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Gov't expected to announce no-entry zone around nuclear plant


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"Edano also said the central and local governments are in the ‘‘final stages’’ of arranging the temporary return of evacuees and asked evacuees to wait for some time."


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Edano confuses a lot of things. I am not sure if he has it all together.

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According to TEPCO, total amount of fuel at Fukushima is 1760 Metric TONS of nuclear fuel. Do you really think a facility with 1760 Metric TONS of nuclear fuel is really putting out only 1/10,000,000 the radiation of the Hiroshima A bomb that only used 64 Kg of uranium? Nobody can say what the radiological damage from Fukushima is because it is still ongoing. When Chernobyl exploded all fission stopped. Then the only problem was the decay isotopes. The situation at Fukushima is different. Fission is still taking place.

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The situation at Fukushima is different. Fission is still taking place.

Say what now?

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" The situation at Fukushima is different. Fission is still taking place. "

And you claim that on what basis?

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I think crazyjohn hit it right on the nail.

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" I think crazyjohn hit it right on the nail. "

Hit what on the nail? He claimed that fission is still going on. Afaik that is not true. Where do you get that idea from?

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Do you really think a facility with 1760 Metric TONS of nuclear fuel is really putting out only 1/10,000,000 the radiation of the Hiroshima A bomb that only used 64 Kg of uranium?


Nobody can say what the radiological damage from Fukushima is because it is still ongoing.

I think you need to do some basic research on the internet. The information you are looking for is readily available from many, many sources, not just TEPCO/J-Gov.

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Work to move some 10,000 tons . . .

Note to editors: a ton is not a unit of measure used in Japan. The unit of measure derived for use with SI units is spelled tonne, or the term metric ton (mt) is used. It equals 1,000 kg.

A ton is a US unit of measure for 2,000 lbs. One ton = 90.72% of a tonne.

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A bomb is designed to release as much energy in as short a time as possible, a reactor is designed NOT to do that (One hopes) to compare a bomb and a reactor is a poor comparison to make. I support that fission will be taking place. Look at the mechanics of fission and the different kinds that occur. It might not be critical fission, but some level will be in process.

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Better late then never, to announce no-entry zone around nuclear plant

In a previous article TEPCO hopes to get the reactors under control within 6 to 9 months....... But even after the fact.....Some areas around the plant will be contaminated .... RIGHT.......and why are the evacuees still in shelters, TEPCO and J Govt should pay for housing these people ......

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Where does all that housing come from and where will it be located? Will it be close to future companies, schools, etc?

This not TV or the Net where things happen suddenly and out of the blue. Of course your country could accomodate a few thousand families at the drop of a coin. They couldn't after katrina, sumatra, haiti or any other major disaster in history

This is reality and nothing changes that.

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Smorkian.....think about it, THE SUN is a natural fusion reactor......So yeah... crazyjohn is right............

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OOps apologies Smorkian, I meant WilliB.......

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Zenny11.... Tokyo for one does not have a rental housing shortage on the contrary among other places in Japan with rental apartments and homes that are vacant..... I'm sure there owners would be glad to receive a monthly check to rent these places out.......

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Zenny11: "Where does all that housing come from and where will it be located? Will it be close to future companies, schools, etc?"

It doesn't matter much where it is, given that many of the evacuees are now jobless; the fact remains that the government and TEPCO are responsible for this nuclear mess and need to give the people a proper place to stay for the time being... not a school gymnasium or lobby with cardboard dividers. How many people have died of pneumonia so far?

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Zenny11.... Katrina was a shocking situation....... But, Cities in the U.S including my hometown of Philadelphia took in and took care of the survivors...and also the U.S govt provided Mobile Homes (trailer homes)for suvivors.... and MONEY.......

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Sorry smithinjapan.

But it does unless you want them all on "seigatsu hogo", like I said the posted picture was an extreme case.

Or you think Tokyo can take their own unemployed plus incomers.

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Who would pay those rental checks, the homeless with no income/savings?

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Hit enter early.

Goverments gets money via taxes which means they pay and so do we all.

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Zenny11.... Monetary Aid is pouring from all over the world.... what are you talking about.....

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And those donations go to .... get a glue I say.

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Charities decide where the money goes according to their own priorities.

This means often in the wrong places.

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Zenny11: "Or you think Tokyo can take their own unemployed plus incomers."

Like I said, temporary housing should be made available at TEPCO and the government's expense. Nowhere did I say they should all be moved to Tokyo, did I? Again, so long as it is out of the evacuation zone it doesn't much matter where said temporary housing is; it would be a HUGE step up from the current evacuation centers and gymnasiums, and would give them the plumbing and hopefully electricity they need, not to mention personal space.

But again, I ask... how many have died of pneumonia in the evacuation centers?

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" think about it, THE SUN is a natural fusion reactor......So yeah... crazyjohn is right............ "

Crazyjohn claimed that there is fission going on in the shut-down reactor. I asked him why he thinks so. What does the sun have to do with that??

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Not disagreeing but you forget the human factor as has been reported on TV. Where people insist on a certain location plus neighbours, etc.

There been many reports on TV where people refused to move to certain locations and or where they would be separated from friends, etc.

Things are simply not as easy as saying go to X(find a job, etc).

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WilliB..... The reactors that still require coolant, via water etc.... Are still hot and emiting radiation just like the Sun but on a smaller scale..... that's why I agree with crazyjohn.....

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" WilliB..... The reactors that still require coolant, via water etc.... Are still hot and emiting radiation just like the Sun but on a smaller scale..... that's why I agree with crazyjohn..... "

What is that supposed to mean? Are you perhaps confusing the concepts of 1. decay heat, 2. nuclear fission and 3. nuclear fusion?? These are entirely different things.

The reactors are emitting decay heat. Crazyjohn was tal

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claiming that there is fission. You start talking about sun.

Again, I want to know what Crazyjohn based his claim on.

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I support that fission will be taking place. Look at the mechanics of fission. It may not be critical fission but some will be occurring notably in reactor 3 where there are heavier isotopes.

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Now you can see how inept the Government of Japan really is when it comes to taking care of its citizens. Where will these people live? Where will they work? Where will they go to school? It is the fault of TEPCO and the government of Japan. They should pay for everything and smile while doing it. These people need homes, jobs and schools and they need them NOW.

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I am looking at the mechanics of fission, and I dont see why it should occur. The reactor was shut immediately during the earthquake; the tsunami and related problems came after. Neither do I have seen any source (except for excited JT posters) claim that there is fission going on. If there were neutron beamss you bet we would have heard about it.

YuriOtani: I am no fan of J-politicians, but I don´t see what the government could have done better here. The exclusion zone is reasonable, and the people will be compensated. What more do you want??

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WilliB, the people are suffering and the government is more worried about covering its hind end than taking care of its people. So far TEPCO will give what is it a million yen per household. It sounds like a lot but it is nothing. The government should put these people in hotels and pay the bills. Sleeping in a gym surrounded by a short wall of cardboard is no way to live. So how much is reasonable for totally disrupting the lives of these people? How would YOU measure suffering in a monetary value? So you are saying paying these TEPCO made homeless a small amount of money makes everything ok?

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WilliB- Kyodo News reported on March 23rd that, "Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it has observed a neutron beam, a kind of radioactive ray, 13 times on the premises of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after it was crippled by the massive March 11 quake-tsunami disaster."

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Now you can see how inept the Government of Japan really is when it comes to taking care of its citizens.

I have witnessed this for the whole 20yrs I have been here, not news

Where will these people live? Where will they work? Where will they go to school? It is the fault of TEPCO and the government of Japan. They should pay for everything and smile while doing it. These people need homes, jobs and schools and they need them NOW.

I am no fan of govt or tepco, but then has been a MASSIVE natural disaster, and then the nukes.

Point blank there is no way this can be fixed in the short term, people are going to have to realize they arent going home, at least they way it was before 3/11 in the areas affected directly by the quakes, tsunami & nuke plants. Its impossible. Same with shelter, who is nearby etc etc etc, its incredibly sad, gut wrenching, financial catastrophy but this isnt going to be fixed in a couple months.

Its awful, but reality has to start kicking in at some point, and there is a lot thats going to affect many of us who survived the quake/tsunami, we are at the very beginning of a long, drawn out, painful process, nothing is a given at this point

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Oh wanted to mention the govt you have, have had, was elected by the people of Japan, imo the people of Japan have willingly let themselves be run over for many decades now, but wud be nice if Japanese wud start holding their govt accountable more.

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" So you are saying paying these TEPCO made homeless a small amount of money makes everything ok? "

First all, TEPCO did not make these people homeless out of the blue; least you forget it there was a natural disaster of historical proportions. Secondly, nobody says a small amount of money makes everything OK. We are early in this crisis, there are lots of things to do all at once, as far as I can see the Japanese authorities are dealing with it as best they can. I really don´t know what you expect... miracles?

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Good luck throwing grandma out of her house and letting her rot.

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WilliB, I expect better from the government. As for TEPCO if they had a proper up to date backup system it would of never happened. Thus it is their fault since it was preventable. As things stand now people may be in shelters for years. No home, no job and no hope and please tell me again everything possible is being done. Once the media stops covering it the pressure will be off and nothing will be done as always.

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Yesterday on Yahoo news Japan there was an article that said 600,000 dead birds, 30,000 dead pigs and 3000 dead cows have been found dead in Fukushima. The article said the JP govt claimed the animals starved to death if you can believe that. I cannot find the same article anymore. It was pulled and nothing is being reported in the foreign media about it. Anyone still think the incident is not being downplayed?

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WilliB at 01:19 AM JST - 21st April. First all, TEPCO did not make these people homeless out of the blue; least you forget it there was a natural disaster of historical proportions.

There are many in Japan and beyond who are no longer prepared to be reassured. TEPCO has a truly rotten record in telling the truth. In 2002, its chairman and a group of senior executives had to resign after the J-government disclosed they had covered up a large series of cracks and other damage to reactors, and in 2006 the company admitted it had been falsifying data about coolant materials in its plants over a long period. Why does the instinct to hide everything persist, even now, when the major role of nuclear energy has decisively shifted from the military to the civilian sector?

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Yeah, it's almost like those animals were killed en masse, by some kind of disasterous event. Anything come to mind?

There are also a ton of fake stories going around. There's no such thing as finding 600,000 dead birds. Gimme a break and use some common sense.

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Are you serious? I'm not sure what you expect the J-Gov to do - there's only so many places to put people (where would that many hotel rooms come from?) and so much money (the government is already massively in debt and has to pay for reconstruction costs and tax revenues will surely be way down). It sounds nice that they could do more but it's not very realistic.

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Smorkian, yea that is all the government has to say, "we have no money". They failed these people in every possible way and take no responsibility. These people have lost everything! The government is NOT going to help, not really. Watch and learn, the government could lease empty apartments. Our leaders have no heart and no empathy toward those in need. So it comes down to professional negligence resulting in injury and death.

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I think some of the evacuees should be moved into the homes of TEPCO directors. Let the directors sleep in the school gymnasiums. They can stay there until they have rehoused every one of the evacuees.

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Ok what else cud the govt be doing, seriously I am not trying to be flippant here, short & long term......

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no more complaints . . . . just follow the order for the benefit of everyone !!!

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To YuriOtani,

"No home, no job and no hope and please tell me again everything possible is being done."

Step back, and think about that statement. The whole area is devastated, lotsa jobs to rebuild, new, modern businesses, etc.... That area could be redone to state of the art levels if the right person takes leadership.

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agreed but it obviously takes time, a lot of it, something many dont seem to get

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To all, people are going to die during this time. Yet the government is doing just enough to show they "care". GW, the government can put the homeless in vacant apartments and houses. It will be up to them to relocate business that has been forced to close causing unemployment. apecNetworks, this is the government of Japan, no one is going to take charge and responsibility to make that happen. Their motto is when in doubt, do nothing. So people are sleeping in cardboard boxes in school gyms. Tough luck to them as the leaders of government and industry sleep in comfort in their large homes.

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