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© KYODOJapan earmarks ¥1.78 bil to boost promotion of sake
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You could have been alluding to Vanuatu whiskey for all I care; the result is the same.
Governments EVERYWHERE allocate/promote specific products abroad; what do you think tariffs are for?
But apparently Japanese are not allowed to this. because if Japanese goods are good enough "they will promote themselves".
englisc aspyrgend
Peeping tom, your biases are showing. I was referring to the international success of Japanese whiskey, but please don’t let meal facts get in the way of your pet rant.
Charlie Sommers
Sake, sumo,and squid, these three items helped keep me entertained during my Japan years. :-)
"If the product is good and more importantly, appealing to your customers then it will sell internationally eg whisky. "
Whisky! Of course, the UK Gov does NOT promote it abroad. Certainly NOT. NEVER.
"UK Government bids to unlock new markets for scotch whisky"
However, you've got to give it to the gaijin; usually clueless about his own country's practices, yet he's never shy do disparage all and any Japanese efforts to exactly the same.
Its hard to buy a descent Beer in Japan - nearly all the local ones taste the same, even those from the Micro-Breweries - perhaps it'd be better to remove the import tariffs that exist in order to promote great diversification and change locally.
Creating another State Supported Industry surely isn't the way to go, as claims of unfair trading practices will surely be made followed by tariffs...
Taxes for liquor imported into Japan is already quite low, as a Canuck I see Canadian whiskey etc on sale in Japan much cheaper than when I go back home(bottle of run of the mill CC is about Y1000 but back home would be about Y2500) , where I can guarantee you J-whiskey will be much more expensive than buying in Japan if there is any to be bought, which sadly isn't too often as its been snagged up!
As for the sake, shochu, awamori campaign...….. not really needed as its been increasing organically for a decade or so at least
englisc aspyrgend
If the product is good and more importantly, appealing to your customers then it will sell internationally eg whisky. If it isn’t then no amount of bureaucracy will change that.
Lowering taxes? LOL, Japanese alcohol is already cheaper abroad. Japan needs to lower taxes on alcohol imported into Japan to stimulate domestic sales and discourage the inflated domestic brands from coordination of hyper profiting.
Bugle Boy of Company B
The majority of this budget will be spent (wasted) on posters and flyers to be designed, translated, printed and tossed into the rubbish bin a few moments to a few hours after it is passed out.
More tax-payer money used for private business. Thus continues Japan's continued slide into Fascism -- government control of the not-free-anymore market. I don't bother reading replies, so if you disagree, have fun with that.