Japan Today

Japan launches COVID-19 vaccine certificate app


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To me personally it was always about being able to add the card to Apple Wallet. Glad I was able to do so. At least there’s no need to search for the app every time I need to bring up the code.

-18 ( +6 / -24 )

So....can expats living in Japan with foerign passports (who have been vaccinated x 2) get this?

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Has J government had much consistent success with recent apps ?

9 ( +16 / -7 )

Predictable to see the anti-vax crowd trying to put their negative spin on this. Most first world nations have put out similar apps.

-15 ( +18 / -33 )

Apps no apps whatever, the point should be, 80 percent are vaccinated, the government is however behaving like it is still 2020. They go apexxit whenever a new variant shows up. The virus will mutate forever and stay with us forever so we will need to return to normality right? When not of now with 80% vaccinated??!! This is all getting ridicoulus and so many people are ending up under or unemployed and it will cause very very big problems

5 ( +18 / -13 )

Lovely, a new app only in Japanese and not available on other application stores that requires a physical card that half the population doesn’t have to input data from another physical paper.

What is fantastic is that the SOS application now used for quarantine monitoring too had the possibility to upload your vaccination certificates. Had, because someone must have thought hey, let’s not make things too easy.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

An expensive and unncessary "solution" to a problem that governments mainly created themselves.

Hope the system crashes.

11 ( +23 / -12 )

Just get on with your lives. If you are afraid then stay under the futon.

6 ( +22 / -16 )

Yeah, great. Can't wait to ask the immigration official in London to figure that one out.

You need to figure it out, then just show it to them. The wording in this article isn't so great. You don't input the passport info when you travel, you do it once to apply for the certificate.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Lovely, a new app only in Japanese and not available on other application stores that requires a physical card that half the population doesn’t have to input data from another physical paper.

They want everyone to get the mynumber card, so they are coming up with all these schemes.

23 ( +28 / -5 )

Vaccine mandates would have a discrimatory effect on foreigners in Japan who have been left behind by the vaccine system.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

This is a terrible idea. I am disappointed that Japan finally follows Australia, Austria, Germany, and mainland China down the road to authoritarianism and discriminating against part of their population.

8 ( +23 / -15 )

Either they are going to pass a bill to make use of it with public places. Like trains, buses , hospitals, schools, libraries and public smoke stations ( the last is a joke). Or they are planing on opening the boarders soon. I assume it will be used public places first.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Mmmm... I'm still not applying for that card. Good try, tho.

Also JP government is still not great when it comes to IT, specifically in IT security so really, no thank you.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

LovecraftingToday  05:58 pm JST

Pretty good stuff and easy to setup. If you have your mynumber card, it’s all done in a few seconds. You get two certificates one for Japan in Japanese, one for overseas in English. Some may want to try it before screaming or being judgmental about it. It’s a good progress Japan, well done!

if you’re not vaccinated of course it’s useless, so I guess antivax don’t have a voice to the chapter. Shouldn’t have any voice at any chapter anyway.

What is it with authoritarians? Think people who don't agree with them should be silenced? They always claim they're doing it for the "greater good" and then shirk any blame when the whole thing goes to hell.

Apps like this are fast losing favor among the populations where they've been forced on the public, so don't get too cocky.

13 ( +21 / -8 )

GarthgoyleToday  06:05 pm JST

Mmmm... I'm still not applying for that card. Good try, tho. 

Also JP government is still not great when it comes to IT, specifically in IT security so really, no thank you.

Kind of a blessing in disguise, really.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I approve of this, but it’s unnecessary.

“Sometimes it makes sense to take a deep breath before writing. Something I could learn too.”

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Wear a mask if it makes you feel better.

Or, if you're not totally self-centred, wear one because it makes others feel better, with good reason.

Covid denialists should realise how lucky they are to be in a country where few precautionary measures are compulsive because people cooperate voluntarily, and should refrain from trying to get others to join them in their sulky refusal, lest the consensus shift to mandates.

-7 ( +9 / -16 )


-2 ( +5 / -7 )

A Kyodo "news" story so enormous chunks of vital information are missing: who made the app, how much did it cost, does it actually work, where does the personal data go, is there even a rudimentary security system, who in the government gets a backhander, why do we need a My Number card etc etc.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

but it’s unnecessary.

maybe right now. But it could likely became part of a standardized global screening process in the near or medium term future, as authorities work out immigration protocols for a Covid world.

I've got My Number and a smartphone, so I'm good to go.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

I downloaded the app and during the setup I got an error.


-6 ( +1 / -7 )

If your Individual Number Card has another name, you will not be able to issue an inoculation certificate from the app.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

alyamal 06:43 pm JST

I downloaded the app and during the setup I got an error.


You've broken it, dude. You'll have to pay the Japanese government $30,000,000 now!!

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Wow Jeff you seem eager for them to control every aspect of your life. 

Yeah, right. I am eager to be able to travel internationally again and safely - via a system that effectively keeps infected and unvaxxed people a safe distance from me.

-14 ( +6 / -20 )

Kekko des.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

JeffLeeToday  06:52 pm JST

Wow Jeff you seem eager for them to control every aspect of your life. 

Yeah, right. I am eager to be able to travel internationally again and safely - via a system that effectively keeps infected and unvaxxed people a safe distance from me.

Well, you won't be travelling far then. It's not just the purebloods that can infect you - the vaxxed are spreading the virus like wildfire as well. Just trust the government. They'll keep you safe. LOL.

9 ( +17 / -8 )

Doesn't seem to work with non Japanese passports. Screen to scan passport just sits there and does nothing.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

And am still COVID vaccine virgin!

11 ( +16 / -5 )

This app captured and auto-detected my passport No. with mistaken L instead of 1, I tried many times but the same happened. How to correct it?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Fact: Having received the two (or three or four...) shots does NOT make one safe, as the very many "breakthrough" cases show.

That fact makes the vaxxed cert app utterly meaningless. Other than making one feel "valid".

4 ( +15 / -11 )

Into the garbage please and no thanks nanny state

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Please look at the trains and everyone alive going to work and train jammed as packed and yet there is still a pandemic here? I got the get the logic. Vaccines will not provide 100 percent protection. So when will the realeas and app that prove you have never been incarcerated for criminal offense and those who have a record should not be allowed to eat here or there and live here or there?

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Vaccine passports or certificates etc are there simply to coerce those who do not want to vaccinate into having the vaccine. There is no other reason. Vaccines DO NOT prevent infection nor the spread of infection by those who are vaccinated. If anything it increases the likelihood of spread as witnessed by increases in infection post vaccination in countries that are 80% or more fully vaccinated. The reason is once individuals are vaccinated they feel they are somehow invincible and can’t spread or contract the virus leading to a lax attitude in their social behaviour in respect of mask wearing, hand sanitisation, social distancing etc. So now that is an established fact that the vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission what is the point of a vaccine passport and why would such a passport allow you priority or right of way over that of someone who is not vaccinated. The only touted benefit of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the infection and prevent hospitalisation. How does that equate to you getting into a venue over someone who is not vaccinated. Obviously those who are vaccinated want some social recognition for their attempt at self preservation and I have no problem with that. Simply get a button pin which indicates your vaccinated status and stroll around showing it off as much as you like if that’s what you need.

9 ( +18 / -9 )

Works like a charm. Had no trouble at all. A dub for the digital agency.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

NHK 7pm News reported multiple complaints of “error” over confusion with maiden names.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

The J-gov is trying their hardest get the locals to get on board with the "My Number" system to track their money.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

Too bad if your "official" name registered with My Number and the one you gave the clinic when applying for the vaccine are different or somebody made an error when putting your information into the database.

I think a lot or foreigners are gonna come up with errors due to katakana issues.

Fellow Gaijin: prepare for that "nightmare katakana name thing" again. And I thought it was only Japanese banks....

And forget it if using a non-japanese app store like several have mentioned.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Osaka_DougToday 05:23 pm JST

Well, I just take a photo of my vaccine certificate confirmation with my phone. Isn't that enough?

Exactly! I did the same on my smartphone and sent it to my tablet and all of my accounts. I still keep the certification on my person. That should be more than enough.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Soooo if you don't have the MyNumber card you can't use the app? Well then that makes it rather useless doesn't it?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

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