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© 2012 AFPJapan Anonymous pick up litter to protest download laws
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Told you they were harmless.
Hang on, what was that again? "...we didn’t want to follow the style of mass anti-nuclear rallies which are getting too much,”
Bunch of pussies. Better keep those masks on, kids. You should be too ashamed to take them off.
That'll learn those busterd politicians! Bet their fixin the law as we speak!
Hatsoff, Sometimes when you want to make a point, you gotta do something different and unique - and not just follow the crowd.
Maybe phase 2 is to use the litter to make effigies of some politicians? And phase 3 is to burn them? Now that might get some inspire some reflection!
Finally, something useful...
"Guy Fawkes - The Only Man Ever To Enter Parliament With Honest Intentions."
Ivan Coughanoffalot
Brilliant. Respect the privacy of the citizen or we meekly subservient.
"... something unique to the Japanese"
Whoever masterminded this display will be strutting around semi-tumescent for months at this. It may be asinine, pusillanimous and utterly ineffective as a form of protest, but We Japanese are Unique.
I just don't understand how anybody has sympathy for these people? Downloading content without paying is, and should be, illegal. While jail time may be a bit severe, it's probably necessary, since fines don't seem to be much of a deterrent. Everything that "Anonymous" does is illegal; downloading, hacking, disrupting, and defacing, so I guess that picking up litter is at least more positive than their usual tactics.
Oh Anon. shakes head
He wasn't really the central figure. He was just the dude that was supposed to guard the dynamite. He was pinched, he gave up his buddies, and then he killed himself. And the group he belonged to wasn't part of any noble cause or anything. They just wanted to replace one corrupt monarch with another.
There were several "graphic novels" written after the fact that took many liberties with what really happened. Of course, he became really famous with "V for Vendetta."
So people wearing this mask are really supporting some fictionalized account of a fictionalized account of a failed coup that had murderous and questionable intentions.
Stephen Jez
LOL at least they didn't hack the wrong site again.
Ewan Huzarmy
Wow ! If this form of protest continues, it will encourage the diet to write-up all kinds of annoying laws, until the whole country has been made litter-free.
Anonymous....How about a nuclear protest, I'm sure there's still lots of rubble and debris in Tohoku that needs clearing ?
Anonymous are nothing more than terrosits, cyber terroists actually, they create damage and havoc and any one involved with these HACKERS deserves to be punished.
Keep your masks on you pack of Barstools so you can hide like your name suggests.
Bunch of low life supporting this hackers outfit.
Okay... hang on a sec. They picked up garbage and cleaned up an area VOLUNTARILY to protest? I'm sure that will stop the government in their tracks!
Ewan Huzarmy
I thougt that it was supposed to be 'V - For Vendetta' ....
Not 'V - For Voluntarily picking litter' !
Nancy Foust
The point was supposed to be that they are not a detrimental group since of course the GoJ is flogging them for pointing out their bad lawmaking and weak internet security.
Anonymous also released part of a huge data dump they gathered from a Phillipines data company that included a large amount of non-classified but not public documents from Japan & US nuclear agencies and the IAEA. They are actually doing something to try to help people fight the corruption in govt. Whomever thought their purpose was to download music files is rather clueless. They have gone after corrupt governments and corrupt corporations while everyone else maybe whined in online posts and did nothing. One of the released letters has Japan's nuclear lobby group admitting that there is no energy shortage, nukes are not needed. The missing nukes can be compensated for with existing power capacity and that renewables could easily come on line and make up for the nukes making the nukes totally pointless. The nuke industry in Japan is on record admitting all of this is BS..the restarts, the blackouts the whole thing.
These pathetic Japanese are not true anonymous. Chaos, disorder and destruction is the true calling of anonymous. Anarchy forever reign. The Japanese will never be anonymous, only pretenders.
Something that many people don't realise is that this rule extends to watching illegal content on youtube and other streaming media. So if you happen to watch the wrong thing on youtube you could be facing a bit of time in jail. Nice huh!
To the several ppl who say "anon is a group of criminals"
This law is scary more because it makes it easier for police/gov to spy on your computer, find out your personal info and what you look at than anything else. As for content, the other reason it is scary, is as moomoochoo says, it is not always easy for the ave consumer to know if what they are looking at is legal or illegal. Really the issue of theft should be with the up loaders and then net hosts and providers, not ave individuals just using their computers. (One last thing, with copying, you are not taking anything away from someone. Which is what stealing is. The billions the recording industry are claiming they lose is fictitious. No-one would be buying all that. They just think they are listening to the radio, or watching tv, which have always been free for the ave consumer.).
To the ppl who made sarcastic remarks about the cleaning being silly-
(several of whom I gave thumbs up to bc you were very funny)
Jpns are very insular, cleave to the "legal" and "socially accepted" frame of living int he world. As such it is easy for them to view anonymous with mistrust or revulsion, not as masked avengers types as many anti-authority westerners might do. Many jpns are also elderly and don't know about use the net so much, or only in a basic way. When they heard anon hacked jpn gov computers, no one thot "yeah! they're goin after The MAN! you go!" They thot "jpn is under attack by foreigners!" There fore this was a brilliant pr stunt.
This was not for the pols to quake in their shoes or change their wicked ways. This was to get more ave jpns on their side, and see the law for what it is, controlling intrusive and unjust. & make it easier for jpns to be sympathetic to the cause to feel comfortable coming out and saying so.
Good job! I'd participate.
Which translates to: We are hipsters and we think that anti-nuclear rallies or too mainstream.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
@kringis, I get what you mean, but there's a big difference between chaos (aka - mayhem) and anarchy(having no structure ). For example, my neighbors and I live peaceably amongst ourselves with no hierarchical order, albeit under the city/ward. We, as neighbors, practice anarchy. Chaos occurs as a result of power excursions.
This peaceful protest by Anonymous, though likely ineffective, is just how they decided to make a productive statement. Voters, however, should clean up the garbage in the Diet by voting out the trash pols(thieves and swindlers in fine suits). This peaceful form of protest, though
J Turner
Again... Hypocricy!
I wonder how these people would feel when freeloaders steal anything of theirs they worked very hard and long for.
Keep your masks on you pack of Barstools so you can hide like your name suggests.
Bunch of low life supporting this hackers outfit.
Maybe there are a lot of people in Japan that you might consider to be low life, but given the content on J-TV and limited access to a lot of foreign entertainment, what else is there to do. Most of us know it's illegal, but ask yourself first, "why and what would be the initial reason for people to download?" How about people like you direct their anger at these crazy politicians that make these idiotic laws or the entertainment industry to allow more access to content outside of Japan. Maybe you like J-TV or J-pop, nothing wrong with that IMO, but there are many that live in this country that think differently and want real variety when it comes to music, film and media. As I said in previous statements, there is a middle ground in all this, but the way these politicians are and act, they think that we are all just little hapless children that need guidance in all life aspects from day to day and in order to do anything, we need their constant approval. And Anonymous picking up the garbage is a noted and noble jester, but do these J-politicians think anything less would happen. These people need to get a bit unruly, shake up the system just a bit to at least show this big wigs that we are NOT slaves. They are supposed to represent the little people, but it looks like it might just do the opposite. IMO, all it will do is get the politicians to notice, these guys are kind, nice, peaceful and they clean up afterwards....great, ok, now let's get back to drawing up this new law against downloading.
J Turner
Never been to a record store? A concert? How about a movie theatre? Tsutaya?
It's a terrible law and now surveillance technology to track everybody on-line? An utterly horrible law.
I have no objection to alternative methods of protest: that wasn't my point. It's the way they wrote off the anti-nuclear protests as "getting too much" that I didn't like. But sure, if people think the nuclear protests are a waste of time they can thumb me down all they like. I guess that's democracy - or apathy - in action.
Yep, sure have. Tower, too many J-music! Before years ago, it was a whole lot better, but like Costco, it got a whole lot worse. Movies, why is it that the whole world gets to see the Avengers and we have to wait practically a year later? Tsutaya? How many times do I have to watch movies by the time they get to Japan, most of the world, every place else it is already on DVD, then I just might as well order it from Amazon, by that time, Oh, a year has passed again.
J Turner
So you resort to stealing.How very mature of you!
How about you ask those back home to send you disks?
Excuses excuses...
By the way, this law is directed to Japanese not the foreign community in particular. I bet those Japanese thirds don't share your excuses for theft.
J Turner
Yes, that and of course the police requesting user information from website operators like Twitter, Facebook and all kinds of Internet boards like 2chan, 4chan etc.
I'm very mature and think for myself, but if you make that kind of accusation, then millions worldwide of people are immature. Personally, I feel the idiot politicians that are trying to steal our every bit of freedom that we have in Japan (and believe it's not a whole lot) are the real ones that are immature!
It is neither my families or my friends jobs to send me weekly episodes of "Game of Thrones or Dexter" weekly, they have a life too? Hey, why not just downloading it, problem solved! Oh, wait, you feel I shouldn't have that right. I should be forced to pay NHK and be forced to watch Dave Spector, cooking shows, cooking shows, cooking shows, and Shogi, commercials of skinny Japanese (thinking they are fat) women trying to get skinnier and listen to AKB all day.
Excuses excuses...
I feel the same about people like you that make these kind of baseless argument. We are NOT stupid, we know it's not the right thing to do IN THEORY, but if Japan would open it's doors to the media on all levels and stop being so gosh darn anal about things and policies and their pocket books, you wouldn't have a lot of people downloading as much. So China blocking Facebook, Twitter and all social networks and limiting free speech is ok with you as well, because Japan is heading in that direction, slowly, but surely and you think that's fine???!
I don't buy that for a second! As for the Japanese share my excuses, they don't need to share anything for me. I don't care how they feel, they have their reasons for downloading or not and I have mine. I'm good with that.
I never said it wasn't stealing. When you play Pachinko, the government is essence is stealing from you, where do you think a portion of that money goes to?
I never said, it's my freedom to steal, I am just doing it, because, well, I already outlined the previous reasons. If they come for me, then they have that much time on their hands, you really do know that there is something sinisterly wrong and flawed with this system, not to mention how they value individual privacy rights of the people.
Not having a hissyfit at all, but it seems like you are beside yourself that I dare have the audacity to not stop downloading and guess what, I won't and millions of people probably won't either.
Answer? I have been doing that.
None taken.
On the contrary, I live in Fukuoka, kind of a big city. How about rephrasing your question to: Japanese video stores get either selected movies that THEY feel know will be rented out or usually with A-list actors, not everyone wants to watch Tom Cruise and everything that comes out of Hollywood or the states, there are other countries that produce fine movies that we cannot get so easily in Japan. Not to mention, many titles are older or they just won't get them. I could comply a huge list, but that would take a whole day.
I watch quite a bit of movies, but your logic, I would have to ask my family to send disks on an almost daily basis to keep up my current programs that are being aired weekly. Does that make any reasonable sense to you???
Got that! Some good stuff, but again, in Japan a lot of it is limited and they love repeats a whole lot! Some of us want to see the latest in entertainment, shocking though it might be to you.
No, it's not, but if I can only get 3 good shows on cable/satellite and online I can get 12 shows and I CAN get them for free, why not? Check out Hulu in the states and check the Japan site and you tell me? Check out i-TV again, see the Japan site and the US site, NETFLIX and I have to watch Prison Break again, because I shouldn't download because now, I'm a criminal? Seriously...
Suckers got fooled into picking up garbage while they had there names and cell nos collected then matched within there gps movements to ID them and get the DNA from gloves masks etc. WHAT PART OF Anonumis don't they get? ITS A CONSIPIRICY.
J Turner
My question is: How would you feel when freeloaders steal anything of yours that you worked very hard and long for?
I know quite a few Japanese band members who have their whole works downloaded by people you - freeloaders/criminals. Those guys (the little people as you called them yourself) have worked very hard to get where they are today, just as I imagine you have over the years.
I don't see how you can feel good about yourself being that much of an hypocrite. You say you are a fan of a certain artist but you steal from them?! If that is your way of being grateful to those who put all that you like on the market, then you have some twisted mind regarding right and wrong.
But I guess we had already established that.
copying and stealing are two very very different things.
further, those copying are not necessarily fans, and wouldn't have necessarily bought one of those albums much less the set.
further, the bands generally make money from touring. cd revenues got to middle men who had nothing to do with the art.
further, we can all see and listen to all the music we wan t for free on youtube, internet radio etc. some of those may be "pirated" but a lot are put up by the artist/ record co. We can also listen to regular radio and tv and cable for all the entertainment we need.
There is both no need to dnld these things, also no need to charge anyone for any of this content. I t is a new world and new medium. We need to get used to the new situation. Not apply old world thinking (theft of a n actual physical object) to completely different paradigm (copying of information, when said information is available free in several different formats already).
oh, ya, I'm a musician.
A lot of people have missed the point here (repeat offenders, no surprise)
The point was to not only draw attention to themselves but to also be seen to have solidarity. Both goals have been reached and it didnt cost them a single Yen.
I hope we start to see more of them in the future.
J Turner
We're talking Japan’s tougher laws against illegal downloads. We're talking record sales like when a book becomes a #1 best seller when a million copies are sold after which the authors name is getting mentioned everywhere. Recognition! CD sales DO matter. Numbers DO matter in becoming popular & famous. Without that, artist wouldn't have much touring to do. The same goes for movie actors and directors. Box office hits don't become such without people actually buying a ticket.
I agree with you on the new world/new medium debate. I therefore already gladly buy music from iTunes. I'm confident that in the future the iTunes sales numbers (and others like it) will become the new record and movie sales standard.
did you ever make a tape of anything when you were a kid? or if you haven't lived that long, how about an md or burn a cd. or tape a tv show on your vcr? (you could even fast fwd thru the cms!)
bands make money from cds= only a very few very successful musicians do that. all the unknowns and most of the medium level and semi-famous it all goes to record cos, usually. and no musician worth their salt wants to get rich off cds so they don't have to play live. playing live is the whole point.
something unique to the Japanese
That's because nearly every other country has LITTER BINS on their city streets.
Lowly just took the words right out of my mouth, I was just about to write something similar and he basically covered all basis. I am happy for you that you support iTunes as do I. If I can get online to the American site or the British site, I don't have a problem spending money, as a result, I can't and I am sorry, but J-music generally doesn't do it for me, sorry, NOT my cup of tea. Living in Japan, I feel also that the government takes advantage of its already over-taxed citizens, wanting to raise the consumption tax, wanting to know every inch of your body if you have a tattoo or not, wanting you to submit and give up your personal freedom, now this, what else are we supposed to give up? Basically, this is out of the governments control and they see money in curtailing downloading by penalizing everyday folks, Japan doesn't have enough facilities to lock up every person, because the system would break down. People will always try to beat the system, you know it and I know it!
there is no spoon
I think you have to assess this protest from a Japanese point of view. It would seem the majority of Japanese people have some symbolic assumptions and it may be difficult for them to break from these generalizations. For example, if you wear sunglasses, have a beard or have tattoos you are often automatically associated with the yakuza or other bad influences on society. If you have belligerent protests, again you`ll have trouble influencing public opinion favorably. The Japanese, of course, get most of their news from the Japanese media where Anonymous have already been portrayed as scary, evil and a danger to society. Therefore, if you want to get more Japanese people on your side, you need to put on a much more sociable face.
This is not to do with illegal downloading. It's to do with the erosion of internet freedom. Besides pandering to the powerful lobbying of the avaricious American music and movie industries, it's a foot in the door for governments to regain more control of, what is now, complete freedom of information. Even democratic governments fear the freedom of the web and probably secretly envy the power of governments like those of Iran and China to censor, control and observe their citizens usage of the internet. Theyll jump on any excuse to make ISPs report on their customers when ordered to by the authorities. (For example, check out whats been happening with powerful politicians trying it on in the UK, Canada and Australia). Don't consign a free internet to history, where your grandchildren will look back in awe at the liberty of the PAST!
It's not just about people downloading illegal content. Once a government body has reign over a nations internet its really hard to remove them from it. It's the bigger picture you should be scared of. An example would be the patriot act in america. The government now have the power to arrest any one and convict them without due process. Why? because they had the people in fear over terrorism. Not to say that terrorism doesn't pose a real threat to national security. But you shouldn't have to give up basic human rights or your own personal privacy to be protected. Now removing that law is going to take a ton of money, time and effort. It most likely will never happen.
That's what this is about. Once a government is in they can do whatever they want. I don't understand how any one can be happy about any law (not just internet based) that takes away personal freedom. You're literally losing power as a citizen. Thats how I see it anyway.
I hardly think that they will be sending cops out to bang on your door yelling open up in the name of anti-piracy. They may catch a few people and make some examples of them to scare the rest out of the nest. However, nothing much will change. It reminds me of the traffic situation. It did work when the fine for drunken driving was made heavy but they had to stop you first and then give you the breathalizer. Still there are drivers drinking behind the wheel but fewer. As for the subject of downloading, Why is it done? Hey, what's playing on tv worth looking at, the "New Halves". Ugh. What's playihg at your local movie theater? The entertainment business here has been shooting themselves in the leg for a long time. Three cheers for the protesters.
Facing possible jail time due the potentially (mind you only potentially not definitely) lost sale of a huge corporation is absolutely ludicrous. What is this world coming to?
So basically, in a nutshell, it's hopeless.
The Japanese really know how to fight the power.
Ummm downloading stuff from the net....1) do you use it to make a profit? 2) what about those that are just barely paying their bills? They will be shut out. Yes, the Japanese have a long way to go but...hey Americans earning over $250,000 a year don't want to pay more taxes.... Where in society does the guy fit making $20,000 a year? and I'm talking someone in their 60's with no benefits, no savings (not because of buying crap but that's the way life is....) If he/she downloads a CD or a movie they are going to become criminals? I say hands up to the so-called "Pretenders" that are trying to say what they think!
Now, that's what I call a protest. Keep up the good work!!!
I believe the authorities should be going making examples of the people copying and distributing albums and movies for their own profits, and get serious about providing cheaper, quality content to the average downloader. Afterall, we're only really talking about digitalised files- and the chances of people being made examples of for minor or unwitting offenses are pretty high in my opinion.
Japanese cable tv was the worst ever subscription decision I've ever made. I was basically paying monthly for token programming, and 15 minute ad breaks between each show for useless pseudo-scientific supplement crap that's never been proven to work.
sounds totally nuts, all the streaming sites are prolly gonna get alot of people in trouble just for looking at something like they would on tv but through the internet, i mean isnt piracy stealing and then reselling that stolen product to make a profit? or something along those lines, but wanting to watch a new mtv video on youtube and going to jail for it is a bit extreme :/ Not to mention the whole monitering of everyones internet usage and history thats alot of data to look at and the investments to cover the cost for that amount of data is gonna be a dousy so why not put that money else where to good use
Best not... the environmentalists will accuse them of polluting the atmosphere, lol
This was exactly the point I was trying to make.
if your really worried about big brother watching, beat this is to get a "encrypted SSH tunnel" from a provider in another country with strong privacy laws, then your ISP cant log or watch anything your surfing.
You can say that again! I think a lot of it is controlled by Fox Japan. I couldn't take the incessant ads for some acne control crap (proactive?). And incessant reruns of My Name is Earl every day at the same time. I'd gladly pay for HBO and Showtime, but all these worldwide deals they do for their programs means that it is impossible to get their all their best shows on one channel in another country; and they are broadcast months, some times years, later. However, these programs are usually available a few hours later on pirate bay...a sore temptation for even the most law abiding citizens!
j cable isn't so bad, guys. i've seen like a total of like 14 years of all of the various "law and order" series' since last Sept when I got it.
(it's better than watching j news about protesters picking up garbage.)
They caught my attention, and that is the purpose.
Also, you can admit you agree and not have the stigma of supporting something illegal. They are acting righteously, and I support them 100 percent.
Now that all of Aum is locked up, can we finally get trash bins back? I'm with JeffLee at 5:33.
At least there are actually some people out there, who also are aware that we are evolved people, that know a violent revolution is not the answer anymore. The revolution is in your mind, along with everyone else. Viva la revolution!
One word: Durarara!!
I like the masks.
I dont understand this? Did they think it would make them look intelligent? I guess they got into the news but looks like they are slaves to the people that litter and not freedom fighters.
Thomas Anderson
"Only in Japan"...
Japan has done a good job making their citizens meek and subservient and making sure that they don't protest against them. They don't even report national protests in the news.
Its like... when Japan anonymous protest they will pick up rubbish? So the government pisses off Japan Anonymous and have super clean streets and not have to pay anyone to do it?