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© 2011 AFPGlobal protests held against Japan's dolphin hunt
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If the Japanese government had allowed the Cove to be shown here then there wouldn't be a hunt in Taiji -by its inaction it didn't, so there still is.
I have been avoiding all the Taiji articles because it is an issue that people feel too strongly about to listen to the other sides opinions. The article's title grabbed my attention because it seemed like there were major demonstrations in many countries around the world. However two dozen people in the US doesn't seem like a lot especially when it is including the staff of the movie and the other cities mentioned have no numbers to go with it. It seems like this issue is losing power and hopefully JT will allow it to die until there is an actual development.
Kurisupisu: The Cove is available in my countryside video store...I am sure it is available across Japan but wasn't screened in as many theatres as some wanted.
The Munya Times
Doesn't Japan have enough problem on her own without it, shouldn't they cave in at lest with some less important issues such as the dolphin hunting? Is it worth to be strong headed and lose the rest of their battered popularity by carrying on with this barbaric action?
It seems to me that Japan has hard and stubborn stance where they should retreat and humbly bows where they should fight for their own interest.
Very sensible comment
Yeah, people make stuff up. Sad but true.
Munya Times, there is another side to your comment, Doesn't the world have enough problems without protesting the dolphin Hunt? At least they (the world), should deal with more important issues then to change another countries ways, beliefs, customs, heritage,..or whatever you want to call it.
Who defines what cruel is anyways?
The Munya Times
Of course it is. You are right.
But on this thread we gonna view this question from Japan's point of view. For Japan it shouldn't be a matter how the others die but how she survives. As you say everybody has their own problem, these dolphin hunt protests are organized, and are held against Japan in general as the title puts it and not against the hunters and the consequences will effect whole Japan.
Japan has nothing else but exporting to maintain wealth and prosperity, therefore popularity is a key issue to stay in touch with the world in order to maintain their favorable image. That's why they spent billions to create the image of the honest, hard working people of the country of the rising sun. Now they let it be squandered for defending what the whole world disapproves.
Important or not, the protesters are right or not it is enough to cause damage to Japan's image. Can cause damage to other countries' image too, but japan is not strong enough now to fight off the loss. A bit of flexibility would be more useful.
Sanctions against Japan would make a far more effective protest.
Now I am against animal cruelty, so if the dolphins are being killed using cruel methods, then these people ought to invest in better ways to slaughter the dolphins, but since they are being consumed and not killed for sport, what's the problem? Sorry if I'm being ignorant.
Nooo...but dolphins are "special" lol
If dophins were so smart, as people claim, then they would stop going to Taiji for their family vacations.
Patric Spohn
Give me a break. Dolphins are abundant in our oceans like other creatures that we humans kill every day for money. This will never end as long as money rules the globe. And btw, Japan (or this tiny town) is not the only country that eats dolphins for many millennium out of tradition, when other sources were rare.
Sorry sourpuss, while I think there's a lot of anti-Taiji/Japan nonsense in these stories, I don't think killing animals is funny.
WOW everyone is missing the main point or you are not aware if it. Why butcher the dolphins only to poison the people you feed the contaminated meet to. Similar to Beluga whales (and why people stopped eating these long ago) these animals bio-concentrate mercury like no other animal humans eat. If the meat was healthy to eat and the killing methods where more humane then I would see no problem. Toxic dolphin meat has also been caught being sold as whale meat in Japan...THAT is scary. Japan officials have tested this meat and it not recommended to eat. Japan had another town that was poisoned by the mercury from some factory that got into the fish supply they all ate...this was a few decades ago but there is worry if Taiji consumes a lot of this mercury laden meat it will have serious consequences. We all pay someone to kill something for us to eat...I don't think putting the Dolphin on a pedestal like a pet bird helps the cause.
@sakurala the issue is gaining power all around the world
So they stop Taiji, big whooping deal as they only kill 1/10th of the dolphins that are taken annually in Japan.
Seen the Video of the "Cove Guardians(SS)" guys/gals harassing local people and, yes, it is harassment in legal terms granted maybe not physical.
If you listen to their arguments the guys and gals, sound just like religious fanatics/freaks trying to convert people. They simply repeat the same stuff over and over again but don't engage in a proper discussion.
Nor do they offer anything besides trying to make the guys feel shame, etc. They just repeat themselves over and over again like if repeats make their arguments stronger and more powerful.
@Tahoochi Dolphins are high on the food chain and mercury accumulates in their bodies. Mercury is a potent neuro-toxin and even low concentrations can cause damage to nervous systems. thats the problem.
now,@sakuralaThe Cove might be available as a DVD but at the time of the publicity and scheduled showing it could be seen that the Japanese police didn't do enough to counter the extremist threats made against the theatres willing to show the film-thus , it wasn't seen.
Go Japan!
Protests do not bring change.
Fishing - even the most egregious fishing - does not affect dolphin numbers.
Ira Globert
Senseless, inhumane, brutal slaughter and selling toxic food to the population is supposed to be based on Japanese "ways, beliefs, customs, heritage" ?! That's not the country of Japan or the Japanese people I have come to know and to very much like and respect. I don't believe the majority of "the Japanese people" would in any shape or form support or approve of these slaughters, let alone support the sales of toxic food in their stores - if they only were informed about it !
The peaceful protests have been /are taking place in many countries worldwide. Hundreds of thousands of petition signatures, thousands of calls to the Japanese embassies and consulates, many Facebook pages of people supporting this cause... And NO - the protests are absolutely NOT held against Japan in general ! Not against Japan, not against the Japanese population, and also not against the people living in Taiji. This is about a handful of fishermen. Alternative income sources have been offered to them. This is about making money in a huge "entertainment" industry. And most of all: This is about the Japanese people left in the dark about the toxic food which is sold to them !
Nobody is trying to "force" anything on Japan. But the Japanese population has a right to be informed about what's going on in their own country. I'm sure they will draw the right conclusions - and draw appropriate consequences. And until THEY do, you can count on it that many, many people worldwide will continue to raise awareness and to protest against these slaughters.
All the thumbs-down on my post mean nothing.
Check the videos for yourself and post here if you agree with how they do things. And then tell us how they are different from other freaks that make a cause/any the whole purpose of their lifes.
Yes you are. You holding protests to force your own governments into pressuring Japan. You have a ships harassing their whaling fleets.
Have no doubt, they see your actions as "force".
And by pressuring them into stopping, will only make them resist more. You can't bullying people into changing their minds.
Some might even continue to support the hunt, even if they don't eat much dolphin and whale meat anymore, just to spite you protesters, as an act of rebellion.
All this no doubt brings back the days of the "black ships".
You talk of the toxicity, but even if they weren't toxic there would still protest against them.
Kirsten Massebeau
I organized the Protest in Portland Oregon today. There are really two kinds of people in this world activists and in-activists. It makes me wonder how so many people can know so little about cetaceans, and dolphins in general. Dolphins are apex predators just like man. Their brains are as big as mans if not bigger in relation to their body size. In addition, dolphins have a 4 quadrants to the brain while man has 3. Cetaceans live in complex societies, and have complex family relationships. There are actually only about 30 dolphin hunters and the whale museum that perpetrate this horror show in Taiji. The Fisherman's Union supports the hunt as they see cetaceans as the pests of the sea. A portion of the dolphins captured a forced into a life of servitude in marine aquariums performing for their food. Those dolphins are sold for 150,000 to 200,000 dollars. The rest of the pod is then slaughtered and sold for about 600.00 dollars a dolphin. Mothers watch their babies murdered before their very eyes. For days dolphins are forced to swim in the blood of their families until their time comes when they are drawn into the tent. Their they are stabbed, their spinal cord supposedly severed, and a bamboo peg hammered into the blow hole to keep blood from alerting the cove monitors. Their screams sound just like humans. For those that said this movement to save dolphins and whales is dying all I have to say is where have you been? Obviously not on Twitter or Facebook! Our numbers are growing everyday! We are urging the Government of Japan to stop the 30 dishonorable dolphin hunters and the Whale Museum from bring shame on Japan and from poisoning the people. Haven't we put cetaceans through enough, between the dolphin drives, ever increasing sonar, pollution, fishing nets, and ship strikes they don't have a chance. Just remember all of you supporting cetacean hunting: No dolphin, no whales, no oceans no people. We are fighting to save man. What are you doing?
You know there is probably some truth to what you say.
I bet there are some people who just can't stop protesting, even if doing nothing is the better way to go about it - to just let the industry slowly fade away (most Japanese don't eat whale and dolphin meat much anymore according to surveys) -, this whole "crusade" defines their lives, gives meaning to their mundane existence, and they must have the catharsis that is "victory". They must feel they have achieved something.
"Just remember all of you supporting cetacean hunting: No dolphin, no whales, no oceans no people. "
Sorry. Huh? What?
Huh, getting thumb downs.
Like I said read some scientific papers into dolphin research. Most of their brain-power is needed for Sonar feedback, etc, They also don't have a language like whales do, their clicks and such are used to identify themselves within the pod.
Big brain does NOT equal greater intelligence.
But I guess this post will get more thumb-downs.
Also do some research into the intelligence scale(goes from 1-7) and see who and what is rated at what level. Quiet an eye-opener. ;)
the issue is dolphin meat is full of mercury. not safe for eating.
Hey, why do these cheesy protesters (including Sea Shepherd & Ric O'Barry) have targeted attacking the tiny Village of Taiji instead of the Japan's Three Major dolphin/whale-meat manufactures: Numazu (沼津) , Kitakyushu (北九州), and Muroto (室戸) Cities ???
Are these Hypocrites who protests only for the money they get paid good salaries from Greenpeace or western fish companies cannot directory argue or fight against Yamaguchi, Inagawa, Koudoukai, and Sumiyoshi Yakuza Families (山口組, 稲川会, 弘道会, and 住吉会系暴力団) who manages these major manufactures above ???
There are only 3000 people are living in Taiji and they're not hunting too many dolphins & whales like these big 3 Cities above. If Ric O’Barry & Sea Shepherd have a strong philosophy to save animals' lives on planet they should not intensively target to this poor village's people and protest against Yakuza Families directory.
O’Barry's criticism is definitely missing the point.
The Office
Well, I think it's more to do with the WAY they kill them, and the horror show that results from it. Most people are reasonable about humanity and our consumption of animals. We have standards that regulate the slaughter of animals to make it as 'humane' as killing something can be. Right now, in Australia there is a big brewhaha about the live export of cattle to Indonesia because Indonesian abbatoirs were filmed torturing animals and killing them slowly - Australia halted all live cattle exports as a result. I see the Taiji gore fest in a similar light, and I don't feel the slightest bit hypocritical for doing so.
The tiny minority in Taiji are an embarrassment to Japan and humanity. It should not be that way, but it is.
More power to the protestors. Dolphins are special, and even an alien could agree that they are special to mankind given the principles of mankind.
So, nobody has defined what cruelty is. Even if someone did, how does that definition fit across the world. Why is it that Taiji must follow what people of other ethnic backgrounds, countries, or whatever, believe what is 'right' . What Taiji does and how they do it, is thier business. Dolphins are not endangered, so what is the problem.
I'm a dolphin lover too, but I also respect the customs and traditions of other countries as well. Sure, I would rather have those fishermen stop the killings, but what justifies my way of thinking being in the right?
Food is food. Eating them is fine.
There's were my problem is. The word "WE". Yes, YOU have standards. So why must you force YOUR standards on a country that has nothing to do with YOUR country.
I went fishing the other day with a friend of mine. After I cought a pretty good size fish, I bit on the head to kill it. Sounds gross? My friend freaked out, but where I'm from we do it all the time. Who has the right to tell me to stop because it's "Cruel?"
zaccharySep. 02, 2011 - 12:31PM JST
So have the people of Taiji been experiencing damage to their nervous systems? Why is the average Japanese life expectancy higher than most of the world? ........Maybe the Japanese have developed a higher immunity to mercury? Maybe it's because most Japanese don't eat dolphin or whale meat? I don't know, but I am pretty sure that "High mercury content" is not the main reason for these protests.
If they want to continue hunting dolphins on the pretense of it being a cultural practice, then they should go about it in an traditional way, i.e. in a lower tech, lower numbers way - like the first nations of western North America that hunted/hunt whales. And they should not be doing it for selling them as captive animals too then.
As mentioned in a different post, the method of killing also matters. These dolphins are not being killed like farmed cattle with an instant electric shock to the head.
Finally, level of sentience also matters.
All this is on top of the toxicity already mentioned by others before.
@ sourpuss, animals don't migrate for summer vacation, they usually follow migration of their food..
@ icanthinkofone, peaceful protest is hardly bullying. Also I don't think people are protesting because others are eating toxic food. The mention of the toxicity just goes to show how stubborn or uneducated is the mindset of those that support dolphin as a food source..
@ JapanGal - please go ahead and enjoy; it will be good for your blood-line
@ Gurukun - the 'WE have OUR way' logic doesn't work completely; at some level there are certain things that are considered too cruel - even in war. Think of the push to ban land-mines. There are international agreements on such things.
There's NO WAY these protests are about high mercury content, or animal cruelty. These protesters are trying selectively to protect dolphins because they believe dolphins don't deserve to be killed for consumption, which is hypocrisy at its best.
If these dolphins in Taiji are in fact being killed slowly or in a cruel manner, then the protesters should be asking the hunters to kill dolphins quickly and painlessly like other animal food sources.
Cleo: You're right; it's not about intelligence. So if the hunters used quick and painless methods, do you think these protesters would shut up?
Tahoochi: So you claim to have the psychic ability to judge definitely what other people are thinking and protesting about? If one claims to be protesting because of safety issues (ex. mercury levels) you're going to tell them they are wrong?
As for 'cultural traditions', some cultures used to have the age old tradition of sacrificing people for various reasons, but fortunately it has stopped (to the best of my knowledge). This barbaric and cruel hunt should as well -- at least the method in which the slaughter is carried out. And yes, mercury is another reason why it should be stopped altogether. The people of Taiji who consume dolphin and whale have tested positive for ten times the allowable level of mercury through their hair and nails. If adults want to do this, fine, but fobbing it off to kids for school lunch is disgusting.
@japangirl be careful I have seen warning particularly pregnant women and children should not eat
if most japanese dont even eat dolphin meat...why kill them?
@ smithinjapan
This is Caucasian-protesters' self-centered interpretation and it is not our interpretation in Japan. Whatever these protesters argues anything they demand, Japan will keep eating dolphins & whales which is safe and nothing harmful in our body. It is our self-responsibility about the mercury issues you mentioned above & we don't trust at all. Japan do not need to correspond to the demands from the protesters at all.
These protesters complaining about something because it has a profit motive is silly. Lots of things happen because someone has a profit motive. That's the system we use in modern society to get things that need to be done, done.
Someone suggested that Japan isn't so popular as it might be because of a little cetacean harvests. That's a long stretch. If you watch business TV shows (CNBC etc) one rarely hears dolphin hunts etc raised as an issue effecting Japan's industrial production output or GDP etc etc. There's only a fringe group of people who won't buy Japan's products because of it, and if you think of it this way - those people don't deserve to buy Japan's products anyway.
Kirsten Massebeau,
I am against unsustainable cetacean harvests, but I have no issue with sustainable cetacean harvests. My view is is quite prevalent amongst us "in-activists".
Cetaceans are a naturally renewable resource - some amount can be taken on a sustainable basis without depleting their numbers completely. The ongoing hunts in Taiji dating back hundreds of years don't appear to be unsustainable.
There are lots of positive things you could do with your energy, but trying to eliminate even the most sustainable of cetacean harvests is a futile effort, with a goal that is regarded by many as completely pointless and needless (all IMHO). Wouldn't it be great if you were able to find issues where you could join together with the rest of society, rather than focusing on a culturally divisive issue? Or do you enjoy the confrontational aspect of your efforts to disrupt the lives of your fellow human beings who differ from you? It just seems like such a negative way to spend your time, but I guess if you can empathize with cetaceans more than you can with your fellow human beings to whom you just have different language and culture, you may not see it this way I guess.
GurukunSep. 02, 2011 - 03:47PM JST
Nobody is forcing any standards by protesting or pointing things out or by talking. And it just so happens that most Japanese don't support the slaughter either. One effect of protest is to get the majority of Japanese, who are against but apathetic, to realize that the people of Taiji embarrass the nation.
When you see certain groups going to Japan and arresting people, or knocking them over the head for this, that is when you can say beliefs are being forced. Protesting is protesting. And peaceful protesting is good.
poor dolphins, poor salmons, poor piggies. just as i wouldn't like to see a slaughter house from which i eat tasty beef, i wouldn't like to see other killings. is there truly more cruelty with dolphins in japan than there is with cows anywhere else? should there be an international body ensuring non-cruelty all over the planet, all slaughtering, all animals? why so much heat on japan?
SmithinJapan: Deductive reasoning. Would these protesters stop harassing the town of Taiji IF the mercury content in dolphins was found to be reasonable? No. But, I'll compromise and say that the mercury issue might be part of the reason for protesting, but certainly not the main reason, and certainly not the initial reason that the protesters have used in the past.
@Oracle Sep. 02, 2011 - 05:11PM JST
Most Japanese DO support the people of Taiji who manufacture the dolphin & whale meat for their industry. Only these protesters on this article and the brainwashed western people by the propaganda media like "the Cove" movies are the only ones who do protest these poor people in Taiji. Do not distort the fact of Japanese people's mind in your own intention.
Again why do those protesters intensively target to only the small Taiji village but keep away from the Japan's major dolphin & whale meat Industries in Numazu (沼津) , Kitakyushu (北九州), and Muroto (室戸) Cities ??? Even though people of Taiji would have stopped hunting the dolphins & whales by the protesters, the major manufactures in these cities will not stop hunting them. Targeting to the small tiny village in Taiji is totally out of point if they don't protest against the major 3 Cities above.
Most of all Japanese people who are living in these famous fishing Cities love to eat dolphin & whale meat as our soul-food. And Japan well-known nation as a country where many people live to an advanced age than other countries. Therefore mercury issues from the meat the protesters have insisted above cannot prove the our long life & health maintenance at all.
By definition, "apathetic" means that they aren't against it. They just don't care (like most people, all around the world, I believe).
As for the "protests" (which have also involved criminal activities), what it has done is make the fishermen think that they should do more to kill the animals out of sight, which is the standard for killing animals in the nations where so many of the protesters come from.
Footage of animals being killed is the food that protest organizations feed off.
Tahoochi: "Why is the average Japanese life expectancy higher than most of the world?"
Because the centenarians living today are still alive because their diet is VASTLY different to that of today. In fact, if you check into most centenarians many have already lost their children or nieces/nephews and in some cases even grandchildren, especially in Okinawa, where cancer and diabetes, as well as heart disease, are rapidly increasing in families that have never had a history of said diseases. You watch -- the average will change immensely once said centenarians die out.
"Deductive reasoning."
No, it's called lack of objectivity and a great deal of bias. I am against the dolphin hunt for the aforementioned reasons, and yet you suggest I'm not by lumping everyone against the dolphin hunt in the same group.
"Would they stop IF the mercury content in dolphins was found to be reasonable?"
This doesn't make any sense. You're suggesting they wouldn't stop if the content were found to be reasonable as grounds for not stopping because the mercury content is ABOVE reasonable levels? Did I miss something?
"But, I'll compromise and say that the mercury issue might be part of the reason for protesting, but certainly not the main reason,"
How good of you to compromise on your judgments of what other people are thinking! Still doesn't change the fact that you have no idea what's going on in another's head, bottom line.
..."and certainly not the initial reason that the protesters have used in the past."
Links, please.
ChopriCapra: "This is Caucasian-protesters' self-centered interpretation and it is not our interpretation in Japan. "
So all non-Japanese who protest are white? You just ruined your own argument by proving how bias, and perhaps even bigoted, said argument is.
"Whatever these protesters argues anything they demand, Japan will keep eating dolphins & whales which is safe and nothing harmful in our body."
Ummm... after the Cove was in the works and levels of mercury reported in the international media, the mayor of Taiji himself had an investigation done into the levels of mercury in the meat and it was HIS study (or that he had conducted, anyway) that found the ten times above the normal level of mercury in the hair and nail samples taken from those who frequently eat it. So, are you saying you don't trust the Taiji mayors report or the Japanese scientific papers that back it up?
"It is our self-responsibility about the mercury issues you mentioned above & we don't trust at all."
That's called 'denial' -- a trait very common here when the nation and/or elements of its culture are criticized in international media. Doesn't change the fact that the mercury content is still well above the acceptable limit, and it IS dangerous -- especially to pregnant mothers.
dear JT moderator, this is certainly not off-topic, it's my thoughts on the the dolphin hunt: poor dolphins, poor salmons, poor piggies. just as i wouldn't like to see a slaughter house from which i eat tasty beef, i wouldn't like to see other killings. is there truly more cruelty with dolphins in japan than there is with cows anywhere else? should there be an international body ensuring non-cruelty all over the planet, all slaughtering, all animals? why so much heat on japan?
Haha, people eat dog too, and people are fine with it.
@ ChopriKana and the mercury lovers, ever hear of a place called Minamata in Kyushu? Or the disease named after it? The strange thing is, I don't know any people who actually eat whale/dolphin - other than when they were kids in the cafeteria. Is this all a big deal about not much? And I've never heard it called soul food.
Nicky Washida
I dont have a problem with the Japanese hunting dolphins for food. If an individual wants to eat it despite the high levels of mercury, go ahead with my blessing. I personally wouldnt, but who am I to tell anyone else what they can and cant eat.
I would object to it being in my childs school lunch but as far as I am aware it is not on the menu here in Tokyo, so not an issue for us.
But what I DO have a big issue with is the method in which they are killed.
If Taiji killed their catch in a more humane way, would the protesting stop?
I also think ITS ME makes a good point - Taiji catch 2,000 of the 20,000 quota each year. So why is noone protesting the other places? Is it the method of killing that is the issue here?
Centenarians living today most probably ate their fair share of cetaceans when they were younger, in the years after WWII. Norwegians and Icelanders too are known to have long life expectancies.
When considering whether eating cetaceans is good for the health or not, clearly a rounded investigation which investigates the benefits also would be better than a focus on negatives alone, which is (by some pure coincidence?) what we get from the protesters' side. I'm sure you're all for consumers making fully informed decisions.
I think the splintered nature of the hate-cetacean-harvests movement is why it has failed to achieve what it's proponents seek. It's an umbrella campaign for people with all sort of fringe ideas. But the lack of coherence amongst is why it is ultimately ineffective. No your fault individually of course, everyone is welcome to an opinion.
The Munya Times
Why is this such a central question for you? Yes, there was answer (not from me) but the mod removed it absolutely correctly as it could be considered offensive. This thread is about much more. If you want to know more about this cruelty, hit either Seashepher, Greenpeace or any other similar sites, they show videos , comment it and you can judge yourself on your own moral ground weather it is acceptable in the 21st century human civilization from developed nations or not.
@ smithinjapan Mercury issue is the data "the cove" created them as the intentional fabrication and which is not trustworthy information. Again the movie was created for the purpose of their propaganda in business. What business? It is the business to monopolize the vested interests of the world's fish industry & market.
This is completely false forged information. There is no such accident occurred in Japan. Why there are many elderly people who are living in the age of 90 to 100 yrs old by eating the dolphins & whales with no problem by the mercury. Many of them have eaten the meat in their entire life and even gave good birth to babies with no hitch. We have eaten dolphins & whales since Edo Period or before then and maintained healthy body to live more than 90 to 100 years of age. Where is their health problem by the "mercury" you've insisted above?
The screaming! It is too much! You must mount an international campaign to see that this information, this aspect of the Taiji hunt, is ALWAYS capitalized! Can you reach Justin Bieber?
Protesting in other countries? They must be afraid of radiation here.
@ Nonanon
Minamata Disease is the pollution occurred in the Minamata City in Kumamoto Prefecture; No in the Kitakyushu City in Fukuoka Prefecture. It seems like you're not familiar enough to the geography of Japan. You're point in this example is totally out of topic. Minamata Disease is from the factory's chemical substances which contaminated high volume of chemical mercury. One of the main reasons protesters insisted about the "mercury" is not really trustworthy to dolphin-meat.
Since none of trustworthy scientists published the report to prove the concrete contamination of the mercury inside the meat in numbers, the statement of the "mercury" reason from "The Cove" and other Protesters above would be easily expected as their exaggerated / extravagant basis to motivate their hypocritical protest.
Nonanon said "Minamata in Kyushu", not Kitakyushu. Read carefully before you decide to criticise....
Probably, but your bias distracted you from getting my point; those centenarians who have high life expectancies...... what do you think they have been ingesting all their lives?????? Just as much if not more mercury than the newer generations of Japanese who will die of cancer or heart disease which are two illnesses that you mentioned which are completely irrelevant to this conversation.
I'm sure that you've heard of a "hypothetical question". The two questions I asked were hypothetical. Why don't you want to answer them? The first question in particular, would be something I would actually ask the protesters if I were a dolphin hunter in Taiji....... "If we kill these dolphins quickly and painlessly, will you leave us alone???????"
Again, smithinjapan, a hypothetical question. Let's say the town of Taiji found a way to breed dolphins with no mercury content, and slaughtered them quickly and painlessly.... would these protesters still have an issue?
Anyway, smithinjapan, I think you know what my points were in both questions, but for some reason you want me to spell it out for you:
IMHO, the mercury issue is just something that MOST of these protesters use as a tool of persuasion in their argument against dolphin hunting. The true fuel for their fight is that they do not want people killing dolphins because they are Cetaceans, period. If you are different from these protesters referenced in this article, and truly are just as concerned about the mercury consumption by Taiji residents as the slaughtering of dolphins, then you're probably different from the lot of them. Sorry for "lumping" you in all in the same category, but I was talking about the actual "protesters" referenced in this article, and if that included you (I didn't hear you mentioning that you participated in the protests mentioned in this article), I'm sorry for generalizing and assuming.
There is no humane way of killing a marine mammal.
Archaeologists have shown that Japan began to utilise dolphins and whales as food at least 9000 years ago. Coastal dwellers first used beached whales and organized small-scale hunting operations for dolphins. Then in 1606 records show Taiji organized larger-scale whaling operations thus making Taiji the birthplace of Japan’s traditional whaling industry. Taiji has a proud history of 400 years of whaling. From Taiji traditional whaling operations spread and adapted throughout Japan. In modern times the community-based whalers in Taiji have taken several species of small whales dolphins and porpoises. (太地町魚業共同組合)
Perhaps you misunderstood my post. You (ChopriCana) wrote to Nonanon:
Only you mentioned "Kitakyushu". You obviously misread "Kyushu" in Nonanon's post as "Kitakyushu". It's an easy mistake to make and nothing to be ashamed of. But trying to wriggle out of admitting it is a little bit off....
Why are someone comparing the way to kill marine animals with the way to kill land animals, even docile barn animals? They can't be the same. Of course, it's more difficult to hunt marine animals. The smilar way as dolphin hunting has been used for fishing, especially for large fish like tuna, and a lot of fishes are roughly dumped even when they are sill alive.
Just like there is no point in arguing about this stuff.
davidattokyoSep. 02, 2011 - 05:41PM JST
By definition, "apathetic" means that they aren't against it. They just don't care (like most people, all around the world, I believe).
That is only one possible definition. The one I meant was a lack of motivation to do anything about it.
I believe most Japanese don't know. But of those that do, most don't care either way, and most of those that care are against but lack motivation, just like most Japanese lack motivation about anything political.
After reading the callous and inhumane replies on this topic, it is no wonder that these attrocities which shock the rest of the world are still going on in Japan. Can it be true that the whole population shares this primitive view? Is all you can talk about, how long lived you are? You will have to live with a great deal on your conscience with this total lack of humanity and compassion. One word: Karma!
The only thing needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. ~ Edmund Burke.
Where are your good men?! Where is the desire to adjust to new understandings? All that is evident here is arrogant stubborness and a desire to look 'special' - well you're not special and your country is stained by your heartless approach. I pray that some of your people do not wish to be associated with this.
Elephants have bigger brains than humans, don't see them solving differential equations ...
Ever heard of Sea Shepard? The fact is, the way all of them have gone about it more or less harassment. If all they did was hand out pamphlets (once in a while) and just made information available without being asses about it, I would have no complains.
I wonder what the West would think if Indians constantly held protests and harass your citizens over the slaughter and consumption of cows. Cows are scared there and illegal to kill in most of India.
Who made you the authority on morality?
I guess it's time for the white man to civilize these barbarians. It's after all his burden.
Shingo Saeki
Actually, pushing someone's value onto others is "primitive". Haven't you learned anything about multi-culturalism at schools? Judging others with a linear-development theory has stained the history of western countries, who has invaded and exploited supposedly "undeveloped countries". We have different values and perspectives, that's all.
@Tahoochi - well my rant only helped temporarily! From your post it is clear, that you do show compassion and I am sure many of your fellow countrymen do. The point, which is admittedly quite hard to convey, is that the trapping and slaughter of dolphins, which are, by any definition highly evolved mammals is incomprehendible to many people. Have you seen the footage of the dolphins in South America, who work co-operatively with the fishermen - driving fish into their nets, so that they can pick up some of the stray ones? They turn up every morning at the same spot, and the fishermen are waiting for them - this has gone on for several generations of dolphins & fishermen alike. These intelligent creatures are worthy of more than being treated like 'big fish'.
considering how smart and playful dolphins are eating them is kinda inhumane hope their meat gets stuck in their throat (whoever dares to hunt them)
@ Binnie Bone Sep. 03, 2011 - 12:00AM JST
@ shinaykahn Sep. 03, 2011 - 12:15AM JST
Hunting & eating dolphins for food purpose is nothing inhumane in this country. It is totally safe to eat them the majority of the people living in seashore-side cities & villages in Japan used to eat since many centuries ago.
And as I mentioned above Japan is very famous country where many people live to an advanced age than other foreign countries. Why there are many elderly people who are still living in the age of 90 to 100 yrs old and have eaten the dolphins & whales with no problem since they're children? Many of them have eaten the meat in their entire life and even gave good birth to babies without a hitch. Where has the "mercury" the protesters have suddenly insisted occurred to these elderly people in detail? They're still living in healthy condition as you've seen on TV. Why?
Mercury factor in the meat most of the protesters have insisted above cannot really prove or deny our long life & health maintenance at all. Understand?
Valarie Oloman
Dolphins are one of the most highly intelligent species on this planet. Their brains are bigger than humans. They should be respected and treated with dignity like every other species on this planet.
Valarie Oloman
Oh and by the way, it wasn't just a dozen people in the USA that turned out buddy...there are thousands ALL OVER THE WORLD standing up against JAPAN'S atrocities! That's the difference between our countries and yours...WE HAVE A VOICE you aren't allowed one and that is why so many of your people have no idea what is going on! GET EDUCATED on the issue if you are allowed to. Your government shackles you.
Valarie Oloman
Valarie Oloman
Here is a list of the cities that held protests on Sept 1, 2011 against JAPAN'S KILLING OF DOLPHINS: London, Rome, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Montreal, Brisbane, Sao Paulo, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, The Hague, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Milan, Stockholm, San Jose, Tempe, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, Washington, DC, Miami, Atlanta, Boston, Detroit, Charlotte, Portland, Dallas, Houston, Olympia, Seattle and Auckland, NZ. If you think these cities are small, guess again!!! BIG CITIES WITH LOTS OF $$$ that are boycotting your country. Swallow that!!!!!!
These protests will be ongoing until JAPAN STOPS IT GREED AND MURDERING OF DOLPHINS!!!!
The Munya Times wrote:
This is incorrect. Japan's export dependence factor is only around 11%, as compared with some 43% for Korea, 33% for Germany, 24% for China, 23% for Canada, etc. Also, with some 250 trillion yen in net foreign asset holdings, Japan is the world's biggest creditor nation, and has been so for 20 years straight. Japan does not have "nothing else but exporting to maintain wealth and prosperity". With its vast foreign assets, Japan can even stop exporting and still earn enough foreign currency to purchase raw materials etc. from abroad.
Japanese should and will continue to eat dolphins and whales if they want to. Someday these "activists" will find some other cause to occupy themselves with. Even if they don't, it doesn't really matter anyway...
Juan Rodriguez
Just because you are Loud & Loquacious does not make you fair or righteous. Who are you to change the cultural behavior of Japan? Just because you have a voice we should all listen to you? Give me a break! You sound like another pissed off protester, I won't reason with you simply because you have a tunnel vision on this delicate issue.
Valarie Oloman
You speak of fairness and righteousness that is a laugh and just because you call it culture or tradition doesn't make it right. Damn right we are pissed off and good reason. Like I said we are not going to sit back while JAPAN thinks it can wipe out our oceans. Without our ocean life, the human population is done. What don't you get! If you think I have tunnel vision then you should look at yourself. I am the one who is seeing our future of this planet go down the drain because of JAPAN's greed and you can't see beyond my written words. I feel really sorry for the people of Japan who probably rarely feel green grass on their feet or experience nature because they live in a cement city, with cement walls and techno gadgets. WAKE UP people and see what is going on in this world for REAL.
Terri Martell
If it's such a proud tradition why do they hide from the cameras ? why do they section off parts of a NATIONAL PUBLIC PARK..which is seemingly controlled by the fisherman..or so they like to be called..Their sense of entitlement is overwhelming when it comes to thee animals..At what point in time did these fisherman purchase ,raise,feed and breed these animals..correct me if I'm wrong but there are no dolphin farms in Japan that I'm aware of..They are laying claim on a precious resource that belongs to us all,and just happens to have the misfortune of following a migratory route that involves passing through Japanese waters ..
Lori Hadley
Where is Valarie's "tunnel vision " as you call it? How is anything about the drive hunts in Taiji OKAY? They call this culture and tradition? That is BS. This is 2011 NOT 1911. Other countries also have had barbaric practices that were cultural and traditional...doesn't mean they didn't wise up and get in touch with NOW rather then the YESTERDAY. Dolphins are very, very intelligent creatures. Culture is a wonderful thing...don't misunderstand..but when it is involving barbaric acts upon a species that is so highly intelligent that does NO HARM to humans in any way shape or form-that culture and tradition needs to be a thing of the PAST rather then a thing of the NOW. Our oceans are in trouble . Wake up people. If the oceans die. So do we. On a side note: Dolphins are highly toxic to even eat. They are full of mercury. This has been tested and proven. The purpose for catching and killing them then would be??? What???? Sociopathic behavior???
Geneva Floriculturist
Ira Globert
When somebody says: So what ? It's only dolphins, no big deal. Animals really don't mean much to me, so I don't have a problem with such brutal slaughters...- that's hard for me to comprehend, and I do not agree with such attitude at all. But I can still acknowledge and deal with it.
However, it's hard to understand people who seem to not even care about fellow human beings either ! How can you NOT care about your own population eating toxic meat ?
As far as the toxic level of mercury in dolphin meat is concerned, you don't have to rely on the test results and studies of "Western" people or activists. For example, Dr. Tetsuyo Endo, a researcher at the University of Hokkaido who studied the brains of deceased Minamata mercury poisoning victims, has published numerous studies showing dolphin meat sold to the public often exceeds the Japanese government health standards of 0.4 ppm (parts per million of mercury). The highest level Dr. Endo has found is 100 ppm from a bottlenose dolphin. In an interview with The Japan Times he stated: Everyone should avoid eating dolphin meat. If people continue to eat dolphin, there's a high probability of them having damage to their brains . No government agency is studying the problem - no scientists in Japan want to study the subject; it's very political.
Dr. Endo called for a government investigation into the selling of dolphin meat. He said: Dolphins are not food.
Some of the comments here on this page really make me wonder about the motives and agenda of the person/s who posted them. Or in other words: Who are you, and what do you do for a living, to deny the facts and NOT care... ?
Fact of life is: You may avoid, deny and cover up reality. But you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.
My heart and sympathy goes out to the Japanes people who (will) have to suffer from the consequences.
Ira Globert
Even low levels of mercury profoundly disrupt the blood- brain barrier and increase the presence of inflammatory reactivity in the brain. The Japanese government health safe standards for mercury are 0.4 ppm (parts per million of mercury).
In 2010, the Japanese National Institute for Minimata Disease tested over 1100 hair samples from Taiji residents for mercury. The average amount of methyl mercury found in the hair samples was 11.0 ppm for men/ 6.63 ppm for women....compared with an average of 2.47 ppm for men/ 1.64 ppm for women in tests conducted in 14 other locations in Japan. Again: The Japanese government health safe standards for mercury are 0.4 ppm.
Japan's National Institute of Population and Social Security Research reported that the mortality rate for Taiji and nearby Koazagawa, where dolphin meat is also consumed, is over 50% higher than the rate for similarly-sized villages throughout Japan.
Nicky Washida
@Ira Globert - if you were wondering why the people of Taiji continue this tradition despite the contrary health evidence I think you have your answer - they cant think straight with all that mercury in their systems!
But in all seriousness - although I think the protests are an excellen way to draw attention to the issue internationally, I am guessing that most if not all of you have never lived in Japan and dont really understand Japanee culture. If you really want to stop this, you need to stop thinking like westerners and think more like Japanese.
The more you - as "outsiders" - tell them what they should or shouldnt be doing, quite simply the more they are going to do it. You already know that the government will never bow to international pressure, and will find ways to wriggle around any regulations that are set in place. You can throw all the facts about mercury contamination at them that you want, but they will continue eating it until it kills them just because you say they cant!
As for apathy within Japan - well, this is an exhausted nation who has pretty much given up on their opinions and concerns ever accounting for anything. They dont think they have a voice individually, and are kept in check by the culture of maintaining the "wa" - the group knocking down anyone who rocks the boat.
Please dont misunderstand - there are many wonderful things about Japan and many wonderful people too but I write the above just to highlight what you are up against here.
May I humbly suggest - and I dont claim to be an expert on anything - that in addition to the (peaceful please!) protests to gain publicity that you start to highlight areas like Miyakejima who are treating their dolphins with love and respect and becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination for dolphin watching. I guarantee you if you stop telling people here what they shouldnt be doing and show them an alternative (and more lucrative!) way the tide will slowly start to change.
Good luck to you. I cannot say I am against non-cruel methods of killing animals (although I understand "non cruel" is debatable) and I admire your passion for this issue, especially given that it is so far away from where I guess is home for most of you. Please dont have a bad image of Japan. We have issues here like anywhere else, but in many ways this IS a great place with lovely people.
Nicky Washida
Can I also add that if you really want to start making your voices heard - get someone who can read and write Japanese for you to post comments like those above on a JAPANESE news website. The vast majority of people here are foreigners who live in Japan and quite honestly here in Japan for the most part, as far as the government is concerned the dolphins themselves have a bigger voice than we do!
Nicky Washida
Valerie - you are actually pretty accurate on this statement, but you need to understand it is not the fault of the Japanese people that they are like this and getting aggressive or insulting does not help your cause. Your vitriol should be directed at the government, not the people of Japan. Bear in mind as well that a lot of the Japanese-language press, while using the word "controlled" is probably taking it a little too far, is certainly heavily "influenced" by the government (who can control their access to lucrative press conferences etc). Most people here dont speak any languages other than Japanese, certainly not well enough to research this issue (again the fault of the education system which in turn is designed by the government) and as Japanese is only spoken within Japan this is the only source of information for them.
In the "west" where many countries speak English as a first or second language we have access to a huge variety of conflicting and controversial information. But here we dont have that option.
Couple this with a culture of respect and obedience to "authority" (i.e. anyone older or in a "higher" profession) and you can see where the education issue lies.
You need to translate what you wrote above into (slightly more gentle!) Japanese and post it on a Japanese site. At the moment you do come across as a passionate, aggressive foreigner and while many of us fellow westerners will understand where you are comin from, that will not fly here in the general J population at all.
True. And, once "westerners" start thinking within the Japanese world view, things will look very different, and they will probably stop protesting against eating dolphin meat.
Nicky Washida
In my experience and I think the experience of many who have lived here a long time, "Japanese world view" is something of an oxymoron, but I do understand what you are trying to say ;)
That's probably because you're still in some ways thinking like a foreigner. ;-)
Nicky Washida
How could I ever be anything else here??! But point taken!
Agree with Nicky.
In Japan you got to follow protocol and the local rules.
This shows respect from you to the Japanese, after that once you earned their respect THAN you can start talking sensitive issues and criticising them. Japanese cultures has many circles and you need to break into those circles till you do that you will be a Gaijin(Outsider). The same is true for Japanese that join a new club, sport, hobby, etc they will be gaijin till accepted.
Now most likely to do this you will need a fair command of Japanese. Japanese has different politeness levels depending on who you are addressing(using the wrong level is very disrespectful).
Doing it the way you do back home and trying to strong-arm(bully) or shame them into submission won't get you anywhere as you will be ignored within a few seconds.
Juan Rodriguez
Exactly! There are bigger fish to fry, so to speak. What infuriates me is how narrow minded these protesters are, dolphins are not a priority here, how about caring for a human being for a change.
When Japan stops being the world's biggest creditor nation, then maybe you can start trying to teach the Japanese how to do economics...
@ Ira Globert Sep. 03, 2011 - 08:10AM JST
This is the typical example of fabrication you may directory referred from some propaganda-media to motivate your useless protest against us.
The mercury factor you have protested against Japanese cannot essentially prove your insist to deny our situation of good health & longevity.
Average Japanese life expectancy has increased sharply especially since 19th century. As you've seen many elderly people who are over 90 - 100 years-old Japan has long been very famous country as the world's top country for longevity, outstripping the developed countries in the West. Eating the whale & dolphin has never stopped causing this trend of the increase over the century. LOL!!!
The current average life expectancy of Japanese men is 79.00 years, while that of Japanese women is 85.81 years; both sexes enjoy the highest record in the world. What is remarkable is that Japanese women have been boasting the top longevity for seven years on end.
You need to consider some of the factors that have helped Japan or Japanese people become such a long-living nation. The mercury issue you've insisted as one of your main factors to demand Japanese to stop eating the whale & dolphin meat is totally off-topic & out of point; the factor is too consistent to deny the today's high average of Japanese Life Expectancy & health.
All readers back on topic please. Life expectancy is not relevant to this discussiom.
JesusLovesJapanSep. 03, 2011 - 03:27AM JST
Eating of dolphins is done in Taiji and maybe a couple other small villages in Japan. Don't mix them with the other 99 percent of the Japanese population please. They are all represented fair enough by saying "the people of Taiji" even. My wife, my in-laws, my students, my neighbors, my entire freaking town and my entire freaking prefecture have NOTHING to do with those drooling country rejects.
Neither do my wife, my in-laws, my students, my neighbors, my entire freaking town and prefecture, but the people of Taiji are just as Japanese as the rest of them, and I wouldn't demonize them as you do.
@ OracleSep. 03, 2011 - 02:29PM JST
Again... As I've mentioned above you should really go to Numazu (沼津), Kitakyushu (北九州), and Muroto (室戸) Cities to see the TRUTH. Actually Shizuoka, Fukuoka & Nagasaki, and Kouchi Prefectures are the major manufactures & consumers you can purchase the whale & dolphin meat in a market. Small Taiji Village in Wakayama Prefecture is really small-dot protesters had somehow chosen to target to blame to the people there instead of the Major Cities & Prefectures above. It seems like that you are the one who is trying to ignore the fact of the situation & the truth. You may be living other prefectures the residents don't really consume the meat so much, but if you go to either of these main Cities or the Prefectures most of the Japanese residents DO REALLY CARE & SUPPORT the hunting for the food.
To tell the truth I had never heard of dolphin hunting in Numazu, Kitakyushu or Muroto. A little googling brought up evidence of dolphin meat from Iwate on sale in Numazu, but no mention of hunting in Numazu; whaling boats leaving Kitakyushu for the Northwest Pacific 'research whaling' fiasco, but no mention of dolphins; dolphin therapy and 'petting' programmes at the Muroto Dolphin Centre with claims that whales and dolphins are 'important resources for biological and environmental education and tourism'. Muroto at least appears to be trying to distance itself from the bloodier side of the industry, but that may be just PR.
According to Wikipedia Taiji is the only place in Japan where the barbaric 'drive' hunts take place. There seems to be little detail available, but presumably elsewhere the dolphins are caught out at sea, not driven into coves and clubbed/stabbed to death.
Ira Globert:
Yes, Wikipedia has all the information anyone needs to know about this, which I've read; and it also says on Wiki that none of the Taiji residents have displayed symptoms of Minamata mercury poisoning, however, Taiji residents who consume dolphin meat have a 50% higher mortality rate than similar size villages in Japan. The Japanese Government also issued health warnings about eating dolphin and whale meat, yet Taiji residents still choose to consume it. .............Doesn't that tell you something????? It doesn't matter who tells these people that dolphin meat is a health risk, they would rather do what they've been doing for nearly 400 years without "outsiders" (this doesn't mean strictly foreigners, but domestic non-Taiji residents as well) telling them what they can and cannot eat.
So if you're really concerned about the well being of Taiji residents, convince your government to pressure the Japanese government, who basically knew about mercury poisoning and Minamata disease initially in the 50's, but downplayed and ignored the issue until it finally officially recognized the victims in 2001, into making dolphin meat illegal for the safety of Taiji residents...... yeah, good luck with that.
So that, in a nutshell is what you're up against if you're gonna use the mercury content argument.
Laura Leigh
It's hard to believe that in this day and age, so many people refuse to see the truth about this sensless slaughter of innocent creatures. Japan does not "need" the dolphin meat. They have billions of pounds of whale meat in freezers that they can't even sell. For whatever reason, Japan continues to think that they alone, own anything and everything that swims by. Regardless if they "need" it or not. They keep captive dolphins in sea pens since last year, only for them to be killed by the storm today. ALL they had to do was open the gate to release them. But they refused. So dolphins get slammed against the rocks with no way to escape. Japan should be ashamed at the treatment of the oceans creatures. Praying for KARMA....
Ira Globert
@Nicky Washida: Thank you for taking the time to express your differentiated evaluation and opinion on this.
One his way to Taiji, Ric O'Barry stopped at the island of Miyakejima for a look at how dolphins can be spared and used for tourism. He had only praise for that small island which doesn't hunt dolphins, but respects them and thrives on snorkeling with them, and he stated that "we support them all the way".
I fully agree with Mr. O'Barry. Events like this are being reported and quickly shared worldwide through the media and via platforms like Facebook and Twitter etc. Just going by the countless positive comments you can read e.g. on Facebook, many people all over the word appreciate and highly value ANY effort of Japanese locations which turn to whale-/ dolphin- watching and to alternative forms of tourism which are kind/er to animal life. Mr. Atsuta (official with the tourism agency at Miyakejima) expressed his hope that more people from abroad would visit Miyakejima. I am sure this WILL be the case. However, you have mentioned the aspect of the "Japanese way of thinking", and I thank you for mentioning that again. It reminds me of the fact that also us "average people" (who don't have the media's attention like e.g. Mr. O'Barry ) actually do have plenty of opportunities to publicly praise, encourage and support positive changes which do take place in Japan. Not everybody will have the (financial) option to travel to e.g. Miyakejima himself. But one may recommend such locations to others who plan a trip to Japan - and it's always possible to express one's personal appreciation to the local "changers" in Japan via internet or media (comments) as well. In my limited personal area of influence, I shall mention and remind others of these opportunities more often in future.
I fully agree with you. I am aware that there are also some activists who tend to generalize and cannot/ don't want to differ between the actual "issue" and the population of an entire country (just as there are Japanese people who don't differ when it comes to peaceful supporters of this cause and of the protests on the one side, and supposedly "anti-Japanese propaganda" on the other) . Naturally I can only speak for myself regarding this matter, and I can only refer to the (naturally limited) number of people I know personally or through the worldwide online activists' connections. Everybody I know has a high interest in/ respect for Japan and the Japanese people and culture - as far as a "Westerner" can understand it, anyway :) Nobody I know would hold any negative thoughts against the whole country of Japan or against its population, or wish them anything "bad".. quite the contrary ! Many of the people who actively express their protest against the dolphin slaughters in Taiji have ALSO put very much of their time and energy into raising (financial) support for Japan(ese) after the tsunami/ earthquake tragedy and its consequences. As much as it is possible at all from a far-away location: Our hearts, solidarity and support went out to the Japanese people, and many tears have been shed all over the world when we witnessed the pictures of what Japan had to deal with... tears also shed by people who are against the dolphin slaughters. Therefore it somewhat saddens me to read some of the very negative comments on this page... from BOTH ends.
I live in Germany, the peaceful protests again took/ take place here as well as in many other countries in Europe, in Africa, North- and South America, the Carribean, Australia / New Zealand, the Philippines.. And no - the protest activities are not "all organized by some fanatic anti-Japanese groups and organizations", as some of the comments here indicate :) There are so many individuals who did their own little thing on Dolphins Day and who will continue their activities. Some of them do it all by themselves or with only a handful of friends. Just average people ...housewifes, school children, teenagers, pensioners... many of them have never been "publicly active" , have never before in their life been on the streets holding up a sign. It's good people, decent people - all having their lifes, their jobs, their families. All united by their mutual concern - and each just trying to do THEIR little share to raise awareness and hopefully witness the end of the dolphin slaughters.
15 dolphins died in the pens during the violent storms in Taiji today, 2nd September, despite international pleas for them to be released. These were arrogantly ignored and the poor creatures perished due to total lack of humanity. SHAME SHAME SHAME on you and your whole community for allowing this. All respect now with your consciences if you have them! SHAME on you.
JesusLovesJapanSep. 03, 2011 - 02:34PM JST
Look, if you are going to lump all Japanese with them, why not just go ahead and lump them with all humanity? Call them people, rather than Japanese. Or be specific. This middle of the road crap just does not cut it. Defining 100 percent of people by 1 percent of them is ignorant. This is not some random guy at the airport you have to guess about. You know where these yokels come from. And I will demonize them as I please. They are a troop of village idiots.
Would like to make one small adjustment to the above article, it is not 2,000 but 23,000 dolphins that are slaughtered each year in the cove.
I attended the protest at the embassy in Washington, DC, and there was so much support from locals and we had an amazing turnout.
Thanks to everyone who came and for those who donated as a result of our protest.
Ric O'Barry said in the documentary that he has to see this stop in his lifetime. He is now 79 years old. Let's help make this happen. Spread the world, call the embassies and sign the petition. We CAN make this happen!
The 2.000 for Taiji is correct, the 23.000 are the yearly permitted catch across Japan.
Would also like to add that most of Japan does not even know about this so please to not put down an entire nation due to the actions of a small few. This is not only about protecting the dolphins but also the people of Japan as Dolphin meat is very high in mercury and is being served in supermarkets and in the school systems. We are not here to judge but protect. We love Japan and we are not trying to insult them by bring to light a small blemish. Many Japanese were standing beside Ric and crew on this issue and are glad its being brought to light so they can try to help stop this.
the office
Nooo...but dolphins are "special" lol
If dophins were so smart, as people claim, then they would stop going to Taiji for their family vacations.
Hahahahahahaha Good one!!
the office
Exactly! How many are caught in Taiji? How many compared to other places (around the world)? How many is that in relation to the total number of dolphins in the oceans?
These activist are telling us the fishermen in Taiji are destroying the oceans. Destroying our own existence.
Talk about taking things out of proportions!
the office
So true! There should be protestors like us to protest the protestors like them. LOL
the office
Oh, I see. So you're worried about the health of those Japanese who decide to consume those dolphins. Wow! How completely selfless of you! Right......
the office
the office
">Mothers watch their babies murdered before their very eyes.
@Kirsten: You talk about these creatures as if they're humans. They're not, you know. You can teach 'm tricks and keep them in captivity in your way too small fish tanks at your local aquariums (talk about cruelty!), just like you're into teaching dogs or monkies to do tricks so that you can feel clever/good about yourself as a person ("look how clever I am - I taught a dolphin to jump high and hit a ball, isn't that worth your 2000yen entrance fee?"), but they will never be able to tell you what they really "think" about you and your ways. You don't think those dolphins have meetings, protests and message boards where they discuss how we as people are killing each other in the name of freedom/democracy, do you?
This is why there are a lot of people out there who see you merely as hypocrites and attention seekers that have nothing better to do than force your views upon others.
Why don't you protest the captivity of animals in small cages in the zoos and the small fish tanks at the aquariums.
Oracle Sep. 04, 2011 - 08:52AM JST
Did you make your own survey or refer from some trustworthy evidence in number, graph, or statistics? There's no research & evidence except some "fabrications" you and the protesters may directory referred from some propaganda-media to convince the people in Taiji & Major Consumer-Prefectures in Japan to stop eating the meat. Being emotional & violent would change nothing to the others' mind to whatever you demand which is USELESS.
I feel very sorry for the poor & innocent people in small Taiji Villages for being bullied by the Hypocritical Protesters who cannot directory blame to the Major whale/dolphin meat consumers/distributors in Kyushu, Shikoku, and Tokai Regions. Are you guys actually & really scared of some Yakuzas who manages these markets in real? Has any one of you, the Hypocritical Protesters, visited to argue to the Headquarters of Yamaguchi (山口組), Sumiyoshi (住吉会), Inagawa (稲川会), and Koudoukai (弘道会) Yakuza Famiies to demand them to stop the meat-market in business in these Major Prefectures ???
The Hypocrites including the Sea Shepherd & Ric O'Barry actually knows that the Taiji Village is not the part of these "Mafias' Territory" so they chose Taiji to bully the people in the Village using their "Media Power" instead of the major Areas the people have been protected by the Mafias the Hypocrites want keep away from them. How ungainly these protesters are!
You're determined to reject the people of Taiji as just another part of Japanese society. You want to demonize them just because they hunt dolphins. You're rejecting a subsection of Japanese society just because of your mistaken assumption that eating dolphins is "evil". I'm afraid you're the one who is ignorant.
Another question to the Protesters. Why have you also kept away from Chinese Government who are killing the sturgeons & Yangtze Dolphins. China is currently killing these poor & innocent Endangered Species to construct the river dams, skyscrapers, and by polluted factory waste in the Yangtze River.
Why have the people on this page, the Sea Shepherd, and Ric O'Barry become very energetic to protest to the people in Taiji & others who hunt whales & dolphins in Japan?
And why have these people been so quiet about the same issue and cannot say anything to protest, argue, and demand about stop killing the dolphins against China ??? What is wrong with you guys & protesters in real ???
One more point to note is that people in Taiji & other dolphin / whale hunters in Japan HAVE NEVER KILLED THE ENDANGERED ANIMALS. Search the type of dolphins & whales Japanese are hunting for food purpose. China is really killing the ENDANGERED DOLPHINS (Yangtze Dolphins) in real with NO PROTEST.
The reason, point, and the purpose to protest Japanese people for stop hunting the dolphins & whales for food purpose is TOTALLY OUT OF POINT. And no one should target to blame against the Taiji people who have never killed the endangered types of dolphins.
LOOK OVER CHINA you, Westerners, may be kinda scared of these people to protest...
----- The Difference Between The Dolphin in Taiji & Yangtze River -----
[The Cove in Taiji Village] - People are hunting the following dolphin only for food purpose with NO OVER CONSUME. NO Endangered Species have been hunted in the Village.
Striped Dolphin, Spinner Dolphin, Risso's Dolphin, False Killer Whale (NONE of these species are Certified & Listed as the Endangered Species ranked as the Red List by the IUCN. Japan will prohibit hunt any species if one of the would be listed. Check their situation from the IUCN Website below.)
[Yangtze Rive - China] - Chinese Government approves to kill following creatures for their economic growth.
(1) Yangtze Dolphins - Certified & Listed as the Endangered Species & ranked as the Red List by the IUCN.
[Reference Video]
[IUCN Official Website]
(2) Sturgeons - Yangtze River Fish which is Certified & Listed as the Endangered Species, too.
[Reference Video] < >
The Sea Shepherd, Ric O'Barry (he identified himself as the "dolphin lover"), and the protesters who really(?) want to save the dolphins MUST HAVE A BIGGER FISH TO FLY.
Why CAN these people protest to the people in Taiji, Japan but CANNOT protest to the people in/around the Yangtze River China ??? What is the difference between the TWO ???
You should have the "philosophy" to save the dolphins on the world in common. China is killing the Yangtze Dolphins for money - China's economic growths by building factories, dams, and business buildings around the River.
Protesters... Do not be brainwashed by cheesy propaganda-media. If you're really serious about stopping the innocent creatures to be killed by human, you should think the priorities instead of repeating like a parrot from what some Hypocritical group(s) & media had published on your TV. Take the bigger fish to fry & don't miss your TARGET!!!
What has become apparent during the debate here (and debate is a good thing), is that the way these issues are perceived are not just 'cultures apart' - but we may as well be from different planets! It is virtually impossible to understand the reasoning and justifications put forward and the lack of compassion for these creatures. I had a message from a dolphin hunt supporter, asking me about the cruelty perpetrated by whales when they catch fish. It's almost beyond belief that such ridiculous & flawed arguments can be put forward.
While we're acknowledging the chasm between us, think about the persistent refusal to release the penned dolphins as the typhoon approached, so that they were battered to death. I guess you prefer to have dead dolphins in a pen, than no dolphins at all.....?
The people who oppose these practices are from all over the world and the sentiments are not anti-japanes, merely anti cruelty. The constant references to longevity are irrelevant, as people all around the developed world now live into their 90's and 100's. It's true also, that cruel practices exist elsewhere in the world, and it's likely that activists are targeting them also, and will continue to for as long as it takes. The economic pressures of a world repulsed by these slaughters may well equate into a universal (financial) language - for it seems the love of this cruelty and suffering means that the voices of reason are ignored.
While you prepare the next batch of toxic and hate filled replies, just spare a moment to think of the fear and terrible suffering these practices cause. The world watches on. We can only protest - the karmic outcome in these supposedly 'more enlightened' times, will be yours.
@ Dolphin_Love_90 Sep. 04, 2011 - 10:59AM JST
I'm too shocked by this distorted facts you have intentionally mentioned to mislead readers to believe the way you want them to be under the impression that they agree with you... This is the another type of the propaganda you may have some typical scheme in you business I suggest... You're not living in Japan, are you?
First, NONE of Japanese general people in all over the country support Ric O'Barry & his movie "The Cove" even though Japan allowed the movie to roadshow in a movie-theater under the Rights of the Freedom of Speech. Wakayama Police Department & the Japan Coast Guard will strengthen the guard to protect the residents & fishermen of Taiji Village from the Protesters including the SS Members. Japanese TV show & news is criticizing the O'Barry's selfish attitude & self-centered interpretations & his demand from his interview. Go access to the YouTube. You should be able to understand Japanese since you're living in Japan (maybe not?) and can find almost-all videos Japanese users have uploaded to criticize O'Barry & Sea Shepherd. You are totally ignoring the fact of Japanese people's mind & opinion and report others in your home country the distortion.
Second, there are many Seaside Rural & Suburban Prefectures which have distributed and consumed high volumes of dolphin & whale meat in their own fish market since more than a century ago. You have pointed out only the people in major urban cities residents who do not often consume to eat the meat; people in/around Tokyo & Osaka is not the common lifestyle in Japan. Mercury issues which is believed to be contaminated inside of the meat is not scientifically proved & approved by any authorized association on the world. Did the WHO announce the mercury risk from the meat and ordered people on all over the world to do not eat them like the issue of chicken & pork for influenza virus? Regardless of the urgent / non-urgent risk of the contamination or content in the food by percentage or number WHO is the ONE who is in responsible to announce the danger in a food for global standard risk & damage to do not eat the meat - not you guys ! Go to the Official Website of the WHO ( Can you find the mercury risk announcement from the meat over the website? It is clear to figure out your & O'Barry's theory of the mercury is completely refuted.
You protesters especially the ones living in western nations really need to think of your inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others; watch your cocksure attitude before complaining to others.
Have you gone out and personally interviewed 120 million people about this issue? Because if you haven't, then this claim starts to look just a little bit silly....
@ChopriChana ....'cocksure'...are you serious? Take a read back through your responses on here!
So these Japanese scientists from a Japanese university don't know what they're talking about?
T-Hg concentrations in all odontocete red meats (0.52−81.0 μg/wet g, n = 137) exceeded the provisional permitted level of T-Hg in marine foods set by the Japanese government (0.4 μg/wet g).
The mortality rate in Taiji and other dolphin-eating communities is 50% higher than other villages nationwide with roughly equal populations.
@ lucabrasi Sep. 05, 2011 - 12:35AM JST
Search "ザ・コーヴ"& "世論" or "ザ・コーヴ" & "評価" from the Google. Did you find the any Japanese blog, comment, or personal website which recommend his movie, his protest activity, or himself in Japan? Look over their reputation & public opinion in Japanese! That is the TRUTH & ANSER! LOL!
Daisybell Sep. 05, 2011 - 12:40AM JST
Taiji People are seriously considered the "Ecosystem Balance" for manufacturing the dolphin meat. They have hunt only to the mass-appearance species in dolphins to control the Balance. They avoid hunting any type of dolphins; they have even released killing the endangered certified dolphins through the aquarium.
Unlike China, who is killing the endangered species (Yangtze Dolphins) in real, Japan observe the regulations with maintaining the tradition!
YES, THE WORLD IS WATCHING OUR POLITE BEHAVIOR with DIGNITY & MANNER unlike your vulgar hypocritical protest activities!!!
The WHO knows Japan. The UNESCO knows Japan. The UNICEF knows Japan. The IUCN knows Japan. The WWF know Japan. Even the IWC who approves Japan for whale-hunting knows Japan. ONLY the Retarded Sea Shepherd & Greenpeace maybe the Ones (or more? lol) who emotionally blames us with no reliable evidence!!!
Think it over to observe what your nation or major organizations in Western Nations have done against innocent creatures before nitpicking other country's small piece of activity.
The world watches on. We can only protest - the karmic outcome in these supposedly 'more enlightened' times, will be yours.
@CopriCana Have you every considered anger management? You are virtually frothing at the mouth. My posts have attemtped to be calm (although admittedly direct). Your constantly refer to the US - who I agree, like ALL nations, have their fair share of issues to redress. I am not from the US, and this article is headed 'Global Protests...' and it IS a global protest. So calm down and engage in reasoned debate instead of acting like you're a wielding a metaphorical axe (or should that be a harpoon?) You show a great deal of hostility to outside countries in your attitude, but we are now becoming a global community - so people from other countries do feel they should comment if environmental issues are taking place which affect the wider picture. Deforestation is a good example, The oceans are another....
You brought the 'cocksure' component into the debate. Most (although admittedly not all) comment on this thread has been reasoned and calm. Surely the purpose of engaging in comments like this on a given topic, is to acknowledge that others may disagree with your position.
I note with interest that you did not respond to my point which related to the refusal to release the trapped dolphins prior to the storm - a decision which led to their death. Too keen to fire hostilities rather than respond to a point?
As I stated earlier - this debate shows that the differences are more than cultural, and in your particular case it feels like the chasm is more inter-galactic. Clearly the notion of a 'global village' is a lot further away than some of us hoped!
Thanks also for repeating my final sentence - glad you agree ;)
@ cleo Sep. 05, 2011 - 12:56AM JST
The Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (JMHL) DOES NOT prohibit eating the meat
Read the Public Guidelines of the JMHL carefully (who cares you don't know the language; Japanese is the Language for Japanese people!). There is the concrete guideline to explain the safe-volume to intake the meat for kids, women with pregnant, and elderly people by FAQ style.
< >
This is just treated as the official Interpretation (scientific hypothesis) in Two Universities' Research which had not been approved by the Authorized Society or Organization. If this research would be approved by the WHO or the JMHL how come they don't prohibit people to take the meat ??? How do you explain this inconsistency ???
If this Research above had been approved in all over the scientific world organization or taken some (Nobel?) Prize or something, the theory from the research would have to become as strong "trustworthy" evidence enough to push the WHO & the JMHL to take some action to stop eating the meat & WE WILL FOLLOW THE ANNOUNCEMENT after the process !!!
The Research is too old the report may have been published on 2003 and what happened after that???
Why the WHO, the JMHL or other authorized organization like Nobel Prize or something did not seriously take this theory & research since then ??? Any comment ???
Where is the "authority approved" evidence you have mentioned your Quote above ???
Another "fabrication" tactic to distort the fact ??? Well, good try !!!
I'm sorry.... There is no trustworthy researched in numbers, graph, or statistics which are approved by neither the WHO nor the JMHL. Nobody indeed can provide the strong reliable researched-data to convince the Authorities to prohibit Japanese in your convenient way you protesters want to change Japan in your profit of business purpose.
Hey, BTW none of you have ignored answering my questions below I've posted many times:
Why the protesters, including The Sea Shepherd & Ric O'Barry, cannot blame against Chinese Government to stop massacring mass-numbers of the endangered Yangtze Dolphins in the Yangtze River ???
Why the protesters, including The Sea Shepherd & Ric O'Barry, cannot blame against the US Marine Corps to stop massacring mass-numbers of the endangered dugongs to construct the Base in the Seashore in Henoko (辺野古) Region in Okinawa ???
Why the protesters, including The Sea Shepherd & Ric O'Barry, cannot directory go to the office or headquarters of the Yamaguchi (山口組), Sumiyoshi (住吉会), Inagawa (稲川会), and Koudoukai (弘道会) Yakuza Famiies and blame and demand these Mafias to stop their dolphin / whale meat business in their Major Regions (Kouchi, Kyushu, Tokai, and Shikoku Regions) instead of going to the poor small Taiji Village in Wakayama Prefecture ???
How come NOBODY can answer to my 3 questions above ??? Very very strange hypocritical people... lol
If you have seriously considered human about the "KARMA" in real, why won't you (or can't you?) go to either one of the Three above and be energetic protests against those Organizations ???
Clare Dalziel
Having just read some of the ignorant comments, it just reinforces my belief that many of you don't care about anyone but yourselves. It is never, never acceptable to kill dolphins, they do no harm to us at all. The people on here who think its ok to kill and eat dolphins are plain disgusting.
Clare Dalziel Sep. 05, 2011 - 03:29AM JST
Yeah! That's awesome! Go For It for "BE ALL YOU CAN BE" brainwashed by the propaganda!
You should go to China first to blame against Chinese Government to stop massacring mass-numbers of the endangered Yangtze Dolphins in the Yangtze River!!!
Or if you wanna come to Japan, I recommend you to visit to the office or headquarters of the Yamaguchi (山口組), Sumiyoshi (住吉会), Inagawa (稲川会), and Koudoukai (弘道会) Yakuza Famiies and blame & demand these Mafias to stop their dolphin / whale hunting for their meat-business in the Japan's major-meat market Regions** (Kouchi, Kyushu, Tokai, and Shikoku Regions). I strongly recommend you to fight against these Mafias there; they will welcome your argument & protest! LOL!
Or if you have a time, try also to visit to Okinawa to blame against the US Marine Corps to stop massacring mass-numbers of the endangered dugongs and stop constructing the New Base in the Seashore of Henoko (辺野古) Region in the Prefecture!
Please let me know if anything I can help you for visiting these Three above!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
@ChopriCana Are you a whaler or dolphin hunter? Reason for asking is that for an average person - you are mighty heated up about this debate! Be honest now, do you have a commercial reason for all these very long, angry posts?
@Daisybell ... it is irrelevant whether @ChopriCana has any business interests or not ... as long as he is talking some good logiclaly correct stuff you have no right to point out at business interest etc... u shd. argue with his point / logic rather than diverting the attention to some other meaningless points...
China and Okinawa are not relevant to this discussion.
Darrin Flores
Only 2 dozen people in Washington?..... that is not big news... i live here in America.. and the PETA group who wants everybody to be vegetarians and not allow any animals to be a pet , not even a goldfish in a fishbowl, are considered crazy nutcases here in America... this means nothing
Please see my previous posts to note they have been reasoned and reasonable. I responded to an insulting post from Gaijin - but will remain polite from now on - even if provoked. :( Feelings run high.......
Readers, please keep the discussion civil and be tolerant of opposing viewpoints. Neither side has the moral high ground on this issue.
They don't prohibit the eating of radioactive beef and rice, either. They almost seem to encourage it, even. Your point being....?
How come they don't prohibit smoking? Or people drinking themselves into an early grave? Money. The tobacco and booze industries would stop giving political donations. I imagine it's the same with your friends the yakuza and their mercury meat industry. Like you say, they're scary people.
You don't believe anything unless someone has got a Nobel Prize for it?
Yangtse dolphins - No one is 'massacring mass-numbers' of them - they've been extinct for at least five years, and hadn't been seen in 'mass numbers' for a long time before that. The reason for their demise is thought to be traffic noise, overfishing and the construction of the Three Gorges dam. Not grunting villagers driving them to shore and slitting their throats in a bloodbath.
And while the business activities of the yakuza may be less than savoury, they are not engaging in the barbaric drive hunt, which takes place only in Taiji.
Readers, please stay on topic. The Three Gorges Dam is not relevant to this discussion. Nor are the yakuza.
the office
@Clare: How about the people (you?) who think it's ok to catch dolphins, separate them from their families in the vast oceans and put them in those small fishtanks you call aquariums, so that you can charge other people entrance fees for showing them how clever you've been teaching those poor dolphins how to jump at a silly orange ball you'd never find anywhere in their natural habitat?
Isn't that plain cruel and disgusting too?
office - If you were paying attention you'd know that most of the people who are opposed to the drive hunts are also opposed to imprisoning dolphins in aquariums, shows and swim-with-captive-dolphins programmes.
Yes, the dolphin shows are plain cruel and disgusting, too. Are you beginning to see the light?
it''SME; Hear hear.
They give a lot of stress drugs to the dolphins. Sea Paradise had some horrible looking penguins in the outside aquarium, just like the aquarium used to have in enoshima/shonan.
the office
@Cleo: Yet in all my 44 years of paying attention, I have never witnessed any Western demonstrators outside their own fishtanks. If that had really happened I imagine they'd be all be closed down by now. You know setting an example and such.
The truth is not so. In fact, more and more fish tanks are being build, more and more cages set up.
@the office.
Naah still too much fun to be had on this site, same for other posters.
Just sad that they kill themselves as they could get atleast double the hits(money in their pockets) if the moderation was better.
Maybe protesting at dolphin shows doesn't attract the attention of people like office because the basically nice but uninformed people who attend the shows because they think 'dolphins are cute' are a different species to the grunts in Taiji who greet protesters by poking a boathook in their face.
The sad thing is that the Protesters have lost themselves; they don't logically understand what they're doing and are not even cocksure of their clear position. As I have mentioned above there are many endangered sea-animals which have been killed by human today, but the protesters have definitely missed the target of the object they should take an action to blame. This is the definitely very eccentric & suspicious protest they are taking the action.
Again you protesters better watch your cocksure attitude before complaining to others.
Please do not be impolite toward other posters.
And who are you to decide what people should feel strongly about? The problem at Taiji is not that the species is endangered. So why keep going on about it? What are you doing about endangered species, if it's so important to you?
the office
So I can rest assured all those aquariums they protested at are now out of business or at least refrain from using dolphins?
Maybe its not so much the fact they kill the dolphins to eat them but more the barbaric way in which the slaughter of these animals is carried out.
@ cleo Sep. 05, 2011 - 03:59PM JST
I am having hard time to figure out your inconsistent comment... It seems like that you just really hate all the people in Taiji because of you have been completely brainwashed by the forged "The Cove" movie... You really can't consider your anger management, can you??? BTW "The Cove" movie have been indeed intentionally edited by the director, Louis Psihoyos, to create a forged information ( You didn't know that ???
My point is that if the protesters really care for the dolphins & other animals who have been killed by human they should have a bigger fish to fry to arrange to take the priority. Endangered sea-mammals are more in serious risk than the other dolphins you love to nitpick what the people of Taiji are doing. You should contact to the IUCN [] or the WWF [] to find out the situation of the species. YOU are the ONE who really care for dolphins like your hero, Ric O'Barry, aren't you??? What is your & his first priorities to take an action to protest against ??? People of Taiji in real??? Or the people who are killing the endangered dolphins & sea-mammals I've mentioned above ???
Which is more serious case & dangerous situation you & the protesters should consider about the lives of the animals ??? You have been totally missed yourself & your thought...
Before repeating like a parrot from the forged propaganda-media, PLEASE PLEASE look your philosophy over again more carefully, be calm and double-cheek the priorities, and prevent yourself to miss-arrange the matter to your own convenience. Good Luck !!!
Please do not be impolite to other readers.
Personally still find it funny that most overseas protester still claim that only few people in japan know about Taiji and "The Cove".
They haven't been following the news/media and tv programs here for the last few years and thus assume things, IMHO. We got bombarded with that info at times.
Forgot I also managed to see about 95% of the cove online and that includes japanese language sites. Was a hot topic for some time.
The online viewing/sharing truly hurt the sales of the Movie and thus it majorly flopped at the box-office.
Nah, just the handful who think stabbing dolphins to death in a bloodbath and feeding their toxic flesh to schoolchildren is a legitimate way to make a living.
Sorry to disappoint you. I haven't seen The Cove, no intention of seeing it. I don't like snuff movies.
There you go again, telling people what they should be concerned about. If endangered species is what bothers you, maybe you should go and do something about it?
And I don't understand why you find it so difficult to get this, but it isn't about endangered species. It's about the unspeakable horror and suffering individual animals are put through.
LOL!!! This is exactly the question you should answer for yourself, isn't it ??? Yes, why you find it so difficult to get this, but it isn't about endangered species ? It's about the unspeakable horror and suffering individual animals are put through.
There are a lot of LOL comments - but not from the protesters. There is sadly nothing to laugh about here. It is absolutely tragic actually. The dolphins who died in the pens, despite many pleas to release them as the storm approached - died by being battered by the storm against the bars of the cage in violent waves. They were showing distress well before the storm as they sensed it approaching. There was no excuse for that. There is nothing but sadness and lack of compassion in this situation - and yes, horrific cruelty.
Are you aware what happened in the last few days in western Japan around Taiji, etc with the typhoon and the property loss and how many people died in that area?
And we got more incoming, which means more humans life lost and more houses ruined, etc.
There are humans dying right now losing their homes, etc and you care about ....
the office
LOL You silly protesters/activists think any Japanese gives a damn about what you think about their dolphins in times where earthquakes, tsunami, floods, mudslides, typhoons and radioactivity are harming and killing its people?
Get real!
Oh right - an example of you being respectful and polite is it? Silly? No, actually we know very well that you don't give a damn about environmental issues and animal welfare. Your posts merely confirm this. And with regard to the tsunami many people worldwide joined in offering support and condolences for your losses. Many more are trying to raise awareness about the exposure to radioactivity - clearly nothing positive that comes from outside is viewed in anyway other than cynically. It is interesting to note that the very next morning after the typhoon the boats were out to trap more dolphins.
You say you don't give a damn. We know you don't give a damn. The difference is, we DO give a damn, about the welfare of people AND animals. That is what you find so hard to understand, because comments like yours show no capacity for compassion and only 'anti-foreign' hostility.
We only ask for you to consider the points we make, as in any reasoned debate, without recourse to ridiculing a different point of view.
Where did I say I don't give a damn? Heck, I am not even japanese just a foreigner living here that sez you guys/gals are going about this issue the wrong way.
No matter what my view-point on this whole issue is. you guys/gals are NOT doing to achieve anything with your current methods.
So take a step back and reconsider your own actions and posts and what they will achieve.
BTW, very few japanese on this board and many posters don't even live in japan.
As was said post in japanese on boards that japanese frequent if you want to achieve anything. Most Japanese can't read nor speak english at a good level so they won't post on an english board even if it sez "japan".
DaisybellSep. 05, 2011 - 08:30PM JST
There are a lot of "Shame on you, Japan" comments - but not from the ones who support & cares about the innocent Taiji People. There is sadly nothing to be ashamed about what they're doing. It is absolutely tragic for your self-centered interpretation to blame others before taking care of your own social problems actually. Poor fishermen in Taiji lost their dolphins to manufacture the meat for living by the storm. These fishermen have regulated themselves the numbers of dolphins they hunt in each year & some of their houses, cars, and other necessaries for living have been lost or damaged by the disaster. The cruel brainwashed-protesters will then be prepared themselves to harass the innocent people who even have to feed their children after the storm... There was no excuse for that. There is nothing but sadness and lack of compassion in this situation - and yes, horrific cruelty by the propaganda-protesters.
Readers, please focus your comments on what is in the story and not at each other.
The Japanese are well aware of Taiji, whale-hunts and some other topics they shouldn't be aware of according to some sources.
Recall when the Cove got nominated & won you couldn't go for 10 min without it being mentioned in the media, plus all the subsequent hiatus with right-wingers trying to block the showings, etc. You truly needed to be blind, deaf and dumb and not get it.
So all the global protest only told japanese what they already knew all along.
This is the 21st century and any news and online translations are only a click away. Same works for people reading japanese news, etc.
the office
Supply and demand.... Take away the demand and the supply should fade.
@ the office Sep. 05, 2011 - 11:49PM JST
I never eaten dolphin-meat, but whale-burger is very good you may wanna try; it's very delicious & healthy unlike the forged propaganda had reported on media. There is a popular whale-burger in Hakodate City, Hokkaido. If you're living in South Korea, which is also hunting whales to consume it for food more than Japan & the protesters can say nothing to the Nation for some reason (they're really scared of Korean Mafias I suppose), you can also eat many more valuable Korean whale gourmet you may wanna try in Korean whale restaurants.
BTW Mr. Tony, the Famous Texas Propaganda-Buster I really respect him so much, had visited to Taiji Village and report everything about the situation in the village there on the video below. He also tasted a whale sashimi & he loved it!
Eating whale & dolphin meat is completely safe. Japan, the World's Top Leading Nation for the field of the longevity & the health maintenance, guarantees it !
pointless trying to debate with this kind of attitude.
You might not like some of the posters, but watch the videos, etc. And rethink how you guys come across here(we had posters all posting in caps = Shouting) online and in person. How would you feel if the same tactics were used on YOU?
You need to get both sides before a debate can happen, Japanese got your side a long time ago.
I am aware that most of the anti-posters most likely don't know any japanese, never been to japan and don't know the japanese culture enough
But that is what is needed to get a reasonable debate going. All that we are right, you must stop, etc gets NO results only bad feelings.
This is the typical case of how the protesters argues to Japanese people.
Both URL below is same YouTube video you can click to watch either one of them.
Even though this video is the debate about the Japanese whale-hunting Australians protested against Japanese on the TV Show by Takeshi Kitano, famous movie director & comedian, you can observe their mental motivation just like these protesters against Japanese dolphin-hunting on this article. The funny point is that these Australians (they gotta be so intelligent since they speak so fluent Japanese) could not logically argue about their insist & demand with "reliable consistent ideas in order with evidence" at all... Japanese side on this video had well opposed their argument with stating their Japanese ideas in logical order with strong evidence... Japanese completely refuted Australians (protesters) theory.... (-_-;)
"around the world" ooooooooeeee wow
Dennis Bauer
wow, i would get a 100 yen for every time , i heard "but it is japanese culture!"
Hey guys, modern Japan cannot take any credit for the longevity of people born a hundred years ago! They lived a good portion of their lives without the toxicity from the Oceans. Japan (as will ALL ocean dwelling industrial nations) have treated the waters they rely on as a limitless garbage dump and wonder why the food chain is screwed up. Dolphin being one of I doubt the main reason for the protests is concern for Taiji health but it is certainly a great precipitating benefit to stopping this stupidity.
madmel Sep. 06, 2011 - 01:52PM JST
Totally out of point & inconsistent theory. The Japanese elderly people whose current average life expectancy of men is 79.00 yrs & women is 85.81 yrs today used to eat more dolphin/whale meat than today's Japanese young generations at their age of children regardless of location in Japan. Yes, about hundred years ago dolphins & whales meats have been more consumed in all over Japan in Edo, Meiji, Taisho, and the beginning of Showa Period. There are many elderly people who are around 100 yrs-old in/around Taiji. And children who were born between 1950's and 70's, the Japanese Economic & Industrial Growth Periods, have even not been affected by some serious relevant diseases from the meat by the toxicity you'Ve mentioned above. Here are the statistics below.
Sorry... This is the truth you may have been little jealous to Japan, the World's Top Leading Nation for the longevity & the health maintenance. Japan is more advanced than the Western Nations in this line since we have proved the achievements. UNSTOPPABLE
You really behave like the Australian protesters I've mentioned on the video in last comment above... Well, nice try for your preposterously unjust charge to make against the dolphin / whale supporters. (^_^)
The Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (JMHL) shows the life expectancy of Taiji (太地町) residents on the URL below. Men (男) lives 77.7 years, while women (女) lives 85.3 years. These are not much different from the national average, and much longer than any other nationalities. The elderly people in Taiji have eaten the dolphins & whales since they are children. Therefore their archivements of the longevity is nothing relevant to the danger of the toxicity from the sea AT ALL.
So whoever trying to assume that the people in Taiji have been in danger of death by "the serious risk of mercury-toxicity from the dolphin & whale meat" or whatever for some reason...
Where is the reliable & trustworthy evidence to refute these data above ???
Whatever you may have your (forged) scientific-research info, have the research been approved by the world's authority(s) ??? Or is it still been treated as the unreliable hypothesis ???
Protesters, you better SHOW ME YOUR LOGICAL PROOF to refute these statistics above before being cocksure of yourself !!!
Clare Dalziel
Good| Bad
the officeSep. 05, 2011 - 12:52PM JST
The people on here who think its ok to kill and eat dolphins are plain disgusting.
@Clare: How about the people (you?) who think it's ok to catch dolphins, separate them from their families in the vast oceans and put them in those small fishtanks you call aquariums, so that you can charge other people entrance fees for showing them how clever you've been teaching those poor dolphins how to jump at a silly orange ball you'd never find anywhere in their natural habitat?
Isn't that plain cruel and disgusting too?
Yes it is cruel and I totally 100% reject dolphins and whales being "held" in aquariums!! I do not and will not subscribe to the idea. I stand by my original comment and will never accept that it is ok to kill intelligent whales and dolphins who can naturally connect with us!!! In the UK we stopped hunting dolphins/whales years ago!!
@ Clare Dalziel Sep. 07, 2011 - 12:59AM JST
That's your (& protesters') own opinion in England where you're living, and it is not the world's common opinion & sense. People in India (whose population is about 1,000,000,000 which is way higher than the population in England) thinks that killing and eating cows for food is disgusting. Understand?
So you should go to aquariums in England to protest them to release the dolphins & whales in your propaganda-philosophy before protesting to the people in Japan, shouldn't you?
ByTheWay, John C. Lilly was the First One to state the "intelligent whales and dolphins" as "hypothesis." His theory was not yet proved by today's all dolphin/whale researchers & scientists in real. People in India also claims that cows are who can naturally connect with god & human just like you've claimed for dolphins & whales.
It's English people's choice to hunt or don't hunt dolphins & whales in England. That's the matter in England. But Japan don't think that & choose the way. Understand? And you have no authority to demand us to change the way & policy you take in your country!!!
Instead of repeating like a parrot from what some media said on your TV, why won't you research the world's point-of-view to get a broad outlook and try to get rid of your egocentric attitude & idea? Nobody will open their mind to listen to your (protesters') demands for sure.
I thought the moderator earlier asked that the thread stopped mentioning longevity? It is totally irrelevant and somewhat misleading. The debate is about the horrific slow death these dolphins endure - and the fact that the practice is reminiscent of a dark bygone age when human beings were more primitive. And if such a practice was going on in my country, I would warmly welcome the comments of people from other parts of the world to try and open the minds of people who rigidly refused to consider the barbarity of the situation. Understand?
Nicky Washida
Reading all the threads is interesting but I am getting really confused over the core issue here:
a) is it eating the meat that people are protesting about (Chopricana, I understand that people ate dolphin/whale meat a hundred years ago but I think what people are trying to say is that nowadays because of pollution the mercury has become an issue in a way that it wasnt way back then).
b) is it keeping dolphins in aquariums for entertainment?
c) is it the ones who died in the pen during the typhoon (Ive seen nothing of that in the J news by the way. Has anyone else?)
d) Is it that they are perceived to be endangered (which I thought they were not).
e) Is it the method of killing that is the problem? (Which is why Taiji is singled out compared to other areas, because of its method of killing).
I only really have a problem with b and e. I would much rather pay 100,000 yen for my kids to swim with dolphins in the wild than pay 1000 yen to perch on a concrete step and watch them jump up at a ball for 20 minutes.
If the people of Taiji and the people of Japan want to eat dolphin/whale meat - why not? If they are aware of the mercury issue then it is their choice. Just restrict the killing quotas to keep stocks under control, and find a more humane method than coralling them and stabbing them. Then most people I believe will be happy. Why is this so hard?
I personally cant understand why someone would want to jump into water and knife a creature to death standing among all the fallout anyway. Cant be pleasant. Surely the Taiji fisherman would like an easier and more humane method too?
Within the last hours a pod of 12 dolphins were rounded up and trapped in Taiji. They then took many minutes to die and the screams of the animals could be heard for a long distance. The sea, as usual was red with their blood. This scene is reminiscent of barbaric methods used in the distant past. It is disgraceful that such suffering should be imposed on highly intelligent beings over such a long period (the hunt to trap them also lasted a long time).
This is not a foreign vs Japan issue as suggested in the posts here - it is a human response to needless and horrendous animal suffering. We are not any particular nationality attacking the Japanese people, whom we all care for and respect as part of the global community - and who have been very much in our thoughts in these difficult times. It is questioning a practice which, by today's standards is horrific. It is difficult to imagine wanting to be part of stabbing and killing thrashing, terrified animals in this way. It is very very hard to understand, but understand we must, for that is the only way to move forward to bring an end to this needless suffering.
I agree Nicky, the captivity of dolphins in aquaria etc is also unacceptable. These animals swim up to 100 miles a day, in close knit family groups. To separate them and trap them in an artificial environment is a life sentence - and one where they have to use their intelligence to perform tricks in order to be fed. Trouble is, people don't think about it that way when they buy tickets to see these dolphin shows :(
Clare Dalziel
So you should go to aquariums in England to protest them to release the dolphins & whales in your propaganda-philosophy before protesting to the people in Japan, shouldn't you?
ByTheWay, John C. Lilly was the First One to state the "intelligent whales and dolphins" as "hypothesis." His theory was not yet proved by today's all dolphin/whale researchers & scientists in real. People in India also claims that cows are who can naturally connect with god & human just like you've claimed for dolphins & whales.
It's English people's choice to hunt or don't hunt dolphins & whales in England. That's the matter in England. But Japan don't think that & choose the way. Understand? And you have no authority to demand us to change the way & policy you take in your country!!!
Instead of repeating like a parrot from what some media said on your TV, why won't you research the world's point-of-view to get a broad outlook and try to get rid of your egocentric attitude & idea? Nobody will open their mind to listen to your (protesters') demands for sure.
The UK does not have aquariums, there is no point in debating with you, I have my own values and ethics, my opinions are my own, not the media's. I will continue protesting against this, people are listening, there is no doubt about that!!
@Clare Dalziel
Much as I sympathise with your compassion for dolphins and whales, here's a list of aquariums currently in business in the UK:
Isle of Anglesey Wales Aquaria
Aquarium of the Lakes Newby Bridge Cumbria Aquaria
Blackpool Sea Life Centre* Blackpool - part of (SeaLife Aquariums (UK)) Lancashire Aquaria
Blue Planet Aquarium Ellesmere Port Cheshire Aquaria
Brighton Sea Life Centre * Brighton - part of (SeaLife Aquariums (UK)) Aquaria
Cannon Aquarium and Vivarium Manchester Aquaria (The) Deep Hull Humberside Aquaria
Deep Sea World Scotland * North Queensferry Scotland Aquaria
Exploris - An Exploration of the Irish Sea Portaferry Northern Ireland Aquaria
Great Yarmouth Sea Life Centre Great Yarmouth - part of SeaLife Aquariums (UK) Norfolk Aquaria
Hastings Sea Life Aquarium Hastings East Sussex Aquaria
Hunstanton Sea Life Aquarium Hunstanton Norfolk Aquaria
London Aquarium London London Aquaria
MacDuff Marine Aquarium, Macduff Scotland Aquaria
Marine World Mallaig Scotland Aquaria
National Marine Aquarium Plymouth Devon Aquaria
National Sea Life Centre Birmingham Aquaria
National Seal Sanctuary Gweek Cornwall Aquaria
Newquay Blue Reef Aquarium Newquay Cornwall Aquaria
Oban Sea Life Centre Oban Scotland Aquaria
Oceanarium St Davids Wales Aquaria
Portsmouth Blue Reef Aquarium Portsmouth Hampshire Aquaria
Rhyl Sea Life Aquarium Rhyl Wales Aquaria
Scarborough Sea Life Centre Scarborough- part of SeaLife Aquariums (UK) North Yorkshire Aquaria
SeaLife Aquariums (UK) * Centres in Blackpool, Brighton, Scarborough,
Birmingham, Great Yarmouth, Weymouth. Aquaria
Southend Sea Life Aquarium Southend Essex Aquaria
Southsea Sea Life Centre Southsea Hampshire Aquaria
St. Andrews Sea Life Aquarium St Andrew's Scotland Aquaria
Tynemouth Blue Reef Aquarium Tynemouth Tyne and Wear Aquaria
Weston-Super-Mare Sea Life Aquarium Weston-Super-Mare Somerset Aquaria
Weymouth Sea Life Park Weymouth- part of SeaLife Aquariums (UK) Dorset Aquaria
It's hard debating this on here Clare, given what some of the posts are like - but all the while we are raising awareness of the issue and while people are thinking about it, and that has to be a good thing. It is also a fact that there are growing moves towards boycotting Japanese products because of this issue and this thread can convey that message loud & clear - even though we get the same old replies back over and over! The size of the global campaign on the internet is astonishing, and the effects of that will be widespread.
the office
DaisyBell: So now you're saying people should boycott Japanese products??
The Office : I was reporting what is occurring in a global campaign on the internet right now. I was making the point that if people cannot influence this by debate or intervention - then inevitably other means are used. And if you search the campaign sites you will see there ARE calls to boycott, probably born out of frustration and continued horror as the slaughter starts to unfold again.
I am not advocating that here - I merely seek to be engaged in the debate, because debate and communication between those with differing views is of course crucial. Boycott may be a side effect of break down in communication though I fear.
An observation, rather than a suggestion.
I support Japan's right to hunt for whales and dolphins in international waters and within their own waters. Canada beats little baby seals to death each year and skin them, New Zealanders hunt whales, Finland and Sweden as well. Why only protest against Japan? Hypocrites.
I also support Japan's goal to give the American troops in Okinawa the two-boot salut. Japan can and should defend herself as well as form military alliances with the rest of East Asia.
I've had enough of the US meddling in Japan's affairs. We just end up being more and more alienated by our neighbours. Which does not benefit Japan.
Japan China Koreas Taiwan Russia need to closely align with eachother rather than argue with eachother.
Before you start the name calling (in this case you have labelled us all as 'hypocrites') you should know that the vast majority of people opposing the dolphin slaughter ARE involved in campaigns against the attrocities you list. This is because the protesters are motivated against animal cruelty NOT against any particular nation. This 'anti foreigner' mood is most unhelpful - and serves only to alienate further. Animal cruelty knows no boundaries, as you have pointed out - it occurs in many places, and in many places people appeal for more compassion. Incidentally hostility towards the other countries you mention is not helpful - it is the cruel practices themselves that are the subject of the debate. Where did military alliances come into the discussion?
Yes, it is very clear that you haven't still realized that the campaign you & protesters have mentioned above have intentionally produced by propaganda through media; and the campaign really have succeeded to motivate the you & protesters in western nations to other country's custom. The campaign & activity which is well usually held by conservatism group or party is generally described as "indirect aggression" for the purpose to monopolize the world's fish-market in industrial business.
Even though you & protesters believe whatever you suggest in your own nation(s) it doesn't mean that you don't really have a power to change the other country's custom & business. Asia, Africa, and (maybe) South. America won't be the part of your side to agree the way you are willfully doing. Do you know the population in Asia? How many of them will agree & listen to the way 100% of the demand you protest against us ???
And you & protesters have never imagined & even tried to get the other people's point of view and see things from their angle as well as from your own. I suggest that is the point of why so many resistant against you guys. Still don't understand ?
Clare Dalziel
There is alot of ignorance on here Daisybell.
Yes I do understand - you keep saying 'understand?'. It seems that you rightly expect people to look at things from your angle - and that is an important part of any process, but tell me how much you reflect on the points being put forward? You take it as an attack on you personally, but it is opposition to a particular practice.
The protesters are trying to raise the issue of the level of suffering. You may be right that people won't listen readily, but this is no reason not to have the debate or to try and convey the horror felt at the violence and suffering to these animals during a long and horrifying process. And that @Chopri is the point, that after all these exchanges you don't seem to want to understand - so please stop saying 'understand?' - for I am glad I do not understand such cruelty, and I never will, whatever the nationality of the person perpetrating it.
So please do not seek to make this a racial matter, for it is not. Cruelty is cruelty. The propaganda lies much closer to home.
Clare Dalziel
The rights of dolphins and whales apply. I am no longer replying to the ignorant people on here. Keep up the good work Daisybell!!!
Nicky Washida Sep. 07, 2011 - 08:06AM JST
Again, this is just as "hypothesis" the protesters through some cheesy campaigns have meaninglessly claimed it as their own beliefs & theory just almost close to religion level. And the theory have not been indeed approved by nowhere at all. Some scientist researched & published the theory, but the theory has not actually proved by other scientists on the world yet. This is the biggest point why danger of the mercury-toxicity inside of the meat is approved by NO INSTITUTIONS.
Are you taling about the fishermen in Taiji? If "yes" you need to watch this videos below. It seem like that the Taiji Fishermen Associations is feeding limited numbers of dolphins for meat purpose & aquariums.
[Video Part 1/2]
[Video Part 2/2]
There is no such news had been reported. There is no information that the fishermen had captured & locked the dolhins in the pen before the beginning of the opening of the fishing season. Ric O'Barry & Sea Shepherd may announced & reported the fabricated news but no reliable proof had been found yet.
Not at all. No types of these dolphines have been endangered species.
Taiji Fisherment follows the rule of what kind of dolphins they are allowed to hunt & not hunt.
You can check the detail from the IUCN [] or the WWF [] to find out for more detail. And these Two World's Biggest Institutions have wached the fishermen in all over Japan for long time, and off cource the fishermen in Taiji never broke the rule & regulation from the institutions. Only the protesters have misunderstood the situation.
I am 100% sure that you & other protesters including on this article & thread have never visited to a slaughterhouse for cows, pigs, sheep (for mutton & lamb) and other animals we all eat their meat on a table and watched the . The point is that the dolphins are the ones who have been butchered by the fishermen on the outdoor-typed abattoir at a cove, yes "The Cove" movie. I'm pretty sure if the fishermen have slaughtered the dolphins inside of a building they would never been taken many illegal peeping-photos/films by "The Cove" staff.
Clare Dalziel
ChopriCana, your agrument is poor, you are trying to justifiy an issue that is way beyond your understanding.
Actually fishermen (including Taiji) & other meat manufactures in Japan perform a ritual ceremony in season to pray that the animals' soul may rest in peace with expressing their gratitude to the animals. It is usually called as "供養祭 (memorial service ceremony / festival to treat the soul of the killed animals for rest in peace. )" in Japanese. Those people have actually done their own tasks to treat animals' lives in their cultural & religious way you, Christian based conservative people, may never be able to understand... (-_-;)
The strange point is that the Ric O'Barry & the Cove staff never introduced the "供養祭" by the Taiji Residents for the souls of dolphins.
Here are the news articles I can easily find their "鯨供養祭" (Whale/Dolphin Soul Festival) with a photo.
Who said that they are all ""barbaric people" ???
Do they clearly look like barbarians ???
Why Ric O'Barry & other foreign protesters (including the Sea Shepherd) didn't introduce this part on media ???
It makes people uncomfortable to think about it because many of us - myself included - are meat eaters. But why are we so insistent that other animal species can't be as intelligent, or at least have the same communal and family values that we do? Just because we can't 'speak' to them? Because 'scientists' say so? (yeah, they've never been wrong, and know absolutely everything about the universe) Because your religion tells you this? (give me a break)
To accept the suffering of any animal is to dismiss humanity to a degree I think, or put it aside for personal greed (be it money or simply the desire to have a cheeseburger). Most animals (with exceptions of course) kill and eat their prey pretty quickly. And I can't think of any other animals that capture and subject other species to perform for them or keep them in zoos, circuses, etc. No, we are uniquely twisted I should think. Easy to dismiss the old boys doing the dolphin killings in this village as just carrying on the family way. But then again dehumanization to carry out an unpleasant task is hardly a trait to promote.
@chopri The protests will continue and those who protest will continue to try and comprehend how any human being can stand waste deep in blood stained sea, knifing terrified family groups of highly intelligent mammals to death. It's that simple - we can't understand that part, the part that involved terrible suffering.
All the statistics etc are irrelevant to the suffering caused. That is all.
The part you don't seem to understand is that some human beings cannot bear to know about, let alone witness, such awful acts of cruelty - praying for their souls afterwards does not minimise the suffering. The acknowledgement that these creatures have souls makes the method of their death even worse surely?
@ Clare Dalziel Sep. 08, 2011 - 03:32AM JST
Ahhh.... Well... (-_-;)
So if you want to protest & convince Japanese why can't you prove your values and ethics you mentioned above ???
I don't think nobody who support for dolphin & whale hunting will understand your theory if you can't prove... You didn't go to school to study how to make a persuasive essay or speech ???
Whatever you just believe, go ahead. Just believe the way. Since you got no evidence & proof unless some "hypothetical theory" other-protesters already posted above I can guarantee that the protesters like you will be never able to succeed to negotiate & persuade us to agree with whatever you just think & believe inside of your brain.
No, didn't go to school to learn how to persuade people to stop such attrocities, that is true - but then clearly you didn't either, because you resort to being impolite in the face of people expressing their views. It is hard to quantify or produce proof as you call it, for views that a practice is cruel. True feelings do come from the brain, or from the heart or soul depending on which way you look at it. But at least those who oppose this practice do have feelings of compassion for those creatures.
You're right, it seems highly likely that you @chopri will never be persuaded - because you do not seem to want to even consider the other side's position. However many other people are coming round to considering issues around animal welfare and to wanting their children to grow up in a more caring and compassionate world. And we should all agree on this one, that could never be a bad thing?
I am a resistant against the protesters who repeatedly commented "shame on you" or other rude words with such attitude. Actually the protesters are the one who started to blame again me, Japanese, from this article and started to take an action to resist them (&you) back. In the United States it's called as "self defense" theory, right? When someone had attacked your nation or territory & society, America started the "self-defense" by using their Armed Force, right?
Well, if the protesters will change their way to negotiate others just like the way FBI have taken to others, I'm pretty sure that the people will listen to the protesters opinions. I think what the biggest mistake the protesters chose the way & process is that they took the way to blame others with rude attitude instead of negotiation. If one would blame others he/she will be definitely resisted with wrath & same rude attitude just like a mirror, huh???
Personally I don't hunt, wouldn't harm a dolphin nor likely any animal. But one of the major points is that we have evolved over time and supposedly have moved on from our earlier transgressions into barbarism. We give lethal injections rather than hanging people or electrocuting them, which could be a slow and nasty business. We've come a long way! Well, at least it beats being drawn and quartered. At any rate, give these old boys some surplus M-1' s or something as certainly a quick shot in the head is more humane then giving them the Jason Vorhees treatment with the knife attacks.
Putting wild animals in shows and zoos is just wrong, unless they are injured and need to be in a captive environment.
@chopri - I agree that in order for any progress to be made, there needs to be mutual respect. It can be tough though for protesters when they are impassioned and appalled by what they see.
If we keep going like this, we may end up with a basis for reasonable discussion - and that would be quite an achievement, given where we started from! I pray that I live long enough to complete this process ;)
Tigermoth: definitely agree - the shows are a big component of this and there's no point in pretending otherwise.
the office
and you are different.... how?
Agree with the "the office".
Some of the posts here by the anti-hunt guys/gals are kinda insulting(calling people ignorant and thus leaving, etc).
I tried to discuss but gave up. And people have felt the same for years from both sides.
Right now if no-one changes/opens up this discussion will be rehashed for years(flogging a dead horse) and nothing will change and NO animals will get possibly saved.
Someone has to give and who will it be? The anti or the pro guys, my guys it won't be either. But the guys/gals that want a change to happen got a good chance but need to start giving to a degree. Same with any other topic/issue.
On same token there are a LOT of myths out there that are being sprouted and held as the ultimate truth, Both sides need to inform themselves more and accept stuff that might go against their grain.
Right now I have seen this and other issues often over the years/decades, the anti-guys/gals dig their heels in and try to force anyone to conform to their views(may it be political, religious, whatever).
Fanatics(of any stripe) cause more problems than they do good and effect very few changes. That has been proven and that is why most people hate fanatics(any kind) and will refuse to listen to them.
Just my view.
@It'sme I agree that the only way forward is for better understanding. It's true passions do run high when people believe deeply about something - again, as you say that has applied to both sides of the argument. A good thing to come from this thread would be a willingness to try to understand the other side's perspective more. I am trying to do this on another forum at the moment with pro hunt people. It's been very hard, but now we are talking and finding out genuinely how the other person sees it. This is the best any of us can do while we're communicating via the internet - making contacts and trying to understand better. It's never going to be easy, I guess but we should try.
I agree. As I stated I am a gaijin but I can also see the locals side and how difficult it would be for them to readjust their lifes and the way they make their living.
I am not against you guys/gals, most zoo's etc are way too bad. On same token many have improved greatly and we wouldn't know half about the wild-life if it weren't for research programs in them. They are not all bad, much relevant data/info comes from them that helps protect species in the wild.
Many of those fisher-men in Taiji aren't that young and got no skills besides fishing. They know nothing about advertisement, tourism, etc. So even giving them a lot of money they wouldn't know what to do with it.
Besides figures are showing that the whale watching, etc industry is slowing as many have been on a tour and have little desire to go again.
Add to that the same experience can be done from the comfort at home via Cable-channels, DVD, etc. And most of the time what you see is closer and clearer.
Been on 2 whale watching tours.
Personally just said that a few species get all the limelight while others are closer to extinction and their removal will have a much bigger impact(already felt).
Anyway, time to start talking. ;)
It'sMe: It's very helpful what you have said about the fishermen, as this gives insight into the situation. Also the points you raise about whale watching etc need looking into. I imagine that people better informed than me can respond to that, although there could be scope to re energise those programmes and bring investment and resources to the area through tourism.
Whale/dolphin watching boats always have long queues wherever I see them - kids (& adults) can never get enough of seeing them for real in their natural environment. It's never the same on the internet as you don't get the same experience. We all spend so much time sat at computers (like now for instance) but nothing like actually being there and seeing it for yourself. I guess it's a lot to do with how these things are promoted and developed as well - and that takes support and investment, I acknowledge that.
I take your points onboard, especially about the species that are closer to extinction, because that is matter for all of us and our children.
Am glad we finally got to talking ;)
I have seen whale watching tours that run out of Tokyo Bay, Izu peninsula, etc those do exist in Japan.
Said that Taiji is a smallish village with no hotels, etc and not much space/infrastructure to support tourism. Those are things that the activists that were there should have revealed to you guys.
Just not that easy, sorry, can't quote the species here I support over dolphins as it would be off-topic.
I am angered by so many ignorant posts on this page (far too many to read one by one). Ric and his team of volunteers come to Japan as peaceful protesters to shed light on the barbaric killings of the dolphins. I am still surprised that even after the global interest after The Cove (which is have not brought myself to watch yet), that there is not more focus to stopping this small group of fisherman from killing hundreds of dolphins every year. Mercury content is certainly an issue, but the main issue is the sale of the dolphins (that are not killed) to aquariums and seaworlds where they are forced to live in captivity and perform tricks for human entertainment.
Dolphins are intelligent species - more than your average barn animal ....they should be left to roam the oceans freely.
The idea of tradition/culture is no excuse to kill the dolphins - here or in the Faroe Is......what was ok 100 or 1000 years ago, is no longer accepted!! Most Japanese dont know that this is still going on.....much the same as the government covered up all the issues surrounding the fukushima nuclear power plant .....
Ric O'Barry definitely had invaded fishermens' private land with no permission to take peeping photos/films. He broke the law & insulted fishermens' human rights through the media; O'Barry & his volunteers had absolutely disturbed public order in Japan with such "barbaric" way to insult & provoke the people in Taiji & Japan.
I am sitll surprised that why you guys are so ill-intentionnaly persistent to the people in Taiji & why none of you guys have ignored protesting to major institutions to save more endangered dolphins I've mentioned above.
As I've mentioned above there is no proof about the mercury issue, and the aquariums is the one you & protesters should be able to take care of your own country's aquariums before protesting to the other country.
Again, there is no proof of that. Yes, it is your (protesters') freedom of speech to believe anything in your country, but it would be nonsense & "barbariatic" behavior to force your opinions on the other country's people who would never listen & agree to your rude & impertinence attitude.
This kind of insulting attitude is the main reason why people don't listen to the protesters. You have arbitrarily presumed to judge someone in the other country as "shameful barbarians" at the begenning and many other protesters have started to blaming Japanese on this thread. And Fukushima nuclear issue is nothing relevant to this issue as I've already explained above... You are not the center of the world and whatever you & protester have in common is not the world's common sense. Again, even though you already know that you cannot convince Japanese people to stop hunting whales & dolphins, you really better watch your arrogant and cocksure attitude before complaining to us. You will just expose yourself nothing but your pitiable "barbariatic" and ignorant behavior to the world. Yes, the world is watching YOU.
You know Chopri - quite a lot has been achieved on this page, but you represent the small percentage who seem like you will always have your eyes and ears covered. You imagine that individual races can prevail here on this ever shrinking planet - but we all have to work together, without boundaries, to better understand each other and to value and support our natural environments.
As I have said (many times) here on this thread, sure - there are many issues worldwide that need addressing. However, this practice is definitely one of them. It does not fit with modern day thinking and civilised approaches to animal welfare. This is not a 'westerm' versus Japan issue, not at all. We are all one human race. We have one environment and maybe we need to put down the barriers of country versus country and share values which address progress and compassion. I
I've learnt here that for the fishermen of Taiji that is a complex issue (in more informed exchanges) - but keeping on with the anti 'foreign' attitude and accusations of people being 'cocksure' are never, ever going to achieve anything - except more hostility. You're angry about the views of people with opposite views. You've been pretty insulting yourself to be honest at times, even though a good percentage of people are keen to engage in constructive discussion. Surely that is the only way forward? It's a small planet at the end of the day.....and we all share it.......and we are only custodians of it for our children and grandchildren.
The world IS watching in ever increasing horror at these practices, I am afraid - that is just the truth' and it would not matter where in the world it was taking place - this slaughter belongs in dark distant history. You may not agree, but it is how it is perceived.
Daisybell Sep. 10, 2011 - 07:37AM JST
This is exactory the comment you actually should feedback to the flamenquita who always his/her eyes and ears covered in his/her comments. You didn't find any strange to this person & other protesters blaming comments at all ???
It sound very quibble to me that since you & protesters started to drop the bomb of insult to people in Taiji & others in Japan with your rude behavior mentioning many words of "shameful barbarians" to civilians in Japan; some protesters had broke the law & disturbing the public order in Japan. Then why do we even have to follow the way you request to be "tolerant" to you guys who never attempted to behave "tolerant" to us through these situation & process you have done to us??? We, Japan side, have never started to insult & claim you & the protesters from ourselves about this topic on the thread & other relevant situation; you guys are the one who started to drop the bomb to harass the civilians in Japan by nitpicking this issue, then many resistants like me started to take an action to "self-defense" our society from the foreign protesters. If the protesters won't be able to change their bahavior by themselves nobody in Japan will listen to your words & action which just provoke or motivate us to resist your arrogant & selfish approach.
I'm so shocked & surprised that you & most of protesters have not yet realized that the reason you guys had incurred the the wrath of Japanese about this isse...
Chopri has a point there, we still get posters that are rather radical and try to force their views. Just read some other posters here.
Now some posters here are willing to talk with other posters here that are also willing to talk(chopri is one of them granted, he might not say what you want to hear). But you guys and the same token the japanese side need to control the radical elements.
Again, as Chopri said it was the anti-guys that made it into a controversial issue so the attacking side was drawn at the outset. No going back on that one.
Also you guys need to sort out your methods between Ric O'Barry, Cove-Guardian(SS), etc. In short co-ordinated efforts and united front.
Just calling it as it is. ;)
My concern is, that the opposition to the trapping & killing of dolphins is sometimes perceived to be 'anti-Japanese' or in some way racist. I can sincerely say, that certainly for myself and for those I am personally in contact with, that race does not come into it at all. The opposition is entirely aimed at the practice and those perpetrating the practice. Yes, passions do run high, but if nothing else gets successfully conveyed in this discussion, it should be that whatever nationality the fishermen were, the opposition would be the same. And yes, as I've said before, I know that similar things occur elsewhere in the world, and you need to know that protesters actively oppose those also.
There is a great deal of animal cruelty in the world and it crosses racial and cultural boundaries. If nothing else, let's not let this descend into a race issue - for it most definitely is not.
And on this we agree, if moderating our conversation and showing mutual respect is the most constructive way forward, then that is what we should all do, on both sides. This is just my opinion, but whatever gets us all talking has got to be the best route as far as I can see, and I know huge efforts are being made to do just that.