Japan Today

Gov't defends My Number ID system despite glitches


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What are you afraid of?

The system shared information that wasn't meant to be shared

0 ( +0 / -0 )

when I inquired at my town hall last year, I was given an application form, with, apart from spaces for name, address, and etc.... spaces in which to write my 暗証番号 (anshō-bango).

I quietly and calmly asked: "you want me to tell you what 'security' number I will choose?"


"and you want me to write it in triplicate on a form that any number of people will handle?"


at which point the buchō just turned his back on me and walked away....

so, even though I have a MyNumber number, unless I get the card, come autumn next year, they plan to prevent me from getting any medical treatment i might require, even though I've been paying for same for 30 years.....


0 ( +0 / -0 )

As more of the risks and machinations get revealed, some people have even started returning their Mynumber cards at government offices. 

Here is a 5 minute video explaining how to go about it.


It seems like a reasonably straight forward process. 

Why not just cut and throw it in trashbin, more straight forward.

Returning it wouldn't rid one of the number itself would it?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Last I checked 8 different groups have sued the government for the not an obligation in theory but obligation in practice implementation of Mynumber. 

Courts have already ruled in 3 instances that it is not unconstitutional. The fact people are taking it so far as to bring up their constitutional rights in lawsuits shows the extent of the imposition.

As more of the risks and machinations get revealed, some people have even started returning their Mynumber cards at government offices. 

Here is a 5 minute video explaining how to go about it.


It seems like a reasonably straight forward process. Fill out the paperwork and agree to paying 1000 yen in the event that you want to re-apply. They will punch a hole in the IC chip and it's done. 

Unlike some other things, this is reversible.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There is an inaccuracy in the article, which says "Japan's health insurance system covers all residents". Some private schools and universities' employees are not under the national health insurance system. They are covered by industry-association sponsored schemes.

That's not inaccurate. The insured persons under the National Pension system are categorized into three categories according to their status;

Category Ⅱ insured persons:

Persons enrolled in the Employees’ Pension Insurance system or Mutual Aid Associations (except for persons aged 65 to 69 years who are eligible to receive a pension due to old age or retirement)

Read more about it:


1 ( +1 / -0 )

There is an inaccuracy in the article, which says "Japan's health insurance system covers all residents". Some private schools and universities' employees are not under the national health insurance system. They are covered by industry-association sponsored schemes.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

First up, everyone who is a resident in Japan (like me, might I add) has a My Number. The last time I checked, during the height of the pandemic, a trip to city hall (Osaka city hall, if you live there) was needed to get the actual card.

The My Number card itself is like PR status, you can probably chug along fine without it, but if and when you needed it, it is better to have received it well before it is needed, rather than say to yon-self (or partner) " I wish I had it."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Till this day, I have not witness in any documentation, official or not, My Number being used or applied. You will think it will somewhat show on a pay-voucher (tax related) or a medical report (insurance related).

Yuo want your mynumber shown on those or similar documents?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I have refused to get the card.

What's the point you already have the number.

Card will make some transactions faster

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You now need "My Number" to open a new bank account.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

My Number is all about the government keeping tabs on people and if something is out of place then there will be a suspension of ‘service’

That is what linking the number to healthcare,tax, pensions is all about-control

However, the government is so inept that all the ‘My Number’ is good for is leaking information

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Till this day, I have not witness in any documentation, official or not, My Number being used or applied. You will think it will somewhat show on a pay-voucher (tax related) or a medical report (insurance related). The ONLY purpose it has served so far is to mark everyone with a CONTROL digit....scary thought.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I have refused to get the card.

They actually sent the registration forms straight to my two children which were 9 and 11 at the time. I went to the Ward Office to ask for an explanation and all they would do is keep apologizing. Then 2 months later, my kids received the applications directly again.

When they first talked about the My Number Card years ago, they said that this would only be used for Tax Purposes. Just like the US told us about Social Security Cards. They also told us that the system was secure and very private since everybody cared about privacy. But then the system was hacked just after a few weeks with everybody's information stolen.

Now, almost everything that you do, requires the My Number. When you complain to the Ward office about this, they say they can't do anything. Typical bureaucracy of just pointing fingers and saying that they are not responsible.

The Ward Office even admitted that this information will be shared with Pension, Health Insurance, Banks and a few others that I now forget what they said.

There is no privacy and the government is just full of the lies.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The government is stating publicly they are phasing out health insurance cards in 2024 but there are already measures being put in place for people without Mynumber to apply for an annual health card. Similar bureaucratic headache but at least it won't be linked to a bank account that lays the groundwork for CBDCs.

In other words... too many people are calling the government's bluff. 

Judging from the backlash online regarding the terms and conditions of Mynumber stating how the government is able to change the terms unilaterally and that they are also not responsible for damages resulting from information being leaked, I highly doubt 77% have signed up. 

デマTaro is probably attempting to exploit the same lemming effect tactic as the vaxxine.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

If the software from Fujitsu had been fully and properly tested then the problems would probably have been caught before release.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japanese people are not required to carry ID. I leave a "My Number" card at home. But I am required to carry my Residents Card.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Yabaru,You can get an infant child a SS card,the government of Japan,just want to control people like you,in America you are not required too have ID on you,while in Public only Foreigners under control of immigration,by the way they should just insert a chip

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Don’t expect the impossible. As modern humans are involved it simply can’t and work perfectly. Mankind also is already two or three decades after its zenith, so even more and more issues can be expected. Maybe for optimal work performance such a system should have been installed in the eighties or nineties. Just let’s now take it as what it is, a job and profit creation measure for a few people who now live well from that Myna system. If it works or not doesn’t play much a role, as long it is there for them.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Every American get a Social Security Number at birth,it really only for the Federal government use for tax and other government benefits

Please stop with the uniformed and blatantly false information here. Not to mention being totally off topic

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Japan's top government spokesman on Wednesday insisted there is no problem with the My Number national identification system,

Really? I got my card about 3 months ago, last month I went to my local conbini to get a copy of my residence paperwork. Should work right? WRONG, ended up going to the office to get the paperwork, waste of time, and at the same time check about the card and why it didnt work.

(Drum roll No 1) "We're so sorry! The IC Chip seems to be faulty" OK, I get that, happened before to me with a credit card. Great, please issue me a new card. (Drum roll No 2) "Sure, but you will have to pay ¥1,000 for the card" Bye-bye!

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said that all the cases were linked to an application software problem, rather than My Number cards or associated information-sharing systems.

That still means the system has been implemented poorly, it should be impossible to get personal information from other people but obviously this happened.

For many people there is no advantage in having the card, going to the convenience store instead of the city office may have been a single one for some people, and now it is back to zero (or even less because the card still requires a lot of things to do and maintain).

Maybe it is just better for the government to cut their losses before a huge information leak happens.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Japan's top government spokesman on Wednesday insisted there is no problem with the My Number national identification system

oooooh, i feel safe now.

i mean when has the j-gov ever been wrong or lied?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

This news is no surprise. I was favor of the plastic card - until I actually got it, after which it turned into a nightmare for me. It arrived and then expired in about 2 weeks. My request for family registry at a combini was rejected. So I had to get another card. after waiting about 3 months to get the first!

The photo I sent for my second application (renewal not allowed, of course) was rejected because the distance from the tip of my chin to the top of head was slightly off the regulation 3.5mm. So it took another 2 months for the second card to arrive, as I filed yet another new application (by paper application in the post, LOL). This card then arrived with a validity for 18 months. Yeah, that was worth the effort.

Then my nenkin pension online site rejected the new "valid" card because it was incompatible with my laptop's Chrome OS. Further, my attempt to get Myna points was rejected because my phone handset scanner says the new card is unscannable.

So, don't get the My Number plastic card! It's a huge disappointment, useless and a bureaucratic pain in the backside, even beyond the privacy issues. The card's supposed functions and benefits are pure fantasy, as I've found out after much effort to get on board this turkey of a project.

I'm only keeping it because my accountant needs it for tax filing. Otherwise, it belongs in the trash bin.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Every American get a Social Security Number at birth,it really only for the Federal government use for tax and other government benefits

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I don't trust a government whose head of cyber security had never used a computer in his life and less than 12 months ago took the radical step of announcing the phasing out of floppy disks.


-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Whilst the idea of being able to simplify and speed up the maddeningly elaborate paper trail that is Japanese bureaucracy. I don't trust a government whose head of cyber security had never used a computer in his life and less than 12 months ago took the radical step of announcing the phasing out of floppy disks.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

mynumber is surely better than archaic inkon system.

bugs in new code are inevitable.

the spokesperson could have just said that, instead of insisting there is "no problem"

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said that all the cases were linked to an application software problem, rather than My Number cards or associated information-sharing systems

The system shared information that wasn't meant to be shared

14 ( +14 / -0 )

No problems with the creeping, bureaucratic surveillance system. No need to worry, folks.

14 ( +20 / -6 )

all the cases were linked to an application software problem, rather than My Number cards or associated information-sharing systems.

Users see it as a whole system, regardless excuses.

after users received copies of the residence certificates of other individuals.

So one stranger get someone information by mistake, with all personal information in it.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Japan's top government spokesman on Wednesday insisted there is no problem with the My Number national identification system, following the..... problems

19 ( +22 / -3 )

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