly gay, it would be a treat for evolution and survival of the species. NO, Evolution showed that for procreation you don need to have sexual intercourse, hence, you don't need man a woman to mix because you have other alternatives like in-vitro fertilization, in fact, evolution seems to help in having more women pregnant, there are a lot of cases where pills are not effective, you can be 6 months pregnant without knowing it (because women still have their periods), eve if you use micro-abortive devices such as IUD you still can get pregnant. There are many same sex couples that still want to raise childre, they can adopt, use a surrogate mother or an anonymous donor, so, I don't see the "counter-evolution"


What irks me is that they feel the need to 'camp it up' and have these big parades. Yeah, but there are many factors that makes an influence on that, first one is the repression, living in the closet for a long time helps build a lot to tension waiting to be released, and second, there is a great percentage of people who, in using "outrageous" makeup, flashy dresses and wigs, is part of who they are, like a dancer needs to dance either in private or in public, not all of them are that way, but the ones that show off do it to help the others in expressing themselves


I just don't believe in same sex marriage Poor Bass, every comment you made had a negative reception, what I seem to understand is that you are not a bigot, you even have friends and close friends that are gay and you don't bash them or tell them what to do. You say that you don't believe in same sex marriage but you confused people, because there are two aspects that makes your personal opinion being attacked by others: Same sex marriage from the point of view of the legal contract between two people that want to share their lives together, for good, for bad, in sickness and health, means that that couple have the right to determine how to spend their lives as a family, with one supporting and caring for the other, and in case of representation and life-decisions (insurance, wills, alimony,etc) isn't that civil rights for people, why that contract HAS to be between man and woman? Or Same Sex marriage from the point of view of two people showing the world they love each other, with a white wedding and all that, it seems to me that rather to not believe in it you don LIKE it, and that's ok, you don't have to like it.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

What makes sense to you, doesn't have to make sense to me and vice versa.

Your position makes no sense at all; politics has nothing to do with it.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Your position makes no sense at all; politics has nothing to do with it.

No, it makes NO sense to you and that's ok.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

No, it makes NO sense to you and that's ok.

Regardless of who you are:

"I think gays should be able to get married but I don't think gays should be able to get married"

. . . is gibberish. Rather than abandoning reason and pretending that words don't have meaning, why not just have the courage to be honest about your prejudices?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

. . . is gibberish. Rather than abandoning reason and pretending that words don't have meaning, why not just have the courage to be honest about your prejudices?

Because then that would make me a liar and I don't lie. If so, that would be gibberish.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@bass4funk After reading all your posts, I realized I judged a little too quickly, and I'd retract a previous post, but it was already removed. It seems your stated separation of personal opinion and public interaction is genuine.

So can you not grant others' arguments the same leeway without labelling everyone opposed to you as 'liberal' and attaching views and opinions that haven't been stated? For one, many people who use this site are not even American, and the liberal and conservative stereotypes mentioned in these comments are very US-centric. I'm all for debating American politics, but in this case the article is actually focussed on somewhere else. Personally, I feel reducing any debate to abstract stereotypes completely destroys the debate.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Growing up with Star Trek reruns on TV, I fell in love with the mythos, the characters and the cheese. So, of course, I was naturally inclined to like the actors who played the heroes of my childhood.

But not Takei. He is a man with such class, clarity of thought, and genuine humanity that his status in my heart, and his celebrity, to the extent he has, is rather irrelevant.

We are lucky to have him as a advocate for equal rights for all Americans, and indeed, all people. Keep up the great work, Mr. Takei!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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