Japan Today
Japan is set to officially approve the Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines. The country is already vaccinating people with Pfizer-BioNTech shots. Image: REUTERS file

Japan gives preliminary OK to Moderna, AstraZeneca vaccines


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I will give the GOJ an ounce of credit here since they at least pre-ordered the two vaccines while they were awaiting approval. Can you imagine if they had waited around for an approval to happen and THEN decided to try and procure the vaccines?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Chief chemist of Pfizer who has resigned from Pfizer has put out a video to the public to not take these mRNA vaccines as they are dangerous.

Got any idea where to see it? Without even looking, I know that the Ministry of Truth, aka the "fact checkers" at Censortube have removed it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


The AZ vaccine is probably the one I would actually want the most as it seems to have been the one that's been scrutinized the most, without definitively serious risks actually being found.

It uses a slightly more traditional vector than Pfizer and Moderna. So you could argue it is a little bit less experimental than those. Check out Bret Weinsteins "Dark Horse" podcast for a detailed discussion.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Bob Fosse

But he has also a horrendously racist and drug fuelled history that doesn’t instill me with a great deal of confidence that his recent ‘observations’ and support of right leaning gentlemen is entirely objective clinical data.

I understand Clapton was just reporting his personal experience with the vaccine, which was pretty horrific. So his personal experience does not count for you because you disagree with his politics?

Can't say I am surprised.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just look at what happened to Eric Clapton the other day and the many others both reported and unreported.

I’d gladly take advice from Clapton in his capacity as a musician. And Cream are one of my all time favourite bands.

But he has also a horrendously racist and drug fuelled history that doesn’t instill me with a great deal of confidence that his recent ‘observations’ and support of right leaning gentlemen is entirely objective clinical data.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

why would you NOT want to know what’s in these and whether or not they’re actually safe?

Personally, I tend to trust actual experts. Not pseudo science, not posters pretending to be doctors and not ferrets.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I watched the news reporting about American people without wearing a mask after they got vaccinated, and I got surprised because they are drinking and going out like they used to do. Is that possible also in Japan?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"Better late than never," I suppose. Why in the world is it taking Japan so long to roll out the vaccination program???? About half the people in the US have at least one jab, and Japan is just getting started.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Meant to say:

those who believe they can buy anything and anyone

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Let’s hope the people get it that truly need it

That would be the proletariat. Those who have always exploited others, those in the boss class, those who believe they can buy and anyone, those who put profit before people... they can go last, for a change.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Except, everything being touted right now by the career politicians and medical "experts" aren't "vaccines" in the traditional sense of the term; the U.S.-created versions (Moderna, Pfizer) that Japan seems so keen to get its mitts on are still just experimental drugs that have not been approved by the American government regulatory agency -- the FDA -- except in Pfizer's case which it OK'd (not "approved" as the Fake News article posted on this site a few weeks ago claimed) only for "emergency medical use". Everything being produced by the U.S. Is far from being a one-size-fits-all "vaccine". But, if people are willing to become human guinea pigs for Big Pharma -- that is exempt from any and all liabilities linked to any "severe reactions" that result from what they create/distribute, btw -- then so be it. Let the recipient beware.

I’m curious. You’ve been pushing the Russian and Chinese vaccines for us here in Japan for weeks, as well as pushing the Olympics.

As you seem to be against the US vaccines (which have shared their safety data) from your statement above - yet pro Chinese and Russian vaccines (who have not shared their efficacy data satisfactorily) I gotta ask, what’s the weather like in Beijing/Moscow today?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Suga is running out of excuses.

Next, he will say that the roll-out is slow because the elderly doesn't want to be vaccinated and they can't proceed with the general public unless they finished the elderly. Want to bet?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Let’s hope the people get it that truly need it.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Here is a link to the WHO it shows injection rates, infections, percentages, deaths from covid. some countries are doing well, and some are not.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Except, everything being touted right now by the career politicians and medical "experts" aren't "vaccines" in the traditional sense of the term

Yes they are, knock it off.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I live in Sweden, 10,000,000 inhabitants, a affected country 14,350 dead 1,000,000 found infected, received the first injection of Astra zenica vac, 5 weeks ago.

Side effect, a little fever at night that was all.

Very grateful, take what is offered to you all vaccines protect against covid and possible death.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"Everyone here got a bunch of vaccinations as a child. . . . Anyone suffering debilitating effects as a result of childhood vaccines? No."

Except, everything being touted right now by the career politicians and medical "experts" aren't "vaccines" in the traditional sense of the term; the U.S.-created versions (Moderna, Pfizer) that Japan seems so keen to get its mitts on are still just experimental drugs that have not been approved by the American government regulatory agency -- the FDA -- except in Pfizer's case which it OK'd (not "approved" as the Fake News article posted on this site a few weeks ago claimed) only for "emergency medical use". Everything being produced by the U.S. Is far from being a one-size-fits-all "vaccine". But, if people are willing to become human guinea pigs for Big Pharma -- that is exempt from any and all liabilities linked to any "severe reactions" that result from what they create/distribute, btw -- then so be it. Let the recipient beware.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I got Pfizer. Totally fine. This type of vaccine has been in the making for ten years. No fear.

Everyone here got a bunch of vaccinations as a child. Have you looked up the side effects and studies concerning those? Of course not. Anyone suffering debilitating effects as a result of childhood vaccines? No. So just take the Covid vaccine and go on with your life.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Everyone should be going to their local clinic and demanding to know what’s in these fast tracked chemical cocktails and the effects. We must know! If there’s nothing to worry about, why are such simple questions “bad”?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

..And can we get a list of the ingredients and effects on the body of those ingredients?

if this gets down voted, why would you NOT want to know what’s in these and whether or not they’re actually safe?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


Just look at what happened to Eric Clapton the other day and the many others both reported and unreported.

I hear ya but take anything that Clapton says with a pinch of “I need publicity” salt. One of the most genuinely toxic human beings in music. Extreme racist, rapist, hypocrite and ardent COVID conspiracy theorist/self-publicist.


Although I don’t doubt there are rare side effects, it remains to be proved that he actually took the vaccine given his stance on the pandemic.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The real question is why does a place like Yamaguchi have almost half the elderly shots done as Tokyo despite 1/10th the population?

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Since you are persistent about this, I looked up the data out of curiosity.


Here is the PDF for elderly people by prefecture, which is linked there.


Data is up to 5/16 at the time of this comment

13 東京都(Tokyo) 74,841(total) 72,080(once) 2,761(twice)

Again, not a lot, but the vaccinations are obviously ongoing despite the mass center not opening until next week.

I don't live in Tokyo, but even a tiny clinic next to my mother-in-law's house (which used to be her late husband's clinic) is doing vaccinations for elderly.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You need to use your head. 3 percent of the general population is not vaccinated. The vaccinated are almost exclusively medical professionals and LDP politicians. So no, these are vaccinated with an adhoc process.

Which again, the majority will be living in Tokyo, the largest place in Japan by far. Do we really need to give you proof that vaccinations have started in Tokyo, Osaka etc before the mass vaccination sites?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is a surrealistic nightmare. AstraZeneca has been outright banned in several countries and even before the sometimes fatal side effects were known, the poor efficacy was a major issue. It was recorded as about 70% effective. So probably around 40~50% for real. In South Africa before it was discontinued it was recorded as less than 10% effective!

The Moderna vaccine is apparently a little better. Was recorded as 95% effective but all those involved have been busy walking that back ever since. The real data is probably around 70% effective. Not too bad. Along with a 10~15% of the population with antibodies due to recovering from the virus, it might have been enough to create herd immunity. But then the crux of the issue here is that they have also been busy walking back the length of time the vaccine is effective for. It's gone from "at least 2 years" to "needing a booster within a year". It could be less than 6 months! Could be even less than that! Unless there was an unprecedented worldwide vaccine blitz which was compulsory for everyone, it would barely even make a ripple in the ocean of herd immunity.

There is a solution! Very, very simple! The efficacy of Sputnik V keeps being scaled up as more and more data comes in. Shortly they are going to release data in a Western peer reviewed scientific journal showing it's efficacy is more than 97%. And the makers of the vaccine haven't deviated or walked back their prediction that it will provide protection for over 2 years.

Barring Sputnik V, the Sinopharm vaccine is better than any of the current Anglo-American or German vaccines.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

COVID-19 Vaccines: Myth Versus Fact


0 ( +0 / -0 )

And now what? Choosing out of three virtual still not available vaccines changes just nothing. If I need those daily stupid announcements I can write one for me myself.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Since Youtube cut this interview with Former CEO Pfizer, you can listen to his information on the vaccine here.

Joining us today is Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory, Michael Yeadon, here to discuss his expert opinion on the topics of COVID-19, mRNA vaccine technology, as well as suppression and outright censorship of medical and scientific experts. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.c...

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

And people will still end up using foreign-developed vaccines.

J Government finally decided to support pharmaceutical companies to make its own vaccine as such new variant virus may be born ever year. J govt cut budget for vaccine for years. From next year Japanese would get own vaccine besides Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZ.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Don't forget "syringes".

0 ( +0 / -0 )

TOKYO, May 21 (Reuters) - Japan is likely to hold off on administering AstraZeneca PLC’s COVID-19 vaccine despite expected approval on Friday, amid concerns about blood clots, public broadcaster NHK and other media reported.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

These vaccines were tested on ferrets and all the ferrets died from Covid. I say again- do your own research !

Ferrets live for less than ten years, have tiny hearts and brains and don't like Big Macs. What's your point? Thank god xylitol was not tested on dogs

Tom Doley:

So they gave up on home grown vaccines now?

Yep, searching for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow while people were dying all over the country. The government has wasted the best part of a year. All for nothing. And people will still end up using foreign-developed vaccines.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The Japanese need to gravitate to AstraZeneca. Even though it has a 70 percent effective rate, it is better than nothing.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

I don't know if it's true or not, but I've "heard" that here in Japan, the medical staff will not (do not have to?) tell you which vaccine they're jabbing you with. Now that AstraZeneca has been approved, not knowing which vaccine you're getting is kind of scary, I'd like to know ahead of time, so I can say no to being given AZ.

I suggest calling your local city hall and inquiring there then asking here. The local health departments are in charge of the vaccine roll out at this point. They would be the ones to ask. From what I have seen, is you can see which vaccine location is using what vaccine.

You can book your appointment based on that info, knowing what jab you will get. For sure, they will tell you what jab you are getting, has a Japanese doctor ever forced you to take something with no explanation? My doctors never have, and most are more than happy to explain any concerns I have had in the past about medications, side effects, etc.

It has been written in multiple sources, the large vaccine centers run by the JSDF are planning to use Moderna, while the health centers jabs will be Pfizer. As others have pointed out, Japan does not have plans to use AZ according to our good friends at NHK.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Sad how the people who mishandled the mass vaccinations are the same people who want to cancel the Olympics.

That is the exact opposite of what's going on in reality.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

These vaccines were tested on ferrets and all the ferrets died from Covid. I say again- do your own research !

Praise the lord I was not born a ferret.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Getting vaccinated with any kind of vaccine is the best protection from waiting and choosing which vaccines you want. All this news circulating about the side effects of different brands is a means for advertising. It is all about profits. People must remember that getting vaccinated doesn't mean you will not get covid anymore. It's just an added protection for the worst complications that you can get for having covid. And we can expect these vaccinations to be an annual thing. "Winter is coming, COVID is coming." Get your vaccines while supplies last.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@ vic.M:

Chief chemist of Pfizer who has resigned from Pfizer has put out a video to the public to not take these mRNA vaccines as they are dangerous.


These vaccines were tested on ferrets and all the ferrets died from Covid. I say again- do your own research !

WOW! That is some seriously nutty stuff. Where on earth did you find those gems?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Sad how the people who mishandled the mass vaccinations are the same people who want to cancel the Olympics.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

You’d be mad to get any one of these vaccines....

The ex President got the vaccine. He was really into it at one point, if you recall.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Before getting a shot they will know which vaccine they get.

Good to know that. Thanks.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Great news for mid-May---2020.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

It was temporarily halted but it's use has been restarted again in the vast majority of eurpean countries. In the UK, out of 20 million doses of Astrazeneca, 79 cases of bloodclots have been reported. The risk is completely minimal. You have much more chances of catching covid and actually dying than developing blood clots from the AZ vaccine.

The hysterical types won’t be persuaded by this kind of rational approach.

Imagine being near these people when earthquakes hit? Bring some air freshener.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

@Boku Dayo

Before getting a shot they will know which vaccine they get.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

AstraZeneca? The one that had its use stopped in Europe due to blood clots? 

It was temporarily halted but it's use has been restarted again in the vast majority of eurpean countries. In the UK, out of 20 million doses of Astrazeneca, 79 cases of bloodclots have been reported. The risk is completely minimal. You have much more chances of catching covid and actually dying than developing blood clots from the AZ vaccine.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I don't know if it's true or not, but I've "heard" that here in Japan, the medical staff will not (do not have to?) tell you which vaccine they're jabbing you with.

It's not true. Any other questions?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I don't know if it's true or not, but I've "heard" that here in Japan, the medical staff will not (do not have to?) tell you which vaccine they're jabbing you with. Now that AstraZeneca has been approved, not knowing which vaccine you're getting is kind of scary, I'd like to know ahead of time, so I can say no to being given AZ.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

AstraZeneca? The one that had its use stopped in Europe due to blood clots? No thanks.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Where? Source?

Practically every JT article says around 3 percent of Japanese are vaccinated, etc. Not a lot, but do you really think none are in Tokyo? Use your head.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Do your own research on the dangers of these vaccines, which are not real vaccines. If Fuji Film produced their vaccine it would be a true vaccine and could be trusted as I don't believe Japan is part of the world agenda. Some things to consider.

Chief chemist of Pfizer who has resigned from Pfizer has put out a video to the public to not take these mRNA vaccines as they are dangerous.

If you take these vaccines and suffer damage from them, the drug companies can not be held liable !

These vaccines were tested on ferrets and all the ferrets died from Covid. I say again- do your own research !

-22 ( +4 / -26 )


Does anyone know how many Japanese people these vaccines were tested on? Japan tested Pfizer's vaccine on 160, after Pfizer themselves had tested it on 2,000 Asians. The public should not have been kept waiting by tiny trials that don't prove anything.

This approval means one less excuse for the slow implementation of the vaccine, so it's good news and the ball is now even more firmly in the government's court to get the thing into people's arms.

Here you go -


AZ vaccine trials were done for grand total of 250 people in Japan due to which approval was held back... Mind you, it is still an improvement from 160 Japanese national trials for Pfizer vaccine :)

Lastly your point about Pfizer testing on 2000 asians has no relevance for Japanese government - as everyone knows Japanese are "different" and "unique" - how can you compare them to other normal asians......

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Hope they have enough freezers to let it sit around in for months...

12 ( +12 / -0 )

This is great news for us as we need to vaccinate people as quickly as possible before the Olympics, but I definitely won't be taking the AstraZeneca jab if that is what is only offered to me. Just look at what happened to Eric Clapton the other day and the many others both reported and unreported.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Great, now Kono can whinge and moan at 3 companies for not providing enough vaccine.

Can Japan just give the 70 million doses of vaccine they already have stockpiled to a decent country which actually has the ability to administer it? That's enough to vaccinate all of NZ and Australia and still have enough left over that it wouldn't impact the vaccination rate here.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

There was no shortage of vaccine in Japan. So increasing the number of vaccines wont make any changes.

Japan need Doctors and Professional's to give the vaccine. if they increase the facility then we can see the vast changes

5 ( +5 / -0 )

"Japan unlikely to use AstraZeneca vaccine for now"

(NHK two hours ago)


5 ( +5 / -0 )


@zoroto - Seem #4 and #10 on that list up and running.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Does anyone know how many Japanese people these vaccines were tested on? Japan tested Pfizer's vaccine on 160, after Pfizer themselves had tested it on 2,000 Asians. The public should not have been kept waiting by tiny trials that don't prove anything.

This approval means one less excuse for the slow implementation of the vaccine, so it's good news and the ball is now even more firmly in the government's court to get the thing into people's arms.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

"Health Minister Norihisa Tamura said approval of the additional vaccines will help speed up inoculations."

Um, no...having enough personnel available to administer the vaccine and the proper infrastructure in place will help speed up inoculations, which Japan doesn't have either.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

@Zoroto If you read it, they're referring to the two sites administering 15,000 shots. Not nationally. There will still be other places for vaccines.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

As the government pushes to host the Olympics in about two months, accelerating vaccinations is key to warding off mounting public concern about the safety of the event. 

This is political maneuver to survive the anti-olympics sentiment. My feeling is we need to just keep pushing them to cancel or postpone the olympics. No olympics AND more vaccines.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

That was fast!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

You’d be mad to get any one of these vaccines....

-20 ( +6 / -26 )

Will people be offered a choice?

It seems not yet. Japan doesn't have full of vaccines yet. If every hospital had full of them, they could choose one of them. From next year everyone would get a shot every year, just like influenza.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

For people below 55, many countries and doctors do recommend Pfizer or Moderna, not the Astrana Zeneca vaccine.

Here, as elderlies will have the Pfizer vaccine, I suppose forger vaccines will be left for younger people.

I want to have the choice but I guess Japan will not give that option

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Health Minister Norihisa Tamura said approval of the additional vaccines will help speed up inoculations.

Seriously? In the EU,UK and US they already approved such vaccines already last year.

And listening to this clown telling that this will “speed up” things is frankly ridiculous.

The LDP is made by Muppets.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Nice attachment Photo JT, not sure if it has anything with the article, but good to look at it and use your imagination with the morning coffee. LOL

5 ( +6 / -1 )

No mention of why it took so long to approve.

Another Phase III clinical trial on just 160 people like Pfizers in which time thousands became ill and hundreds died?

Even if this was the case why didn't they start the trials here soon after Pfizer's?

Too many unanswered questions....... but yes better late than never.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

so now Japan will have three different vaccines sitting on freezers!!!

23 ( +25 / -2 )

I strongly advise people in Japan to avoid AstraZeneca vaccine if possible.

AstraZeneca vaccine has shown to be relatively ineffective against variant varuses with E484K mutations, such as South African, Indian, and Brazilian variants.

After the Tokyo Olympics and the Paralympics, Japan will be the battleground of all kinds of COVID variants from around the world for the COVID supremacy.

You wouldn't want to be receiving vaccines incapable of handling latest variants.

So take either Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

But please avoid AstraZeneca vaccines.

Not true.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )


The J-gov't is busy! They can do anything because they are preparing for the next Pandemic! They have to consult the panel of experts to ask the panels panel before they can do anything.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

So much for Fuji Film Vaccine & Trails, or I guess they could still try for the next Pandemic.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

At last.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

So they gave up on home grown vaccines now?

13 ( +15 / -2 )

I thought the AstraZeneca vaccine was not good compared to the others.

-3 ( +20 / -23 )

No rush...just take your time.

31 ( +34 / -3 )


13 ( +19 / -6 )

Good Job! The "experts" in Japan are doing great! I am happy they approved a vaccine that the ENTIRE WORLD has already approved. To slow, to late.

30 ( +40 / -10 )

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