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Japan has entered 4th wave of COVID-19 infections, says gov't panel chief
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Steve Martin
Original peer reviewed research and books.
So when do you think the virus will say, “Okay, I ‘ve had enough waves. Come on outside, I’ll leave you alone now”.
Using Ryan Cole as an argument counts as giving up in the discussion already, he has not only been proved wrong multiple times with respect with COVID but even openly lie in order to profit. There is a reason why he is considered deeply antiscientific by his peers
Total shut down had become a must.
You're exactly right, Steve. Vitamin D, HCQ. Funny how nobody ever talks about these. They love talking about lockdowns and how they're just waiting to que up to get "vaccinated".
How the heck did AstraZeneca pass the trials then?
Steve Martin
'Quasi Emergency Measures' for business suspensions, lockdowns, increased vaccinations ... but no advice about getting some Vitamin D supplements — if not sunshine, exercise, and fresh air to build the natural immune system.
Why? Just follow the money.
For those inclined to take the corporate media for their word ... be afraid. Be very afraid.
When we are entering into new waves, and they are over, nobody knows. I see the same situation as at the beginning of last year, and all experts and politicians are going around the circle. Japan is doing best if not the best, we are worst, etc etc, blah blah.
Every 'wave' is just the State of Emergency ending.
Brian Wheway
So much for "urging" looks like that ideas works, now how about "telling people, and companies what to do wether they like it or not. like, if your journey is not important or nessasary dont travel, all pubs and clubs will close, along with shops that dont need to be open, only essential shops shall remain open like food shops, food places will only deliver, and are not open to the public or politicians, places of worship can remain open, but places like museums, etc close, anything to stop the spread of this virus, where places are open 2m distancing must be strictly obeyed, face masks must be worn, and hand cleaneing staitions at the entrence to every shop. it seems to have worked for Europe and the UK. from 80.000 daily cases to next to nothing, it proof this methord works., it has also helped that were rolling out the vaccine at an unpresidented rate. over 40 million people in the UK have been or had there first vaccine injections. for goodness sake stop urging, stop messing around, get a move one!
I bet we end up with tenth wave and more in the coming months and years. These are not waves - this is an endemic disease by now - but likely mutant viruses or small changes in infection rates. If we cannot stop with the disaster language and treating this like the black death, we will never get back to some semblance of normal life and economic activity and public calm.
Hello Kitty 321
Even you are over 65 it seems unlikely that you will be getting a vaccine in 2021.
If you're under age 65, good luck getting a vaccine in Japan in 2021. They're saying "maybe" November to start. Screw that, I'm going to the USA in June to get vaccinated and will spend my 2 weeks in quarantine when I get back, have it your way Japan. The most pathetic response of just about any industrialized country and shameful for the 3rd largest economy.
Toasted Heretic
Like the Nightingale Hospital, in East London?
That's a huge generalization. Them means just AstraZeneca, and that's only to provide for countermeasures on the very rare side effects.
blue in green
No, information is readily available if you look for it.
The Lancet retracts negative paper on HCQ, as all its sources were not reliable.
Because everyone, even the PM, is scared of making decisions.
Yeah,blame the gaijin,that is the old good xenophobic rhetoric.
How about thinking that the Japanese government was to inept to develop it's own vaccine?
"... the rest of the world has suppressed COVID and vaccinated most of their populations... "
Can anyone back this up?
Why are you assuming it would be the women staying home?
If you would understand how the japanese society is working, that would know why.
Sven Asai
And again, the daily dose of remarks that are bare of any logic or just ignorant.
1) If the PM cannot see any high numbers, how can it be then, that at any place, in this case Osaka, the bed occupancy rate stands over 90%? One could surely distribute all patients in such a case so that the rate would still be everywhere single digit, but that isn’t done, because also at other places the rate is already high, right?
2) Some here suggest, rapid mass vaccinations are the one and only solution to come out of the pandemic. It’s neither the only solution for anything, nor it is a solution itself. Many other countries with more progressed mass vaccinations have still high or even rising numbers, for example. Or another, there are even again senior residences with already all inhabitants vaccinated twice and another massive infection outbreak, making not only there everyone unsure of everything.
In other words, you cannot prove your ‘theories’ at all and most things practically done are still more than questionable right from the beginning.
blue in green
Manipulation on steroids.
Withhold the ‘miracle vaccine’, while throwing out high numbers of infected, while govt. watches with interest.
These headlines should be regarded with the same seriousness as a manga.
This world-wide con has worn out its welcome.
If this pandemic were real, like with say, Ebola, makeshift hospitals would’ve been put up immediately, extensively, when it first occurred.
But it’s a flu, the Wuhan Flu.
People are following these statistics, and organizational advice, insisting their freedom be taken away, theirs and their children’s occupations stopped, while begging for a shot that won’t remedy, prevent, or eradicate this ‘virus’- It’s like a mask, a virtue-signal, except a mask won’t permanently change your immune system.
Safe drugs that could be used to treat this, are dismissed.
Agendas effect science,
even The Lancet knows this,
which is why their paper on HCQ was retracted.
There are numerous sources available online on that topic, do your own research.
Rajesh Pandya
Strict Lockdown is must!
I read a few sentences and then skipped to the end and saw this. No, the important part is that they were highly confident in the vaccine. They didn't recruit unemployed workers or broke students to test it on but injected themselves with it. And the statements those Russian biologists made in August, which gained them the ire of Big Pharma, have proven to be correct. At least 100s of lives, probably many, many more have been saved as a result. That is important. It's now a proven fact the vaccine is highly effective and if not perfectly safe, by far the safest of the highly effective vaccines. You have to come to terms with the now proven fact those Russian microbiologists knew exactly what they were doing. They never needed or wanted Big Pharma's permission.
The Chinese vaccines seem very safe but quite a bit less effective that Sputnik V. I'd also be happy if the Japanese government bought the Chinese vaccines. Less effective but better than nothing as they seem very safe.
Since mass vaccination began, after phase 3 trails were completed, how has Russia fared? Without any lockdown and opened schools. According to Putin himself, all 3 Russian vaccines are highly safe and effective. He didn't want to promote one over the others. Is there something wrong or strange in that?
You seem love the vaccines so much. But calm down! Nobody is telling you you can't take them. Douzo...
Generally correct, but recently they've found cases of vaccine-escape mutants of the measles virus due to F, M, and N glycoproteins which are targeted by our immune system. (,
Although a more recent paper makes the opposite claims but did not look at all of the some proteins as the first paper. (
A single mutant shouldn't completely destroy vaccine effectiveness, it may just lower it, as is suggested by papers on B.1.351 and E484K.
So wonderful that the Russian population is avoiding it. Vlad won’t even confirm which one he got. One would think if it were so great he’d have taken it publicly.
hey slow down tiger. Many countries are suspending them and a small minority are being killed by them. Also vaccines have become a financial profit and geopolitical problem.
You are correct. We are about to enter the serious second wave. Japan locked down our border so we only experienced the original SARS-CoV-2 virus strain. Now Suga inc. wants to open japan up to foreigners. Olympics, Quad military exercises, business visas etc.
to date we have about 4000 infections a day. Many countries have 40000-50000 a day. Our total death toll is around 9000. Bazil, have half our population and the death toll is over 4000 PER DAY!!!
Both concepts are wrong, all RNA viruses are continuously mutating and developing thousands of variants, that doesn't make vaccines against them, Yellow Fever Virus for example is an RNA virus but the vaccine is as effective as it was 50 years ago. No need for regular boosters.
The whole point of a vaccine is that anybody vaccinated has a bigger chance to defeat the infection without problems, that includes anybody that is a target of vaccination, with or without problems in their immunity.
Anything more than your imagination to prove this? and how does this contradicts the argument that doing things unethically is big neon sign of bad, sloppy science? The most important economic gain of developing vaccines is ending the huge cost of social distancing measures, even not developing vaccines is a bigger source of income, a short visit to the ICU is enough to move more money that hundreds of vaccines used.
From an ethical and scientific point of view they were, and are, mistaken in applying a vaccine to the general population before phase III trials have finished and the results published and peer reviewed. It does not matter at all what any pharmaceutical company says about it, by skipping safety protocols developed over many decades of optimization they went against very important advances in science for no real advantage. Again, good results do not justify acting unethically and without regards for proper science. Saying that developers have to prove safety first with a phase III trial is a perfectly valid criticism.
But the important part is when they did it, Russia approved the vaccine in August last year, but the results of the trial were published only on February of this year, this is sloppy science and have a lot of ethical problems.
There is a reason why the trials are performed as such, first preclinical then phase I, II and finally III, then public use and finally phase IV, no matter how sure are the developers their product is safe these are requirements that have to be followed according to basic human rights and proper scientific methodology. These standards of quality are much more important than the time gained by Russia. If an ambulance is rushing to bring a patient to an hospital it still have to slow down in traffic lights to make sure it is not involved in an accident, it takes time and that can cost the life of the patient, but the alternative is putting in risk more than that.
Bjorn Tomention
Golden Week holidays coming right up and the govt will request, urge, and recommend strongly to stay home , not go out, and help to flatten the curve so they can hold their Olymsic Games.
They are inept, stupid, selfish, incompetent, immoral, corrupt, negligent and behave almost as if they hold everyone of their citizens in contempt.
It is almost criminal what these govt officials are doing.
Raw Beer
Or: protect the vulnerable and the rest of us go about our normal business and enjoy the sun. Plus, get everyone to supplement with vitamin D.
Shhhh! We're meant to be panicking right now...
Vaccines will not save you guys. The virus is mutating, there are so many variants now, that it will become ineffective. A regular one will be necessary like for the flu. But like for the flu, the immune system will fight it, except for the ones with a weakened immune system, especially the old people.
The only advantage I see will be the ability to freely travel.
if it’s true what you say then why doesn’t the death rate for the country have a huge rise?
The government cannot hide the fact that large numbers are dying, and they are not are they
Thankfully, Japan has don't well in suppressing the real numbers by limiting testing, as looking good and
the feel-good that we are unique and the cleanest and most obedient people on earth and have been able
to keep cases low just on urges from the government and no lockdowns as seen elsewhere that despite hard
lockdowns still had high cases.
You don't tests you don't find, even the stable genius could figure that out.
Samit Basu
Cancel the Tokyo Olympics.
You cannot have Japan in full 4th wave with the Olympics only 100 days away.
Derek Grebe
It really is an utter disgrace that with less that 100 days before the all-important Olympic boondoggle is planned to kick off to empty stadiums, this inept, incompetent corrupt government is still sitting on its hands with vaccination.
For utra-modern Japan, hell-bent on showcasing humanity's victory over the virus (which hasn't happened) to be on a par with Zimbabwe and Botswana in vaccination numbers is shameful.
But come election time, it's another LDP clean sweep. Democracy didn't happen here.
While the rest of the world has suppressed COVID and vaccinated most of their populations, Japan is still stuck in the 4th wave and likely will go to the 50th wave at this rate with by far the worst outbreak on Earth. Unique Japanese I guess
So the experts say there's a 4th wave, and Suga says "I don't see a big wave (of infections) nationwide." Who to believe, who to believe.....
Still waiting for the full morgues and nationwide chaos. Fourth wave they say?
Been living life almost as normal and things out and about are just fine
On way to Nagoya today for a day trip with my partner, let the fear mongers hide away and become sick with worry
Concerned Citizen
Thankfully, Japan ranks 143rd in the world for cases per million population and 132nd for deaths per million population. All the while keeping the country as open as possible.
yeah sure. Big Pharma and it's stock holders were outraged. Western governments whose tax-payers granted Big Pharma billions of $ to create a vaccine weren't happy either. They insisted the creators of the vaccine were mistaken in their confidence in it and should cease immediately. Big Pharma actually hired a firm in Russia to lobby the government there to postpone the rollout of the vaccine. The Russians rejected that and now it is clear, the science proven, safety and high efficacy on display in 60+ countries and rapidly increasing. By this time next week it'll probably be 70+ countries. Right now I'm only interested in the Japanese government buying it ASAP. Because I'm sick of this pandemic life. Probably too late to save the Olympic games.
Of course they did phase 3 trials. At first only in Russia but now in several countries.
Ricky Kaminski13
The inability of the leadership class to communicate with its public along with the cultural tendency to try and ignore the big problems away is coming home to roost.
Cue the next wave of ‘requests’ by the the govt. by some fluffy kawaii character. Covidokun to the rescue.
The funny and ridiculous thing with the quasi strong measures is that in Hyogo Pref, it is limited
to Kobe city, Amagasaki, Nishinomiya and Ashiya cities and adjacent cities like Takarazuka, Itami, Sanda
Akashi, Himeji etc with to-and-fro movement of thousand of people from these adjacent cities. It really beggars believe whether there are virus experts in this country.
It is extreme naivety to think the highly prevalent strain believed to be spreading in Osaka has not reached
Tokyo with thousands of people moving to and fro both cities. won't be surprised someone coming up with
the ridiculous reason that the virus doesn't like Shinkansen, I have heard several times from people who are
supposedly experts assert that nobody has ever been found to have been infected in the train.
Suga took a cautious stance !
the time for caution was a long time passed - and should have been followed by action. But I’m learning not to expect more than sit-ups from him.
No, it is still the wrong one, no important side effects specific for the vaccine have ever been even comparable with the risk from the COVID infection. Not even the suspected negative effects do, that would mean that even if they were true people would be at a higher risk of important health problems and death by not being vaccinated.
Japan is betting on not having a sudden increase of cases and deaths, thinking that preventing very rare complications from vaccination can offset the extra deaths happening because of lack of control of the pandemic, this bet is getting more and more dangerous as the daily number of cases increase.
No, that is the opposite of good science, the vaccine may be safe and effective according to the published data, but that do not justify skipping the phase III trials just to have it approved. Prices are not what makes vaccines tested first, ethical treatment of human patients is.
Sometimes you can get good results even with sloppy methods, that is not enough to justify them.
Yeah, it's also the only vaccine in use in 60+ countries, after tens of millions of doses administered, no reports of severe side effects or lack of efficacy. Easy to produce and deploy. Can we stored in a normal refrigerator one can buy at Yodobashi Camera.
The bottom line is, those Russians weren't too busy looking at Big Pharma stock prices to do good science. It's now proven their confidence in the vaccine was correct.
EU is two words but that's fine.
We've got a lazy farmer. Has the land, has the tools, has the seeds, has everything he needs. He knows it's going to be a bad crop this year. His neighbors work and work to ensure they have enough! As always if there's a problem they'll try help each other. But the crop was even worse than expected. The neighbors dont even have enough for themselves. It's not their fault if the lazy farmer starves. Family is most important.
Be angry at the Japan for doing absolutely ZERO to prepare for this. Don't try blame the EU.
Is this what the propaganda wants us to believe.
That we’re in a fourth wave.
With their fabricated numbers due to low tests.
But truth is that we’re still in one big wave which is toned down by them.
Interesting news about vaccines:
Coronavirus live updates: Governments struggle to maintain vaccination drives as reports of side effects mount - The Washington Post
Japan made the right call.
Nope, Japan is ahead and has always been ahead of the world in declaring
a new wave.
The Osaka governor said his government is considering requesting schools to switch to online lectures
That's an excellent idea
Basically I also agree to that, as long as all the women who can not go to work, because they have to stay home and take care of their kids get paid.
If my wife has to stay home and take care of our kid for 1 or 2 months without pay is a very big crack in our income and that can bring up already some bill payment problems.
How did the EU made Japan unable to develop its own vaccine? How is the EU related to the extremely slow distribution of the doses that are already in the country?
Do the hustle
4th wave? Looking at statistics it’s been one long wave with small fluctuations since December 2019.
Yeah that'll boost confidence in vaccines! Sputnik is the only vaccine that was approved before completing phase 3 testing, it is that good!!
"There are 2 stumbling blocks: A lack of vaccines and the JMA."
and the EU? LOL
"one word: vaccine
Why is Japan so behind the rest of the world?"
One word: EU
WHY did the EU play poltics with Vaccine?
If there is another 'State of Emergency' there will be extreme pressure to completely cancel the Olympics. If the people who live here can not work how can anyone justify allowing thousands of travelers into the country?
I want to see more extreme measures specifically for business's/activities where the infections are linked. People have to work and the blanket 'SOE' is literally ruining lives.
Yawn just the same rhetoric for the past YEAR ! Seriously do something... absolutely useless
And by the way, where in the Hell is the JSDF? They don’t do pandemics, only typhoons and earthquakes?
If there is one vertically oriented, rapidly deplorable organization in Japan, it’s the JADF.
It's not about the virus or the vaccine, it's just old LDP Economics 101 Redux (penny wise, pound foolish).
wise words from our great leader.
Japan is the nation of the raising sun. Japanese are beings of light immune to covid.
There is one way and one way only out of this: rapid mass vaccinations.
There are 2 stumbling blocks: A lack of vaccines and the JMA.
Change JMA to AMA and you have exactly the same situation in Australia.
The doctors see gold in the tip of those needles and they don't want to let anyone else near it.
Robert Hancock
So exactly where are those many millions of Pfizer vaccine shots that are supposed to have flooded into the country? Still in EU perhaps? Where are lines of people waving coupons and booked-in to get shots? In reality, Tokyo had just 4000 available shots 2 days ago. This really is pathetic management.
It's not happening is it Minister Kono?
36 million over 65s vaccinated by end of June—dream on.
If only there was a vaccine or something to try and flatten the curve more quickly...
Aly Rustom
That's an excellent idea, and I would recommend doing that for the whole country OR at least for the prefectures bordering Tokyo and Osaka.
Tokyo numbers are being suppressed for the Olympics. There's no way that Osaka can have those numbers and Tokyo not. Beware, the Olympic disinformation and misinformation campaign have begun in earnest.
There is one way and one way only out of this: rapid mass vaccinations.
There are 2 stumbling blocks: A lack of vaccines and the JMA.
The Japanese government has had a year to ramp up for this. This is a level of incompetence that I previously thought only Yasuhiro Mori was capable of. The FDA, the world-wide gold standard for safety and efficacy has approved 4 vaccines for emergency use yet Japan is reliant on 1.
And administering a vaccine is not rocket science. Even I could do it and I HATE needles. If the Brits can successfully train civilians with no medical training to safely administer, then surely any nurse, pharmacist OR A VETERINARIAN, could do so as well. So why don’t they? Three letters: J. M. A.
The logistics may be tricky but the solution is so obviously simple: The country stops what it’s doing and everyone get a needle in their arm.
I live here. I’m a PR. I have a job. I pay my taxes. Why can’t the government solve basic problems like vaccinating against a highly contagious disease?
It’s so frustrating.
Tbh after a year of this I say let's just get on with it!
Nothing changes here and there is no vaccine in sight!
Enjoy the spring sunshine people!
If the government doesn't make a move to buy Sputnik V ASAP, we are going to be talking about 5th wave soon. Then 6th wave, 7th and etc.
"""Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, however, took a cautious stance as to whether the country has entered the new phase of infections, telling a House of Counsellors plenary session, "I don't see a big wave (of infections) nationwide."""
I did know what it will take to make this PM see the forth wave!?? Monkeys on trees around his office, or UFO's over his head!?
Jgov has two options.
Roll out the virus as an urgent priority and get a large percentage of the population (over 30's and vulnerable ) all vaccinated in 100 days.
Full lockdown for a month, nobody outside unless essential, all business closed, trains suspended AND all salaries paid in full on a furlough scheme.But I will guess they will not do neither and will blindly carry on regardless with hollow platitudes and total inaction.
in an extremely swift and nimble manner," he said. The only thing quick and nimble is the announcement of your replacement, you can't go against the governments narrative. Not with the must have Olymipics sports day 99 days away.
@AG is right.
Restaurants should be urged to close at 7.30pm to stop the spread of Covid19.
Let’s go a bit wild this time and try the “urge to close by 7:30PM” measure for bars and restaurants.
Might be that last half hour that is ruining things.
And as with the non sense 8PM measure, it would decrease the cases 10x in a month as by miracle.
I would describe that as a “reckless” stance rather than a cautious one.
It’s taken a year but now,
- "I have a strong sense of crisis," Yoshimura told.
How about sending the army in to commandeer the hundreds of private hospital beds in Osaka?
Problem solved!
one word: vaccine
Why is Japan so behind the rest of the world?