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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2015.Japan accepts just 11 asylum seekers from record 5,000 applications in 2014
By Thomas Wilson TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Sorry but this is one of the last countries in the world where a refugee should seek asylum. The covert racism and discrimination against foreigners that is rampant in many parts of the country and the lack of social services capable to deal with the needs of these special folks are lacking to say the least.
That does not mean Japan should take a larger role in accepting them, just that it should focus more on learning how to accept them.
And behind this is xenophobia and injustice. It's quite alright for Japanese capital to roam the planet looking for exploitative conditions or to "invite" cheap labour to temporarily exploit at home, but when it is time to assist those in real need, the authorities close the borders.
I don't understand why japan is obligated to accept refugees. It's a sovereign nation. I believe it's their right to refuse asylum for refugees.
Says a lot.
Making a judgement just by numbers alone is neither insightful not useful.
If there had been any information about which countries were the successful refugees from and which ones the rejected ones it might have made more sense. There should not be an obligation on countries to accept refugees.
Even though Australia gets bashed regularly by the UN for settling refugees in PNG, there is essentially nothing wrong in that policy. Those who are escaping persecution do find a safe place to settle down in and those who are coming for economic reasons will be discouraged.
This is good. Don't want Japan to end up like the UK or France.
This is not an issue unique to Japan, that is for sure. The concept of accepting refugees in the post-WW2 environment was centered on the developed nations of Western Europe, North America and Oceania. Rightly or wrongly, Japan is not alone in Asia in having very restrictive refugee/asylum standards, which largely mirror its overall stance on immigration.
I generally don't like to post links, but in this case, the following is a useful and balanced piece on this issue.
Japan does have the right to set its own policies as it relates to refugees/asylum seekers, of course, balancing humanitarian concerns with the concerns related to its own society.
However, I do believe the one thing Japan should do a better job of in this area is being clear upfront as to the requirements, parameters, process, and probabilities of obtaining such status in Japan. Too many applicants spend significant time in the process, only to be rejected in the end. Being direct and frank with potential applicants and organisations involved in these cases may sound harsh, but at least it manages expectations and may encourage refugee seekers to consider other, more viable alternatives.
i don't think allowing more refugees into japan would make japan a better country. looking at it from a purely financial standpoint, it would burden the state even further. japan needs skilled and trained workers, not refugees.
I think Japan should go on a points-based system like Australia's. We should be accepting a lot more skilled and professional migrants, not unskilled or uneducated
25years in Japan
Yubaru said-- Sorry but this is one of the last countries in the world where a refugee should seek asylum. The covert racism and discrimination against foreigners that is rampant in many parts of the country and the lack of social services capable to deal with the needs of these special folks are lacking to say the least. ---------------------------------------------------
Perhaps the problem is that many foreigners don't behave themselves in Japan. A lot of crime is commited by foreigners. I have been here 27 years as a foreigner and never once felt any discrimination.
The problem with Japan is the language barrier. Most refugees end up in countries that speak a certain amount of English and many refugee type people also speak other languages like French. How would you expect people who don't understand Japanese, to fill out and understand documents for obtaining rental housing, banking etc.
As for " the lack of social services to deal with the needs of these special folks " Hell, they don't even look after Japanese people in need very well in this country.
Anyway, just look at the state of the countries with rampant immigration.
Japanese policymakers are looking at the situation in the UK, France, Denmark, etc., and saying, "Um, no, thanks."
Because Japan is a signatory to the UN convention on the status of refugees.
Jan Claudius Weirauch
Well I hope Japanese people will never need to ask for asylum in another country, because they are also not prepared to deal with this "special folks" as one poster mentioned earlier.
Japan actually has such a system in place already. The problem is that the people Japan is trying to attract for employment or research tend to head to America.
That's very easy to answer: Japan signed the Refugee Convention!
I guess the low acceptance rate - among other things also mentioned here - can be explained by Japan checking thoroughly the reason for seeking asylum and does not accept economic refugees.
I don't know how Japan deals with asylum seekers that have "lost" their IDs. This is a big issue in Europe since these people cannot be refused refugee status so easily. Often it's enough to claim to come from a country where checks on people's identity is hopeless, so these often are allowed to stay. Among the others, those cause big problems, authorities don't know where to put them anymore, even school's gymnasiums are used already to house them. In some areas even were talks about using empty apartments or (even furnished) vacation homes - privately owned. Another big concern and in some areas already a problem is the rising crime rate due to unthankful refugees (don't know ho else to put it), often comitted by (unaccompanied) minors that cannot even be charged. Of course the latter ones are a minority in the huge number of refugees, but those stick out and cause huge trouble for all.
In consideration of these conditions, Japan does a good job on strictly checking the trueness of a refugee applicant.
Cortes Elijah
Good. This is Japan, a land of work. They can always go to Australia which is more accepting.
Salvor Hardin
Yokoso, Japan! No, we don't mean you...or you...not you, either...nope...
As with so many double standards in Japan, I guess the concept of "Omotenashi" really doesn't extend to refugees, does it?
Whenever people claim Japan is not a racist country and is welcoming to all, etc. etc. you only need to point these figures out to prove them wrong. Japan needs to try and accept more than they currently are. Hopefully, though, those who are HONESTLY refugees and will die if they are turned away choose another nation where they would be welcomed, because they have an extremely low chance of being accepted, which means they'll be sent home to certain death.
So you think the purpose of taking on refugees is to improve the nation? Seems a bit self-centered and selfish. Isn't it about providing desperate people who need a safe place to live?
Either you are naive, blind, live in a cave, or are oblivious to the world around you here because there are less than a token of "foreigners" here in Japan that have never experienced discrimination of one sort or another. Odds are that you are not even aware of when it is happening to you or you don't pay attention to it, but that doesnt mean it doesnt occur.
"Many" foreigners? Woah....sounds like a Nathan Algren complex to me. Foreigners here in Japan for the overwhelming majority are much better behaved than their Japanese counterparts. Put it another way, foreigners in Japan are no better nor worse than Japanese. You are judgmental of them are in effect are discriminatory towards them with this attitude. Ever been called a "gaijin" just got discriminated against. You dont even know it.
No big deal really, but it's there, ever try to rent an apartment, and get told either you can't or you need a guarantor even though you make 5 million or more per year in income? That's discrimination. Benign many times but still discrimination.
You really dont understand do you the part about being a refugee do you?
Wow! Can't believe so many posters here can not differentiate between the situation of an immigrant and a refugee.
The call for "we only want skilled refugees, because look at Europe" or some other equally ignorant statement beggars belief.
The whole concept of accepting refugees is a humanitarian gesture to help those in dire need, esp when their life, liberty and physical/mental wellbeing is under severe threat. It's not part of a mobilization of a workforce plan or skilling up the tech industry or whatever. It's a lifeline.
Of course there are those who try to abuse the system for their own benefit - usually economic - but such persons will be found anywhere and do not constitute the majority of true refugees.
The fact that a rich, developed country can only find in it's heart, to offer genuine help and a 2nd chance to 11 people, read 11 people, that's 11 people, in one year is shameful.
Like - be real.
Open Minded
Asylum seeking has nothing to do with workforce or whatever like that. This is providing assistance for a certain period of time to somebody whose life in under threat. Shame on Japan.
Correct! And it does not necessarily mean that they will become permanent residents here either. Japan could be just a stepping stone to a more permanent location for the refugees, but evidently Japan hasn't thought that part out it seems.
True "Omotenashi" at work!
patty cake champion
Japan is the envy of the Australian Right
Japan really should be ashamed of itself wrt refugees, utterly pathetic!
As browny correctly pointed out refuges are NOT immigrants! And Japan received a miniscule 5000 applications, hell accepting them all would not cause Japan much of anything.
OK given that about half are scammers looking to work, they should be easy to weed out so 11/2500 still comes to a whopping 0.44% acceptance rate....................absolutely CRIMINAL!!
Japan sure talks about using its ca$h to help refugees overseas from NOT going to Japan & directs them elsewhere & the few who do make it(Yabaru correctly points out Japan is already one of the LAST choices for real refugees, gee Japan must be pretty un-inviting!!) a measly 0.44% a whole 11people granted refugee status
JAPAN FOR SHAME ON YOU!!!! And yet Japan thinks it should get a permanent seat at the UN..........yeah right!
@browny1 nailed it when it comes to the concept of accepting refugees, as @Open Minded, @igloobuyer, @yubaru and @smithinjapan all also commented on immediately above.
There may be legitimate reasons as to why Japan may not want to grant confirmed refugees permanent residency or citizenship, but that is not usually what they are even looking for.
Asylum is for humanitarian reasons. That's why they don't accept refugees.
Japanese people should be ashamed of their racist, xenophobic government. The number of refugees accepted should be much higher. However, dollars to doughnuts a good % of the refugee applications are fraudulant. Still The number accepted should still be much higher than it is. As far as the labor shortage is concerned, why would foreign professionals and highly skilled workers work in Japan for much less money and have to deal with the daily racism, xenophobia, nuclear radiation in the environment/food/water and threat of major earthquakes? Who would submit their families to such health risks? Refugees should be evaluated and considered more fairly and also seen as a valuable labor resource and future source of tax revenue.
browny1 -- brilliant post. Here is a country that, as warispeace points out, prides itself on being a major player in international commerce, as well as is now looking to take a more assertive position in international military operations, and its population cannot distinquish between asylum seekers and immigrants. But, due to its "island mentality" considers both problems and turns a could shoulder to them. My God, even if Japan had accepted all 5,000, that would have represented .003% of the population. For anyone to raise concerns regarding crime or other issues to not accept them is just blatantly ignorent, or willfully insensitive.
In Canada we let in a lot of refugees that turned out to be drug dealers and scam artists, better for Japan to be careful then face a legal system not equipped to deal with false applicant's.
"The covert racism and discrimination against foreigners that is rampant in many parts of the country"
Yet this is the same country where the sage who uttered these words wants to live in. And he won't be persuaded to leave Japan's hell!
Having signed up to the Convention does not mean Japan MUST accept just any Tom, Dick and Harry who shows up "claiming asylum".
We did just that and are now paying the price for such foolishness.
Fools are those thinking (and saying it loud) that Japan is a fool's country.
Japan is amongst the highest donors to the UNHCR so they are doing their part in the whole global refugee resettlement program. Japan is not the easiest country for any new asylum seekers to resettle in, with the language, cultural barriers and small foreign communities. It will take time and a change of mindset to develop the support networks and services to support accepting more asylum seekers.
YEP! Japan pays to KEEP from accepting some refugees, very ""humanitarian"" of them, NOT!!
Lets do some math here shall we the US let in over 109,000 refugees in ONE FRIGGING YEAR, ok the US is roughly double the population of Japan so equivalent would be 1/2 or about 54,500 refuges per year.
And let see Japan this year let in LOTS TONS A MASSIVE amount of refugees totaling 11people.......yeah 11!
So it would take Japan at this pace 4954 YEARS to equal what the yanks to in ONE! let me repeat 4954 FRIGGING YEARS!
Shame on Japan, utter disgrace, but hey thanks for throwing some $$$ at the UNHCR
This is proof of racism for me, there is no other way to describe it. It is shameful, very shameful.
Have you actually ever been to Japan? Do you actually think a person from Somalia could totally assimilate here in Japan?
Japan should refuse to take any refugees at all. Here in Australia homeless Australians are sleeping under bridges, in parks or wherever they can while Government housing is provided for a multitude of people who are classed as refugees----most of whom are phony refugees.
Japanese immigration is 100% controlled by the privileged Japanese upper classes. All your little arguments about uncontrolled immigration are irrelevant in a Japanese context. Because those are problems the Japanese don't have because they’ve built up this wall around their country, and it’s homogenous. Japan can’t handle immigrants because they scare the locals. Japan take your tourism money, sure, send them in, as long as they get out after few years.
Jonathan Thomas
i'm sure part of it is a quiet maybe barely visible aspect that they do not wish Japan to become what England is or the USA. Japan is simply not a country that wants to open it's arms out and cry out bring me your poor your down trodden ect. Historically japan never has and likely will never be. It's their country, it's their policy. When in Rome do as the Romans do, Whether this is from a racial or political point who can say. my personal point of view is irrelevant.
Douglas Macarthy
They do take Japanese asylum seekers
Yes there is racism in Japan, and it seems there always has been as well. However it's not the same level of discrimination that occurs in other countries, and one can live with it if they learn to understand and accept why and how it happens. Yet that does not mean people can totally assimilate here either, there will always be those that wont accept foreigners, like with many places in the world.
It takes changing the education of children for it to be effective, but when the so-called leaders of the country are xenophobic then it's a no-brainer to understand why everyone else is the same too. Well almost everyone else.
The basic problem is that there are unscrupulous immigration lawyers who advise foreign workers to apply for refugee status as a technique to continue working here. Of course, they are getting paid for their advice.
The basic problem is that there are unscrupulous immigration lawyers who advise foreign workers to apply for refugee status as a technique to continue working here. Of course, they are getting paid for their advice.
gokai- nonsense. The "basic problem" is Japan only accepting 11 asylum seekers, not the number of applicants. As usual, you are looking through the wrong end of the telescope.
After seeing what's happening in the west, a smart move for the locals.
How many of those are real asylum seekers/refugees and how many are simple economic migrants trying to get a fast pass?
Bogus asylum and massive immigration will only ruin Japan, should they fail to take stock before it's too late.
Ours (UK) and others, (in Europe at least ) are just effervescent cauldrons in waiting (not that I wish it to spill over)!
Majority of immigrants/asylum seeks simply refuse to integrate.
Ttruth be told lots of locals don't accept them either, even when they make the effort.
Irony is that even today a friend of mine (Indian) informed me that his application to purchase a house had been rejected. The current owner told the estate agent in no uncertain terms that he would never sell his gaff to a "Paki". All of this right here in London, with all the anti-discrimination laws that you JT residents laud so much, as if racism in the West is/was a thing of the past.
My friend sent his wife (English) to view and bingo, the offer was immediately accepted. Of course my friends were just testing the waters and they were right on the money about that owner's racist tendencies.
I did advise on litigation on the grounds of racial discrimination but my friend does not want any hassle.
But apparently these kinds of things are a Japanese only attitude, going by the vast majority of posts on this site.
Japan is actually doing the right thing; keep the hordes away, irrespective of what you immigrants want.
Japanese interest is and should always be paramount.
I don't understand why japan is obligated to accept refugees. It's a sovereign nation. I believe it's their right to refuse asylum for refugees.
All Japan needs to do is to withdraw its candidacy for the UN Security Council, resign from the UNHCR (High Commission for Refugees), publicly state to the world that its borders are closed for humanitarian reasons, and only open for reasons of self-interest, and fine, it can be as sovereign and lacking in humanity as it chooses. Let it send a clear message to the world, and refugees will understand it's better for them to die in their country of origin than try entering fortress Japan.
In order to make its position quite clear to the world, Japan could at the same time state that it only wishes to be inserted into the world labour market to tap other countries' skilled labour and therefore has no need for "trainees". It could also clearly state that it feels no obligation to partner nations' developing their infrastructure, and thus will expect to be able to cream off trained and experienced health workers that other countries have paid a fortune to train for its own needs, pay them peanuts, deny them career advancement and pack them off back where they came from after three years. Considering the Immigration and Refugee Control Act puts immigrants and refugees into one basket, it needs to state to the world where it stands. Of course it might lose a few trading partners if it does this, further batter its international image, and find itself back of the queue for the best workers, but so be it, it's a sovereign nation, so that's fine, right?
How about Japanese people should be ashamed of their discrimination and injustice to Fukushima victims? They have anti nuclear radiation attitude for not messing with victims. My neighbors told their child to not to play with kids who have come from Fukushima.
Japanese social policy even not look after her people let alone welcoming and feeding the asylum seekers. Japan is not the birth place of Mother Teresa!
In Osaka, there is slum area for middle aged unemployed men. Some died as hungry and homeless in cold and harsh winter. They have never seeked the help from J authority. How about homeless and hopeless natural disaster Japanese victims? They have been waiting for help since 2012.
They are forgotten victims of Japanese government. J government wrote off many outstanding loans from corrupted governments of developing nations. Such as Myanmar and Philippines. In fact, J authority concerns more about oversea aids rather than domestic social problem.
Japan should fix own refugee problem before importing more unemployed, ungrateful and radicalized immigrants. Japan is not resource rich and wealthier nations like US, Canada or Australia. Humanitarian intake should be lower. Not higher. Charity starts at home!
How many other countries does the average asylum seeker have to fly over, to get to Japan?
Bottom line is Japan is pathetic on this issue, an embarrassment to the world, for christs sake Japan only received 5000apps of which as I said approximately 1/2 are bogus so a lousy 2500 apps in a YEAR.
For all intents & purposes its an insignificant issue numbers wise & even then Japan whittles it down to a measly 11people WTF!
Japan is clearly an unattractive place for refuges etc (and for skilled people as well, just in case you don't know Japan!)
And instead of being a good world citizen & take in a few refuges it does all it can to slam the door for the tiny winy fee who ask Japan for help.
Japan had better hope the day doesn't come when Japanese are in trouble & need to seek shelter outside Japan, payback will be a bitch!
as the crow flies - well stated.
From the inside looking out
I agree with Yubara. I have been living here for more than 15 years and in my small opinion Yubara got it right. It's unfortunate that Japanese society is like this. Affter all Japan is a beautiful place. It's just the narrowminded minority that makes it difficult for anyone wanting to have a peaceful life here. Depending where you live denotes the amount of racism or discrimination given by those few. Myself I have experienced it many times in my time here. But like anything u have to take the good with the bad.
Those of you in Japan reading this should ask 'what work can i do here in Japan?' Volunteer in the neighbourhood, by all means...but us English natives working in a factory, for example? Could we integrate into the assembly line? Would we be accepted by our co-workers, alot of them Asian? Sure, accept the low wages in dangerous or dirty or disgusting employment ( debilitating is actually the third 'D'...). Alot of foreigners- i KNOW- are subject to unfair labour practices- notably in Education/teaching, people who chose Japan and choose to stay.
Tolerance is a one way street over here, maybe...
So i believe there are very very few of us who are truly satisfied and content with our various life situations; not a good example for other newcomers. Most certainly refugees will be extremely isolated and unable to integrate well, no? Also, certain refugees ( alot of applicants are entire families, right?) are required to enter a regular school environment...super very big bad challenge! Further, certain refugee mothers will never ever consider working outside the home.
Any full-time caregiver ( stay-home mom or pop) will face extreme challenges in order to achieve a sense of belonging or acceptance ( as a househusband i can attest to it...'who's that silly white guy in the park pushin' prams?! And 'where are all those J fathers who want me as a friend?...just can'T find them...ho hum...'
One thing more i'll say on it is this, refugees with authentic, deep, religious beliefs will prosper because with a contented heart they will be accepting of local customs and traditions. These are the kind of refugees Japan could accept, i think...
To end on a humorous note take this: Who are ALL THOSE silly white guys in the park pushin' prams?! Now THAT is a true imaginary world... could happen if widespread civil war were to encompass North America, i suppose.
' YOMIYUYA SHIMBUN, year 2078. Top story: Third boatload of Californian refugees hits Hokkaido coastline...'
Ha. gotta love being human, eh
"Japan had better hope the day doesn't come when Japanese are in trouble & need to seek shelter outside Japan, payback will be a bitch!"
Japanese come to your countries and are hardly noticed.
They get exactly what they're given; know they are not in charge and who's the boss; don't demand that Japanese language info and literature be made available just to please their nefarious whims; don't demand locals stop using their languages and replace it with Japanese; don't moan they pay tax and are not allowed to vote.
They don't even have a "London Today" so that they can bedevil the British!!!
Foreigners (lots of them) on the other hand, reach Japan and start moaning that the Japanese don't speak English to make their lives better; want to see Japan's lingo go the way of the dodo, complain there's no marmite and maple syrup; have a Japan Today to badmouth the locals on every facet of life.
And to cap it all think they should be the bosses in Japan!
That's the difference and the reason why "payback to the Japanese won't be a bitch";
Unless it's motivated by sheer malice of course!
Warren Raymond
The question is who is a refugee? Who is an asylum seeker?
The western world has been overrun with third world welfare seekers and Mohammedan missionary bandits, few of them of any benefit to civilised society. That Japan should import large numbers of unassimilable Muselmaniacs is preposterous.
Every self-respecting nation on earth should follow Japan on this issue. Signing a treaty is not a suicide pact.
Self-preservation overrides all other concerns.
This is the key to being able to live here! (And anywhere else for that matter lol!) Japan is much better than many places but not so good in some things, yet if people quit trying to "change" everything it's a rather easy place to live.
Helps to stop always asking "why".
Chop Chop
If you let Camel head into your Tent and then the whole Camel will follow later. If you granted refugee status to most of on-shore asylum seekers and Tsunami of Asylum seekers will follow soon. These asylum seekers have spent tens of thousand of dollars for visa, hotel and air ticket to come to Japan for work but some peoples got idea from friend and to stay in Japan by seeking asylum in Japan.
That's what Australia and other Western Countries are facing today. Today Asylum seekers are economic refugees. Government should not recognize and grant them as refugee to Asylum seekers who have passed many safe countries and do not seek asylum in first stop country. They are flying into rich country like Japan and Australia for just to seek asylum. They are economic refugees.
They were well coached by human right activists and Lawyers to how to write and lie to immigration department. On-shore Asylum seekers are not genuine refugees and they are economic refugees. Japanese Government has right to reject their refugee application. Japanese Government does not have obligated to accept on-shore asylum seekers.
Japan is looking for rich,educated, and controllable asylum seekers. Sadly there wont be a tsunami of them.
A kick in the butt of diversity might do Japan some good in the long run.
Japan has every right to determine who she wants to accept or reject as refugees in her country.
Western and Eastern European nations are facing the politically & economically unsustainable situation of the generous mass immigration from Middle East & Africa over past decades, with effects of huge differing religious & cultural & ethical values. Recent blatant examples are young citizens joining ISIS, and worsening terrorism in their own borders.
Japan rightly will have to take all these into consideration for her long-term well being. Japan is primarily responsible to Japanese.
Middle East & African nations should settle their own problems their own ways, and build peace, safety and prosperity for their own peoples within their own nations. Governments should ensure proper law and order, while people and families study hard, work hard, obey the laws, use time well wisely to build your country, help one another and for self-improvement. The idea of having an alternative of immigration may even cause these nations and its peoples never to find a solution to their increasingly lawless and bad situation.