Japan Today

Japan condemns China fishing curbs; vows to defend islands

By Kiyoshi Takenaka

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China should recognize that the whole world is aware of their savage deeds. (aggression in its own interests and ignoring the rights of neighboring countries).

19 ( +24 / -5 )

Look at these re-drawn borders. It's insane. No matter how much someone might want to support the Chinese government, how can this be acceptable?


21 ( +24 / -3 )


China should recognize that the whole world is aware of their savage deeds.

The whole world is aware of the aggressive deeds of all nations that use their military and economic might to exploit other people's labour and resources.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

China is determined to up the tempo and rapidly speed the whole area towards military conflict, everyone in the world can see china's unbridled aggression.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

These new territorial waters claimed by China are ridiculous. They basically said 'anything that isn't right on the coastline of other countries is now ours'. It's got to be a provocation of some kind.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Basically it shows how serious and imminent PRC's economic collapse is and how CCP is frantic in evading the eyes of the public to external problems since they have no answer to address the imminent threat.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

China imposes its laws illegally in internationsl waters requiring non chinese ships to comply, or face seizure,yet they continue to deliberately and illegally enter japanese and other asian nations territorial waters provocatively whenever they want to...hypocritically... Sooner or later a joint asian united force will band together and put china in its place permanently.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Let's all hope China does not start WWIII. They seem to be intent on doing everything to maximize the chances of intentional or unintentional conflict occurring.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

The past is the past so deal with El Budo Which side of th fence are you own?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

What a pity China's attitude to world cooperation and respect of its own and other peoples democratic rights have not developed at the same rate as their economic and infrastructure. The same situation happened in Tibet is beginning in the SCS. Ulitmatly this will end in tears for the man on the ground and money in the pockets of a few.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

The US has vital interests in the South China Sea, and will not let China do anything that the regime desires to do without American serious pushbacks. In fact, American countering actions are under way to deter China’s expansion in that area as we are speaking.

However, I have to point it out that to thwart the Chinese momentum is not an easy thing. Contrary to popular belief, Chinese regime is not a touthless tigher as many people here may think; and the regime has done its homework through years and years of patient waiting and strategic planning. Right now, the Chinese regime is looking for a “perfect” opportunity to pounce. The US knows what is coming.

The big question is that how many casualties and how much damages the US and its allies are willing and able to tolerate militarily and economically.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

China the righteous one with high morals and holds the rights of others high with integrity, YEAH RIGHT !

China the one who steal everyone's intellectual property, pirates everyone's products, software and technology and now wants to lay claim to half the pacific ocean, fair play china c'mon get real.

The rest of the world is growing tired of your petulant behaviour, pull your head in before you are forced to pull your head in.

11 ( +14 / -3 )


Well, well, insane? China is learning from Japan.

One should look at the map posted by Guardian - the blue tint zone that Japan has claimed as its air defence identification zone (ADIZ) and how far reach it is towards China and Korea, and how big it is.


On May 10, 1972, Japan unilaterally established the Yonaguni ADIZ, covering the disputed Diaoyu Islands. In June 2010, Japan unilaterally extended the ADIZ line westwards by 22 kilometers, resulting in an overlap with the Taiwanese ADIZ. The closest distance from the western side of Japan's zone to China's mainland is just 130 kilometers. Did Japan consult any country on the initial declaration or the expansion? NONE.

-16 ( +6 / -22 )

It is in the best interest for the future of humanity to abandon any support and investment into China. When will the international community wake up? As long as you keep feeding this fat bully, it will just become more voracious and arrogant.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Interesting map @globallc. Thanks for posting.

-8 ( +3 / -10 )

So China is definitely angling for conflict, but they want to avoid directly starting it, otherwise they won't be able to play the "Victim of Japanese Militaristic Aggression" card that it's been holding onto. So they do this sort of thing instead. Unilaterally setting up a new ADIZ, curbing fishing of foreign fishers, invading territorial waters of neighbouring countries. They're doing literally everything they can to provoke Japan into firing the first round. Do they seriously believe that the rest of the world is that stupid? We can all see through their actions. We won't support them, even if Japan shoots first. It'll be their own fault if it happens.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

"Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera made the comment after observing the Japanese Self-Defense Forces’ elite airborne brigade conducting airdrop drills designed to hone their skills to defend and retake remote islands."

I think that says enough about the hypocrisy of the government.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

CBG Spender, as long as the US 1% and other country's 1% can make money, there will be lots of business with China. They also make the weapons of war, to they'll get richer if there is war. Einstein said "I don't know how WW III will be fought, but WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones". I say, "I don't know how WW III will be fought, but there will be nobody left to fight WW IV".

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Japan needs to negoyiate an agreement over the disputed area....If a war were to start,Japan could be heavily damaged by China. Japans military forces,even when combined with the japan based US military are no match for the military might China has available.....And lets not even mention the Nukes!

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

globalic -

So if the Japanese zone is 130 kilometres from China at its closest, that makes it well over 100km from Chinese territorial waters.

Chinas zone, on the other hand, not only covers parts of Japans territorial waters but actually covers part of Japanese land territory.

Massive difference there.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Is this about the ADIZ around the Senkakus, or is this about the South China Sea fishing restrictions?

Hey, I know. Lets mix and match the two so that we cannot talk reasonably, and just give in to emotions like anger and panic!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Japan condemns! Japan protests! Japan demands, I have been grey and old for reading inflammable articles since my teen. In fact Territory dispute existed for many decades.

I guess Japan and PRC like married couple who can not stand for each other. However they are not dare to make the costly divorce too. Japan should make a first move as initiative.. Such as diplomat and economic sanction over PRC.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )


I guess you don't understand the word 'dispute' as in 'disputed islands'? No?

Japanese land territory? Every country claims 'disputed islands' as its territory, as in Japan, China, Philippines, Vietnam, etc.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Japan is no world power. So it better stop protesting on other people's behalf! If Japan wants to speak for others, it better stop denying history, stop Yasukuni visits and pray in all Asian sites remembering its war aggressions and brutality. Maybe then, we may start to believe their words!

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

I have said this before, but nations of the world need to take a stand against China. (Even if it means getting our stuff from somewhere else...move those factories).

8 ( +8 / -0 )


Except that the land in question has been under continuous Japanese administration since the 1890s, save for the postwar period when the US administered it. The notion that anytime a country decides it wants territory it may have controlled 120 years ago it can turn that territory into disputed territory simply by laying claim to it is itself ridiculous, unless we want to throw the established borders of almost every country in the world into dispute.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

China the antagonist. Pestilence is at hand within this nation and is rapidly expanding to outside of it. I don't believe China will be able to contain the barrage of issues it has inside unless it brainwashes it's own people with destruction on the outside.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

China, the country whose own people put melamine in milk for profit, whose mothers allowed their children to shit and pee everywhere but the toilet in planes, shopping centres in HK, Singapore, China itself, the country with the greatest achievement of piracy of software, movies, fake eggs, thinks that possession of nuclear weapons allows it to do as it likes and people are expected to think it is Japan who are in the wrong. Everyday I read about Chinese ships going into waters off the Senkaku islands, and then they have the cheek to declare Japan is militaristic! I am not even Japanese, but just observing China's bullying ways make me hate the middle kingdom of the present so much. The present Chinese communist leadership have made the whole world hate the country. They are making the noble & proud Chinese people of the past turn in their graves. The punishment will be massive natural disasters or epidemic outbreak.

1 ( +6 / -4 )

As usual, a laughable attempt at justifying the insane by the PRC.

-8 Good Bad

Asian2013Jan. 13, 2014 - 03:15PM JST

Japan is no world power. So it better stop protesting on other people's behalf! If Japan wants to speak for others, it better stop denying history, stop Yasukuni visits and pray in all Asian sites remembering its war aggressions and brutality. Maybe then, we may start to believe their words!

Speak for yourself. I am Chinese and believe the Chinese media and my own government MUCH LESS than that of any foreign country. Your lack of reasoning is part of why I am so ashamed to be Chinese, you are simply one of those moronic 20-30 somethings mainland sheep that, as always who justify EVERYTHING by blaming Japan. You also have very little knowledge of what it is to lose someone in war - my family members did not DIE so you could stir up racial hatred on another people just for the political gains of the CCP, no matter how unjustified or brutal the IJA treated them.

You, like China, to me, are simply morphing into the IJA of the 1930s.

I would say grow up, but like the CCP you adore, you won't.


A great nation and culture, brought down low by the dogs of the CCP.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

I think that says enough about the hypocrisy of the government.

Its called sensible preparations smith. Even you must realize that deep down.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Like I have been saying for a few years now China is a fire cracker that's been lit! Only time will tell if China implodes/explodes or both!

One poster above correctly pointed out the commie govt in China must now be terrified of its own people to be proposing this BS fishing zone crap, the govt is clearly praying Japan, the US or another country fire on a Chinese vessel so the commies can say THEY started it!

Anyone living in China had best plan to leave & fast you don't want to be there when this fire cracker goes off.

Its time the rest of the world shut down China! I feel sorry for the average Chinese man/woman they deserve MUCH BETTER!!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Communist leaders are going insane. Next century, Communist Chinese leaders will introduce law and impose restriction on the whole world.

The more you buy made in Communist Republic of China products, the more money Communist China got and the more aggression you will get from Communist China.

Go out fishing with Navy Frigates guard.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This is exactly the same dark path Japan went down in the 1930's, so why is China following the same route?

If China hates Japan's Imperial War History, then why are THEY glorifying it by following the same path?

I just don't get it...

Why does The World have to witness another Asian Empire rise and fall?

And at what cost?

Millions of more lives?

When does it end?

Every Empire throughout history rises then falls and fails - All of them!

It's just human nature - an animal engine within our being that desires to "Have it All" and only then to "Lose it All" in the end.

I guess History really serves no purpose because nobody bothers to read and learn from it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

japan should just get a nuke and build a base on the islands.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So the Chinese are going to try to sneak the "nine-dashed-line" claim into an actual territorial claim by going after control of fishing first? As the BBC map shows China is now claiming what international law would say are the territorial waters of several countries. This is only going to lead to more problems. China is turning into the big fat bully of the neighborhood. They keep saying that Japan should learn from history but it seems they don't remember what happened to Japan.....

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Japan needs to negoyiate an agreement over the disputed area....If a war were to start,Japan could be heavily damaged by China. Japans military forces,even when combined with the japan based US military are no match for the military might China has available.....And lets not even mention the Nukes!

Whats to negotiate? Japan owns the islands, China wants them. Whats to negotiate? China wants the islands, should Japan hand them over? Heh, obviously not. You don't give a bully what he wants, or else he will keep demanding more.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Molenir Jan. 14, 2014 - 04:22AM JST Whats to negotiate? Japan owns the islands, China wants them. Whats to negotiate?

In the 1972 Okinawa Agreement grants Japan the rights of adminstration and not sovereignty. In 1978, China and Japan PM Fukuda accepted the fact that "the dispute of Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands shall be posponed". If Japan has clear ownership like you say, why did your former PM and the J-goverment postpone the dispute?

1 ( +1 / -0 )


That is because the US never took sovereignty from Japan. If PRC wants to claim dispute they can simply and peacefully take it up to ICJ which they have never had dared mentioned. Grow up it's pure land grabbing simple as that.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


To claim Diaoyu Islands was terra nullius makes it hard for the Chinese to prove they were there at some times when the Japanese say their ‘10-year survey’ revealed the islands had no inhabitants. This is an absurd claim by Japan as Diaoyu is barren rock islets and no sane people would make life of living there, as the conditions were harsh. There was no such name as Senkaku in 1895. Since the Japanese name of Senkaku was originated in 1900, what name did the Japanese use in 1895? Japan used the Chinese name Diaoyu and claimed the islands as terra nullius. If it was terra nullius in 1895, why did Japanese needed to used the ancient Chinese name until 1900? No wonder Okinawa goverment refused to lease Daioyu to Noda prior to 1895, because they knew that the Diaoyu islands belong to China.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Meaningless blurp. If PRC sincerely believe in what you say then they should have no problem in filing a case at ICJ which they have not even mentioned.

As for Uoturi-jima (not Diaoyu) Japanese had been living there between 1905 and 1945 and there is enough fresh water to support a group of people.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

SamuraiBlue Jan. 14, 2014 - 09:16AM JST If PRC sincerely believe in what you say then they should have no problem in filing a case at ICJ which they have not even mentioned.

Huh? What can ICJ do? ICJ means nothing. Regardless if Japan or China went to ICJ, there is no guarantee that loser of the case will not follow the ruling that was not in their favor. Nobody is going to enforce the ruling anyway. So what does it matter? What is important the most for Japanese or Chinese politicians is the public opinion, and they will not respect the ruling that is not favorable on the sovereignty of Senkaku/Daiyou. So your back to square one.

If Japan has definite ownership of Senkaku/Daioyu islands without doubt, why would Japan offer to explore resources jointly with China? Sounds like a big concession by Japan if you ask me. If Japan owns it, they didn't need to ask China. It shows Japan has a weak claim and they know it. This already happened few years ago. The solution to the competing claims emerged in 2008, when Japan and China reached a principled consensus on joint development of an area that includes the potentially gas-rich Chunxiao/Shirakaba field. However, the 2010 ramming of Japanese Coast Guard cutters by a Chinese fishing boat and the subsequent arrest of the Chinese captain by the Japanese, have halted all movement toward formalizing the 2008 consensus.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The US needs to send in some US fishing vessels 'without permission' into the SCS to lead the way like the USAF did with the PRC's ECS ADIZ. Assuming the PRC would not have the balls to arrest US fishing boats, testing the waters should give the all-clear to fishing boats of all countries to resume business as usual.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Why are you trying to engage into a strawman's arguement?

Both not relevent to why PRC is not trying to take a peaceful route through international 3rd party mediation meaning PRC has ulterior motive.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

SamuraiBlue Jan. 14, 2014 - 03:48PM JST Both not relevent to why PRC is not trying to take a peaceful route

It's not China. In 1978, the signing of the treaty for Senkaku/Diaoyu islands dispute, Deng Xiaoping and PM Fukuda accepted and stated that the "islands dispute shall be postponed". Japan goverment admitted in 1978 that "there is a dispute (regarding the islands)" and now in 2013 saids "there is no dispute"? Who is telling the truth? Japan has a credibility problem.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

If their policy is to exploit more power sources for their economy on the moon, I suggest that regime to move to the moon and never come back. Many of Asian countries will find peace...If the Korean peninsula will be one nation, let them go next, and never come back. We will find much peace in Asia, for sure!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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