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© KYODOAt least 130,000 bank accounts affected by latest My Number ID card issue
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Judy Itoh
I have the paper My Number card. I’ve applied 3 times for digital. It was returned to the My Number office every time. ALL of my mail comes to my house where I live. My jyuminhyo address is another house which I also own but my husband lives in it. I pay all of the bills so I need all mail to come to me. My number will not forward the card. I offered to pay for takyubin. They said no. I went to the jyuminhyo city hall and they could not help me. I tried doing my civic duty, but My Number doesn’t realize that many of us don’t fit into a perfect little system. Send the cards to forwarded mail addresses. Make me sign for it. I’ve tried my best to get the digital one but My Number refuses me. What am I supposed to do?
Sister Jane
130,000 Bank Accounts effected with the My Card and still TPTB are pushing it while seemingly not at all worried about the My Card's obvious faults.
It seems that Western countries and I include Japan in that as they are in the G7, have been trying in some form or other to imitate China whenever the situation presents itself, and the My card seems to be the future for all personal data in the future, they need it to control the masses just like China. After everything is on the My Card, they then will try for a Social Credit Score and perhaps Carbon Credits if they can push this climate change thing hard enough. Don't think for one minute that this is not a possibility, TPTB got Japanese to all wear Mask and jump through hoops during the Covid crisis, (heck Japan is still pushing this Covid thing) it can and will be tried at the very least. So if you like being controlled, go along with their every desire, and their desire is complete control. Great Democracy in Japan, the Japanese have no say what so ever in the My Card realm, it's just do as your told peon.
Hideomi Kuze
Defective "My Number" system symbolizing incompetent, self-righteousness, arrogance and disregarding life of present Japanese Govt.
They spend taxpayers' trillions yen for this system, but its safety or reliability are far lower than cards of private companies.
Govt intends to unnecessary scrap trouble-free national health insurance cards and force defective cards that endangers savings or health or lives to general public.
Besides, Govt already decided to have no responsibility legally no matter how defective system damaged people.
Against it then, against it now and with this latest dysfunction management data system - guess?
Hervé L'Eisa
In case no one remembers, when this MN was introduced it was to be "limited in scope", on a voluntary basis(which most people did not believe).
And now, predictably,... " The parliament enacted a law Friday to scrap health insurance cards and incorporate them into the My Number ID cards, effectively making it mandatory for all residents to obtain the cards."
Yes, the most important thing here is that it is not a security breach.
This sounds like the cards have been misued according some bureaucratic rule, which would probably have kicked in had the same application been made the old way with pieces of paper written in person and stamped with the must-be-correct hanko. I am certainly not a fan of surveillance, which cookies, loyalty point cards, MyNumber, all are, but the alternative here is almost certainly going to be doing stuff on paper in person with hankos, which is worse. We had to set up a separate bank account to get child benefit. The family Covid support we got got paid into a different account. In total we must have at least six bank accounts to manage, all due to stupid bureaucratic rules that won't let us collect payments in our chosen account.
Somewhat 'modern system', please meet 'out-of-date infrastructure', 'even more out-of-date working environment', and 'under-skilled, underpaid, overworked workplace minions'.
What could possibly go wrong?
The banking system is so messed up, it's common to have multiple accounts to avoid bank fees. How many people have only 1 personal bank account?
If they're not letting people link family members' bank accounts, why didn't they structure the sign-up process so that it would refuse to link bank accounts in different names? That's like, you go shopping online, they ask for your credit card. You give it to them, they send you the goods. Then a few days later you get a phone call saying, "Sorry, we don't accept that credit card."
They should pay you for wasting your time.
At first I thought, this all some big game of pass "a b c my family friends' card maker company more Loot to make stuff up.
But the jokes over. Dead. buried. And now its comin back from the grave.
Whats the hold up?? Kill it with fire!!
Forget about it. Pretty obvious nobody gives a crap enough to vote. They dont care who got rich off it. If it was bid rig city startup…or whose wives families cousins sons are on the yacht right now.. Not even bad press about it. A Perfect heist!
Except.. now they wanna take it serious. And it sucks. It totally blows. This is kinda screw up to make people wanna vote.
Take the money and run. Drop kick the circus clown show before it gets worse.
Or Is this all about the Pride thing now?
How did I know this would fail from day 1?
On the day they (they being some 65+ year old man) were taking info on my card, they needed a picture of me.
That old man used an ipad..................and took about, and I kid you not, at least 10 pictures of me.
He still couldn't get it.
They called me on my phone, since I was already on my way out, they said you have to take the pics again.
The first ones didn't come out.
But they already took at least ten pics.......
I go back, same old dude, same ipad. He takes another ten.
Done. I leave.
In the mail, they said the pictures were not "up to standards." Either the pictures were too close or the framing of it was not centered, whatever.
I was hot.
SO they said, now you gotta come to city hall and take more pics........
Free of charge. Thanks.............
I go down there, theres a woman, maybe 30-40s. She has an ACTUAL camera. And I asked her, do you have an actual camera?
She said yes. She took 1, ONE picture. Done.
The whole process finished in 6 weeks............
Yeah, the MyCard and anything you attach to it, is a HORRIBLE idea.
It all points at desperation. As Global technology culture creating all solutions, Govt. really just giant parasite now.
Certainly Govt. not able to innovate, let alone manage vendor IT tech. Rather than create more expensive regulation and risk, why not promote GROWTH strategies to Grow the Pie and TAX REVENUES?!
In case any are wondering, all these Big Brother Govt. initiatives do is act to destroy ability to Recruit or Retain talent across entire Economy = LOUSY OUTCOME
Further proof that Japan resistance to change (I.e. hanko, burdensome amounts of requisite documentation, etc.), has resulted it not being able to implement newer technologies.
Will the Japanese government indemnify me against losses when their bungles impact me negatively?
No it won’t, so why should I trust them not to screw my life up with this card?
"At least 130,000 bank accounts to receive state benefits and linked to My Number national identification cards have been found to belong not to the cardholders but their family members"
That is nothing, most people who took their own MyNumber did not take it for their children. The reason: the picture remains forever, when a 5 years old kid is 60 still the same picture. That rule has been scrapped but early adopters are probably those 130,000 who gave their own MyNumber instead of (non-existing MyNumber) of their children.
Just another case of human error In Japan’s never ending paper trail. All this stuff should be on single national database and not rely on red stamps. The city halls are laughable with the throng of people buzzing around looking for documents made from recycled paper and tracking down red stamps. For a country that prides itself on technology it’s a bit of a joke. They still have computers running XP.
Geeter Mckluskie
"In many cases, parents provided accounts in their own names when registering their children to the service instead of their children's names. In another 748 cases, completely different individuals' banking details were highly likely registered."
So, we are talking about errors made by applicants which were caught by administrators, rather than the system itself.
Peter Neil
This is what you do, you find errors and correct them. So, the system works.
Well this sounds like a hot, hot mess. The MyNumber system seems super sketch.
Sounds like this was human error on the part of welfare/ jidoteate child support recipients filling out the paper applications incorrectly and then having that info linked to their cards. Not really big brother.
Already a mess and the government wants us to put our health insurance information, drivers license, and for foreigners our ID cards on there too. Ridiculous
MNC has the wrong kanji name which means I cannot use it for online ID. I was told it can't be changed.
"The parliament enacted a law Friday to scrap health insurance cards and incorporate them into the My Number ID cards, effectively making it mandatory for all residents to obtain the cards.
The LDP has enacted a farce. The My Number clown show is just beginning and will bring on disasters unlimited.
Opening a bank account for children is a mess (stupid hanko for babies) so parents suffering from inflation are simply right to use a fail of the system.
David Brent
You obviously don't know me. I am a graduate of the advanced Japanese program of Kai Language School and used to work as a J-E translator.
NM's flaws go well beyond nihongo issues.
Michael Machida
"We will work to win the people's confidence so they can feel safe in registering their banking details and we can provide the payments swiftly and reliably," Digital Minister Taro Kono said at a press conference.
Joke of the day...
What a nightmare! Imagine all the hankos and visits to city hall this would take to sort out. Just imagine if this happened during covid, they'd make you get jabbed too before you could sort this out.
In our case, they are not linked. Same for
That could change in the future.
The Nenkin Net website asks you to link your account with NM for logging in and other supposedly simplified procedures. When I applied to do that, I got an error message saying my OS, ChromeOS, was not supported. Yet another reason why NM are useless. As if being a dangerous bureaucratic nightmare wasn't enough. LOL.
My number is so dangerous for both Japanese and foreigners in this country. How? If some computer savvy individual gets a hold of the My Number they can do a lot of financial damage to an individual opening up credit cards and the list goes on and is this country you are guilty until proven innocent and one will have to spend hundreds of thousands of yen to clear their name and that is out of pocket with no refund when proven innocent.
Aly Rustom
"We will work to win the people's confidence
I stopped reading after that
A good way to begin with this is to scrap the whole thing and accept it has been a huge failure. Nothing short of that will have an impact on how the people percieve the fiasco.
State benefits such as child benefits and pension payments can be received by the bank accounts *linked to*** the ID cards **that were introduced in 2016.
You mean just not yet, right.
My Number is not used for our pensions.
Jonathan Prin
I pray for that system not to be hacked or have some backdoor flaws.
Good luck because I am for such system but at any time a citizen shall have the authority to correct information and limit strictly use of it.
I don't know how they manage not to mix up people with kanjis...
In case people in agency have no idea, children is still considered as minor and their parent need to be guardian in many aspect. Also many children can not really read and understand fine print from bank.
Seems most post without reading article
What another new mistake?
But currently Japan just another bow is enough.
This system is so screwed up, and the people who are there to assist citizens to sign up don't know what the hell they are doing. The biggest problem with this bank account snafu is that they didn't tell people that babies, infants etc. needed their won bank account to set up the MN card. So parents just assumed that they could link their children's MN to their own account. Now the gov't says no no. Each person needs to have their own bank account to receive payments. But the staff at the city halls didn't inform people of that! What a mess.
In other words, not an "ID error" but "human error" by the parents...
I don’t have one of those beastly cards, and it seems like I was ruddy well right too.
Algernon LaCroix
And these halfwits want to forcibly integrate our health insurance cards with My Number? This is not going to end well at all. Each and every day, governments prove themselves more and more incompetent, corrupt, and interfering.
Looks like a bureaucratic omnishambles but, with bureaucratic momentum behind, it nothing can stop it, no matter how absurd it gets.
well.... I don't have a MyNumber card, but my pension is paid into my bank, and has been for the last 11 years, so.....
Enjoy your Maina (minor) points at affiliated convenience stores for a free rice ball every six months!
If you suffer from identity theft or unwanted charges then suffer through endless bureaucratic procedures and legal fees, all on you.
It's all on you anyway.
I'll bet there is a hell of a lot more. There are always going to be problems rolling out new systems and new processes, but not typically of the scale seen here. Then again, it's a government function, so it should be expected, and get ready for worse.
The fears that us critics expressed over the past couple of years concerning MN are coming true. Our skepticism and insights are being vindicated.
This is a horribly conceived program with numerous fatal flaws.
That’s how big brother enforce people to do something against their will. Nanny state