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© KYODOGov't reverses decision on dementia patient targets
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(Said while crossing his fingers behind his back!)
I guarantee you that the numbers will come to play and be broadcast all over the place, if and when they go down!
Whatever may be said in public, will be talked about and acted upon in private.
Chip Star
The rank incompetence here is stunning.
So, in 2025 the population will have dropped further to around 120 million people. If 7 million people have dementia, that is around 8% of the population. And, this does not include those who are suffering dementia at an earlier age. "Kasumigaseki! We have a problem!"
If 8% of the population have dementia, that will required at list 8% more of the population's family member to be involved, plus all the healthcare people, so another 8%. So total 24% of the population of Japan in 2025 will somehow be involved in the dementia dilemma. That will be expensive! Why not just go for cure? It will required a "litter" up from capital, but down the road it will be better.
That's a slap in the face for the "expert" panel. They gave a figure society as a whole should give their best to reach that figure but not exceed it. Now there is chaos. Dementure sufferers will be even more prevalent with no official figure to contain them.