Japan Today

Helicopters, firefighters battle forest fires in Gunma, Tochigi


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The images on TV are terrible, I hope the losses are kept to a minimum

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Good job SDF! Keep up the good work!!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

No mention in the article of any rain approaching, not even the 10% forecast tomorrow for Gunma that they might be pinning their hopes on. No, nothing?


1 ( +1 / -0 )

The cause of the fire was unclear, but there's a rest stop for hikers in an area where it's believed to have started.

Wouldn't surprise me if this started after a hiker threw their cigarette butt on the ground.....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Seeing as I currently live in Southern California, we have our share of huge wildfires (man made and natural). Each time I have to commend the fire fighters. About two years ago we had one come close to our home and was close to having to evacuate.

Fortunately the fire fighters were able to contain it but I remember they had to battle high (dry) winds that was changing direction all the time -- and they did this by hand on the ground because the winds were too dangerous for the helicopters and plane dumps were too hard for them hit their target. It was crazy. We went down to the park where all the fire fighters were resting and delivered water, snacks and whatever we could to show our appreciation.

Thank you to all the fire fighters around the world for your service.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wtf??? Forrest fire in a freezing winter wonderland??? Anonymous arsonist to be suspected...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

One man suffered burns and was hospitalized, and firefighters have been deployed, said Hitomi Hirokami.

Firefighters were working on the ground, while military helicopters were dousing the area. No one has been injured.

One man suffered burns and was hospitalized, but no one has been injured. I guess getting burned, and being taken to the hospital is not a injury, it is just a flesh would. Ni!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

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