Japan Today

Crown prince vows close public ties when he is emperor

By Kazuhiro Nogi

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Purists say, however, Japanese emperors' primary duty is to pray for the peace and happiness of the nation in a secretive world of elaborate Shinto-based rituals.

I for one get the feeling that these so-called "purists" reside within the IHA and in reality it seems that there are very few in public. These purists are fringe right wing-nuts!

The people love Akihito, and his wife went through some serious issues with stress related illnesses as well, (pointing fingers at IHA and Hirohito"s wife!) in many ways worse than Masako sama. I hope they all get well and continue to stay in the public eye!

12 ( +13 / -1 )


I for one get the feeling that these so-called "purists" reside within the IHA and in reality it seems that there are very few in public. These purists are fringe right wing-nuts!

I hear what you are saying.

However, I am not so sure they are "fringe right wing-nuts". When I read that, my first thought was.....

Nippon Kaigi!

Which is anything but fringe!

Do you know what I mean?!

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Our royals are the best, British royals are a joke, blue blooded, ha funny..

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

“Our royals are the best, British royals are a joke, blue blooded, ha funny..”

Heh-Heh...... I remember my 1st time coming to Japan in late 80’s thinking- “that’s the Emperor??” (that little guy......)

I was expecting some tall, handsome, well built samurai looking dude.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

British royals are a joke

That's their role.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@ Kenji, Wc62, Ascissor, On Netflix ( I think) there is a comedy series called the "Windsor's" it was made about two years ago, it takes the Micky out or the British royal family, who hated the series by all accounts.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Please and make sure Abe doesn't run amuck.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Kenji FujimoriToday 12:45 pm JST

Our royals are the best, British royals are a joke, blue blooded, ha funny..

Kenji - by what metric is that based on?

Dealing in superlatives is oft fraught with clangers.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Akihito has modernised the royals and expanded his role by actively travelling across Japan, particularly to meet with victims of natural disasters and to visit sites that had been affected by World War II.

Splendid! And so, so modern. Glad the budget was there for him to do all that traveling, talking and meeting with commoners. I'm sure they were touched by the life-changing event.

Naruhito said he will follow in his father's footsteps, while also searching for his way to adapt to the changing times.

Well.. I for one look forward to a lifetime of hearing him speak... and can't wait for the close ties as he waves to the taxpayers from a distant balcony. What an exciting time we live in!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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