Japan Today

High radiation readings found at Fukushima tanks


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Yeah soooo, it's the remedy stories we want to read about JT!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Ok Abe and cronies, you told the world that you're going to get involved with a sense of urgency. Exactly what are you doing now? It's been what, about a week and a half to two weeks since you made the announcement?

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Surely it is leaking from somewhere! TEPCO has made hundreds of tanks as quickly as possible since the disaster, two tanks per day with 3rd world cheap technology. Of course it will leak all the time because they don't want to keep paying a great amount of money forever! I wonder how many more tanks they need in the near future?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I'm amazed TEPCO can even find people that are willing to walk into that nightmare.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

new radiation hotspots near tanks storing toxic water, with one reading peaking at 1,800 millisieverts per hour—a potentially lethal dose

No excuse for inaction! Where are the robots?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Yes by spring the whole place will have to be abandoned, 2014 will be the year of dread, good luck humans

4 ( +4 / -0 )

@Neko_Nebula, many of those hired to clean up are ne'er do wells and petty criminals. They live in and around Iwaki-shi, south of the disaster area, and the residents there complain about how unsafe the area has become because of them. Those are the kind of people that are willing to walk into that nightmare.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

with one reading peaking at 1,800 millisieverts per hour

Isnt this the highest reading recorded of outside the actual reactors since the earthquake?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Found??? Really??? Shouldn't that be "STILL?"

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It's only a matter of time before the G20 recognize this for what it is, a global health problem.

And it's only a matter of time before they reach the conclusion, if they haven't already, that Japan, on its own, is NOT equipped, in the least, to deal with this effectively.

The question is, will other countries need to physically INVADE Japan to fix the problem, or is Abe and his cronies gonna wake up and send out an all points HELP bulletin to the world?

Either way, Japan ain't getting this fixed alone. Not by a long shot. It's one thing when an Earthquake levels a city and the Yakuza refuse help, but when they start POLLUTING THE WORLD, then it's another story altogether.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Any article involving TEPCO should just be in the crime section.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

smith, I agree. I have suggested that too to JT. What had happened to all TEPCO retired CEOs? Are they all retired with big pensions? Hope they can sleep with a conscience.

Tokyo is about 200 km away from this leak, right? Hope the wind/rain are not blowing to that direction.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

When is enough enough? These clowns are creating a disaster with their inept and unprofessional work standards. So, come on Abe! Put your action where your lip service is and lets see the J-Gov take a proactive role in this debacle!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

new radiation hotspots near tanks storing toxic water, with one reading peaking at 1,800 millisieverts per hour—a potentially lethal dose

No excuse for inaction

I sometime feel very sick and angry to read all about his mess. I blame all inactions in Japanese DEKINAI Culture.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

globalwatcher: "What had happened to all TEPCO retired CEOs?"

Actually, Shimizu, the man largely responsible for the disaster at the time, is now working with a high figure salary as an energy consultant, or something like that.

This is absolutely sickening, and worse still that the world is letting it happen. I bet if the IOC threatened to deny Abe the games if he didn't do something NOW then he would FINALLY put his money where his mouth always is. And if nations threatened to boycott Japanese products if something wasn't immediately done they might finally act. Other news sources say the first major plume of radiation in the Pacific will hit the NA waters soon. The first... not the last, and certainly not the last given that nothing is being done about it.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Another quick-and-dirty.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is another 'escalation' article to prepare us for something really bad!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

What is the qualifications of these watch dogs? More like government croonies

0 ( +0 / -0 )

smithinjapanSep. 01, 2013 - 01:28PM JST

globalwatcher: "What had happened to all TEPCO retired CEOs?"

Actually, Shimizu, the man largely responsible for the disaster at the time, is now working with a high figure salary as an energy consultant, or something like that.

What a surprise to hear Shimizu is an energy consultant. What had happened to the one above President Shimizu? I remember he was a tight lipped arrogant guy with white hair. I never liked him. To me he had a lot to hide behind Shimizu. Anyway, that's a beside the point. I am speculating once the leak is not fixed by Japanese and the leak is getting worse, then the International organization will step in regardless without Japanese approval.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

One thing that strikes me as odd, why did so many go and take a look? why not send one with a HD video camera to get some footage, why expose so many at once? limit the radiation doses as much as possible, we need all the experts and help we can get it seems.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

15 years I lived in Japan and I still love and miss it. This desaster is NOT domestic anymore. Many people think that with the years to come, the Pacific Ocean will suffer more than TEPCO thinks (if they think). So my question is - why not ask for international help ?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

As has been asked on this JT site many times before ... what more is happening up there in the Fukushima wasteland? Surely TEPCO isn't giving us the full scope of how bad things really are.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

dbsaiyaSep. 01, 2013 - 08:08AM JST

Ok Abe and cronies, you told the world that you're going to get involved with a sense of urgency. Exactly what are you doing now? It's been what, about a week and a half to two weeks since you made the announcement?

He is creating a "task force" or "committee" to look into things, that takes at least a year to come to a conclusion. He is busy hiring people to work for the government to say, we don't know what to do. We do not need "experts" we need common sense solutions.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

As of this writing, this is the No. 2 news story on the MSN site. The headline reads: Radiation Counts Spike in Japan. So at least this story is seeping into the outside world ...

0 ( +1 / -1 )


The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) had originally said the radiation emitted by the leaking water was around 100 milliseverts an hour.

However, the company said the equipment used to make that recording could only read measurements of up to 100 milliseverts.

For goodness' sake, it's way, way, WAY beyond a joke now. The frigging dosimeter was MAXED OUT and nothing clicks in their brains, like get a higher-reading dosimeter?!

Hey officer, I wasn't speeding. My speedo reads up to 50km/h and that's all I was doing? Stupidity is no defence. Get some real experts in NOW.

It now says readings taken near the leaking tank on Saturday showed radiation was high enough to prove lethal within four hours of exposure.

I am speechless....yet again.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

Yeah I got this from NHKs website:

"The Tepco spokesman also said the higher level of radiation from the latest reading was partly because investigators had used a measuring instrument capable of registering greater amounts of radiation."

Which means that there is a huge chance that all pre-recorded readings of 100 millisieverts were higher, a lot higher. Now this to me is total dishonesty if this fact was hidden before. If this fact wasnt hidden, and the media failed to report it, then im totally disgusted in the media.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

TIME TO GET OUT NOW THERE IS NO TRUST The measurements are beyond what the equipment is designed to measure. That right there tells you its not safe its a no brainer. this also indicates there is no control and the readings are actually higher than reported

The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) had originally said the radiation emitted by the leaking water was around 100 milliseverts an hour.

However, the company said the equipment used to make that recording could only read measurements of up to 100 milliseverts.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

two tanks per day with 3rd world cheap technology.

Interesting comment. The contractors were Taisei, Shimzu and Hazama Ando, native sons in the realm of Yamato.

Are you suggesting that Japanese industry has sunk to 3rd world standards?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Liquid waste stratification. When the water was pumped into the tank it was homogenous, after sitting for an extended period the suspended solids have settled to the bottom of the tank causing an increase in radiation levels due to concentration. It's not rocket science.

Disclaimer/ I'm not affiliated with Tepco or any other body that would benefit from my opinion. I am a specialist dealing with radioactive waste water purification.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

This is absolutely sickening, and worse still that the world is letting it happen. I bet if the IOC threatened to deny Abe the games if he didn't do something NOW then he would FINALLY put his money where his mouth always is. And if nations threatened to boycott Japanese products if something wasn't immediately done they might finally act.

I doubt it. There are a lot of Japanese interests around the world providing jobs. Something tells me they already have the Olympics in the bag, otherwise they wouldn't be letting all this information slip out a couple of weeks - now just one week - before the 'decision' is made. On the other hand it may be a good thing because they'll have to get this mess sorted out properly if the world's eyes will be on Japan over the next 7 years.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

How many more "surprises" should we be getting ourselves ready for from Tokyo Electric?? OH! Geez, look at all of this deadly radiation, and we are supposed to believe that these bozos have everything under control up there in Fukushima?????!!!!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Erma Gherd thank you for leaving this information as a layman in terms of this science and technology and with the mainstream press being missleading it is hard to get good information.

I am very saddened by the accusation it is Japan's desperate and criminal elements that is performing the work on site now. I respect Japaneese people very much. Whether it was the fukishima 50 (are the rumors true are many of them dead dying now?) or these less savory characters I am impressed by their courage and resolve as a people...

But god dammit if they need our help they need our help!!! Instead the world seems concerned with more kindling God help us all...

With such high spikes is the chance for china syndrome or what i was told Argentina syndrome to occur? I found the comment about 2014 being a banner year so to speak shocking can any actual people in this field comment on that claim? I thank in advance anyone who will respond with clarification. Japan we love you!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I wonder why some nations are currently itching to get involved in a sovereign nation's business and chuck millions of pounds worth of ordinance at them yet those same nations seem to have no interest what so ever in intervening in probably the worst environmental disaster ever to occur? I can't help feel that the damage being done to the the earth, particularly the sea is as big a tragedy as the deaths happening in an ongoing civil war.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"none of the containers showed any visible fall in their water levels" Excuse me, 200T=47,920gUS=6400cf=a cube 18.6ft. on a side and they don't "miss" that?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

While obviously a bad thing, this spike shouldn't be exaggerated along with the hype of radiation spreading all over the world. The crackpots remember how sweet and uncontaminated the state of the oceans were in the happy decades before the Japanese ruined it all with Fukishimathis unhappy unintended accident. Of course, these crackpots do not remember all the pacific bomb testing that, while certainly made a local mess, did not pollute the worlds oceans as they want us to believe this incident has. The actual effects on the rest of the world are nil and it is irresponsible and damaging to people to exaggerate the danger. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/apr/12/japan-nuclear-fukushima-radiation

Please crackpots, put out that fire in your hair and stop with the fear-mongering. Be constructive and realistic, at least do not foment undue panic and dismay.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

hilarious..... I sent this to DRUDGE REPORT and this is the puff piece they link to..... I've always thought "Drudge report" was a very informative news site. You heave been my home page for a long as can remember.......

FUKUSHIMA is the most important story in the history of mankind....... Please do not help our corrupt, complicit, compliant government wag the dog. Please........please dig into this story and run a thorough update. one source you may want to start with its enenews.com

-the groundwater has risen to the surface and swamped the area, leaving the buildings and storage tanks unstable. -they keep talking about isolated storage tanks leaking but the real problem is contaminated water has been flowing into the ocean at a rate of 600,000 tons a day since the tsunami......almost two and a half years ago......... -Our worthless war mongering governments response has been to say it its now ok for us to consume a little cesium.......and shut down monitoring -Russia offered huge assistance and expertise -the ocean has steam rising out of it in the area and possibly as far away as twenty kilometers......during hot summer days....... -if they have to evacuate the area because the radiation level becomes deadly. There will be no stopping four loaded nuclear reactors from melting into the earth and ocean -we get most of our oxygen from plankton. I am not a biologist but i think radiation may be bad for plankton....... -us sailors were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation and are denied medical treatment

There's allot more of course but these are important facts that every human has a right to know about.....makes war seem kinda silly when the human race could be wiped from the earth if it gets any worse.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This coverage is alarmist, deceptive and inaccurate. To understand the relative risk of this release you need to understand distinctions between different kinds of radiation and the way in which it interacts with the environment.

See: http://ex-skf.blogspot.de/2013/09/ro-waste-water-leak-fukushima-i-nuke.html

Reporters should know better: no excuse to conflate different kinds of radiation and to suggest effects that are not warranted by the evidence.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What nuclear material has escaped from the 3 reactors? Well, this article is clearly showing us that deep underground there are nuclear reactions taking place! It was said that the site was in 'a cold shutdown, many months ago yet here we find out that there are lethal amounts of radiation being measured-clearly we see lies designed to lull the people to sleep being exposed for what they are!

The day when the site becomes too dangerous for humans is approaching;there needs to be work started to contain the liquid runoff to the sea or we will see life become extinct in Japan.....

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

OK it's been how many years since this happened? And it's still not cleaned up? Can anyone say "Duh?" Duh = dumb, just fix it.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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