Japan Today

Crown prince says there is a need for accurate updates on imperial family


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He doesn’t mention starving Japanese children and 10-20% increase in the cost of living?

1 ( +13 / -12 )


Why would he? He knows nothing about lives of normal citizens...

These people live in a bubble where they speak ever so slowly and there is an eeeeeeeee between each word.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Love how the diet who “ don’t mettle in affairs if the royal family “ get to decide that women can’t maintain their title when they marry.

once again. Diet had a problem, obvious solution, and did not do it cause reasons.

mid the crown and government are so separated then it should be the crowns decision to maintain titles even if the oyajis in the LDP don’t like it

2 ( +6 / -4 )

The Imperial Household Agency is considering increasing the number of staff involved in information dissemination. Yep that will work, not the message, just more staff? Bureaucrats gone mad.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Change I think should start here.....

The Imperial Household Agency...

It the current setup fit for purpose?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The problem is that they exist and have no real purpose, not that they can't provide accurate timely updates.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

What's the point of any updates with the royal family? They really don't have much of any purpose, except to be there. No biggie.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

If the Japanese monarchy doesn't improve the lives of its people, then it should cease to exist.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Meanwhile, the crown prince expressed "great joy" at being able to resume visits to regional areas that had been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Perhaps the royal family could help reduce the Covid pandemic by being photographed with protective masks on . . . ?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

OR, lead Japan back to the rest of the world and no masks (or filthy plastic curtains/dividers)...JT, please, more unmasked, normal faces. The pandemic is petering out.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

57 or 75? This guy has a "Privileged life and does not look 57 years old. Here's a guy who has a direct line to become emperor and he said nothing about the state of Japan or its people, this tells me he is so out of touch. He didn't even want to mention his own daughter who thinks out of the old box. His main interest seemed to be self centered "the crown prince expressed "great joy" at being able to resume visits to regional areas that had been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. He cited Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the passing of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and the 50th anniversary of Okinawa's reversion to Japan as the events that left the greatest impression on him this year. Time to take a chair!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Royals in any country are people just like us. They breathe and eat and sleep and exercise and walk and run, and marry and have children and etc. and etc. and etc.and etc. and etc.

However they are not like us in one important way: They have money.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Rather than increase staff just to release news , why not take a cue from Lawsons and create an avatar to announce news of the Royal family?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Prince Hisahito is so handsome in his blue pants and blazer with gold buttons. His father Prince Akishino too in grey pants and navy blazer with a tiny moustash and Princess Kiko in her grey elegantly belted coat and navy skirt. And Princess Kako in her fine grey dress surely designed by a French fashion house.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Prince Hisahito is so handsome in his blue pants and blazer with gold buttons. His father Prince Akishino too in grey pants and navy blazer with a tiny moustash and Princess Kiko in her grey elegantly belted coat and navy skirt. And Princess Kako in her fine grey dress surely designed by a French fashion house.

And the point of this appearance and fashion review in relation to this article is…?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Royals in any country are people just like us. They breathe and eat and sleep and exercise and walk and run, and marry and have children and etc. and etc. and etc.and etc. and etc.

However they are not like us in one important way: They have money.

Given to them by our tax paying yen. Actually, they really don't own much of anything, other than some of their clothes. The Japanese Government (AKA us residents) take care of them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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