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Gov't may seek to dissolve Unification Church: source


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The Japanese government is considering pursuing a court order to disband the contentious Unification Church,

Still considering, not really actual final decision especially with ties with many Japanese politician.


-13 ( +11 / -24 )

If dissolved, the Unification Church would lose its status as a religious corporation and be deprived of tax benefits, although it could still operate as an entity.

Which just means that the followers will be forced to anti up more money to assist in paying the taxes.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Good. Ban them and keep tabs on the followers of this cult.

Would be good to see all those US based cults banned also. Wishing for too much maybe.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

But a dissolution remains uncertain given that some people in the government are cautious and want the evidence to be carefully reviewed before a decision is made. 

Or more likely they do no not want the involved and influential in the LDP to be in any way implicated in the proceedings.

9 ( +17 / -8 )

LDP as usual scrambling only after the facts have come to light.

If Abe hadn't been assassinated you can be sure business with the Unification Church (massive monetary donations and free labor to the LDP) would have continued unabated.

8 ( +21 / -13 )

If they do this, they will then have to ban Sokka Gakkai, given their heavy involvement in Japanese politics.

But THAT will never happen.

Which means this is religious bigotry, banning some but not others.

-3 ( +16 / -19 )

SG is not a cult and does not give money to the LDP or Komeito Party.

-13 ( +7 / -20 )

I'll believe it when I see it

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Religions cannot be banned and are protected by the Constitution.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

If they do this, they will then have to ban Sokka Gakkai, given their heavy involvement in Japanese politics.

How about coming into the 21st Century? SG hasn't been connected with Komeito since the last one!

Talk about beating a dead horse!

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

The government should consider also dissolving 冨士大石寺顕正会(ふじたいせきじけんしょうかい)/Fuji Taisekiji Kenshoukai, which is very similar to the Unification Church.

They also ask members to buy their books and products, and ask to donate money.

At least, I wish some TV Network make a documentary on their activities...it's very similar to what the Unification Church has been doing.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Religions cannot be banned and are protected by the Constitution.

Stripping a corporate entity of its tax-free status over egregious acts of fraud and abuse is a far cry from banning a religion.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Petey Wheatstraw you can provide evidence?

SG is not a cult and does not give money to the LDP or Komeito Party.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Like all other Colts and groups, they will operate under a different name if not already.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Its a good start, then move on to removing tax breaks for ALL religions.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Why would the Japanese government seek to ban a group that has been extremely useful?

I would propose that this ‘idea’ never becomes reality

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

Seems like religious persecution.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Good. Don't stop there while you're at it. All forms of organised religion is a poison on society. The shogun Tokugawa had the right idea.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

I guess some posters need to read the Constitution.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The government will have to prove its case in the court of law.

Seems like religious persecution.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Do it already.. Disband that group.

If be happy if at least they get their tax-free benefits taken away.

Religions cannot be banned and are protected by the Constitution

Aum Shinrikyo was (is?) a religion.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Would be good to see all those US based cults banned also

Ironically. the Lord only knows how many weirdos Japan has let in on a Missionary visa.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Good. And while they are at it they can strip all religious corporations of their tax-free status.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Banned? Not if the LDP or Komeito can help it. Komeito is so afraid that this Moonie thing could also associate them with Sokka Gakkai, and rightfully so. Final analysis? DOA.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

My parents taught me the tenets of Buddhism starting when I was quite young, but they never forced me to follow them. At the beginning they belonged to SGI but left because they did not like the way it was run, and I did go to a few meetings with them but hated it. It is a very male dominated organisation, with no women in important positions, that is not good. We still practice our style of Buddhism but belong to no organisation.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Sooooo, it's been a year and nothing has been done to them yet?

I see...............

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

YubaruToday 08:14 am JST

If they do this, they will then have to ban Sokka Gakkai, given their heavy involvement in Japanese politics.

How about coming into the 21st Century? SG hasn't been connected with Komeito since the last one!

Talk about beating a dead horse!

YubaruToday, know anyone in Sokka Gakkai? If you did, as I do first hand, you would have a different perspective! My experience with members is that they are ACTIVELY involved in Komeito, erecting posters and participating in election events, at the direction of their local Sokka Gakkai superiors as well as directed to donate to Komeito. They go all-out once the election cycle begins! Sure, the law says that religious organizations are banned from political activities but is their a paper trail, does the law say anything about individual members activities and does the law prevent Sokka Gakkai and Komeito leaders meeting in person, say for tea, guessing not so is it at all possible that Komeito is getting their marching orders from president Daisaku Ikeda, no doubt.

I have questioned my Sokka Gakkai acquaintances about pressure from their immediate superiors within the church and with some needling on my part been able to ascertain that indeed they are acting on behalf of the church's direction but the LDP/J-Gov will not start turning over stones to find out as long as Komeito is their junior coalition partner and the LDP's hold on power!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The Church has been fined.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

If truly guilty of illegal activity then punish accordingly. But looks like hypocrisy to me....the JGov itself is knee deep in illegal activity and scandal.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

YubaruToday, know anyone in Sokka Gakkai? If you did, as I do first hand, you would have a different perspective! My experience with members is that they are ACTIVELY involved in Komeito, erecting posters and participating in election events, at the direction of their local Sokka Gakkai superiors as well as directed to donate to Komeito

The Komeito Party has strict rules about who can donate and by how much.


There is no direct connection between the Soka Gakkai and Komeito Party even if the members support them.

1 ( +4 / -3 )


My parents taught me the tenets of Buddhism starting when I was quite young, but they never forced me to follow them. At the beginning they belonged to SGI but left because they did not like the way it was run, and I did go to a few meetings with them but hated it. It is a very male dominated organisation, with no women in important positions, that is not good. We still practice our style of Buddhism but belong to no organisation.

There are women leaders in all positions just the same as men.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Great news !!!...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It's Sо̄ka-gakka (創価学会) 'value-creating society', not *Sokka-gakkai, so those who spell it incorrectly may not know what they're talking about...My family is well acquainted with ardent members of SKGK, and whenever there is an election the matriarch comes round to us, asking us to support their party. We listen politely and then vote otherwise. No harm done...The Unification Church is a very different kettle of fish.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Soka Gakkai is the official English title.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

And since when did the government care so much about this Unification Church? Or rather, why? Shouldn't they give priority on solving the murder case first? Or, is it a murder case? Or just illegal possession of gunpowder? Or, is the case even still open? Red herring for dinner it seems...

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Then who pays the bill for L.D.P. ? The U.C. attracts money from worldwide,it was their connection and using money fraudulent and extortion from followers that was overwhelming than any other parties could get. Without the support from that anti Communist church, where comes the money to fund younger rightist politicians to step into Japanese political arena?

Was that a political suicide for L.D.P.?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Not so fast!

Got a few questions for ya.

This "may seek"… just a will consider, hope to, hold hands sorta "may seek" or more like the 3x hankoed already check in the mail ink dry before presstime

kinda "may seek"


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Agree with the sentiments here. If the Unification Church is banned, then Soka Gakkai must go. Soka Gaslight is a malevolent cult masquerading as a benevolent organization. If Buddhism had a way to define what a 'heretic' is, Daisaku Ikeda would be it.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

I guess some posters need to read the Constitution.

What the constitution says:

Article 20. Freedom of religion is guaranteed to all. No religious organization shall receive any privileges from the State, nor exercise any political authority.

No person shall be compelled to take part in any religious act, celebration, rite or practice.

The State and its organs shall refrain from religious education or any other religious activity.

Which part of this would be violated by the government stripping tax-free status from an organization that has engaged in extensive acts of fraud and abuse?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Only two religious groups have been previously banned. Aum and a temple I think in Wakayama?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Aum reformed and still exists.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Soka Gakkai should not be banned.

Not that I am a rabid Soka Gakkai supporter like a few here. I have enough complaints about Soka Gakkai, the way it is run and the fact that most of the members and leaders don't practice what they preach.

But there is a fundamental difference between Soka Gakkai and other religious cults. The last time Japan tried to get rid of the Soka Gakkai it didn't end too well for Japan.

The Dharanis chapter of the Lotus Sutra states that those who slander the great law will have their heads split into 7 pieces, just like the branches of an arjaka tree.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I don't think it will be missed by many

1 ( +3 / -2 )

dissolving is not a big deal. They can dissolve it anytime, they just need to open some other one under another name after a while when the attention goes down a bit and everything will go back to the usual track. How about actually tackling the leaders of the organization for good, hah?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Aum reformed and still exists.

They do. And are strictly monitored and if they try to recruit new members with shady tactics, they get raided be the police.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Religions in general can have a history of getting funds by dubious means from their followers. Centuries ago the Catholic Church was selling pardons for sins! Henry VIII fixed that when he started the Church of England and took over Catholic churches. Recently the ban by the Catholic Church on the use of contraceptives has itself been banned by the Irish Government. So hopefully we will see governments everywhere, including the Japanese one in this case, taking action against unreasonable behaviour by religions that disadvantage their followers. (And, just for the record, a colt is a young horse!)

4 ( +5 / -1 )


0 ( +0 / -0 )

All religious organizations are cults. None should get special treatment from the government and all should pay taxes like any other business.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Tetsuya Yamagami's lawyers will be noting these developments. As it would appear that the government now agrees with their clients views on the cult. How will this affect the judges evaluation on the murderers state of mind?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

There are dozens of "new religions" in Japan, many of which appear to be as abusive as the Unification Church. For example, 幸福の科学 (Happy Science) has enriched its leaders through similar abusive methods. They startrf their own political party, 幸福実現党 (Happiness Realization Party), and actively promote both their cult leadership and MAGA-style political views all over Youtube.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

To people making the freedom of religion argument:

You do realize that this "religion" was literally created by the South Korean central intelligence service as a psy-op to disrupt the spread of communism, don't you?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

wallaceSep. 4  12:15 pm JST

Soka Gakkai is the official English title.


At last someone gets their name right.

I'm certainly no fan, though I do know a few members, but if you are going to vehemently criticise them, it would be great help if you actually got the name right.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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