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© KYODOJapan gives legal recognition to parents using donated eggs, sperm
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Groups representing the sperm and eggs? I always thought that many people donated anonymously.
Since a few years now, anonymous donations are slowly made illegal in EU. Sperm donors are extremely carefully selected, and their data (including means of identification) must be stored for more than a century in Germany, for example.
All for the children's rights to later find out about his or her identity.
The J-government finally takes its blinders off and recognizes "sexual distancing".
Welcome to the 20th Century!
I wonder if they in Japan would reject foreigner sperm. Would you like have a half white child or half black child or half Indian or half Arab?
Jonathan Prin
Rights of children shall prevail in knowing their parents. My 49 year old half-brother could tell you so, when he met first time my mother when I was myself 37.
So sad that adoption is considered abnormal and made so difficult while it is natural to help any children when you want to create a family.
Procreating artificially is eugenism, you know the one thing that some Adolf guy promoted. How do you think parents select the seeds whenever they are able to ? And this is happening now.I have though a lot about it (with enough scholar and learned knowledge) and no good for future. That will lead to reduced pool of genes in the long term and physical expectations for leaders (tall, blonde, blue eyes, long nose...for Whites for example).
Donated are used in many places of the world
"Baby born from 27-year-old donated embryo sets record"
If the law recognizes life begins at conception, does that make the baby 27 years old already and legally an adult?