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© KYODOJapan's posh pet market grows as owners pamper their 'family members'
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Saw a middle aged couple with a baby car at a festival performance. The father reached over to pick up their baby. Despite the crowd pushing into my back, I moved as best as I could to give him room. It was hard enough avoiding falling over the baby car with lateral force on my entire backside and only the low baby car in front of me.
it was his miniature poodle. These people inconvenience countless others with their oversized carrier — for a dog! And don’t get me started about the people who show up to festivals with small dogs on a long leash, letting the dog walk around!
Absolutely self centered!
Similar experience. I often take the bus and always help mothers get on or off with their strollers when I can. One day a lady, maybe in her thirties, had a pretty big stroller, looked heavy, and was trying to get off the bus. I immediately got up and help her carry it. When I saw a goddamn miniature-whatever-dog inside, I almost threw the whole thing on the street. Don't make me waste my strength for your stupid spoiled pet, you sad, sad woman.
I love cats and dogs, but people who treat them like children (putting diapers or clothes on them, making them use strollers when they very obviously just want to be out walking around,etc.) need professional help.
robert maes
Why the “ brackets “ ? My dogs are my brothers. Family.
Nothing more sad than seeing you couples walk around with a..... frigging toy poodle in stroller, rather than a human baby.
Desert Tortoise
I gave you an up vote. Dogs and cats are every bit family members.
Desert Tortoise
It is so wonderful to be young, fit, beautiful and have a young fit dog. Don't get old. You won't be able to handle. Old age is about living with increasing pain and decreasing mobility. Same for your pets. The days when I could jog with my Husky are long behind me. Our dogs age too, get cancers and arthritis that limits their mobility too. I haven't come to the point where I have to put a dog in a stroller but I am pretty close to needing my dogs to pull me around in a cart my knees and back are so bad.
Judge not lest ye be judged and treat others as you would wish to have others treat you are good rules to live by.
Desert Tortoise
You chose to help them. They did not ask you to help.
There is nothing self centered about loving a pet. Quite the opposite in fact.
Some couples may have previously raised kids who have moved on, creating a void. Other couples might not be able to have kids in the first place. Dogs bring joy, so nothing sad about that.
Please adopt rescue animals rather than buy from breeders.