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© KYODOJapan leads G7 with COVID-19 vaccination rate of nearly 76%
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I'm eagerly awaiting my booster, for around April.
so what?
....and the other 6 are????
After the abysmal, slow delayed start, quite remarkable. Hence Japan is hopefully looking at a fairly normal winter I hope.
Today the Government will accept the findings of the virus task force and recommend that should it be neccesarry to declare another SOE, that a closure or reductions of hours in the restaurant industry will not occur BUT proof of vaccination will be required to enter. This will also apply to large sports events / Concerts etc.
Could well see an 82% double jabbed population by the end of the year. Very little resistance to the anti vaxxer 'mob' here, so hopefully we can avoid the problems that parts of Europe are now sadly seeing where the far right have infiltrated the population and brainwashed them into some quite mad conspiracies.
Boosters up next and then hopefully a more flexible immigration policy for citizens and Residents in the Spring. For the vaccinated only, naturally.
Playing with numbers, there are more than 7 countries in the world and many of them have much higher rates
Japan has not produce ,one approved vaccines
I am glad we manage to pick up speed. We had so many skeptical a few months ago that it might take years before we reach this stage.
Now all we need is to get the government to secure the covid pills supplies and sell it in stores nationwide. I don't need any more booster shot.
For those of you looking for the other countries with higher vaccination rates, I think they are mostly small island countries where the population makes it quite easy to reach high rates. Even Singapore should not be looked at as an example. When you can reach the whole country in less than an hours drive, and the population is equal to Osaka, it shouldn't be that hard to have a high vaccination rate.
my point was and is..... why always compare to the G7 or anyone?
And the point is......
Inaka Life
It’s great that we’ve reached this number and I hope that we can continue to get people vaccinated. However, the slow start meant thousands of unnecessary infections, hundreds of unnecessary deaths, months of unnecessary social restrictions, and an Olympics that we paid for but couldn’t attended. That’s hardly a situation to be proud of.
@Yrall: In all fairness, nor have most countries. I think that is being anti-Japanese for the sake of it. So, your point being?
Chinas vaccine is an unknown quantity - Russias perhaps marginally better? But outside their own countries only marginally accepted or abandoned.
Still way behind Singapore for example. Singapore has been at around 85% vaccinated for a few months. All the Big Pharma pin cushions should check out what's going on in Singapore vis-a-vis coronavirus.
Of course I support any consenting adult getting the shots but don't try to foist them on others! If they work and you have gotten yours, you're protected. If they don't work, why are you trying to foist the shots on everyone?
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Once again as usual Japan is pretending to be a great leader of something trying to appear masterful.
Zero fatalities and enough healh care for everyone during the pandemic then that would be something to boast about.
Japan is a follower not a leader.
78 % of the adult population ?
This doesn't fit with the narrative of Japan being a failure when it comes to Covid.
For more then a year the majority of comments was about the failure of the government and how terrible Japan is doing.
If numbers matter, if facts matter. Japan is consider a success story!! One of the countries that did it right!!
Not on JT but real life where things actually matter. Japan succeeded!
Yes, and while Japan is busy patting itself on its back Europe has been seeing another rise in cases. According to Reuters' Covid tracker among 100 new cases being reported in the world, 59 are from Europe. Waning protection from the vaccines before the booster, and the yet vaccinated congregating in enclosed spaces because of winter setting in could be attributed to the increase. Based on recent patterns, Japan has been about a month to two months behind Europe.
Good on us! I agree the rollout was too slow. But once we got going.....
We need to get up around 85%. And like Jeff, I eagerly await my booster in April and I HATE needles.
Aging population = higher vaccination rate. They should publish the vaccination rate as a percentage of the eligible population. Government blowing its own trumpet. What's far more important is people are generally continuing to wear masks etc, which helps maintain lower infection rates. That rate is significantly better than many other countries right now.
Hideomi Kuze
Vaccination rate in neighbouring South Korea is higher than Japan, but Covid19 new cases in South Korea yesterday seem to be highest ever.
And, neighbouring Taiwan's vaccination rate is lower than Japan. but patients or victim per population are far lower than Japan.
high vaccination rate cannot justify past two incompetent Japanese governments who caused worst Covid19 human damage in far-east Asia.
It was a slow rollout but hey, Japan is doing better than Germany and Austria. And Japan has a much larger population. And at least we don't have to get those Sino or Russian jabs like some poorer nations.
@geromimo2006: If they did publish as a % of eligible population then as it stands the number would be higher than 75.7%.
vaccination rate of eligible population of France : 91%
It seems to me because Japan is in the G7 which are very well-known developed countries.
If the vaccines works and you have gotten it, you are protected, aren't you? Why try to foist it on those who don't want it?
So why not open the borders to all vaccinated tourists?
Again with this G7 thing.
Just because these countries have more money that doesn’t mean they will succeed or be better than other countries in everything.
Kind of annoying. Same thing with European football. Some people only pay attention to the biggest clubs ( 10 to 15 ), but there are thousands of clubs, and at least 50 that you should know about.
That's a very good question. Why are they on the one hand boasting about the high % of the population vaccinated and on the other preparing for and warning about the next wave? Hmmmm, I wonder.....
Well done Japan glad it is all happening but let's not get too chummy here. Australia, with it lethargic, slow and lackluster rollout is toda currently close to 85 percent of population fully vaccinated and 92 percent single dose.
As long as looking at the US, UK, S Korea, etc., Japan is still scared of pandemic again. Even if persons are fully vaccinated, it is very possible for them to spread out new variant virus all over there.
Alfie Noakes
It's great that Japan is so Sugoi! Let's have more stories about how Japan is just incredibly Sugoi!
It is terribly sad when people that care only for themselves get so focused in their own benefit that they completely forget regular people can support things even if they themselves don't get a special benefit and isntead other people are the ones that do.
Even young healthy people benefit from reducing the spreading of the disease (either by vaccination or by the social distancing of the people that choose to irrationally reject this benefit for them), but even if that was not the case there is nothing strange in supporting this while thinking on the people that have valid medical exceptions or that have immune problems that make them vulnerable even if they are vaccinated. As long as you care even a little for others it becomes very clear why people are interested on seeing vaccination rates go up.
This just confirms what we kind of knew already.
Japan has an incompetent government who could not get a vaccination program started early, in spite of having the pressing deadline of the Olympics, which happened and cost a bomb but brought no party and no economic benefit for the vast spend.
Japan also has an obedient population who told what they are told and a thankfully low percentage of New-Age/contrarian/I'm-special/Believe-everything-on-Facebook/Masks-are-face-diapers types who would obstruct the vaccination drive and further the spread of the disease.
Looking at things on a cultural, not economic level, Japan's performance during Covid may be good by G-7 standards, but is meh for East Asia.
IngvarToday 08:11 am JST
if you need this explained to you, you’ve essentially disqualified yourself from the discussion. Likely you already know this
But here goes:
No vaccine is 100%. Not the Smallpox vaccine, not the Polio vaccine, not the measles vaccine. Even with the vaccine, you still have a 5% or greater risk of infection depending on which vaccine you took and the state of your immune system
The reason that you’ve never gotten any of these diseases is that not only have you been vaccinated, everyone around you has as well. There is simply no pool of virus floating around in the general population to “bump into.”
I got vaccinated because I don’t want to get sick and die. I also got vaccinated because I’m a responsible member of an interconnected society and my actions, or lack thereof affects others. It’s the same reason I wear a mask which I don’t like doing
That’s why selfish people who refuse a safe and effective vaccine should be shunned from society
They also lead the way with Natural immunity being that they never truly locked down! Natural immunity being the only true way to escape this pandemic
It's good many countries actually have higher inoculation rates than Japan's 76%.
But all countries need to be able to achieve this.
I wonder how long the world can achieve manufacturing capacity to meet demands especially now that booster shots seem to be needed
Ireland has 95% double dosed vaccinated and still has many covid cases daily. More than 50% of hospital beds taken up for covid are from the 5% of the population that is unvaccinated.
Australia is opening up and it has 84.2% double dosed. Cases increased to thousands a day in some states since moving from the covid free strategy. Multiple deaths are now recorded daily.
Japan has done well at 76%, but understand this will continue to be an issue for years to come, especially with enough unvaccinated hosts in which the virus can mutate and become more deadly and more transmissible.
Vaccinations will need to be 99-100% to help end this pandemic. Sadly it could take ten years of figures and testing before the holdouts get vaccinated and some never will.
Aly Rustom
Japan leads G7 with COVID-19 vaccination rate of nearly 76%
exactly. Canada is part of the G7 and they have a vaccination rate of 79.1%
COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory - Wikipedia
This article is FACTUALLY incorrect
Allow the perfectly safe Chinese vaccines and the perfectly safe and highly effective Russian vaccines in and I'll get vaccinated. If people want to stick wih Big Pharma, good luck to them. All I want is a choice.
Not even that's going to help. With such defective "vaccines," cases, hospitalisations and nasty side effects will continue to climb, as Ireland, Gibraltar, Iceland and Israel are showing.
Not sure how effective those Chinese or Russian vaccines are, but there's no doubt that the freedom to choose what goes into your body without coercion is a must that's not negotiable.
This is great news, but I really wish Japan had gone into warp speed sooner so we could've had low numbers by July since we would've been able to attend the Olympics which all of us were forced to pay for.
A high vaccination rate is effective. Glad we're finally here.
Everyone dying to get their shot for a virus that has more than a 98 percent recovery rate.
90% planning, 10% execution. The usual J-way.
Very slow, but it works in the end.
B-b-b-but natural immunity doesn't make money for anyone or justify vaccine passports. So it doesn't;t count. Thankfully Japan hasn't gone down the dark road of Australia.
That is false, natural immunity also decreases and people become again susceptible to infection, sometimes with a worse disease the second time. So it is not the "only true way" but the "worst way" because it has the huge disadvantage of coming with much higher risks.
Also thanks to social distancing measures being very prevalent in Japan it is not thought to have any specially high number of unidentified exposed people.
You have always the choice, if you wait for vaccines with less evidence of safety and efficacy then your choice is irrational, but still yours to make, including the consequences.
You are going to get really surprised if you actually read about the diseases other vaccines prevent, polio for example has a higher recovery rate, which would make vaccines against COVID much more necessary.
Of course you can then produce an official declaration from any institution of science or medicine that say this right? some university? big hospital? It is not like you pretend people just to trust you are correct and the whole scientific consensus wrong, that would make absolutely no sense.
Good, nice to see the people here have more sense than its government.
But why does the news always feel the need to compare Japan to other G7 countries? Is it afraid of comparisons to its Asian neighbours?
vic.MToday 10:07 am JST
One wonders where to even begin here....
The population of the United States is 330 million. If 70 % of the population became infected (the bare minimum for “herd immunity”) and 2% died of their infections, that would result in 4,620,000 deaths, but you’re ok with that? More preventable deaths than all of our combat fatalities in all of our wars combined times at least 2 when there is a safe and effective vaccine available. Several in fact. Seriously?
And that doesn’t even take into account the human suffering that survivors endure.
And because all the anti-vaccination spotters also seem to claim to be “fiscal conservatives”, what about the costs of ICU beds, vents and echmo machines. We are talking about costs ranging into the hundreds of thousands of dollars PER CASE that someone has to pay.
Or, one could be a responsible member of an interconnected and take a proven safe and effective vaccine.
The only "consensus" is what is manufactured, and you're here to push it. The conflicts of interest between people at the heads of the organisations are clear- - most of it has to do with funding - so it's natural they'll say one thing. But the people on the ground who actually deal with people suffering from he disease itself and the vaccines' side effects say something else entirely.
Big lie. Both France and Canada have made more vaccinations population-wise.
Silvia truly
The Japanese media are experts at selective comparisons to create a positive spin. The G7 only matters when the issue is Covid, or something like gun crime. But if the topic is democracy, human rights, equality (basically anything where Japan lags behind genuine advanced countries), then they're happy to praise Japan for being the least worst in East Asia.
People are certainly selective.
Japan has been compared to other countries since well before starting vaccination and everyone had a field day over it =)
So according to you every single insitution of science in the whole world (on every country) is on a conspiracy? and you consider this a rational argument even if you produce no proof of it? sorry but that is impossible to believe. It is simply much more realistic to understand you can't accept they prove you wrong.
Also, how much money would make you hide supposedly good drugs from your own family and friends? and push supposedly deadly vaccines to them? I mean, if you think every single institution of science and medicine of the world is doing that just for the money it means you think this is something reasonable. Fortunately it is not, it is just nonsense.
So why do fully vaccinated and negative tested returning residents have to endure a bureaucratic nightmare and draconian surveillance when returning to this country?
Erik Morales
Good work Suga!
I think you should stop deluding yourself. There is no more heavily scrutinized vaccine than the 'really, truly, honestly' (as opposed to some other vaccines rich people are making a lot of money off) perfectly safe and highly effective vaccine that cannot be named from Russia.
I wish Japan really is the slowest regarding vaccination.
Then all countries would be fully vaccinated by now
I’m wondering why certain vaccines, the Moderna vaccine and the Pfizer vaccine receive a lot of publicity in Japan whereas the Astrazeneca vaccine (produced in Japan) does not?
Might it be the profits that are generated?
Also, Japan has had spectacular failures during the pandemic:the Diamond Princess, lack of free testing, the complete inability to identify and educate healthcare professionals quickly and accurately about what was coming-Japan hasn’t really anything to crow about…
It didnt when it mattered. Most people gotten infected with covid before they got the vaccine. Who actually here was able to get the vaccine before getting infected first? The vaccines were not made widely available until early September for the non-elderly, by then there are very few uninfected people.
Aly Rustom
Only when it comes to ALL these other topics, Japan STILL lags behind especially places like S Korea and Taiwan.
Aly Rustom
another excellent point
Again, it is not believable nor logical to say every single of the institutions of the whole world dedicaed to science and medicine are wrong, specially because you provide no proof it. It is much more likely you don't want to accept the reality.
Can you provide a link to any set of raw data from the vaccine? because there is zero available, without the raw data there is zero scrutiny that can be done. Begin with that.
Why would Japan block profits that would be shared with national companies? what would be the logic on that?
Not having actual evidence of benefit for COVID patients is the reason why is not recognized as useful by the scientific consensus, bad studies go all over the place (from useful to deeply toxic) so only presenting half of them is not a valid argument, better studies fail to demonstrate benefits, but antiscientific people are unable to accept this, and try to convince others that all the institutions of the whole world are in some kind of fantasy based conspiracy.
You might want to check the results of the antibody test conducted to assess infection spread.
It's in the news around march
Which reminds me @Aly
You might want to double-check also the vax stat of Canada posted above
And what purpose this serves to society? GOJ - who are you trying to impress with these figures?
Aly Rustom
Hi Ian.
I did this morning and provided the link from Wikipedia. Here it is again.
COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory - Wikipedia
if you scroll down a bit you'll get to the Vaccinations section and it lists the vaccination rates of the countries there.
According to Wikipedia Japan is doing better than even this article states- this article claims Japan is at nearly 76% where Wikipedia has Japan at 78.9% but still slightly behind Canada at 79.1%
Same thing I always point out when people compare the U.S. to Japan. The U.S has a land mass at least 25 times larger with seven time zones and three individual states much bigger than Japan and a total population almost three times as large. Logistics.
Jonathan Prin
Vaccination rate of eligible population of France : 91%
Wrong, outdated info of 21.05.21.
It is 87,6% confirmed yesterday for 12 year old or older. In France, we have a dedicated app for health pass and get latest figures on click demand.
Japan is playing with numbers because it has a very small part of its population under 12...(9.4% only ! France being 14.8%).
Jzpan is doing good but renewal of vaccination a must for its very old population.
Any new spreading fast variant may be a new killer virus.
Richard Gallagher
Wow. Lotsa contrarians with mis-statements, false facts, and general nonsense from postings and ignoring the facts & intent of the article. One individual even disputes facts cited from Oxford University, with no evidence to the contrary. The article is fully factual and accurate. Assertions to the contrary or using faulty logic and syllogisms are at best a dis-service, more so problematic in creating a false and very flawed 'reality' that causes concern. The ongoing protocols and rate of immunization are highly effective and to be praised.
Total percentage of population vaccinated indicates a percentage of the total population.
Ivermectin. In all valid studies it has been proven not to be effective. Studies that show it as otherwise are highly flawed due to various reasons. If one is actually looking to understand the effectiveness of Ivermectin, there are peer-reviewed studies and a recent study indicating the where and whereto for, of false conclusions by studies that herald it effectiveness. Simply examine studies by: JAMA. The journal NATURE. And a BBC investigation. All reveal Ivermectin is NOT a valid treatment for SARSCoV-2. In the USA, Ivermectin is primarily prescribed as a topical or lotion to treat lice and scabies.
Ivermictin killed two individuals in New Mexico. Ivermictin is a specialized drug, it has no crossover in treating SARSCoV-2.
Singapore has a population of 6 million. South Korea 50 million. Ireland 5 million. Canada 38 million. Australia 26 million. Comparing those countries to Japan is absurd. Japan has a population off 126 million.
Canada indeed has a smaller percentage of vaccinated than Japan. Such is indicated by official figures posted by the Canadian government. However, the numbers are close and it is not a contest. Also note the population of Canada v Japan. Same with France.
Vaccines. The Japanese central government ordered vaccines and such were not delivered in a timely manner. Which is not to excuse a central government that appeared flummoxed in is response to SARSCoV-2.
The Russian vaccine, sputnik though safe, the trials indicating effectiveness are somewhat flawed, same with the Chinese vaccines. Moderna and Pfizer are the most proven and effective. Slightly less effective is J&J. And then Oxford and Novavax. Such is available from a study by the Yale University School of Medicine.
The vaccines are proven safe and have decades of research behind their manufacture. The NIH, in the USA, has been working and researching vaccines for fifty years. Top scientists and research facilities are dedicated to the science of vaccines and virology. Billions upon billions of dollars have been spent by the federal government over that 50 year period funding the NIH. That already established research and science allows private pharmaceutical companies the ability to produce the SARSCoV-2 vaccines safely and rapidly. Also involved are top research universities. There is a reason the Oxford vaccine is named such, as it came out of the Oxford University Jenner Institute. As is well known, Oxford is a top university in the world with world class scientists and Nobel laureates The pharmaceutical companies didn't whip it up overnight in a lab - the vaccine has decades of research & testing behind it.
Japan. The culture itself and the established protocols have staved off SARSCoV-2 and the added factor of widespread immunization via inoculation of vaccines. Prefecture governments have responded adequately, as have certain cities. Disallowing the entry of foreigners (excepting the Olympics) has also assisted in keeping the numbers low.
Anecdotally. Where I live, there has been a determined effort to keep protocols in place and expand such. The number of infections remains low and has been in steady decline since October. The numbers peaked in August (31st) then went into a steep & rapid decline over the next several weeks bottoming out, beginning in October. Though we are a tourist destination, it was predominantly foreign tourists from Asia, who have disappeared and tourist were concentrated in a specific area near the park and train station.
Excellent post Richard. Thank you.
Raw Beer
That probably explains why their big RECOVERY trial on HCQ was carried out the way it was; i.e., designed to fail. Either the scientists involved in that study are not world class (extremely incompetent) or they are extremely dishonest...
Happy Day
Great job after slow start. Unfortunately, vaccines are just one piece of the solution because they wear out quickly and will not deliver herd immunity.
El Rata
When no mask?
Hi Aly,
Usually two numbers are listed with regards to vax stats, one for single dose and one for two doses.
I have made the mistake before of citing the stat for single.
The stat for Canada is also listed in the article above and without actually checking the details I thought it would be more likely that the article was accurate. Though I have seen a few instances also that articles have cited inaccurate info