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© KYODOGov't starts crafting contingency plans in event of Mt Fuji eruption
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I thought Fuji was a non active volcano! One more thing to worry about...
I have a mate who says he enjoys earthquakes.
He is an idiot too.
Not only active, but also overdue for an eruption. It erupts every 300 years or so, and it's been more than 300 years since the last time.
The Fuji you see today is actually the 2nd Fuji, the 1st one blew it's top. It wouldn't surprise me one bit that any eruption from Fuji would coincide with an earthquake in Kanto.
They are just now thinking about this? I'm actually at a loss of words. A hazard map/assesment and up to date contingency plans are the norm back in the States.
I feel stupid for not knowing this!
I would’ve sworn that Fuji was dormant before today. Don’t know why I thought that.
Duck and cover.
Do the hustle
It seems strange they do not have any plans already.
If this panel is anything like the committee that pondered how to disperse donations after the 3/11 earthquake tsunami, solutions and actions will be a long time coming.
Yes, it last went off in 1707 after a big quake in Kansai, although that does not mean a new eruption is overdue. Could happen next week or in 500 years time. However, since the Tohoku quake magma pressure inside Fuji has been considerably higher.
If the Nankai trough starts wobbling, don’t go hanging your washing out to dry for a while.
I don’t think this is the first plan ever.
For example the J gov sped up the construction on the 2nd Tomei after the Fuji was shaking more than usual (thankfully nothing happened).
I was right there with you mate. I've always thought it was dormant because people referred to it as "the sleeping giant". Stated as an active volcano in Wiki
A great opening ceremony for the Olympic. No flights or trains, NPP backup generators failing, and according to Tokyo University researches, it will accompany a M10 earthquake in Tokyo. This is why I live in Kansai. But main airport is closed...unn
Technically volcanoes are active or extinct. A dormant volcano is just an active volcano that isn't currently erupting but has erupted in the last 10,000 years.
Plan in an orderly fashion. Don't breath in plasma air. Avoid supersonic shockwaves avoid standing near glass windows. Make a will.
Plan b...dig a hole
Keep them scared Abe.
Why? There are plenty of Japanese that don't know either. Here is an interesting link to some facts, in English about Mt Fuji, scroll down to the "History of Mt Fuji".
Aly Rustom
That is scary.
That has always been my biggest fear. a serious earthquake like 2011 that triggers a tsunami in Tokyo followed by a Fuji eruption. I don't think ANY government will be able to come up with a plan to tackle a triple disaster like that.
They're just starting to think about this? And what to do if the single bridge to KIX gets damaged? Quite astounding really.......
I wonder what will come first - Mount Fuji exploding, or the biggie Kanto earthquake which is long overdue. Or both at the same time!? Yikes.
Volcanic eruptions are usually, but not always, preceed by"swarm earthquakes" as the magma starts moving toward the surface. The area immediately would be in imminent danger but Tokyo, Yokohama etc. Would depend on the wind direction.
I wonder if, in the event of an eruption, they will 'urge' people to 'take care' but 90% of the people will be expected to be at work anyway... It's time they built in true safety measures when it comes to the workplace.
My first thought was at well, now? But when you read the text, it states that a previous panel talked about 10 cm of ash inside Tokyo, meaning somebody did think about some scenarios sometime before. So, why now? Is there an important election coming up for Abe? Wonder how many scenarios they will think up reg season, weather, Taifun/ earthquake etc. Whatever the outcome, I dont want to be around esp when that ash starts mixing up with rain and clogs everything!
Alex Einz
gotta get some bike chains for the ash..
techall - the wind direction is generally from the west.
AgentX - even if 90% of people are expected to work, it has been hypothesised that the ash blowing into Kanto from the west may incapacitate electronic and transport systems, so many people may not be able to work.
Should have had plans in place years ago. Better late than never, I suppose. Probably thanks to the Olympics.
goodlucktoyou - according to Tokyo University researches, it will accompany a M10 earthquake in Tokyo.
An M10 earthquake. Care to provide a link, or are you doing your Chicken Little act again?
Good question mate. One could trigger the other!
Double Yikes!
Let's see the super rich will be evacuated first on GOJ transportation, then the Diet members and their families, the ones who can't leave are already designated shelters with food and water along with as much comfort as possible. Those who are mega rich but prepared wisely have their survival plans, gear and tickets to clear out. I already have plans my own transportation so no risk to get out of Japan... sorry everyone who is left behind.
Even if that were the case, in usual Japanese tradition those employees would be expected to leave their homes, families and belongings to chance and go to work. Even if the machines were not running, they would be socially and culturally expected to look busy at work by taping some windows or creating some other type of 'work'.
This expectation is counter-productive and, simply, abhorrent. I want to know why the government doesn't bring about changes around this.
That would only be taiwan.
That would only be Taiwan
or Hawaii
If she really blows then no amount of contingency planning will matter.
xin xin
The Japanese government have done serious studies of the previous blow-off. Areas of different thicknesses of ash received were mapped. Areas with biggest quake damage were also mapped. I've studied those before buying a property in the Fujigoko area couple years ago. If there is any country in the world that make good earthquake or volcanic eruption preps, it is Japan.
Yes, there will be destruction and deaths, and the poorer people will get hurt more on the average. But that is to be expected. Which country is an exception to that regarding health hazards and natural disasters? To the extent that wealth or income inequality is lower in Japan than just about any developed country (just check OECD countries' Gini coefficients), Japan will do better in that respect actually.
There was a movie many years ago called “Nippon Chinbotsu (日本沈没)” which describes escaping Japan after mega eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. Given what happened in 3/11 and this article, maybe it’s time to view it again.
If Mt. Fuji erupts, people living in Tokyo must run away from Tokyo even though they prepare for such sitiation.
We are so weak in front of the nature.
When that happens, I guess that it is time to move Japanese capital city from Tokyo to Fukuoka like Kokaku Kidotai !
Thanks for the info link! I learned something today.