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Megumi Yokota's mother thankful Trump spoke of her daughter's abduction in U.N. speech


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is Trump the first US president to bring up Yokota in a major speech? If so, it's about time.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Although it's admirable that he mentioned one of the abductions, I wouldn't get my hopes up about it helping to get her or any of the others back.

Relations are at their worst and NK is in no mood whatsoever to acquiesce or compromise with Japan or anyone else.

This was included in the speech to help persuade others to join in with the US in their confrontation with NK. That's it.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Good on Trump for raising this heinous crime by a criminal NK regime that has only gotten worse since those kidnappings. There doesn't look like anyway back for Un now.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

SpeedToday 07:51 am JST

This was included in the speech to help persuade others to join in with the US in their confrontation with NK. That's it.

Wrong, The Trump administration is presently contemplating putting North Korea back on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, from which North Korea was removed in 2008. A country being on this US State Dept list is subject to strict unilateral sanctions.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Trump's speech was very good. What a great statesman he is turning out to be.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

I didn't vote for Trump, but when he says or does something I agree with, I will acknowledge it.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

She may be the only person on the earth who was happy to hear his speech.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

She may be the only person on the earth who was happy to hear his speech.

Hmmmm.....a lot more, way more than just her.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

With all due respect (and deep sympathy), Mrs. Yokota shouldn't be thankful of this. Abe cleverly used Trump to antagonize North Korea in the hope that it will put on another show of force before Japan's snap election, which will benefit his party and his administration in terms of voter turnout and vote numbers. In other words, he is playing the highest-profile abduction card in the higest-profile poker game, after placing the security and safety of all residents of Japan on the table. Furthermore, Megumi Yokota has now been symbolically abducted by these egoistic, selfish "leaders" to serve their own personal goals. Sadly, neither Abe nor Trump truly cares about her or her parents; they have other priorities.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

I'm no Trump fan but I find it frustrating that people aren't interested in debating issues or ideas anymore. It's all about personality. No matter what Trump says people will interpret it in the worst possible way. It seems to be a combination of political tribalism and Trump's own flawed personality.

Case in point, yesterday I posted a quote about the the destruction of North Korea and said it was the words of a crazed genocidal lunatic. Alot of people gave me an upvote but I wonder how many of them realised this was a quote from Barack Obama in 2016, not Trump.


Why do we assume that when one man threatens to destroy North Korea he is only talking about dismantling the state, but when another man says essentially the same thing he must be planning to violate the Geneva Coventions in order to exterminate millions of innocent women and children? I understand why people dislike Trump but applying a double standard doesn't help anybody.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

 Abe cleverly used Trump

And vice versa, & both used Yokota-san's abduction.

The question Mrs Yokota should be asking is "why did it take so long"? Both DT and Abe are desperate for more international support against NK. So far their "NK threatens world stability/peace" rants didn't work, same with the "NK regime kills its own people' approach that's been used on and off for the last 2 decades. They're now hoping that the regurgitated story of a 'beautiful young girl's abduction on a quiet J beach' 40 years ago will sway public & international opinion re military/a more aggressive approach. (same m.o as Iraq btw, WMD threat, then 'Saddam is killing his own ppl', then 'creepy' photos with the British kid).

Perso I just hope Megumi Yokota & other abductees are still alive and, if so, that they haven't suffered 'too' much and even experienced 'some' beautiful moments that make life worth living.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I understand why people dislike Trump but applying a double standard doesn't help anybody.

Politics have devolved into a scorched earth protocol. There is no middle ground. If you think the opposition party may have done something honorable, don't dare express your opinion or you will be unceremoniously shot, hanged and burned at the stake by every self appointed moral compass wielder who is sure there is a nefarious motive in every action.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

cla68: "is Trump the first US president to bring up Yokota in a major speech? If so, it's about time."

No, it would be about time if: a) he mentioned her and other abductees by name, b) it were anything other than a political gesture which will require Abe to reciprocate later. Trump doesn't care one iota for the Yokotas, nor will he do anything about the issue -- which is bilateral to begin with. There is nothing at all honorable in the motives for bringing the issue up. What relief is this going to be for the families of the abductees, when ZERO gets done about it from here on in? Great! So now it's been brought up again by Japan (and they asked Trump to do so) on the world stage... now they can be even more disappointed.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

I think there are people here who would bash Trump if he merely stated "humans need oxygen to live".

Droll Quarry up there is spot on. Things have become so polarized that people cannot communicate anymore. Mrs. Yokota appreciates the mention of her daughter by the leader of a foreign country. That's all....

1 ( +7 / -6 )

@Tokyo-Engr: Definitely agree, it's almost hilarious to see the most rabid anti-Trumpers even show their support and admiration for Un and NK over Abe and Trump like a traitor or hostile enemy agent might if it weren't so disturbing and sickening that they freely walk among us in the streets. Anyway, the tide is against them thankfully

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

I'm no Trump fan but I find it frustrating that people aren't interested in debating issues or ideas anymore. It's all about personality. No matter what Trump says people will interpret it in the worst possible way. It seems to be a combination of political tribalism and Trump's own flawed personality.

@M3, don't think it's about Trump (or Abe) tbh, it isn't for me. Imo ppl have become wary and tired of political opportunism from ALL sides i.e politicians tend to look at 'some' issues when it suits their political agenda. I don't think there is anything wrong with ppl questioning world leaders timing on this. It's been going on for 40 years ffs!

Re political opportunism, they all do it, just happened to be Trump & Abe this week. Megumi's abduction was/is awful, NK nuclear program or not.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Does anyone on this blog believe the people of North Korea, excluding the few elite snuggled up to the dictator, should not be liberated from the horror that is their evil government? Anyone, and I do mean anyone, who defends NK or advocates anything but an absolute overthrow of NK's dictatorship supports the continued subjugation of the North Korean people. Enjoy.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@Midnight Sun Tribe

How would "completely destroy North Korea" help its people ?

0 ( +2 / -2 )


I am no apologist for the current moron heading the USA's government. That idiot's rantings aside, explain to me why any freedom-loving people should not liberate the North Korean's from the hell of their current, dictator-imposed incarceration.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Midnight Sun Tribe

I totally agree.

But you can't be free if you're dead right ? Iraq also was supposed to be "liberated".

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Trump was reading a script provided to him. Trump needs Japan's help to destroy N Korea. His aides prepared manuscript for him. Often he stops reading teleprompts of screen across the room, this one, he had. Papers in front.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The Yokotas are being used, once AGAIN like a political football and for no benefit to them. For those of us long versed in this tragic story that has been going on for more than two decades, it's become a farce.

Megumi was kidnapped and made to train NK spies. She may or may not have had a child in captivity. She in all likelihood committed suicide which was made known to the Japanese government during a brief moment of sanity and reconciliation with North Korea in the early 2000s. They even supplied her remains for DNA testing, but the J-government, much like the US who wasn't interested in the "sunshine policy" gaining traction between the two Koreas decided to intentionally botch the DNA test by giving it to a lowly staffer with little to no training. The tests were, "inconclusive" and further testing "not possible" due to contamination of the samples.

So the LDP got what it wanted: a never-ending story of mournful parents to traipse out before the cameras time and time again. And any thoughts of reunification died with George W's "axis of evil" speech from out of left field, setting the stage for an invasion and occupation of Iraq and the current climate we find ourselves in with regard to NK.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@dcog......I think it was nice that this crime was acknowledged in the venue it was. There are many in the world unaware of what North Korea did to this girl and I think raising awareness of what North Korea did is important.

By the way I am probably what one would call an "anti-Trumper"...I have my own reasons but some of the things people bring up about him are a bit ridiculous

1 ( +1 / -0 )

By the way I am probably what one would call an "anti-Trumper"

@Tokyo: As am I, I think everything he does in general is toxic and dangerous, however his handling on NK I think has been surprisingly reasonable and assuring

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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