A 51-year-old high school teacher at a public school in Akita Prefecture forced an 18-year-old female student to wear a maid's costume, telling her that she would not receive academic credits if she refused. The student reported the case to police, the local education board said Wednesday.
According to school officials, the teacher, who manages an art club at Odate High School, pressured the student to wear a maid costume for a photo contest on Sept 22 last year. He told the student that he would not give her any credits for the class unless she wore the costume. The teacher told officials he chose the student as a model because of her "cute smile."
The teacher brought a digital camera to the session and asked three other female students to take photos of the girl while he left the room. The student later complained to a female school official, who encouraged her to report the matter to local police on Tuesday.
The teacher was quoted by school officials as saying, “It was just a joke.” He and the school principal apologized to the student and her parents on Wednesday, and immediately deleted the images of her in the maid costume.
The teacher has been suspended from managing the art club for three months, but not from teaching students in the club, according to the school officials.
© News reports
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Just another pervert here. He would be crucified in the West. Jail time for sure but a slap here.
He should be fired. I would think he had a sexual interest in the girl and a fetish for girls in maid costumes. He also abused his authority, used manipulation and emotional blackmail to get what he wanted. But why did the girl comply? She should have laid the complaint before it happened or perhaps she was smart enough to get some evidence first. In any case, justice evaded her.
This is a cop out and a disgrace. The parents and everyone else involved should push to have this guy sacked and registered as a potential sex offender. "It was just a joke" does not cut it as a reason. This guy wanted these photos for his own sexual gratification and nothing else. With regard to why the girl complied, it can be assumed that she felt a certain menace on the part of the teacher. There is a charge in that as well, "Threat with menace." Name and shame this clown.
I can't decide if the teaching profession in Japan has the most deviants or not. They probably do surpass the police and firemen. Too bad the "sensei" status protects them.
What a great system! Teachers abuse children and do not get any punishment. He would find himself doing a few years in prison where I come from. There is a huge perverted sickness within Japanese society.
Great Idea Teach!
Haha, the guy probably confused Akita with Akiba.
Where were her parents during all of this?
Where were her parents during all of this? They could have helped the girl get into the costume!
I'm thinking about getting a teaching job in Japan - it sounds like fun!
The girl was 18 presumeably the age of consent. He was lucky if the young lady was a couple of years younger prison time would be in order.
Fire him!!!
mistersmarmy, if you are a foreigner in Japan and do this, you will receive the harshest possible sentence. Only native Japanese get a slap on the wrist for their crimes. Read some of the sentences people have received for their crimes.
Shows how the educational system here prepares kids for later life.....
I smell secret fetish and a hint of petafile here....am I wrong?
If it was my daughter he (the Teacher) would be getting his picture taken in a hospital gown cause he would have to be admitted for a detached retina and a camera stuck up his a**.
Dances the Hare Hare Yukai dance
I do not understand. The teacher is teaching an art class, I am supposing and there is a contest which is part of the class. He thinks the girl would make a great model for the contest in a maid's outfit. OK so far. He leaves the room and asks other students to take pictures of her, hopefully in the outfit. OK I would say. However, it looks as though the girl never wanted to be a model in a maid's outfit and the teacher would not listen. He is wrong here and has been admonished. I do not think he is a pervert or anything but someone who is so focused on the goal of winning the contest that he forgot the human element.
I'd have to agree with TrappedNTokyo, he'd be in a hospital having the camera surgically removed from his A** if it were my daugher. Did the parents just accept his bow and gomen nasai and let it go? I swear Japanese just let everything go! Does anything piss them off enough for a little revenge? Does any man in this country have a pair to stand up and do something against these pervs? No! I'll be he only deleted the images after sharing them with the head teacher and others so he wouldn't get canned!
Dennis Bauer
ha, ha funny, why is nobody else laughing?
How about this though...The girl said she would dress up as he suggested for a better grade. He said no, I just want you in the contest and I think you would win. "wink, wink" She dresses and perfomrs but does not get whatever art grade or recommendation she wanted and tells a faculty member and then tells police to ruin this man. Her names goes up as a tragic figure and teach has to pay some gomen money to the fam. Of course...he said it was all a joke, so there goes that.
I wouldn't string the guy up, it sounds pretty innocuous. He even left the room when the photos were being taken.
He didn't even have the decency to say he was drunk.
Your perv teacher manipulates you into wearing a maid outfit, and you report it and they only ENCOURAGE you to go the police? At the very least she should have gone with the girl to the station, not to mention reporting it immediately to the principle. This is more evidence that females just don't matter much in japan.
I'm laughing.
Are you saying that if he had only told the truth, if what you surmise is the truth, that everyone would have believed him???
OneForAll has an interesting point. Maybe he just wanted to win. Naturally, you would choose the cutest student for that, unless of course, you did not care about winning.
I thought this was in Akiba. Oops someone already said that.
The teacher should be sacked without any pension "just for a joke."
These comments are great, but have you ever taught at a Japanese Elementary, Junior High or Senior High School. It is really difficult to get the kid off his or her chair to write anything on the black board. These kids lack motivation for the simpliest commands. Like for example, Teacher : " What is your name ? " Lazy Bones Student: Ehhhh, YATTA !!! Teacher: " How many thumbs do I have ? " Lazy Bones Student: EWhhhh, YATTA ! " Teacher: " Please open your textbook to page 3. " Lazy Student: Ehhhh, Eigo Wakkarani . Yatta !!! "
I don't condone a teacher asking a female student to wear a mini skirt maid uniform. But I seen a student wear a boy's uniform for fun !!!! I think he should have choose a better costume.
bamboohat -- exactly. Why did not the female school official not immediately report it to her superiors? Probably because this school has no formal procedure for reporting sexual harrassment. Either that, or she knew it would be a waste of time, so it was necessary to get the law involved.
Ramires Bourguignon Ferreira
if i was written in the syllabus that wearing a "maid´s costume" was part of the grades, I think there´s no wrong about it...
Too many teachers have sexual interests in children. It's sickening. You think you respect someone you work with until the make a comment on someone's skirt.
Just need to fire the guy and get a new teacher.
if more 18 year old girls would wear maid's costumes I would still be a teacher.
If I could order 18-year-old girls to do my bidding just by holding their grades hostage, I might consider becoming one.
Gosh I'm just so torn.... on one hand I'm thinking what a gross icky perv.... an apology, just fire him! ...But on the other, a maid costume may actually cover more then the school uniforms I've seen this girls wearing!! ...Seriously you wouldn't need to cover your behind going up the stairs if you just rolled your skirt down to a decent length!
The headline "Teacher forces female student to wear maid's costume" is misleading. He didn't force her to wear it - he just pressured her to wear it. She could have just said no. I'm surprised shiuu hasn't called her a fool.
minus the threat of no credits I see no problem, should have choice the 2nd cutest in line
i think this is surely a rude but absolutely normal joke, or at least a good way of communication.i heard many teachers saying things like this in my childhood. in my opinion,the problem is some young people lack basic communication skills and are not ready to understand the jokes. Another aspect is that Japanese cheap media are looking at issues only superficially, in context of growing stereotype of what they call sexual or power harrasment (which is relatively new to most japanese)or sexually preoocupied "hentai" teachers. there seems to be no indication that the teacher has any sexual interest in girls in maid costumes. Moreover, Odate city is forth or fifth city in Akita prefecture, where they have no "maid cafes" and maids are just something associated with Tokyo culture. no wonder, the teacher said this just as a country joke but not to satisfy his sexual desire in any way.
i guess it's hard to find girls who wear such costumes naturally, in akita. had he been teacherin' in tokyo, osaka or fukuoka he would've run out of film before he ran out of viagra ... ha ha ha.
donpolski: You beat me to it good one
Jeff Huffman
moonbeams at 08:09 PM JST - 5th March Too many teachers have sexual interests in children. It's sickening.
While this incident is reprehensible and the teacher should be fired, an 18-year old is not a child.
shiuu at 10:07 PM JST - If I could order 18-year-old girls to do my bidding just by holding their grades hostage, I might consider becoming one.
You "might consider becoming one" what? An 18-year old girl? Grammar and spelling always count.
if i was her, i would have blackmailed him for some money. . .
Age for being an adult in Japan is actually 20... not 16, 18, or 12.
But the pinishment should fit the crime! Why don't se simply make this fair! Make him wear a maid outfit for three days, walk around in public, while everyone takes photos! And he must agree to walk up and start a random conversation with at least 2 U.S. Sailors!
WAIT! Who did the maid outfit belong to in the 1st place? he had a maid outift on hand, one that fit her... This is either realy really innocent, or really really scary-
Think the quote he used was more then sufficient explanation. Regarding this guy, agreed, he ought to have been fired for this. Threatening to fail the girl if she didn't wear the costume deserves more then a suspension.
Yes, this is a firing offense for a professor. The only thing that might have stopped that from happening is tenure. Sick, sick, sick!
For those who say the teacher should have been fired: Are teachers that easy to come by that they can be fired over just any little thing? Pressuring a girl to dress up in a maid costume might be going a bit far, but certainly it doesn't seem like a firing offense.
Under 20 = Child. Unfortunately we don't know all the facts. How many witnesses there were. The history of the student or teacher causing trouble. How sexy or conservative the uniform was. What everyone else was wearing. To me it sounds like he was set up. If she was with her friends and also went ahead with wearing it, and they took her pictures while he was not in the room!!! that sounds strange. Why would her friends do that AND then complain???
Maybe she was trying to blackmail him. It happens. I have heard a few stories from J-chicks who did it. I met one girl once a few years back who was 24 at the time who said to her high school teacher in the final year, if you don't give me 30,000 yen and pass me in my test I will accuse you of harassing me. He gave her 50,000yen!!! and she wrote nothing in her test. Unbelievable.
Nothing surprises me any more in this country.
Its not the requiring the girl to dress up, its the pressuring via grade that is the issue. This is not just a little thing. By doing this, he is taking himself out of the role of teacher, and into the range of the criminal. As I said before, he should have been fired.
It most definately IS a firing offence.
What else does this jerk get up to in his professional duties is the question you have to ask.
He has been caught out as a person UNFIT in the role of teacher.
And quite frankly no, I don't think it would be that hard to replace him.
likeitis - did you really take my comment seriously? More than half the comments on JT are not that serious and you chose mine, even though mine said "how about this", like "what if"?
Oh yeah, more maid costumes makes the world go round.
Yeah, I have to kind of laugh at that one... In the US, people say «Under 18 = child» and where I live a lot of people say it's under 16, the age of consent. Different people and different governments have all kinds of standards for what makes a child, and nobody can agree. But the practical effect is that kids who are below the legal age where they live can blackmail adults just by claiming some form of abuse.
I find this story to be rather amusing... one of those «Only in Japan» kind of news stories!
for every one that gets caught, there are 19 others that get away with it.
PepinGalarga re: "for every one that gets caught, there are 19 others that get away with it." The teacher must have had this planned for some time... I assume the outfit belonged to him, and assume it was a perfect fit for her. I do not think there are 19 other related stories as creepy as this one...
Don't forget, it's totally legal for an 18-19 year old to appear in pornography in this country. And pretty much every other country where pornography is legal. The fact that she is a legal 'child' isn't the issue at all.
The issue as I see it is just an abuse of power by a teacher. Teachers should not be allowed to intimidate a student into doing something for a grade.
If the teacher has a generally good record and is apologetic, I see no need to fire him, though. People need to be allowed to make mistakes as long as they own up to them and try not to make them again. The photos have been deleted, the teacher has been reprimanded. Sounds like issue closed to me.
If he had asked her to dress up in a highschool girl's uniform instead of as a maid, he would have got similar photos and might have avoided the attention of the raging mob.
Doesn't this story smack of discrimination against maids? They do a useful job and are pleased to have the work.
pawatan... 20 is the legal age.
No need to fire him... Hmmm. I agree! I think the punishment should fit the crime. Why not have him teach in a Maid outfit for one semester... and a little dance would not hurt!
Interesting how it becomes "just a joke" when the victim in quesiton has the guts to go to the police. The fact that this guy is allowed to keep teaching is a disgrace....