Japan Today

Japan's daily COVID-19 cases reach new high since Omicron spread


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What they should be reporting along side COVID statistics is current flu and cold stats hospitalisations and death!

at what stage is enough enough and they change the classification from pandemic to endemic??

I think we have already arrived!

6 ( +30 / -24 )

This is welcome news for herd immunity. For those that get symptoms, it is basically a head cold. If you're vaccinated and happen to get infected, you'll likely have "super-immunity" against future variants, according to numerous studies.

On the other hand, WHO advises boosters will prolong the pandemic. There's little health benefit, especially for mild Omicron. It is better to vax poorer countries to prevent more mutations.

0 ( +22 / -22 )

If Japanese people aren’t buying it why do 80% support closed borders?

7 ( +20 / -13 )

“Epidemiologists have suggested that the prime minister shift the government's focus in the fight against the Omicron variant to domestic measures”. And then blame Japanese people if it still spreads?! Are epidemiologist not aware of Japanese immunity, superior culture and hygiene (all things said by members of the government, not my sarcasm…)?! It can only come from abroad, even when it’s already here.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

The virus is getting weaker. The media is the one panicking for some reason.

3 ( +21 / -18 )

Go to Worldometer Corona. Check all countries.

Make you feel really lucky here.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

This week everyone is back on the jam packed trains-the media will be on a roll!

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Trains not as crowded.

Lot of cars!

Shopping centers - very crowded.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

For the majority of people Omicron is less severe. But, don't kid yourself, it is not a common cold and it will still put you on your back for a month. Many people still end up in hospital, some in the ICU and there have been a handful of deaths attributed to Omicron. It should not be taken any more lightly than the previous strains. The fact that it is more infectious should be enough to wake people up. Keep your mask on and avoid crowds where possible.

10 ( +23 / -13 )

But, don't kid yourself, it is not a common cold

You can have my mask as I can see you're only wearing two. That simply won't offer the kind of robust protection that three would. Also, remember avoid life at all costs as living it comes with a very high fatality rate. Stay safe out there folks.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

"super-immunity" against future variants, according to numerous studies. Here's one source I found,

perhaps those unafraid to post misinformation could provide more.

Is ‘super immunity’ a myth? Here’s what we know so far


1 ( +4 / -3 )

500+ lol why do they even report on it??!!

-13 ( +7 / -20 )

This week everyone is back on the jam packed trains-the media will be on a roll!

True, but so will the viruses (and no booster to boot).

7 ( +12 / -5 )

No one cares anymore !!!

-9 ( +13 / -22 )

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said in a New Year's address Saturday that he would continue to take necessary measures to fight the spread of COVID-19.

He keeps saying this but other than saying the words he and the government is doing exactly nothing and the virus will continue to spread particularly aided by travel and parties over the New Year. It is surprising he hasn’t reinstated Go To Travel yet that he also has been talking about doing at the same time.

The government has been aiming to speed up the rollout of coronavirus vaccine booster shots

The one thing he might do but they are still only just talking about it and it is now already approaching 7 or 8 months since last shot for many aged anyhow

One thing they will do is continue the low testing and mask the real number of cases and hope it will jus magically disappear like previous waves. Early closing of bars and restaurants will also be likely reinstated as he will need to actually do something rather than his totally empty words,

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Don’t look so pleased about the increase in daily cases here. The number is still far fewer than in the US and Europe. Generally, the less virulent a strain of virus is, the more transmissible it becomes.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

If Japanese people aren’t buying it why do 80% support closed borders?

Selfishly, this is the statistic I most care about. I've got a 4-year old son here in the US who's now spent half his life without seeing his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and his cousins (outside of a video chat).

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see Japan opening back up for years.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Roll on herd immunity! That’s the ONLY way to get us all back to normal.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

DisillusionedToday  08:19 am JST

For the majority of people Omicron is less severe. But, don't kid yourself, it is not a common cold and it will still put you on your back for a month. Many people still end up in hospital, some in the ICU and there have been a handful of deaths attributed to Omicron. It should not be taken any more lightly than the previous strains. The fact that it is more infectious should be enough to wake people up. Keep your mask on and avoid crowds where possible.

This is the fear mongering also you seem to have believed. Check the median age of people who died of covid? 84-86 years old depending on the country.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

if the other effects, usually named and summed up as LongCovid , are excluded then you all might be right with ‘less harmful, it’s already over, back to normal now’ and all such. I really miss in all those happy optimistic statements a little explanation, where all the exponentially growing and spreading 70 fold virus loads stem from, if not from our affected and destroyed body cells or organs etc. Do you all eventually have discovered a miracle genesis, so that all the multiplied virus loads and their replications come out of nothing, from nowhere, using none of our bodies’ resources etc and if so, can you give a hint or prove for that miracle?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

“The malls are packed.”

they have been largely packed and busy the last two years

3 ( +7 / -4 )

“If Japanese people aren’t buying it why do 80% support closed borders?”

Coz they don’t think they can expert similar cooperation from visitors.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

“Trains not as crowded.”

coz this is still during the holidays. Trains will be packed again when folks are back to work from tomorrow…

3 ( +6 / -3 )

“I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see Japan opening back up for years.“

I hope you are wrong, too. It would be too pessimistic to expect that. It might be opening up as soon as this year. Had other places like the US or UK, among others, not been seeing explosions of cases, I think Japan wouldn’t have had to close borders like it does now.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

If Japanese people aren’t buying [the media’s insistence that COVID is still a very serious issue] why do 80% support closed borders?

Because they believe the current domestic COVID threat to be radically different from that in many, if not in most, overseas locales, and are understandably influenced and guided by that belief.


4 ( +6 / -2 )

WeiWei - This is the fear mongering also you seem to have believed. Check the median age of people who died of covid? 84-86 years old depending on the country.

Fear mongering? So, you think it’s ok that the median of people killed are in their 80’s? I’m pretty sure your opinion will change when you are one of those in hospital.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Apparently, it's so busy that people are having to wait their turn for the sauna.

I make sure to stay clear of the Sento during the holiday season. Waiting in line for the sauna? Thats madness!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

554? Still a fraction compared to elsewhere in the world. Masks and vaccines work!

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

The new cases are increasing, but how many of them are asymptomatics?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Obviously the borders aren't closed !

If you would pay attention to the details of the article that would certainly help.

The borders are enforced.

My observation is that the general population of Japan have better personal hygiene and overall health conscious and social distancing and mask wearing is normal.

So iam not surprised if Japanese people support strict border enforced of foreigners entering their country.

Japan may not be perfect but at least it strives for excellence , unlike the west that assumes its already leading the way.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

The new cases are increasing, but how many of them are asymptomatics?

If they are from within the country, then most likely none of them, since Japan won't test anyone without symptoms.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

I’m sure they will keep testing numbers lower than 3rd world countries to keep up the “Japanese people are special” Shirade that they have continued to spew out!

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Several people here comment that Japanese support the closed borders because they can't expect the same level of measures from foreigners. I think this is a sign of a massive inter-cultural communication problem that's arising for the future. Even after the virus becomes only endemic, Japanese will keep on the masks and most other cautious measures. Then how are they ever going to tolerate foreign travelers who don't wear masks and don't follow a lot of silly measures like talking over partitions on restaurant tables? Will the world-famous Japanese hospitality suddenly turn into a daily display of hostility and intolerence to everyone who has a different hygiene culture? Or will they have to keep the borders shut forever so that they don't have to deal with all of that? I think the pandemic and the isolation triggered those very serious issues, and Japan has to seriously consider how they will be communicating and interacting with other cultures from now on.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The virus is getting weaker. The media is the one panicking for some reason.

the virus is weaker for sure but the media is likely being told to keep fear mongering so the jgovt can continue to use this virus to put control that are unconstitutional. The pandemic is likely over by now

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Even after the virus becomes only endemic, Japanese will keep on the masks and most other cautious measures.

Yes, even before Covid-19, I knew of several people (including children) that would wear a mask all day. I can only assume that this will increase long after Covid-19 ends. To be fair, masks are helpful in preventing the spread of diseases like colds and flus and people have noticed during the pandemic that they rarely have gotten sick from anything. Some of it might be also due to handwashing and social distancing, but for the most part masks are the reason why they haven't gotten sick from anything. So I think it will be at least a decade or more until we see mask wearing down to pre-Covid levels in Japan. I think people have also discovered that masks are now acceptable to wear (especially in Asia) and they can help cover your tired eyes or pimple on your face you don't want to show.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@Oxycodin : In its defense the Jgovt has yet to do anything my unconstitutional! Thats why we never had a lockdown here. Just 'requests'

As long as we keep people out of hospital by getting jabs in arms we'll be fine. But those vaccinations must take place.

Omicron is indeed spreading like wildfire, and for those who thinks it's just a 'cold' or what's the ridiculous term some people here use 'like a flu?' - then think again. Fact is, we don't know yet. So, get jabbed, it's going to spread, and better a needle in the arm than a tube down your throat.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

A side note, off-topic, on the subject of mask wearing for the foreseeable future in Japan : it must make the police’s job more difficult.

How can you identify criminals if all you can see of the entire population are pairs of dark eyes?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Herd immunity is the only way out of this. The Japanese government is delaying the inevitable. Allow foreign tourists and businesspeople in now, demand that they are all fully vaccinated, and eliminate all quarantines. It's time.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Whether it's shopping or getting a vaccination . . . "Hey, man, [can you] sho- me the front entrance?"

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Here we go again with the ridiculous fear mongering insane BS. That’s enough now. Enough with all this circus based on fantasy belief, hygienism and ideology rather than science.

1 ( +6 / -5 )


I don’t think what you mentioned would go on forever. Just for now when things are a bit over the top and people are not comfortable with some behaviors that might contribute nothing to infection prevention, we would think a restricted border will help better control the pandemic here. As no enforcement is done here so when borders are reopen, who cares if you or other visitors don’t really do as what many locals do. We would be off masks too when the condition is right. Partitions will be gone when pandemic is gone… Telling it being silly if you like but it’s some caution we do to protect our own life.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

@Thomas Goodtime

”Japanese people don't have better personal hygiene”

I wouldn’t argue along this line but as you said it I think it’s like birds of the same feathers flock together!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Great title

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

How can you identify criminals if all you can see of the entire population are pairs of dark eyes?

More of a problem outside Japan

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

For those that don't know, Omicron has a separate evolutionary path from Delta. Immunity against one doesn't help much against the other. And those viruses are still as dangerous as before, even if you don't get into a serious condition, you may still have long-term persistent problems after it.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

 I think this is a sign of a massive inter-cultural communication problem that's arising for the future. Even after the virus becomes only endemic, Japanese will keep on the masks and most other cautious measures.

An interesting point. The Japanese society is also collective and conformist. What Japanese need is the first penguin to dive into the sea. Once a certain number of key people start dropping their masks, throw away clear panels for a valid reason, the rest majority will rush to follow suit. This is actually how Japan has attained the vax rollout where the country has arisen from the bottom to the top level in a very short period of time. "Your friends, neighbors have already got a shot, why don't you?" is a very striking phrase.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Except by looking at recent date from South Africa, that is incorrect. Delta and vaccines do not protect from Omicron, whereas Omicron protects against Delta. This is very important as we know for a fact that Delta is more deadly.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Several people here comment that Japanese support the closed borders because they can't expect the same level of [preventative hygiene] measures from foreigners.

I think that the vast majority of Japanese citizens currently support strict border restrictions due to the fact that (as I wrote earlier) they believe the domestic COVID threat is significantly less severe right now than it is in many, if not in most, overseas locations.


3 ( +5 / -2 )

The tenor of the majority of comments is stupefying and plainly ignorant. Incapable of realizing the nature and breath of the pandemic - asserting all manner of nonsense. What remains and is true: vaccination, following established protocols and disallowing foreign tourists and visitors.

The queer formulation, falsely stating that omicron is akin to influenza or viral rhinitis, that acquiring omicron will lead to herd immunity and then claiming it would be wise to ditch the mask and protective measures with a less than witty penguin reference.

One wonders, why do foreigners who are unable to respect the culture in which they dwell, here in Japan, choose to live here and are continually antagonistic towards the present social customs and lacking in self-reflection? Let alone that the states from which they emanate are anything but laudable.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Richard Gallagher- not making light of the culture, but here's the reality- 2 years into this we have a vaccine and masked and social distanced all we can. If you don't get a vaccine then feel free to live or die with that choice.

For everyone else who is doing everything it's time to move on and not go into hysterics and accept that this disease will be with us for an indefinite period.

Show me some stats please where vaccinated fatality rate is higher than that of the seasonal flu. I have yet to see that, yet we shut down borders, economies, and lives still like we do not have mitigations in place. It gets old.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Show me some stats please where vaccinated fatality rate is higher than that of the seasonal flu. I have yet to see that, yet we shut down borders, economies, and lives still like we do not have mitigations in place. It gets old

That's not the reason for the mitigation measures but in any case why do you think it's a good idea to find that out first before implementing measures?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Gambatte Japan.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

If Japanese people aren’t buying it why do 80% support closed borders?

Because the virus is only an excuse to close the borders. It has never been a real measure against SARS-CoV-2

0 ( +5 / -5 )

I am yet to see any findings that stipulates border closure as a solution to SARS-CoV-2. Take a look at what is happening in the USA today, they insisted that the old gets booster shots and remain at close examination. Go to UK, they are afraid to stop fans from watching their usual premiership games. While business and schools continue that regular activities. Border closure declines economic growth. We are in the tesla generation not in the 90's. You can't keep tourists and international students in their country. How then do you grow and survive? I am a foreign student yet to witness Japan classroom experience.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Dear oh dear old chap, you are getting into a tizzy over this queer event. Omicron effects the upper respiratory tract not into the lungs like previous variants which is why it is far less deadly. It also provides an excellent immune response against other variants, we need it to spread as there’s no stopping it anyway.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Because the virus is only an excuse to close the borders. It has never been a real measure against SARS-CoV-2


I was thinking they want (need) it open(ed).

What do you think is the real reason they closed the borders?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

over 103 cases in Tokyo today. Still 1 severe case. Number of new infections in double vaccinated folks has been around 40s the last few days. 31 not clear of vac status today. Not sure why unclear…

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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