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© KYODOJapan demands more proof from U.S. that Iran attacked tankers
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And the motive would be, what? Why would the Iran's government sponsor this attack and then deny it? Why would they destroy a relationship with a major customer of thier oil? Hmmm...
"Japan demands" or "Japan asks for"? There's nothing in the article that indicates Japan is demanding anything.
Andrew Crisp
Good One
Why would Iran attack Japanese tankers while the Japanese Prime Minister is in Iran.
How do we know it wasn't the Saudi's trying to stir up trouble with their enemies the Iranians.
How do we know its not the Israelis trying to stir up trouble with their enemy the Iranians.
Jeremy Volland
On the flip side, wouldn't this be to obvious of a false flag operation? Don't get me wrong, I doubt the Iranians did this, but they have armed a number of loose cannons in the area.
Seth M
This stupid trick is an insult to Trump's intelligence. even if he is not known for being smart.
The Trump administration changed their story,saying it was Iranian surface to air missiles attack a US drone but fallen at the Japanese tanker! How wonderful!
Smells very much like the work of minions payed off by the foreign terrorism support branch of the CIA.
Brian Wheway
Not much of this story is adding up to me, I feel there is some sort some one with a hidden agenda trying to stir up trouble/
JJ Jetplane
This could be retaliation for the recent oil Embargo that the US placed on Iran; however, to prove anything and to openly accuse anyone mere hours after it happens when all you have is circumstance is very reckless.
Good on Japan for demanding more info before they do anything rash. A bit surprised by this actually.
Raw Beer
I suspect that the US (and its accomplices) sent Abe to Iran specifically to humiliate him with this stunt, which is clearly a false flag.
Wow, even if these statements are obvious, they show unusual courage.
If anything, this stunt has probably decreased the relationship between US and Japan.
The US and its allies have a history of carrying out obvious false flags. For some reason, their citizens have a habit of falling for them.
Ricky Kaminski13
Yep, a reasonable request. It just doesn’t make sense that Iran would sanction an attack on a Japanese owned vessel just as Abesan was over there trying to play middle man and mediator.
Even to a simpleton it seems very very odd. Maybe that’s the point, who knows? Strange times indeed.
@Raw Beer: the US (and its accomplices) sent Abe to Iran specifically to humiliate him with this stunt
A Japanese oil tanker under attack while the Japanese PM meddling in Tehran! Abe was told to go there by Donald Trump some days ago! Does someone here believes that is such a funny coincidence tragedy?
This is not only a false flag but 'A stab in the back'! Yes, Mr.Abe someone has just stabbed your back!
Ganbare Japan!
Its unbreakable.
Raw Beer
But I'm sure Abe did not enjoy being set up by his "friend". And the comments released from the Japanese government indicate they are not happy about it.
It was probably a false flag carried out by the Saudis. They are determined to use the US as a proxy fighter against Iran, the same way they used them against Iraq. Why would the Iranians sabatoge their relationship with Japan? The Saudis have been causing all sorts of trouble, mainly through covert means. They also went out of their way to point the finger at Iran in this incident, which wouldn't be the first time they've blatantly blamed another power for their own misdeeds.
trump wants to use this as a Casus belli to attack Iran. trump believes a war with Iran will distract Americans from his misdeeds.
.....was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeghin favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953, orchestrated by the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot") and the United States(under the name *TPAJAX*** Project[5] or "Operation Ajax**"),[6][7][8][9] and the first United States covert action to overthrow a foreign government during peacetime.
According to the CIA's declassified documents and records, some of the most feared mobsters in Tehran were hired by the CIA to stage pro-Shah riots on 19 August. Other CIA-paid men were brought into Tehran in buses and trucks, and took over the streets of the city.[23]Between 200[3] and 300[4] people were killed because of the conflict.
In August 2013, sixty years afterward, the U.S. government formally acknowledged the U.S. role in the coup by releasing a bulk of previously classified government documents that show it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda.[27][28][29] The CIA is quoted acknowledging the coup was carried out "under CIA direction" and "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government".
Sh1mon M4sada
...meanwhile, the Saudis are demanding rapid response to the attacks which they blame on Iran. Not surprising, they've had 3 missile attacks on their airports and pump stations by Iran proxy, the Houthis, in the same week, and previously had a pipeline sabotage also by Iranian proxy.
Probably doesn't matter whether anyone believe the US anymore, the Saudis looks like they're priming for a unilateral response anyway.
"I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment." - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
This is where the US needs credibility- unfortunately it has none when there is president that lies about anything and everything, all day long. Then when you might need someone to actually believe you, surprise, they have second thoughts. The strategy of non-stop lies might work for the Fox News crowd, but when other nations need to put their blood and treasure on the line, it's just not enough.
Well, there will be an election next year and Donald's handlers are probably thinking that a nice little war thousands of safe miles from home might do the ticket! After all, it worked for Georgie. Get things going now so that it will be well under way before election time. Shame so many people have to die though, isn't it! (Sarcasm)
Cogito Ergo Sum
It behooves Japan to do everything to stop hostilities in that region. The consequences of a war there highly risks a hot 3rd/4th World War or totally upset the fragile world military equilibrium.
Good on Japan for not joining the Ango war club just yet. Though I guess it's just a matter of time. The US will give Japan a compelling reason to go along - a combination of bribes and threats. And Japan will eventually be singing in harmony "oh yes, Iran did it!"
If it was some other country trying to make it look like Iran, it will come back and bite them. Some day.
This is a great case where a demand from a high-ranking ally like Japan can act as a wedge between the deep state and Islamism.
Its unbreakable.
Well in this relationship the US has sole discretion, the other partner has no better status than a state of that union..and yes that is unbreakable.
Japan is right to ask for the proof.
Just watched American media on this. They said "sources and allies back Americas assessment." Wow. Must be talking about Israel and Saudi Arabia - biased against iran. Don't know any others who believe for sure it was Iran.
Japan gets their oil from Iran it's in their best interests not to war. America starts wars all over the place.
Another Iraq/WMD ploy. And of course Britain will back the US; after leaving the EU, Britain will be dependant of US trade, It will be fully under the heel of Washington. As I've said on several occasions, the PEOPLE must take control of their elected government, make them accountable. Do it now before the war starts.
It is interesting that so many posters know who the culprits are, without any conclusive information, and there are several different culprits. How can this be? Someone is likely correct, but who?
Trump has no intelligence so there can be no insult to him.
This would most likely be a stunt arranged by Bolton and or Pompeo behind Trumps back.
Nothing to gain for Iran in doing this but much to be gained for Iran's enemies if Iran is made to look like they did it.
Japan demands proof from US ? What a fuss.
I’m confused. Weren’t we told not to trust anything the intelligence community says?
Sorry, Mr. Pompeo, but I don’t buy it. I don’t buy it at all. Iran is an intelligent country; it simply makes no sense for Iran to fire on ships from Japan or Norway. Not for any reason. This is the least likely of any scenarios here.
The US has a President who has lied 10,000+ times now. You’re going to need to prove to us that this was Iran. Prove it.
The should be asked to prove it was not the US that did it.
Samit Basu
@RIcky Kaminsky13
Just like the old Imperial Japan, Iran has two parallel governments, one led by President Rouhani and the Foreign Ministry, and another led by hardliner Iranian Republican Guard.
The Iranian Republic Guard wants to undermine Rouhani's leadership and opposes any talk with the US, hence the Japanese tanker was chosen as the target during Abe san's visit.
So it is entirely conceivable that the Iranian Republican Guard is attacking tankers.
Why does the Japanese Navy conduct its own investigation? Why does the Tax payer fund it, if not to protect Japanese maritime interests?
I wonder who wrote the headline? "Demands" more proof vs "requesting" concrete evidence?
Of course Japan wants to see more evidence of what actually happened. This is the 5th, and 6th vessels which have been attacked in the area. Fake news agencies, and internet rumor-mongers, have been speculating (or propagandizing)about this latest incident as fast as they possibly can.
Reuters had reported that the Iranians had rescued 44 crew members, and that one of the latest attacked vessels had sunk. Where did Reuters get their mis-information from? Why didn't they verify their story before publishing lies?
Back in May of 2019, Iran was threatening to disrupt the flow of vessels thru the Straits of Hormuz over increased sanctions against it. Iran's latest attempts to intimidate it's neighbors, and the world, began with similar attacks to four commercial ships in the UAE. Iran then attacked oil facilities new Riyadh with explosive drones. Now Iran has attacked two more tankers.
Has Iran allowed the latest attacked tanker to be towed to port for repairs yet?
"...reported that the Iranians had rescued 44 crew members,..."
Handy that they we just a few metres away...
Herbert Cransdorf
It was CIA/Mossad false flag, Isreal wants all the allies they can get to go to war in the middle East. They have always been willing to kill innocent people in false flags and have most American politicians in their pocket because they have such a good lobby here in the USA. If you bring up criticism of Isreal they will try to shut you down and censor your speech instead of bring up a valid argument they'll just claim that you are using antisemetic hate speech.
The US doesn't have to provide any proof or do anything. If Japan doesn't believe, they can launch their own investigation and do something about it. Case close.
Sh1mon M4sada
and when interviewed (after released and reached Dubai) they said they weren't rescued, they were 'detained' by Iran, AND that their release had to be negotiated. How much I wonder?
Sh1mon M4sada
When Abe suggested to Ayatolla K to meet with Trump to talk things through, he got a slap in the face with a 'I will never talk to Trump message'.
Here's a PM visiting Iran for the first time in 41 years, bringing a message of peace, instead AK basically ruled out peace. Does that make any sense?
Immediately after sanctions were lifted and money was flowing to Iran, it started funding Hamas, Hezbolla, Houthis rebels, a slap in tge face to Obama who gave them a chance, does it make any sense?
What make sense to me is Iran threatened to attack tankers, and now they have.
"If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, "That would apply to the United States and Israel as well," said a source at the Foreign Ministry."
Israel has a proven history of using false attacks to start wars between countries. Iran has never started a war.
In 2005 Israel publicly acknowledged carrying out a 1954 attack on American targets in the Middle East, known as the Lavon Affair, in which Israeli operatives planted bombs which were then falsely blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood.
in 1967 the crew of a US surveillance ship, the USS Liberty, say a 75 minute attack by Israeli warplanes was deliberate. The attack fired hundreds of rounds of cannon fire, rockets, napalm, machine-gun fire at lifeboats, and a torpedo from an Israeli patrol boat. It has been opined by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy Admiral Thomas Moorer, that the attack may have been intended to draw the US into war with Egypt.
The Israeli newspaper Haraatz on last May 20th ran an article entitled "Netanyahu's Iran Dilemma: Getting Trump to Act Without Putting Israel on the Front Line." The article said:The Israeli secret service, the Mossad, previously proclaimed the slogan "by way of deception thou shalt make war." It has been changed to “without deception, a nation falls.”
In 2007, former commander of NATO and former presidential candidate General Wes Clark made waves when he told an audience that a series of regime changes had been planned by the Pentagon since even before the invasion of Iraq. Clark said a general within the Bush Administration told him before the invasion. Clark said:
EVERYTHING points to Israel.
William Clark
The proof Iran attacked the 6 tankers is clear. Iran is a rogue state bent on the destruction of the “infidels” Just ask the crew of the crew of the Japanese tanker. An ample number of responses spewing conspiracy theory nonsense. China and Russia thank you for your service.
Well, in the last several days I have read differing declarations of opinion, "This has Bolton written all over it!", "This has Saudi Arabia written all over it!" and "This has Israel written all over it".
What they do have in common is making it look like an Iranian attack. Why? Because an Iranian attack is most likely under the crippling pressure that the US has been exerting on Iran.
Personally I think that "this has Iran written all over it" is the best description. The proud Iranian military has the motivation and the desire, and the US has been goading them. I can even imagine the Mullahs in panic ordering a unit of Iranian marines to hurry up and take the unexploded mine off the side of the J ship, "because it makes it look like we did it".
These close neighbors in the Middle East, Arab and Persian, Sunni and Shia, they would love to attack each other, all the while maintaining deniability. Once their identity is rumbled, then it will be gloves off and raw, something that no-one wants to see. Look at Syria or Iraq or Libya for example. Ruined.
I do not think this demand for more proof is a strong or wise response from Japan. They could have equally say, yes, it does indeed look like Iran may have done this, but surely the solution is not war, for that would destroy free passage through the Strait of Hormuz, the very goose that lays the golden eggs. Iran is one of the guardians of the gate, and geographically that will surely never change.
Looks like a false flag attack to me, very much like the fake gas attacks in Syria and the infamous "white helmets". There are parties in the Middle East who would love the US to bomb Iran (notably Saudi and Israel), and how difficult is it to arrange to have some figures attache a mine to a ship.
Israel is known clandestine attacks throughout the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia and US. It would be no problem for Mossad to frame Iran.
Does it make sense to anyone anywhere that Iran would attack a Japanese oil tanker at the very moment Shinzo Abe is IN Iran making a deal to buy Iranian oil? Was Japan "punished" for making the deal? If so, by whom?
Does the fact that Donald Trump owes a small fortune to Saudi banks have anything to do with this? Why are the Saudis even making statements about this incident? The crew of the Japanese tanker witnessed something flying toward the tanker just before the explosion and the damage to the vessel was way too far above the waterline to have been made by a mine.
Why is Pompeo ignoring what the Japanese know? If he's going to list "simple facts" why isn't he listing the simple facts from the Japanese?
Trump's withdrawl from the deal was obviously a favor for the Saudis. His fans don't want to admit to his massive foreign debt to questionable nations such as Russia, the United Arab Emirates and the Saudis-especially since he's just made deals to sell weapons to both the Saudis and the UAE. Also, what's with the Saudis being enlisted to build our smart bombs instead of having those jobs in America? THESE are "simple facts", folks, and Pompeo seems oblivious to what's going on around him.
I guess with so many still desperate to "believe" the utter myth of "Obama giving billions of dollars in planeloads of cash to Iran" after seeing photos of a Turkish plane loading pallets of cash in a ten-year-old incident, they'll continue to refuse to grasp that some Iranian assets were unfrozen with the click of a mouse in a New York bank. The money was THEIRS, but the fans of the TV game show host with massive debt to our enemies will stick with their Hollywood celebrity type through thick and thin. Accent on the "thick".
Meanwhile, Trump puts himself squarely between a rock and a hard place, since, besides owing money to the Saudis and the UAE, he also owes a fortune to Russians, who have a deal carting Iranian natural gas through the pipeline crossing Syria on its way to Europe where Russia is the largest su;;lier of the stuff. How can he placate his Russian creditors and his Saudi creditors at the same time with the Saudis carrying on their timeless struggle between Sunni and Shia Muslims? He can't. Russia will stick with Iran. The Saudis will stick against Iran.
You can look up any of this for yourself. Trump's foreign debt is public information due to American tax laws. You cannot do business in America unless you disclose any foreign debt.
Silvafan: "Does it make sense to anyone anywhere that Iran would attack a Japanese oil tanker at the very moment Shinzo Abe is IN Iran making a deal to buy Iranian oil?"
The ship was Panama flagged, and going to Singapore, not obviously Japanese owned. The other ship was Norwegian owned. Admittedly a Japanese tanker was hit a few years ago in a similar incident in the Persian Gulf.
Not saying you are wrong, but what source are you quoting re this 'deal'?
SF: "the damage to the vessel was way too far above the waterline to have been made by a mine.
See the photo of the conical mine half-way up the side of the hull. Magnetic limpet mines can be placed underwater or overwater, wherever is most convenient. From the sources I read it seemed that the ship was hit both with at least one mine and a ship-to-ship missile fired most probably from a fast attack speedboat. Without getting into conspiracy theories that seems the most logical conclusion to me.
fair dues.. but heck, just like the start of WWII - what more proof do you need ?
Jason Prate
Good. As an American, I dont trust this one bit. We know the Saudis and Israel have been wanting us to go to war with Iran for a while. When you have articles like this:, asking basically how can Israel get us to fight Iran without them taking the blame, or the video of John Kerry in Congress talking about how Saudi Arabia is willing to foot the bill if we go to war with Iran, its hard to give any credibility these accusations.
Too many people in our government continue to carry on with these objectives, lying and hiding it from the American public, to do things in our name that we dont want and would not be happy with, to say the least.
Mychal Arnold
Give them time they'll come up with something, Most!y likely, a left handed wench.
Mychal, that would be a bit of a wrench, I should imagine.
Yes, this is the points:
Why would Iran attack Japanese tankers while the Japanese Prime Minister is in Iran.
How do we know it wasn't the Saudi's trying to stir up trouble with their enemies the Iranians.
How do we know its not the Israelis trying to stir up trouble with their enemy the Iranians.
Another Hollywood movie???
All you need to do is ask yourself : who profits from this crime?
I come up with 3 possible answers. Israel, USA and/or Saudi Arabia .
Strait of Hormuz. Gulf of Tonkin. Six of one. Half a dozen of the other.
Some would be good.
How would you concretely know that?
What’s the problem? That’s what friends are for.
They are doing that. But I find it funny, we give Iran the benefit of a doubt, a State sponsor terrorist group that killed hundreds of Americans in Iraq, took over our embassy in Tehran, got caught trying to dismantle one of their mines that didn’t blow, but with the history and proof, we’re under suspicion? Lol! Too funny.
It’s up to Iran. The ball is in their court. Do they want a war? Will they stop attacking our national interests? No one wants a war, but if they want to push the US for a military confrontation....
bass4funk: "That’s what friends are for." The US doesn't have friends, only subservient subjects - "America First", to hell with the rest.
"killed hundreds of Americans in Iraq". How many Iraqis did the US kill? How many Afghans has the US killed? How many Vietnamese did the US kill? How many ....?
The American education system seems great in the area of technology but, is very lacking in the area of American history. I suggest some have difficulty distinguishing between American history and American propaganda.
They don’t have to if it does come to that, got it. We’ll go it alone, just as good.
How many Iraqis killed Americans?
How many Afghans or specifically the Taliban killed US soldiers or how many Vietnamese killed Americans?
No, it’s not actually. By the way before these wars, how many Europeans cared about Iraqis or Iranians or even Vietnamese before these wars? Not at all. Before any of these conflicts happened none of the European countries gave a You know what about any of these countries or their people and now they’re claiming outrage? This is the biggest hypocrisy crap of the decade.
I feel that way about the Europeans and their so called knowledge that they think they have about America and definitely it’s politics.
Yeah, liberals keep saying that, our hardware says differently. That God we invented the the Jet.
bass4funk: When was the last time Vietnam invaded the US? When was the last time Afghanistan invaded the US, when was the last time Iraq invaded the US?
I can suggest some very good history books on US history and foreign policy by American historians, if interested. Stop trying to convince yourself on how the world cannot get alone without the US, on how egalitarian the US likes to appear. READ HISTORY!
When was the last time Europe tried to stop the spread of communism.
Why would the world stand by while the Jihadist use Afghanistan as a training facility to launch war against the US or Israel for that matter.
Believe when I tell you, No one misses the butcher of Baghdad.
Same to you.
I don’t need to, I’m just stating that fact, I’m not the problem.
You don’t need boots on the ground.
We learned from that as well.
Nothing that a F-22, F-35, F-18 and Tomahawk missiles and loaded drones can’t handle, not to mention the aircraft carriers and destroyers in the Gulf. Again, you can believe the Iranians, I don’t and neither does the Pentagon. Anyway, if it happens, it’s going to happen and neither you nor I can stop it, only the Iranians can do that.
I never claimed to be a planner. Lol
You must be thinking of South America, or Central America.
And Iran?
No one wants a war, but if they want to push the US for a military confrontation....
yep even Trump complained there were too many US troops overseas, now it seems he provoking another war. The Iranians were complying with an international agreement to keep Uranium purification at 3%. It was Trump who unilaterally decided he wanted to cancel another agreement on Obamas watch. This mess is all on him.
And Iran?
how doesn Iran profit from attacking a Japaese tanker, Japan is their friend and good customer.
Attacking Japan and turning them against Iran to support America/Israel in any future conflict, how does Iran profit from that. maybe it one of those 4D chess games Trump is so famous for. LOL
Iran is the one who said they would close the Strait of Hormuz. Since then, six vessels have been attacked in a similar manner. Iran is threatening anyone, and everyone, who uses the strait.