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© KYODOJapan agency recommends largest civil servant pay rise in 3 decades
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2.67% it is a significant increase??? Are you joking or trolling us?
Wait a minute???? They can give civil servants a raise, however, they cannot raise the minimum wage for the rest of Japan are the minimum pay earners not as deserving too??????
"Japan agency recommends largest civil servant pay rise in 3 decades."
Good job keep it up!
"2.67% it is a significant increase??? Are you joking or trolling us?"@DanteKH.
It's better than nothing, bearing in mind every journey start with a single step.
What is this?
Profit sharing?
How can a civil servant get a bonus?
Which for the vast majority not working for a legacy major corp and not getting bonuses it has amounted to an after inflation pay cut of 1% according to yesterday's article about these supposed wage hikes. Roughly 2 percent versus around 3% inflation.
This false reporting probably led to civil servants pushing for wage hikes equivalent to the private sector staff at these Japan Inc. leaders.
Pride and prejudice.
So you have a two-tiered society of workers in Japan, the civil servants and employees of Japan Inc. leading partners of the LDP and then everyone else with declining standards of living observing this news.
tigerjaneToday 05:08 pm JST
Not true the minimum wage was just raised by 5% from 1004 to 1054 JPY.
But of course this amount remains ridiculously low.
Rakuraku, as I stated before, the civil servants get a pay raise and who knows what their wages were prior to this but a good guess they were making well over 240,000 thousand yen a month. Therefore, you cannot call 50 yen a wage increase, that is slap in the face to all minimum wage earners out there who probably barely make 150,000 yen a month, the government should be very ashamed of itself.
For someone who seems to have been living here a few years, your ignorance about how people get paid, including bonuses is beyond shallow.
Bonuses are not "profit" sharing. I am also fairly certain you know civil servants, and politicians, including the PM get bonuses 2 times a year.
Sorry, Yubaru-sensei,
I should have written (sarcasm) to make it clearer.
Yeah right!
So these civil servants who lack ambition or the drive for self-improvement, content with the status quo and unafraid of consequences like getting fired, received a pay raise?
While I wholeheartedly support fair compensation for essential workers like firefighters and garbage collectors, we must also acknowledge that certain sectors harbor individuals who contribute little to society yet earn comfortable salaries as civil servants.
Bad news for all tax payers,
They are already overpaid considering the bonuses, holidays, and benefits they get. II am willing to bet that civil servants are getting paid more the 70% of the average Japanese white color employees not to mention the high pension rates and other favors during retirement all of this just for knowing one of the elites or belonging to the privileged ones.
The number of gold plated buttons on her jacket plus the gold necklace says it all.
I Rest My Case.
Does this mean they'll start working faster? Hope so! Most things take way to freakin' long!
Sam Watters
There are many groups in Japan that seem to be overworked and underpaid but I doubt civil servants in Japan are among them.
"Civil servants" here means the people working for the national government, kokka komuin. It doesn't mean local government, where most people have most of their dealings with officialdom, at town halls and the like.
Kokka komuin are talked about as if they are some kind of an elite. I live in inaka so there aren't many around here.
I hate to say this but this is nothing but a show according to my source..
The pay for civil servants was lowered by about 30,000 Yen every month.
The deducted pay was lumped to be added to the summer bonus to make the magic work. Increase in the summer bonus for civil servants.
Its a sham.
Cicil servants pay is already decided before the start of the fiscal year so there is no wage increase, Just a magic from the LDP and Mr. Kishida.
And BTW, majority of civil servants are on a yearly contract.
Civil servants mean keepers of the gate. These are the servants that keep the government running, in other words loyal servants of the masters to keep the general public in order.
The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
As usual, politicians looking out for themselves. By the way, wasn't everyone going to get a discount on electricity bills?
Jordi Puentealto
Is it true that their retirement benefits are very good compared to the average?