Japan Today

Gov't plans ¥50,000 handouts for each low-income household to fight inflation


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How about using the 1.6 billion (and counting) that is earmarked to be wasted on Abe's state funeral?

45 ( +47 / -2 )

To all the low income people receiving this, you don't need to thank me personally for two decades of hard work, dedication to bettering myself, never taking holidays, being sensible with money and investing wisely. Slowly working my way up the ladder to reach a position where me and my family are stable and secure. Just take my hard earned tax money and enjoy it.

Perhaps you should be thanking them, because without Their low wages you wouldn't have been able to save, your ¥ 170 litre of milk would be ¥ 500 if we paid them a proper wage. Your Starbucks or whatever place coffee would be ¥2,000 etc...

The only way people like you save is because there are low wage workers.

This applies to all of us high or low wages.

29 ( +36 / -7 )

Government spending increases inflation. This will only make things worse in the long run.

Better to just raise wages.

22 ( +34 / -12 )

Based on my decades of experience here, “hand-outs” is another way of saying tax increase. Sigh.

20 ( +31 / -11 )

How much money is being spent on Abe Sans Good Bye Party again? Seems to me the money could be re-directed to people in Japan who are affected by COVID and what the Japanese Government did and did not do to curb inflation. They are not low income citizens. They are victims of the lack of Leadership stemming from the very top of the Japanese Government.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

Not begrudging the money, they and many others need help, a more long term solution needs to be found. One off is one off. Raising wages especially the minimum would help. A government that knew what it was doing to benefit society long term would also be advantageous. At the moment they are buying socks for a leg less man.

17 ( +22 / -5 )

doeToday  07:07 am JST

Government spending increases inflation. This will only make things worse in the long run. 

Better to just raise wages.

not if it’s targeted. Probably no different than increasing everyone salary.which won’t really improve the poor anymore. You weren’t saying this when YOU got your Covid handout though.

anyway what they give with one hand willl be taken away when sales tax is increased. And the inflation target is 2% anyway. Now they reach it, the gov start to worry about it.

TokyoJoeToday  07:07 am JST

To all the low income people receiving this, you don't need to thank me personally for two decades of hard work, dedication to bettering myself, never taking holidays, being sensible with money and investing wisely. Slowly working my way up the ladder to reach a position where me and my family are stable and secure. Just take my hard earned tax money and enjoy it.

yep, I feel so sorry for the disabled, or the single mother looking after their two kids after the husband left them with nothing. Or the you man with autism, or the young women who worked sooooo hard her mental health broke. We are so sorry we need help after paying our tax and insurance. Sorry for claiming on our insurance that we all payed. You do know it’s insurance, don’t you? And strangely enough those same people pay tax too. It’s called sales tax. Today your fit and healthy, next week, your wife walks out, takes the kids, your sick, you loose your job. Can happen to anyone. I guess your saying the same to those in the UK too. And the rest of Europe and even the USA.

dont forget the person who lost their job because they got sick.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

They'll see it as pachinko money and just feed the yakuza. Japan needs to introduce food stamps

Wow, what a jaded statement about the people here. You must have a very low opinion of the Japanese people to think that everyone who gets handouts or subsidies from the government waste it on gambling.

Oh, my bad, this was just a comment to stir the pot as a troll would!

And BTW food stamps would be counter-productive, as it uses tax money, and then producers and businesses would raise their prices, knowing that the people themselves are not paying for their products, but the government is.

I also would love to hear how you would define what could be purchased or not, with food stamps. Only someone who really DOES NOT know about the people and economy would suggest and idea like this.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

The people who complain about welfare for poor people tend to forget about corporate welfare.

Giving money to the poor boosts the economy because the poor don't sit on it. They put it straight back in the economy by buying something instead of just sitting on it.

14 ( +16 / -2 )


How about using the 1.6 billion (and counting) that is earmarked to be wasted on Abe's state funeral?

How much of this 900 billion yen is for "security"?

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Low income includes people on pensions.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

A year ago I was fit and healthy. Never thought I would be flat on my back for over a month.

Then 6 weeks ago I passed out at home. Pulmonary Emobolism. Wife called the ambulance. Kids were at school. A month in the hospital practically learning to walk again. Released and needing a care worker with me daily while wife was at work and kids at school. Physical Therapist four times a week.

I own a business. My BIL has taken the reigns. The cost of my care has taken a huge bite out of our savings.

Before you judge the dire situation people are in, think about what got them there they could not control.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

caused by the failed sanctions against Russia.

false, inflation had started long before Russia invaded Ukraine.

your anti-west emotions are messing with your mind

12 ( +19 / -7 )

Padraig Bohannan

But handing out money? "Please sir, can I have some more?" Way to go to make them feel even more worthless and indebted!

Did you refuse the ¥200,000 covid relief?

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Taxing those with higher income and subsidizing those without is a reasonable action in such abnormal times.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

My ideology is sound btw.

Actually perhaps not.

We have watched decades after decades of major government programs around the world, private NGOs etc...

But the one thing seemingly to actually make a difference have been microloan banks often it is the $50, $100 that make the biggest impact as it gives the tiny relief or the extra few dollars to get something done or needed.

Something a simple as buying a new more efficient, rice cooker that will safe monthly on the electrical bill for years.

¥50,000 buys a single person a small energy efficient refrigerator making the monthly bills power.

¥ 50,000 can buy a good bicycle so a young person can get to a night job that may pay more.

It is surprising what just a ¥ 50,000 can do in the long run.

I know an older man that lost his job during covid he was able to survive by buying an electric assisted bicycle to get to night jobs directing traffic at construction sights, this was what keeped him in his home and eventually once business picked up find a new job.

I have been a broke single father, and there are times when a windfall of just a few extra "man"(¥10,000) made a very big difference to me and my children in a long lasting way.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Good Job LDP, but you should increase it to 100,000 yen and gave more to health care workers who need it.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

This is not the answer.

Sometimes folk finds themselves in a hole, not of their own digging. I feel fortunate for what I have. That has been a combination of hard work and luck of the draw. I can't imagine how difficult this current economic crisis is for single parents/low-income earners.

Cut these folk some slack. They are not all layabouts. Some just can't catch the break. Handing out money whilst being a temporary relief from the grind does not help at all. The price they pay at the checkout is what matters. Offer tax breaks to large supermarkets that pass on these savings to the consumer. Cut the consumption rate (or gid rid of it altogether)

But handing out money? "Please sir, can I have some more?" Way to go to make them feel even more worthless and indebted!

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Better to just raise wages.

The only wages the government can actually increase on it's own is the salaries of the komuin, and if they did that, the people would scream, because it's all tax money being used!

The government can not force businesses here to increase wages, they can provide subsidies, but then that is counter productive, because that relies on tax money, and is only temporary.

In effect, it's a hell of a lot easier to say, than to do.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Abolish sales tax on all food items.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Handing out money whilst being a temporary relief from the grind does not help at all. The price they pay at the checkout is what matters. Offer tax breaks to large supermarkets that pass on these savings to the consumer. Cut the consumption rate (or gid rid of it altogether)

But handing out money? "Please sir, can I have some more?" Way to go to make them feel even more worthless and indebted!

The people who are at the point where 50,000 yen is going to keep them above water, likely aren't nearly as concerned with your ideology as you are.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

exactly - these government handouts are what caused inflation in the first place

Oh dear, please read some books about economics.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

how about coupon for education cost or food?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

As a foreigner, the biggest part of my life in Japan was part time jobs, contractors and such.

It's kinda hard to live on 100.000/month while paying around 15.000 a month for a couple years for your flight ticket (which you've been ripped off, since it was a "pack" with the contractor/factory shoukai, so your Visa attempt has a higher chance of success) and around 45.000 for a room you share with other 5 to 10 other workers, unable to quit because of debt, since they're illegally holding your passport the whole time, which they claim (we are just taking a copy please wait patiently), if you go to any authority.

So I understand the 50.000 is probably gonna help a LOT of people out there who are in a very fragile situation. The issue is when people attack other people, thinking it's their fault for being at a fragile situation, that lack of empathy is actually more disturbing than the inflation itself.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

To all the low income people receiving this, you don't need to thank me personally for two decades of hard work, dedication to bettering myself, never taking holidays, being sensible with money and investing wisely. Slowly working my way up the ladder to reach a position where me and my family are stable and secure. Just take my hard earned tax money and enjoy it.

Seems like you were the one duped.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Seijo Ishii raised their prices pretty much across the board by 10% a couple of days ago. I don't know about other supermarkets, but I assume they would be the same, since they are all colluding.

You do realise the vast majority of those in a position to get this money wouldn't even go into Seijo Ishii unless to look at things they can't afford.

The fact you only know Seijo Ishii prices are up tell us a lot,

You do know most Japanese shop in places like Itoyokado, Daie, Seiyu, Ok, Super value, etc.. not Seijo

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Gin and Antique thanks. Slow but steady recovery.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

kyushubillToday  11:37 am JST

A year ago I was fit and healthy. Never thought I would be flat on my back for over a month.

Then 6 weeks ago I passed out at home. Pulmonary Emobolism. Wife called the ambulance. Kids were at school. A month in the hospital practically learning to walk again. Released and needing a care worker with me daily while wife was at work and kids at school. Physical Therapist four times a week.

I own a business. My BIL has taken the reigns. The cost of my care has taken a huge bite out of our savings. 

Before you judge the dire situation people are in, think about what got them there they could not control.

We were there too. I was injured, in services, lost my job, retrained, graduated uni, then relapsed and spent a year and half claiming on our rightful insurance policy we paid for, for years.

Saw people have strokes, fall down, heart attacks, family walked out on them, and they needed help for a while. Some forever, most got back up after a year or so, and continued paying their insurance again.

Maybe it might be better if we ALL shared someone we know, who needed help, rather than someone whining on about TAX, (which gives us the right to claim on our insurance policy) not your policy. but the same policy we all have as individuals.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Do you have any data or stats to back up your claim? Three decades of tight fiscal policy has made Japan what it is today, the poorest G7 member.

I guess this is humour. Looking at the debt to GDP ratio Japan is by far the most indebted country in the G7 and far to be restrictive the fiscal policy has been crazily expansionary.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

¥50,000 buys a single person a small energy efficient refrigerator making the monthly bills power.

That is what I paid for a three-compartment eco fridge-freezer with low running costs and less food waste.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Reduce sales tax to 5%. I’m struggling with 10% plus 10-20% price rise due to us sanctioning Russia.

4 ( +7 / -3 )


Today 11:37 am JST

Been there, November 2021 heart.

Own my own business but I am a craftsman and no one can take over my work, so it was zero income from my business.

I am lucky, my wife has a job and both my adult children graduated university got jobs live at home so could help.

Good luck

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Thanks Tokyo Joe, you are a real "natures gentleman "

I'll spend my wifes donation from you on beer, that way I'll be repaying you some sales tax.

A win/win for all.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

To all the low income people receiving this, you don't need to thank me personally for two decades of hard work, dedication to bettering myself, never taking holidays, being sensible with money and investing wisely. Slowly working my way up the ladder to reach a position where me and my family are stable and secure. Just take my hard earned tax money and enjoy it.

Don't forget the single mothers who's husband left them with nothing after being the one to care for the child whilst taking care of the house. The gap in their careers and age are still to this day seen as a nuisance when recruiters are screening applicants. Most of the time they are left with no choice but to work at those dreaded haken companies which pay only half of what they are supposed to earn. It may have been their choice to get married, but it wasn't their choice to be left in a ditch where simply "working hard" won't be able to get them out of there. Taking out loans to pay for the child's after school lessons and other tuitions will only increase the depth of the hole they are in. Not all low income earners are leaches like you portray them as.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

50,000, what are they going to do with that? They probably need that every month.

The yen is taking a battering 1USD 143Y today. Japan going to raise interest rates?

3 ( +4 / -1 )


“Japan was among the world’s biggest spenders.”

Do you have any data or stats to back up your claim? Three decades of tight fiscal policy has made Japan what it is today, the poorest G7 member.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

doeToday  07:07 am JST

Government spending increases inflation. This will only make things worse in the long run. 

Better to just raise wages.

any chance you can explain how they’ve been printing money for decades and no inflation.

my theory is….. it’s cheaper and deflationary to hand out a few yen to a few people which is cheaper than forcing all the companies to raise everyone’s salaries in a meaningful way. Also good idea, to pay the worker low, then give them a bonus, and then if the economy goes bad, don’t pay much in a bonus. ( which you already worked for anyway.) Then to claw it all back with a sales tax hike. Rinse and repeat.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

@Antiquesaving - can't see why anyone can't up-shoot on that. As a single father who brought up a daughter alone from the time she was six years old, I could have used some help, too. But we made it through the tough times. It's very, very hard to lay blame or thanks to anyone when you're on your own. You do what's necessary, without criminal intent. Yes, it's tough, and they do it everywhere, single fathers and single mothers. And for the most part, they make it through. Except, it seems, in Japan, where single mothers flush their babies down the toilet.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


Japan has the second largest governmental budget in the G7 (by revenue and by expenditure), the second largest economy (by GDP) and its per capita GDP, the only metric by which it isn't "behind the US only" in the G7, ranks 6th, not last. Your statement that Japan is the "poorest country in the G7" is wrong in every conceivable way, by every conceivable metric.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

To all the low income people receiving this, you don't need to thank me personally for two decades of hard work, dedication to bettering myself, never taking holidays, being sensible with money and investing wisely. Slowly working my way up the ladder to reach a position where me and my family are stable and secure. Just take my hard earned tax money and enjoy it.

Is this a real story?

2 ( +4 / -2 )


Today 09:32 am JST

@Antiquesaving - can't see why anyone can't up-shoot on that. As a single father who brought up a daughter alone from the time she was six years old, I could have used some help, too. But we made it through the tough times. It's very, very hard to lay blame or thanks to anyone when you're on your own. You do what's necessary, without criminal intent. Yes, it's tough, and they do it everywhere, single fathers and single mothers. And for the most part, they make it through. Except, it seems, in Japan, where single mothers flush their babies down the toilet

Actually you did get help things many here don't seem to think about or register.

As a single parent, you recieved certain extras including lower taxes ( extra deduction for being single, if lower income also and single parent you got a reduction on health insurance premiums.

People here complaining that say they raised their children got tax deduction for having kids that those without kids didn't get, those without kids are paying school taxes for kids they don't have so subsidising those with children.

But hey don't point this out to them they will have some reply about their children paying for us in the future.

We as a society function better when the least well off in society are taken care of.

Crime rates are lower in socially responsible countries and that for one benefits everyone.

Look at the primary country that has no national health insurance, poor social safety nets and the largest prison population per 100,000 people.

Japan may have its faults but at least it takes care of the minimum needs of the people and doesn't have millions upon millions of its population in prison.

This ¥50,000 can make a big difference for some if it only helps 10% of those receiving it then it is worth it.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

What good is keeping your head above the water when you are treading water in the middle of an ocean with no help in sight? Just delaying the inevitable.

Oh, fatalistic pessimism. I see

I think someone drowning in the ocean will be happy for any lifeline they get mate. You know, instead of death.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The government can counteract inflation on food costs right now by simply abolishing sales tax on grocery items and OTC drugs. Boom, 8% that will go a long way to help families, single moms, etc.

Those things shouldn't have been taxed in the first place. Consumer goods, yeah. But, not food and medicine. That's crazy.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Fear and Loathing

Today 12:55 pm JST

50,000 yen will do absolutely nothing to help. Nothing.

Unless you are someone in need!

If you are so rich that ¥50,000 is nothing to you, please send some my way.

An extra ¥50,000 would give me the extra money I need for a new more efficient refrigerator which will save me a good amount.

And extra ¥ 50,000 will make two loan payments in my daughter's student loan, giving a bit more breathing room.

An extra ¥50,000 could buy a new energy efficient stove and energy efficient rice cooker and possibly even a new energy efficient kettle all contributing to lower monthly energy bills for many people.

Good you are rich and don't need it but many out their do.

My wife's cousin has cerebral palsy uses an electric wheelchair, ¥50,000 is a lot to help pay to charge his chair daily.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

huh, so counter inflation by printing more money? Japan Gov. really wants 1USD=200 yen exchange rate

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Bemusing, this talk of tax increases, when the modest tax hikes over the last 20 years have actually been nowhere near - absolutely nowhere near - the level necessary to repay the nation’s debt. This is the fundamental difference between Japan and the respective conservative governments of Britain, France, Germany. Debt is not a moral issue. There is nobody holding the government accountable. Hell, it’s hardly even a conversation to be had.

Japan would be the most expensive country in the developed world by some distance - were VAT and income tax to reflect its true fiscal health.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Low-income people are exempt from paying residence tax.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Have to tackle the root of the problem and convince or force companies making record profit to spread it to their work force.

Also have to make common sense moves to battle inflation. Just sitting and waiting would never work, the world said it wouldn’t work, and it’s surprisingly, not working.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


false, inflation had started long before Russia invaded Ukraine.

Nope, true. Japan's inflation rate was 0.5% in January. Now it's 2.6%. The rate has seen a more than 5-fold rise in the few months since the invasion.


Do you have any data or stats to back up your claim? 



Do you? Didn't think so.

On this threat, the more false the narrative, the higher the upvotes. Ugh.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Somethin you need to remember about your pinstripes in 2 piece. Its always "trickle trickle" for the low incomes. You got the questions. Here. The answer is, Looters Don't Pay. And these days, tanking yens, poorer poor, the hell they care. Company record profits is all we see.

Gotta wonder whose getting real handouts. The big big chunks of "loose change" invested, sleepin on the boards, rollin around in kickbacks and toppin off rainy day stash accounts in some far off someplace. Who doesnt wanna know, where s the extra cash going? Go on, ask em yerself. I know my bet is goin on all big guys. Especially with cash to burn. WHining about 50,000 yens. Whats that $200US? Ask the 10 yen bandit how it feels to run from the kitchen staff for 2000 yen.

Better question. How much for big handouts tossed to the ol warehouse renter mask maker? icy dirt wall builder? The digging tunnel under the sea people? How big are the handout then, over/under 50000yen?

How come anybody else didnt get that same handout? I mean whats the big deal? Theyre payin taxes too right?

state funeral is such a waste of tax payers money! If the LDP were so adamant on holding this, then each politician from LDP should have paid for this from their salary! They won’t have agreed for the state funeral if they had to pay themselves!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Raising minimum wage will result in price increases but it will also force larger corporations to raise their wages because will now be competing with the minimum wage at the lower end. Increased wages will also force companies to improve productivity if they want to stay competitive. Ideally, there shouldn't be minimum wages in actual free market societies with a healthy job market and good job mobility like some northern European countries but unless otherwise forced by the government, the employers here know that they can keep squeezing their employees without increasing turnout. Years of giving them carrots with loose fiscal policy didn't work, it is time for the stick.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I have been very poor in Japan after my husband became financially abusive and didn't let me have access to accounts at all. 

No such thing as joint accounts. You have no right to access any of his money, you should have your own.

And a job as well, if things are that tight.

50000 is a week's food for a family of four, with careful spending.

200,000 a month for food alone? What the hell are you eating? There were 7 of us, at the peak, here in Japan, and there is no way in hell we spent 50,000 a week on food, and we ate VERY well.

You are NOT spending carefully at all, or should I saw, you need help with where you shop and how you shop for groceries.

One week of extra money won't make a difference. Families that are that poor need more help than that. It is not enough money.

That's more than one week, and only someone who is living off the high end of the hog would make a statement like this!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

If I get my 50,000 yen, I promise to not donate it to the Unification Church or the Soka Gakkai.

I will use it wisely.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


"D. Japanese corporations have reaped their largest profit margins in history, as reported right here in Japan Today. So, they could certainly afford to absorb some of those increased labor costs."

Wow, you really over generalize too much. Ever read the articles here about the middle and smaller "corporations" that are fighting to survive? Guess not!

And those businesses will also reap the rewards of a populace with more money to spend on their goods and services. That is how an economy works.

Trickle up. Not trickle down.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


I have been a broke single father, and there are times when a windfall of just a few extra "man"(¥10,000) made a very big difference to me and my children in a long lasting way.

Well done sir. Can't have been an easy time for you.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Any sort of handout should be across the board! Everyone pays tax yet those who don’t pay tax due to low income will get money in form of handouts…that is simply wrong! It’s another thing for poor people to be helped through social welfare system because that’s different but these handouts only going to them is not fair!

Also, Abe’s state funeral is such a waste of tax payers money! If the LDP were so adamant on holding this, then each politician from LDP should have paid for this from their salary! They won’t have agreed for the state funeral if they had to pay themselves!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Here is what they are still not doing: Raise the minimum wage to 1500 JPY.

Once again another comment by someone who does not know, or chooses to be ignorant about reality in Japan.

Do this, and you WILL cause hyper inflation in some areas in the country, due to the fact that you are nearly DOUBLING the current minimum wage, and to keep pace businesses would have to DOUBLE what they charge, at the minimum, to keep pace with what they pay in salaries.

Anyone that suggests a blanket wage like this, is totally in the dark about reality HERE in Japan.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

50,000, what are they going to do with that? They probably need that every month.

Then they definitely need it that one time, as a lifeline.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I suspect this money will go straight into the pockets of the man of many households and the women and children who need it most won't get to see any of it at all. Pachinko, drinking and hostess bars. Food vouchers would be far bigger help.

I suspect you have deeper problems than just money here if this is what your husband does.

You should seek out some counselling somewhere.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I think my income is low.

I deserve 50,000 yen.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Spain offers Free health care , Free public education, and extremely low high education fees for BA and MA degrees around 1,500USD a year. This is how a nation can help it's citizens achieve their goals. Handing out $500 or $600 per family once in a life time will NOT it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Single moms and pensioners who have around 1,200,000 yen income per anum is residence tax exempt and hence would be the recipient of the hand out. They are the ones described as low income earners. But what the rest of us who are low income earners and on the poverty level yet required by law to pay residence taxes. Can't they be fair enough to just give a salary threshold and include not just those who are residence tax exempt?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Make it across the board.

You don't have to be a low-income household to appreciate some extra income amidst all the price hikes taking place these days.

Those who don't need such "handouts" can can pass them on to those who do.

If the government can afford to spend obscene amounts of your taxes on Abe's state funeral and on aid to Ukraine, it can afford to pay handouts to every tax payer in Japan.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Here is what they are still not doing: Raise the minimum wage to 1500 JPY.

Sound great but then you will need to be ready to pay at least 50% more for you Milk, meat, vegetables, etc ..

If the business suddenly has a 50% increase in their payroll they need to get that From someplace

So your ¥170 Milk will increase to ¥ 255, your ¥ 450 latte will be ¥675

Yes I am for an increase but we need to do it in slow increments or create more problems.

I for one am just getting by, no tourists, poor overseas sales, large majority of my clients shutting down their business during covid not reopening, etc.. would not be able to afford a 20% 30% inflation rate.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Whatever you do, do not donate your 50,000 Yen to a "shady" religious organization.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Printing and spending will just add to inflationary pressures and do little to help individual households.

The mantra of "spending did nothing over the last 30 years" is irrelevant. Most of that spending was on nonsense projects and the like that fed little money into the actual economy and just inflated corporate profits and asset prices and kept zombie companies alive.

There were also a number of deflationary pressures like offshoring and population decline that have now been fully priced in or even reversed.

Government spending and central bank expanding the money supply to support that spending (because tax receipts can't cover the spending) is precisely inflation and what causes the rise in prices. Sure the war shock added to the prices rises, but it is not the root cause of them.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Ever. After the rape, beating and financial abuse I really could not care less. I am happy. Unless you are my ex husband which would be a hoot.

And if by chance this all actually did happen and like I noted in a comment earlier in reply to you

You should seek out some counselling somewhere.

You certainly don't come across as "happy", but as a very angry person, that still has issues that need to be sorted out.

I sincerely hope you do manage to get over it someday, and be happy as well. Good luck!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


"Here is what they are still not doing: Raise the minimum wage to 1500 JPY."

Do this, and you WILL cause hyper inflation in some areas in the country, due to the fact that you are nearly DOUBLING the current minimum wage, and to keep pace businesses would have to DOUBLE what they charge, at the minimum, to keep pace with what they pay in salaries.

Nonsense. Simple math tells you that prices would not have to be doubled to compensate.

A. Y1500 is not double the current minimum of Y930. It is a 1.6x increase.

B. Even if it was double, end prices would not need to be double, as labor is only part of the cost of doing business.

C. Obviously, not all workers are currently being paid minimum wage. So, the 1.6x raise will only apply to a portion of the workforce. And, whatever raises that may trickle up to other wage earners certainly won't be the same 1.6x.

D. Japanese corporations have reaped their largest profit margins in history, as reported right here in Japan Today. So, they could certainly afford to absorb some of those increased labor costs.

E. The huge boost to the economy which will directly result from the increased spending, will mean more jobs, more wages, more spending, and more tax revenue. It's a win-win-win-win.

Trickle up has always worked. Trickle down has never worked.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


 "Y1500 is not double the current minimum of Y930. It is a 1.6x increase."

Uh...what prefecture are you talking about? There is no blanket minimum wage! And I did state "nearly". Take off your blinders.

Y930 is the avg min wage across Japan. And, 1.6x is not "nearly" 2x. So, I don't need to take off my blinders. You just need to put on your glasses. (and use a calculator app.)

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Y930 is the avg min wage across Japan. And, 1.6x is not "nearly" 2x. So, I don't need to take off my blinders. You just need to put on your glasses. (and use a calculator app.)

Cripes, really now? Does it really need to be pointed out to you, number by number? The "average" is skewed due to the gap between the higher wages in Tokyo and other large municipalities.

You need to review a dictionary about the meaning of the word "nearly" which means over or under as well. There are 16 prefectures that have a minimum wage of UNDER 800 per hour!

The TOP 8 are at 900 or above, and the other 39 are UNDER, with the average being 902 yen per hour nationally.


Link contains facts, not conjecture. I suggest you purchase a calculator that actually works!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

And those businesses will also reap the rewards of a populace with more money to spend on their goods and services. That is how an economy works. Trickle up. Not trickle down.

No they wont, because they dont rely on the average person for survival, they survive by feeding the larger corporations up the food ladder, and those corporations can and DO cut contracts and hand them out to dry, if they increase their prices for goods and services.

They pressure the companies to cut costs to bare minimums, or lower.

Do even a tiny bit of research, and you might learn something beneficial.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Privileged politician's, earning on average more than ¥1,500,000 each month plus donations and other income, think that a single donation of ¥50,000 is a meaningful amount to help a family.

So out of touch.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

How is that going to help combat inflation? It won't even cover a quarter of residence tax, which I've heard will go up next year again.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

@ Yubaru

The only wages the government can actually increase on it's own is the salaries of the [government employees]

Is it actually true ?

Considering money is taken out of salary before being given to employee, the government could actually decide to change the way part of this money is collected while coupling with better laws to protect wages no matter the name they are called so that companies can not retaliate in cutting whatever allowance/bonus/seniority wages increase/unpaid overtime ...

Company are part of society and benefit from it not just as it provide worker but also customers, infrastructures, services, ... so it would not be senseless to consider health insurance and pension to be also be taken out of companies benefices.

For years government have been pretty asking companies to increase wages. They do not, even the ones whose profit increase. So they have lost that leverage.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

@Wallace Did you refuse the ¥200,000 covid relief?

It was 100,000...and I took it.

Your point being?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

… and a continuously plunging yen

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

 Y1500 is not double the current minimum of Y930. It is a 1.6x increase.

Uh...what prefecture are you talking about? There is no blanket minimum wage! And I did state "nearly". Take off your blinders.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

D. Japanese corporations have reaped their largest profit margins in history, as reported right here in Japan Today. So, they could certainly afford to absorb some of those increased labor costs.

Wow, you really over generalize too much. Ever read the articles here about the middle and smaller "corporations" that are fighting to survive? Guess not!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Government spending increases inflation...

So you'll have to explain those nearly three decades when Japan was among the world's biggest spenders and ended up with -- yes, deflation. As the story says, the current inflation is mostly caused by the Ukraine conflict, as well as the supply shocks caused by the continual lock downs of the Chinese economy.

-3 ( +15 / -18 )

To all the low income people receiving this, you don't need to thank me personally for two decades of hard work, dedication to bettering myself, never taking holidays, being sensible with money and investing wisely.

Why bother? I figured out that it's rigged years ago. Now their plans are coming to fruition.

Go and have a holiday and enjoy yourself and use your savings before it's all completely worthless. Soon, memories are all youl have.

I hear that it is lovely in Hokkaido around the disputed islands at this time of year.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

you cant just give money out to fight the problem. you have to tackle to root. put a freeze on price hikes and pay the companies for their PROVEN losses on the freeze. Everything needs to be proven. Too many companies raise prices when goods prices go up then do not lower them when goods are cheap.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Here is what they are still not doing: Raise the minimum wage to 1500 JPY. One time cash handouts are not going to solve anything, especially when it is embarrassingly low like this.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The obvious thing to do would be to have the BOJ drop its unwanted desire to increase inflation (to 2%).

However, with the government issuing tens of trillions of debt each year while tax revenues total to only 65 trillion, the BOJ cannot really tighten monetary policy without ensuring a fiscal meltdown.

So that’s unlikely to happen.

Get ready for even more, and increasingly higher inflation, methinks.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

All those receiving paltry amounts and being effusively thankful, don’t see the wool being pulled over their eyes!

So, keep buying those packs of ramen for 100 yen with 8 yen included in the price.

You won’t miss a beat and when it is 12%, 14%, 16% you will be still infectiously happy…

What’s it like being slowly boiled?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

As for a husband who INSISTS his wife stays home to look after THEIR children, refusing access to MARITAL accounts,

No such thing here in Japan! Oh and if it was truly your husband, and your experience you are sharing here, it wouldn't be "their" children, it would be OUR children.

50,000 to feed, clothe, pay for travel and incidentals, and feed a husband who insists on expensive meals is nowhere near enough for a week. Not even close. Add books, out of school activities for two kids...it doesnt cover 

Now you add, clothes, travel, incidentals, and that your husband "insists" on expensive meals. Rather convenient reply when you get called out on your comments.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

as they are seen as more vulnerable than others to higher energy and food prices largely caused by Russia's war against Ukraine.

as they are seen as more vulnerable than others to higher energy and food prices largely caused by the failed sanctions against Russia.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

It will help in the short term for those families. However, injecting freshly printed currency into the economy fuels inflation. They shot trillions$$$ into the US economy and look at us.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Sounds like US policy - the one that’s helping to boost inflation.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Thank you very mucho.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Government handouts to fix inflation... LMAO. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

-6 ( +3 / -9 )


The people who are at the point where 50,000 yen is going to keep them above water, likely aren't nearly as concerned with your ideology as you are.

What good is keeping your head above the water when you are treading water in the middle of an ocean with no help in sight? Just delaying the inevitable.

My ideology is sound btw.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

the clueless who think money grows on trees will celebrate.

Those with half a brain knows the end result.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

When cultures start to fade and crumble there has to be a show of throwing tidbits to the people to keep them happy.

Nothing changes and the decay increases.

There are many examples of this in history and Japan is presently a fine example of a nation in decay.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

And if 50000 yen comes my way then I will donate all of it to an overseas charity!

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Is that every month? ¥50,000 is only an hour at the pachinko parlor.

-11 ( +7 / -18 )

No, handouts are definitely not the way to go!

Its a vulgar display of governmental self righteousness.

It doesn’t address economic mismanagement nor the structural deficiencies found all over the country.

There is so much waste in Japan that is unquestioned and repeats due unimaginative selfish thinking…

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Naisu! Keep it up! Gotta get Nihon going again is I can go homu!

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

They'll see it as pachinko money and just feed the yakuza. Japan needs to introduce food stamps.

-16 ( +10 / -26 )

Government spending increases inflation. This will only make things worse in the long run.

exactly - these government handouts are what caused inflation in the first place

-17 ( +8 / -25 )

To all the low income people receiving this, you don't need to thank me personally for two decades of hard work, dedication to bettering myself, never taking holidays, being sensible with money and investing wisely. Slowly working my way up the ladder to reach a position where me and my family are stable and secure. Just take my hard earned tax money and enjoy it.

-36 ( +18 / -54 )

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