A 17-year-old high school girl jumped from a building in Yokohama, and landed on a 32-year-old woman below, on Saturday night. Both the girl and the woman died.
According to police, the girl jumped from the 12th floor deck of NEWoMan Yokohama, a shopping center directly connected to JR Yokohama Station, just before 6 p.m., NHK reported. She hit a woman who was walking with three friends.
The two were taken to hospital. Police said the girl died at around 7 p.m., while the pedestrian died of her injuries at 9:40 p.m.
Police said the jumper lived in Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture, and the woman was a company employee who lived in Midori Ward, Yokohama.
The scene was crowded with many shoppers at the time.
Editor: If you or someone you know in Japan are having suicidal thoughts, help is available. Click here for more info.
© Japan Today
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for fairness sake, sth horrible could happen at any place you go. Not just witnessing suicide but many other things. Not that I wish anyone to witness suicide and be okay with it. It just the reality of the society you live in. Japan is among the highest suicide rate in the world and does nothing to change things, or even reach a certain understanding, moreover, the society at large strongly lacking in empathy. If the girl was brought up in the atmosphere of sincerity, love and genuine kindness perhaps things could be different.
you only think about yourself and your family but perhaps its about time to starting thinking little more about others as well. What goes around comes around.
It’s not just JapanToday posting this kind of news. I first read this very story on the BBC:
And to be fair, this isn’t an ordinary suicide story. An innocent person’s life was also taken. It occurred at in a busy area, a place where I, like many other people, regularly go on weekends with my family. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere near this with my children.
Patient ZeroToday 08:12 pm JST
THE GIRL. Pure selfish negligence. No different from a charge of manslaughter. You didn't mean to shoot and kill a person because you were fooling around with a gun, but you did.
Still your fault. Still your responsibility.
and that’s why your part of the problem. The ignorance, lack of empathy,(note it’s different from sympathy) and why we spend billions or educating people about suicide and depression. The difference between suicide and someone actual manslaughter and miles apart. Think about it. Some people have lost all rational, logical thought processes. But my guess is, yours is just an opinion and more than likely an uninformed, uneducated opinion. It was an accident. No different than driving a car and accidentally hitting a car and then killing someone. Th person mucking around with a gun is aware, and cognizant of the risks.Come on! Think about it. The girl jumped and didn’t know anyone was below. People who commit suicide have no intentions of hurting or killing anyone. But they want to stop their pain.
I get it! Find the easy answer and it’s clean and easy. Think about it deeper…. That takes more time, introspection and self awareness. So maybe it’s easy for you to not understand the suicide. That’s why we spend money trying to educate the public.
Patient Zero
THE GIRL. Pure selfish negligence. No different from a charge of manslaughter. You didn't mean to shoot and kill a person because you were fooling around with a gun, but you did.
Still your fault. Still your responsibility.
The same thing happened at Sogo just after it was built at Yokohama's East Exit 40 years ago.
That made the headlines too; just in print not pixels.
The suicide stories always involve Japanese people. Do not foreigners also commit suicide?
himawari23Today 12:50 am JST
sadly the concrete evidence shows it does trigger copycat attempts. That is why popular areas, especially bridges, railways, do NOT report suicides there. There were some famous press photos of a photographer actually printing the actual momen they jumped off. And it triggered copy cat attempts.
there is a reason the cliff in Japan doesn’t report every jumper, or the bridges. Also reporting famous people can trigger other attempts.
you wish further evidence you can look up the wherther effect. Copycat suicide.
or suicide contagion.
I hope it might change your initial “thought”. Sadly when your in that late stage of a thought process, your not thinking logically or rationally. You can’t see a way out. As you and I chat about this”we are rational, but someone maybe beyond that.however I do recommend if anyone is interested in further reading type in some key words and it may or may not give you some deeper insight. But yes, suicide needs to be talked about but in terms of teaching, learning and getting help.
Yes, I am sure the 17-year-old was well aware she was going to die; however, I am absolutely in her darkest hours did she think her jump would kill another person.
"Girl jumps from 12th floor of Yokohama building, hitting woman below; both dead."
What a tragedy!!
"According to police, the girl jumped from the 12th floor deck of NEWoMan Yokohama, a shopping center directly connected to JR Yokohama Station, just before 6 p.m., NHK reported. She hit a woman who was walking with three friends."
Sad and senseless.
Patient Zero
No, the horror of murdering an innocent woman in front of her friends by selfishly leaping off of a building in a crowded area is the bigger story. You're older than 17? Ok, so TRY to imagine the scene on the ground from the viewpoint of the two surviving women. No more need be said.
I disagree — I think reporting* on these tragic topics is the only way for Japan to take mental health care more seriously. I would also hope that rather than inspiring copy-cats, those struggling would reflect on the reactions to said tragedies and about how what they’re considering can have even more tragic consequences.
*in general and not limited to JT as most readers here are not Japanese
Edit, whi = who, & consder =consider.
JT does not report on every suicide in Japan, but the nature of this horrific tragedy makes it doubly important to reach people whi need help, and to consder the consequences of our actions.
(Actually, we do not yet know if this was indeed suicide.)
Gene Hennigh
That girl didn't mean to kill that woman. Who are you going to blame? It could have been bullying at school or the internet. It could have been a bad family life. It could have been something that might set a youngster off, such as breaking up with boyfriend. For the woman who died reparations could come from a number of places, such as the government or locating what it was that set the girl off and suing the source of the problems. It's a safe bet that this was a tragic, tragic event that we have no clue of what went on (yet, if at all) . It will, no doubt, be investigated.
Might want to check your autocorrect. I don't want to quote you as it could be seen as...wrong :)
Sven Asai
We don't have enough details, which the reasons for this had been, what probably had been to her before by others or the society as a whole. But surely it is quite a strong last message to chose a place with many people around and with that building name.
I guess it gives people the correct picture of the world we live in and the people around us, that in many cases your family can be your worst enemy since the crisis of a relationship usually diesnt happen overnight but griws slowly that motivates you to develop as a person and think what reasons could lead to some party intent and readiness to kill or own family on one day. We cant live in the world shutting our ears from the slightest unpleasantness shouting ‘la-la-la I cant hear ya’ the courage facing all the heavy things is what means to be a Human.
You cant expect a clear mind or sound judgement from a teenage in a state of perpetual depression. You can only learn about what could cause her to committ suicide and accept it as it is. But dont look for answers in her friends’ or parents interviews or some ‘official’ articles. Go and read specialized psychological literature.
I'm pretty sure that by 17, most teenagers would understand that the consequence of jumping off a high building is almost invariably death.
Ultimately, that is correct. Perhaps then find out what drove the girl to suicide and sue them.
I don't think many Japanese suicides are also users of JT.
What do you expect? JT and Gplus media are a business and survive on ad revenue and they don’t charge us anything to read or post our opinions.
I’d suggest paying for a Japan Times subscription… but they print a lot of the same stories, suicides and family murders and so on… so it’s a waste of money if you’re not interested in the where, how, when and possibly why.
I doubt where the police in the photo are inspecting is the actual scene. The area in the photo is covered and there would be shattered glass all over the place. I walked past there after that incident occurred and did not see any holes in the covering and didn't even know about this incident until reading this article. More likely it happened on the sidewalk, much closer to the actual NEWoMan building. Pretty sad story all the way around. RIP to both.
Thanks for those that posted in support. There is a reason the UN recommends the method, and place shouldn’t be reported on. I think JapanToday has an interest in these articles as it’s self fulfilling. Report on this get clicks. Report on this maybe get a copycat attempt.The fact we have read the article gives this more clickability. Have we noticed the press don’t report on the suicides with the gas canisters in groups anymore? There was a reason for that!
but these reports can nudge someone over the edge. We used to check patients for suicidal ideation and the general rule was have a feeling of wanting to die or kill yourself wouldnt raise an imminent alarm, but they would require observation. But a person who has that feeling and a specific plan, would certainly raise bigger red flags for intervention. This may put the idea into someone’s head. Especially as the volition increases.
If it wishes to report about suicide it might be better to report on treatment and care, not on the attempt and a victim after the fact. It seems like gore voyeurism/journalism. With just a footnote at the bottom. Although the footnote is appreciated it’s a shame the Japan times doesn’t do articles on postnatal depression, suicidal feelings, treatments. Services, charities etc etc.
Maybe it’s a sign of the internet times.
NCIS Reruns
The girl who jumped was a minor, and custom here dictates her name will probably be kept out of the media. There's a chance, however, the victim will be featured in a news or feature article. We might learn from her family or co-workers that she was a kind, well liked, or even exceptional person, which compounds the sense of tragedy and loss. There's a sadness in reading such articles, which I think extends beyond morbid curiosity. There's nothing anyone can do for her now, except perhaps despair such a meaningless loss.
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Horrible news.
The girl was culpable of killing an innocent woman.
I'm still a believer in individual responsibility. I believe (and think some jurisdictions agree with me) that the parents aren't responsible for the crimes of their offspring. Some western Countries had this concept but it seems to be falling away. There was even a conviction against a mother who's kid killed others recently in the us, I believe.
@ Abe234
"" You really need to stop posting about people committing suicide. It can only encourage copy cat attempts. But I guess you get clicks. ""
I have been saying this for a while now, stories like this and others where people are killing their fathers, mothers, wives, children, lovers should not be reported because it serves NO PURPOSE what so ever.
What benefits does a society get reading about people murdering their relatives??
Everyone the girl was 17, a teenager, teens generally do not think about consequences until after the fact. What caused this young person to take her life is the bigger question and should be the bigger story?
Suicide? This is double murder. No one has the right to kill themself, knowing full well they'd be endangering others in the attempt.
The Wikipedia link below suggests the USA has a higher suicide rate than Japan.
I hope the family of the woman who was killed, as well as her friends who no doubt received an unspeakable shock, sue the killer's famliy.
It's a terrible thing they (the girl's family) are going through, but they have a responsibility to take care of the other victims.
Mr Kipling
Her last act in life was killing an innocent stranger. This is how she will be remembered.
People who commit suicide, should realize the pain they cause others
Some dude
In a slightly weird sense, the girl is "lucky" that her attempt to off herself (assuming that's what it was) worked. If it had not, and the person she hit still died, she'd likely be charged with something and would have to live the rest of her life knowing what she did.
Taking your own life is a personal matter. But doing it in a crowded area where there are a lot of other people is criminally thoughtless and selfish.
You’re right. And you needn’t hesitate to call them out on that. If this were a chunky newspaper with a myriad of items, it would naturally be in there. But when there are only a limited number of headlines, this needn’t be up there at the top.
Chiba citizen committed suicide in Yokohama? That building has open deck that can go straight to crowd of people that head to Yokohama station. There are high fences though.
robert maes
Everybody gets depressed sometimes to a small or serious extent. Life experience helps or should help to relativiteit the highs and lows. Regretfully this girl did not have the mental strength yet to see future light.
we all meet our end within a period of 85 years on average. So no need to rush. That helps to place todays problems in a longer term outlook.
You really need to stop posting about people committing suicide. It can only encourage copy cat attempts. But I guess you get clicks.
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