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Takara Bio to produce mRNA vaccines possibly from January


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Again, false. easily proved as you will not find even one single institution of science or medicine

Please stop trying to create fake authority with evoking nebulous "institutions of science or medicine"..... as if you kept track of every single hospital and university in the world. And "institutions" do not have an opinion anyway. Scientists do, they often disagree. An institution just takes an official position, which might be correct or not.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I would take the vaccine US or German-made; no way would I take a new Japanese vaccine; maybe 2-3 years later.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hopefully the new PF-07321332 pill from Pfizer that reportedly reduces hospitalization by 90% and provides 100% protection against death is available to breakthrough cases for the vaccinated.

The current unvaccinated patients clogging up the healthcare systems won't want it anyway. The treatment pill was developed "too fast," is going to change their DNA and there are probably tracking microchips in them. The pill shouldn't be a treatment option for them anyway. We need to let evolution do its job to improve the species.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

That is just your claim. Fact is, the VAERS figures are off the chart. If this was normal background noise, it would be similar for all vaccines. Fact is, it is NOT.

Again, false. easily proved as you will not find even one single institution of science or medicine that support this, because it is not true.

IF all vaccines were used for the same number of people of advanced age and vulnerabilities then they would have similar number, but since none is that is why they don't. Your mistake is like being scared because adult diapers have a mortality rate a thousand times more than kids diapers.

Novavax is pretty much ready to go, trial results look extremely good, approval expected in many countries, and Takeda got the contract to manufacture it in Japan. Nothing irrational in waiting for real vaccine instead of mRNA shots

Yes it is, because the currently used vaccines are safe and effective, so the cost of waiting (as in added risk) do not justify the very limited benefits obtained.

A risk/benefit decision should be personal, not dictated by governments or by you.

A decision being personal do not make it less irrational, you are just exposing why you want to make an irrational reason, to prove your personal decision is rational you need to support it with actual objective scientific evidence, which completely contradict your personal beliefs.

Italy just lowered their COVID death toll by an astounding 97% after redefining died “of Covid” not “with cover”.

This is like saying the developing world could solve 97% of the problems resulting from bad nutrition if they simply ignore it as a very important contribution cause of death and just write "infection" or "diarrhea" as the cause of death, it solves nothing but lets you pretend a problem becomes invisible.

However, it is just as obvious that such accidental, unrelated side effects (background noise) occur with ALL vaccines. Why would such accidental, unrelated side effects mysteriously skyrocket ONLY with the new mRNA vaccines?

Just check how many of the other vaccines are used on literally millions over millions of people of advanced age and many health problems, that is the terribly obvious reason that you just want to pretend is not there.

How do you explain that the rates are not higher than in unvaccinated people? do you believe vaccines magically give negative side-effects to people that are not vaccinated?

I agree it is blindingly obvious, but some do not want to see it.

It is terribly easy to explain this, and it has been done repeatedly, but people still try to use it as an argument, even when they can never explain why the unvaccinated have the same problems. That is deep intellectual dishonesty.

Are you talking about the virus?

No, because the infection actually produce much higher rates of complications and death when comparing infected and uninfected people, the vaccines don't. which completely defeats this failed argument.

The cases of myocarditis and pericarditis among boys and young men are much higher in the vaccinated.

"Much" higher? you are going to be terribly surprised when you find out that this elevation is tiny when compared with the cases of myocarditis and pericarditis among boys and young men that got COVID. Even taking in account these complications vaccinated people have a net reduction of the risk against unvaccinated people, because COVID is simply a much more important cause for it.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

My wife and I go with the science. Listen to VirusEx's comments here. He is one of the only ones as experienced as we and our family of medical workers and doctors are. Thumb us to oblivion, but it is your life. We are doing great, have cash and travel. You can pout at home and wish

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Yes, the VAERS data include cases include cases that are correlation, not causation. That is blindingly obvious. However, it is just as obvious that such accidental, unrelated side effects (background noise) occur with ALL vaccines. Why would such accidental, unrelated side effects mysteriously skyrocket ONLY with the new mRNA vaccines?

I agree it is blindingly obvious, but some do not want to see it.

Anything used on millions of people at an elevated age and with many preexisting conditions would have those "side effects"

Are you talking about the virus?

that is why the rates are the same between vaccinated and not vaccinated people.

The cases of myocarditis and pericarditis among boys and young men are much higher in the vaccinated.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


How thrillingly dramatic.

When evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established.

How many times does the obvious have to pointed out: Yes, the VAERS data include cases include cases that are correlation, not causation. That is blindingly obvious. However, it is just as obvious that such accidental, unrelated side effects (background noise) occur with ALL vaccines. Why would such accidental, unrelated side effects mysteriously skyrocket ONLY with the new mRNA vaccines?


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Wow, it's Nov 2021 and people are still antivax. Thanks for prolonging the pandemic.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Takara Bio to produce mRNA vaccines possibly from January

I’ll take one order of a normal vaccine (for travel reasons only) and hold the mRNA.

Italy just lowered their COVID death toll by an astounding 97% after redefining died “of Covid” not “with cover”.

So, get healthy and stop pushing these tyrannical measures before your citizens take matters out of the corporate politicians hands.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


Both things are completely mistaken. Anything used on millions of people at an elevated age and with many preexisting conditions would have those "side effects" because they are not caused by the vaccine but something that the people present independently,

That is just your claim. Fact is, the VAERS figures are off the chart. If this was normal background noise, it would be similar for all vaccines. Fact is, it is NOT.

Eventually better vaccines will be developed (hopefully) but waiting for them is still a deeply irrational choice,

Novavax is pretty much ready to go, trial results look extremely good, approval expected in many countries, and Takeda got the contract to manufacture it in Japan. Nothing irrational in waiting for real vaccine instead of mRNA shots.

because the pandemic is still here and the extra risks of remaining unvaccinated for months completely outweigh any extra advantage you could get at the end.

A risk/benefit decision should be personal, not dictated by governments or by you.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

The current mRNA vaccines are more proof of concept than anything else. Yes, they work sort of, but have more side effects than traditional vaccines (VAERS data etc) and fade out after a few months. 

Both things are completely mistaken. Anything used on millions of people at an elevated age and with many preexisting conditions would have those "side effects" because they are not caused by the vaccine but something that the people present independently, that is why the rates are the same between vaccinated and not vaccinated people.

And the mRNA vaccines are considered to be protective against hospitalization, complications and death from the first immunizations until today, antibodies drop but not the protection, which would make them the same as other vaccines that act in the same way. Scientifically speaking there is no indication of booster shots except for some people whose immunity is deficient, but again that also happens with previous vaccines. Emergency use is not an excuse but a mechanism to use safe and effective measures for as long as they continue to prove being so. No "proof of concept" here but actual medical interventions that have saved countleess lives.

Eventually better vaccines will be developed (hopefully) but waiting for them is still a deeply irrational choice, because the pandemic is still here and the extra risks of remaining unvaccinated for months completely outweigh any extra advantage you could get at the end.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Takara Bio to produce mRNA vaccines

The current mRNA vaccines are more proof of concept than anything else. Yes, they work sort of, but have more side effects than traditional vaccines (VAERS data etc) and fade out after a few months. What traditional vaccines have we ever heard of that need continous "booster shots"? And now, with ever more alternative treatments available, the "emergency use" excuse to push them onto people is gone.

Personally, if I get a vaccination at all, it will be Novovax, which will hopefully be available next year and is (in contrast to the mRNA things) a vaccine according to the traditional definition.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

better so late that it's over than never?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Vaccines can be helpful, but they are not necessary for young or healthy people.

Having a healthy diet, excercise, socialize, etc are not "necessary" either, just hugely better for their health, the same as vaccines. Much more when you consider that death is not the only negative consequence resulting from the infection.

If hospital resources are a concern, therapeutics, including some cheap ones, have been shown to be highly effective against COVID.

Prevention is always much better than treatment, specially when lots of people are trying to push completely ineffective things as "treatment" even when the evidence clearly points out they are useless against the infection.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

12 million a year, april joke? The german factory in Marburg which is already working will have a capacity of 750 million a year!!!!

and again Pfizer BIONTEC. Is a german vaccine developed in Mainz Germany, not American

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Then how come Japan is bragging about being the number three donor of vaccines to poor countries?

They're donating* AZ, which nobody wants.

*dumping off

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The news is different from Takara Bio's press release that says the company agrees with VLP Therapeutics Japan to provide its facility to produce "self-amplifying (replicon)" mRNA vaccine drug substance.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Go go go Japan!

Japan is really back.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

@Peter Neil

Breakthrough fatalities are the majority in many places, up to 70% in the UK and Sweden.

Vaccines can be helpful, but they are not necessary for young or healthy people.

If hospital resources are a concern, therapeutics, including some cheap ones, have been shown to be highly effective against COVID.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

12 million doses per year? Hope that is a typo.

If any more pandemics occur, which are predicted, they'll need a lot more doses than that.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Then how come Japan is bragging about being the number three donor of vaccines to poor countries?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

""A number of Japanese drug makers including Anges, Daiichi Sankyo Co, Shionogi & Co and KM Biologics Co. have begun clinical trials for their COVID-19 vaccines.""

Imagine if these institution work together to develop one vaccine instead of competing with each others!???

In these hard time and special conditions created by COVID they need to be working together and NOT competing for the benefit of the public.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

In Israel there has been an increase of a few 100% in young people having heart attacks. Anyone have a theory on why that is?

Sure, because it isn’t true. Nature journal published findings from the 2 large studies committed IN ISRAEL which showed there was a 1 in 50,000 chance and ONE person died, others all had mild symptoms and recovered.

So, that answers that.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

If you are vaccinated and the vaccines work, why do you want anyone else to get vaccinated? You are safe. If you are vaccinated and the vaccines don't work, why do you want anyone else to get "vaccinated"?

Because vaccinated people shouldn't have to pay taxes for the high cost of hospitalization and treatment of unvaccinated people who are clogging up the healthcare systems.

The taxpayers are stuck with the bill for uninsured, unvaccinated and usually poor people who can't pay the deductible if they do have insurance.

95%-97% of people hospitalized for Covid are unvaccinated.

Uninsured people are twice as likely to be unvaccinated.

And people working in public safety need to be ready to do their jobs, just like people in the military are required to be ready to perform their duty. It is a readiness issue.

Neither of these are people wanting you to get vaccinated "just because."

6 ( +14 / -8 )

Just in time. [ sarcasm at best ]

; - )

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Better late than never.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

"We'd like to contribute to the development of domestic infrastructure to ensure a stable supply of vaccines in preparation for the possible future spread of the virus," a Takara Bio spokesperson said.

For free, no doubt.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Many vaccination hesitant Japanese are waiting for a Japanese vaccine. I hope this helps them to get vaccinated!

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

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