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© KYODOPublisher cancels plan to translate U.S. book questioning trans surgery
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Anti-trans stuff has become as a big an article of faith on the American right as gun ownership, climate change denial, anti-abortion, death sentence approval, book banning, election denial and the threat of Jewish space lasers.
I wonder how many under 25 females physically converted to male in the US in 2022. Probably fewer than there are pages in this book.
Hervé L'Eisa
Only pro-leftist narrative is allowed...
Yup! Blame the "far right" (?) How about regular people fed up with this gender-altering nutcrackery that is happening in their country and around the world?
Are they forcing regular far-right people like you to alter your gender?
They aren't, they never will, so why the hell would you care what people do with their own body?
Why do you hate irregular people so much?
It’s very common among the free-thinkers. I think it’s somewhere between EVs a scam and being forced to eat insects.
Wouldn’t it be nice if they could think for themselves?
It is quite a tough topic.
The rampant misogyny, everyday sexism, and violence against women in Japanese society would give ample pretext for a woman to want to change genders given all the male privileges.
The right has to search for another marginal group to attack in their distraction game for their corporate masters.
My concern here is that only certain view points are allowed. Only pro-trans evidence is propagated. Data that questions or doesn't support the reigning paradigm is suppressed. There are enough De-transitioners around that people should have the benefit of looking at both sides of the issue before making such a life altering decision and irreversibly mutilating their body. Many will grow out of it naturally so it's not something to take lightly. Beware of jumping on the bandwagon and ending up in a place you thought you would like, but end up regretting your choice to go there. Although I don't know the contents of the particular book in question, I'm sorry Kadokawa has decided against translating this book.
finally rich
Yep, keep lumping everyone you don't agree with into the same group.
I'm right leaning but I believe in a stricter access to guns, acknowledge the climate change, not pro or against abortion (but 100% pro individual freedom), half of my male friends are gay.
The left keep labeling as "far-right" everyone who disagrees getting stuff shoved down their throat.
Kindly explain to us regular people how asking questions, looking for the actual truth, and pointing out hypocrisy makes us "far right"?
It's alarming how you have fought so hard to deny the right of parents to express concern over the gender-bending agenda aimed at our children over the last few years.
"Love and tolerance"... but only if you align with our aggressively "progressive" social views, amirite Cloppety?
Not read it? Maybe the book is the kind of moronic trash pumped out by scammers appealing to free-thinkers.
Maybe it’s based on good science and research.
Best not be sorry it wasn’t published until what you know what’s in it.
Good material on this difficult topic should be welcomed.
Just today I saw another article about a girl who was a tomboy and so everyone thought she was a trans. She got her breasts chopped off and now she is living with deep regret.
Information on both sides should be widely available to help people make the wisest decision possible.
Well balanced and informed material from both sides would be very welcome.
I’d give Fox News a swerve for a balanced view on this. It’s pretty moronic.
Proven scammers.
OK, fair enough. But did you read this in the article?
It looks like pro-trans lobby is trying to cancel out all information about the harm done to some people and the regret they suffered as well. It looks like they only want one side of the issue presented and THIS IS THE PROBLEM!
You didn't 'ask questions'. You complained about 'regular people fed up with this gender-altering nutcrackery'. Having stated that, what questions or 'truth' could possibley make you feel less 'fed up' with people wanting to alter a body that isn't yours?
Wipe the froth from your mouth young 'un, I have done no such thing.
Let people do what they eant with their bodies.
Would you level those same accusations at CNN? Just curious. Because you do realize it would be completely and utterly disingenuous to claim that the biases exhibited on Fox News are any different from the biases exhibited on CNN.
ALL mainstream media outlets are so beholden to corporate and commercial interests that they will not give you the type of information you need to make valid decisions about important topics, like stopping the trans indoctrination of our young and impressionable.
Totally agree. I couldn't have said it better!
Haven’t watched it in years. Last I saw, CNN certainly isn’t balanced but was less moronic than Fox.
What would you recommend I read or watch? Could I find ‘real’ information to open my eyes making me as mature, unbiased and less of a binary thinker as the image in your avatar? That avatar is a bit Louder with Crowder.
Links would be absolutely fantastic.
Well we got Fox News. Someone did reference Louder with Crowder in the past. That’s why I’ve mentioned it before.
Lobotomized chimp level. I wouldn’t recommend it.
I still have hope for something better. They can do it.
The effects of Big Trans on society, the economy, inflation, medical bankruptcies, high drug costs is being blocked by the MSM?
Denied again it seems. The Free Thinkers once again refuse to share the secrets of their compassionate, informed, broad-minded approach to life with us.
How woke of them.
Concerned Citizen
But they are pushing this harmful ideology on children against parent's wishes, invading female private spaces, winning women's sports etc. That's why we are concerned.
You said you were 'fed up with this gender-altering nutcrackery' moments ago. Have we convinced you that it is now 'absolutely fine'? This is indeed progress.
No colourful flags or bottoms, got it. Because of course upon seeing that children will immediately start considering removing their sexual organs. I think I saw Tucker get equally as frothy mouthed about those things.
Still some way to go yet it seems.
Very unhelpful people. Poor manners.
I’ll have to do ‘my own research’.
finally rich
Cloppety, it's perfectly understandable that you, as a member of the LGBTQ community, would get so defensive about this topic. Being unable to reproduce, you're forced to recruit. Keeping our kids away from your LGBTQ agenda would result in you no longer having a recruitment pool.
Understandable, I'll give you that.
@Finally Rich
I think you’ve posted a link to this site before. I honestly don’t think a link to American Renaissance is an improvement on Fox News or Louder with Crowder.
It’s actually uglier.
I’ll try again. Any links? Shall I just go with Louder with Crowder?
I’ve got a flight to catch soon.
Big Trans has its tentacles everywhere Jay.
Luckily you are on the watch for all their machinations.