Japan Today
Image: Studio Ghibli

Ghibli Park visitors caught in lewd acts with anime character figures

By Oona McGee, SoraNews24

t’s been just over four months now since the highly anticipated Ghibli Park opened its doors to the public on November 1, and though the park has been receiving rave reviews for its environmentally friendly transport and the anime worlds that have been created in nature-filled areas, it has come under fire for what some have described as examples of hostile architecture, and now there’s another incident creating controversy with the public.

It recently became clear that a number of visitors have been posing in lewd ways with some of the park’s exhibits, namely the large figurines modelled on some of the studio’s most famous characters, located inside the Grand Warehouse.

People online have been sharing photos of these badly behaved visitors, which show a number of young men grabbing the breasts of Therru from "Tales from Earthsea" and taking upskirt photos of Marnie from "When Marnie Was There."

▼ The photos began appearing online on February 22.


In the real world, acts like these are sex crimes that would result in an arrest. Compounding the problem is the fact that both these characters are estimated to be between 14 and 17 for Therru, and in the case of Marnie, 12 years of age, making them both minors as they are under 18, the legal age of adulthood in Japan.

Add in the fact that many of the visitors to Ghibli Park are families with young children, and the problem becomes one which requires some sort of response from officials. However, media outlets who sought comment from Ghibli Park about the incidents were told by the public relations office that the park will not be commenting on the matter. 

This only heightened criticism against the park, until finally, on March 9, Hideaki Omura, the governor of Aichi Prefecture, where the park is located, held a press conference, saying:

“These displays are there so that everyone, from children to adults, can immerse themselves in the works of Studio Ghibli. It’s extremely unpleasant for photos like these to be uploaded to social media. It’s extremely regrettable and I sincerely want it to stop.”

▼ News report on the governor’s press conference.

He went on to reveal that a similar problem occurred in the past at the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo’s Mitaka, and because of these incidents, Ghibli Park has a policy of not commenting on these matters. As the park is located in Aichi Prefecture, the governor says he has asked Ghibli Park to respond strictly in the event of malicious incidents, and he also requests that visitors alert staff immediately if they see behaviour like this occurring during their visit.

He concluded by saying that people who act like this should not come to the park, and he is resolute that there will be strict repercussions for anyone acting like this in future.

Source: NHK News

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How about roping the figures off?

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Japanese men's are doomed, getting their jollies out of figurines,same thing happened at the girl at Wallstreet statue they have some statue at our Library,they are part of the Library community,they dress them up sometimes during holidays

-12 ( +6 / -18 )

How about roping the figures off?

So they can't be used for the purpose they are put there? it would be easier to store them, or close the park then.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Seems like some harmless distasteful humor.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

See today's article about child pornography. Totally makes sense.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )


What is the purpose of a statute?

They are to be admired not handled and certainly not disrespected

I’ve never seen works of art in the Louvre or the Smithsonian disrespected in this fashion.

These immature adults need their own sex dolls to carry out their own private fantasies in the comfort of their 1LDKs.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Studio Ghibli meets the Real Japan. It's sad, but I think we can actually learn something from this stark difference.

0 ( +9 / -9 )


1 ( +4 / -3 )

Seems like some harmless distasteful humor.

Initially, it seems like schoolboy humour. But on reflection, I can see why the park operators are getting upset.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

What is the purpose of a statute?

The whole purpose of THESE ones is for people to take pictures of themselves interacting with the statues, they are not there just to be looked at as you assumed.

This may surprise you but this is not the Louvre we are talking about, it is a theme park and the statues are not there as excellent work of art but only to help people get entertainment as is common in other similar places.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Also don’t forget when Aso was PM, he finally banned child porn. But he made an exemption for manga. That maybe why the deviants exist.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Some young dudes taking funny pictures with their buddies.

Lord have mercy. What is the world coming to.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Quelle surprise.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Nothing like a Sora news story on a Sunday morning. Come on JT there are more serious stories out there.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Putting a sign nearby that statue abusers will be sued for damaging business and reputation might help.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

People all they like to do is complain and find anything to complain to. People need to relax for a change.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

ジョージToday  07:03 am JST

A bunch of absolute losers ruining things for everyone else. The kind who couldn’t get a date with their dominant hand and end up marrying their body pillows.

> These immature adults need their own sex dolls to carry out their own private fantasies in the comfort of their 1LDKs.

When I was in college there was this deli that a mural reproduction of a famous painting featuring a lady bartender. Coming down the steps facing it, I'd often touch 'her' cheek for fun and kicks. Just a silly habit.

This is ridiculous, however. Touching a statue's breasts? Who are these geeky guys? They seriously need to GET A LIFE.

I've seen similar things like this at some concerts in America with huge cardboard standup cutouts of the performers. Some women would pose for selfies with 'Jon Bon Jovi' or the members of 'Def Leppard' or 'Phil Collins' (stand ups) , even laying a hand on the 'star' 's private zone.

One exemption was for (Jeff Lynne's) ELO. There was no standup cutout of Jeff or anybody else, but a huge billboard ad featuring the iconic ELO starship. Many ladies posed for selfies with that thing anyway.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

> > What is the purpose of a statute?

The whole purpose of THESE ones is for people to take pictures of themselves interacting with the statues, they are not there just to be looked at as you assumed.

This may surprise you but this is not the Louvre we are talking about, it is a theme park and the statues are not there as excellent work of art but only to help people get entertainment as is common in other similar places.


So, are you suggesting that the manhandling of statues in this way is defensible?

Astonishingly, it seems like it…

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

So, are you suggesting that the manhandling of statues in this way is defensible?

Nothing in my comment could be misrepresented this way, my whole point from the very beginning is that your "solution" was based on not understanding the reason the figures are there on the first place so you suggestion is not useful at all. Sorry if making your mistake clear somehow sits bad with you, but making up an excuse to pretend the point is different does absolutely nothing about it.

If someone is misusing chairs and you suggest making them full of spikes to avoid it, saying this is a terrible solution do not means in any way justifying the misuse.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Nothing wrong with letting people clown around, and muck around. We've all done with our mates. It's not even worth the news. Sadly I've just wasted my time actually replying to this.LOL, The Japanese fun police are coming out.......again. Since when did FUN actually become a crime? I'm not sure the guy in the purple jacket is doing anything wrong at all. Apart from some of the questionable pics, it's what Ghibli expected anyway. The fans could be near the figures and take pics. Otherwise, just make it like madam Tussauds and it will be bored into bankruptcy.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

CBC really sent a chopper there as if it was a war zone.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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