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© KYODOGov't to extend travel subsidy program until around June
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Well, I guess they'll keep saying "There's no proof of the campaign contributing to the rise in cases of where people have travelled" as the Olympics are permanently cancelled.
One thing is to balance economy with public health which is already questionable per se.
The other is to actively promote travelling during a global pandemic when we are reaching new record of cases each week.
However it looks like the numbers have been capped at 500’s for now to give the false impression that its relatively under control.
This sends the wrong message to the general public, who keeps not respecting social distancing, and some already ditched the mask use, when compared with a few months ago.
This is so irresponsible.
Aly Rustom
One thing about the japanese- they cannot reverse course and admit they were wrong. They just can't do it
i expect the government will extend the subsidy program past June next year too, as it is the wrong thing to do, and “there is nothing as permanent as a temporary government program” — M. Friedman
And how many people did those cases infect at either end?
They don't see the need to support families in dire circumstances and the many precariously employed workers.
Who may be able to pivot to different types of commercial activities if provided support.
Instead continue to dump money into top heavy crony businesses who lack economic prospects in the near term.
Sven Asai
I expect it to be suspended still this evening. Or do you want to be made responsible for further rising numbers?
Flat out abuse of Japanese people, all this money could have gone into the pockets of the population. Not LDP donator companies. It’s just abuse on a crazy scale. Money for hotels? Money for restaurants? But no money for hospitals, that alone says it all. And have enough for military spending? Abuse.
Hideomi Kuze
And, more people will be killed by self-righteous policy of neo-liberalism Suga government.
Unless you are very wealthy anyone using this program isn't altogether upstairs. Any spare money you have should be saved. Not spent sitting in 'romance cars'. The global economy is crumbling.
Bernard Marx
Very happy to hear this. Will be booking a cheap holiday somewhere. Perhaps Hokkaido or Okinawa.
Perfect timing. It will just be ending around when the vaccines will likely be widely available and it’ll be safe to travel again.
Oh wait...
Fanny Greene
Bar code ojisan has no idea. Not the time to be promoting travel or eating out. Madness.
robert maes
Suga is in a panic, Koike has lost it. It is in their eyes. We are in deep trouble
Proof of how clueless the authorities are in dealing with the true nature of this pandemic, as everyone can see that the highest number of new cases are starting in the youngest adults age range. Their rational does not implicitly slow down the spread of the virus itself.
This is a very clever move, first it helps the tourist industry and second it helps to reduce the number of people receiving pensions.
The government gets what it wants higher tax income and reduced pension cost, a win-win situation.
I guess Mister Suga made sure that he stays well protected and is well taken care of in the unlikely case that he himself should catch the virus.
Go To Trouble, not Travel!
The government should trust the people. If you have a co-morbidity (aka a known condition that is already life threatening) it is a good idea to stay home and ride it out. If you are scared - stay home. If not, take common sense measures to reduce your chances of being infected and enjoy your freedom to make your own decisions for your own life. Should be a lot less people out there crowding the beaches in Okinawa and the ski slopes in Hokkaido.
Do the hustle
It seems a bit crazy that other countries went into lockdowns, quarantines and had border closures when virus cases spiked, but Japan promotes a travel campaign.
Japan - the only country in the entire world that thinks it's a good idea to run a travel campaign in the middle of a 100 year pandemic. As usual, stubborn to the core and will never reverse course. The most idiotic thing I have ever seen this government do outside of sell tobacco.
Obviously, the government feels that it is safe to travel, right?
And it is!
I’ve been doing so, along with millions of others, everyday, for months and months now.
I am healthy, low risk and pay attention to what I touch.
Don't buy into the panic
Bernard Marx
Fully intend to! I don't need this nanny state nonsense.