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© 2019 AFPSpa! magazine apologizes for women's university 'sex listing'
By Martin Bureau TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Toasted Heretic
Trashy stuff and completely misogynistic.
Wow... Spa is trashy magazine anyway, not really surprised they created a guide to rape at schools.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Pretty much what you would expect from Spa Magazine.
In Japan, any lady that attends these parties expects to be sexualized and propositioned repeatedly. It’s like a game here.
You really are a pathetic excuse of a man, if you have to result to this to find a girl.
I’m no movie star and had no trouble meeting women in Japan....but unfortunately there are plenty that read this trash as scripture.
Yet the article states how ‘popular’ these parties are amongst female students.
Sex in Japan is a massive business which involves a lot of cash changing hands.
What I see in Japan are more foreigners working part time and less Japanese- where are they going?
Dango bong
what in the world are people thinking when they publish this garbage
When I was a teenager, Playboy Magazine (which I read only for the articles) would have “girls of ——— college/university” specials. This is a similar publicity stunt.
This is much worse than that Spa! article, but nobody seems to be complaining about it.
wow that's great advice have sex at a drinking party so you can be accused of rape when the girl wakes up
Reason being is that in general ALL are willing participants!
Any cute lady with a head on her shoulders is, generally speaking, playing the boys in the room. She’ll get taken on many paid dates and shopped and wined and dined.
What were the results/rankings?
Spot on. Enough with the bleating and crocodile tears.
Just saw that BBC had this up on their website. Great way to create a lasting impression.
Ok the article seems rather stupid/tasteless THAT is what SPA is!
Now as other astute potters have pointed out:
How about women respecting themselves, just sayin. Take some responsibility instead of the usual shifting of blame onto others......
it is 38,071 and rising, I hope the magazine will shut down
Ricky Kaminski13
Where’s the list?
I don't get the hate of SPA, it seems like they're reporting on a real problem that happens at schools and probably leads to a lot of rapes and other uncomfortable situations, although you'd think the girls would have enough common sense to not attend them if they weren't looking for it. I think people are more ashamed that SPA reported that these parties exist to begin with and that it paints the image of those girls as "easy", but if the shoe fits...
Paul Laimal-Convoy
Anything that encourages the objectification of women to the point that sexual harassment or abuse is seen as permissable/encouraged is not acceptable in this day and age.
This doesn't mean that "sexual" matters, or tips on how to increase the chances of meeting potential sex/life partners is intrinsically wrong, but there are appropriate and inclusive ways to go about it.
Publishing lists of "easy, drunk women" isn't one of them. I'm honestly surprised that some posters here think it's fine. Perhaps they are mentally quite young/in their teens?
Chip Star
You're not surprised that a magazine didn't do what you are accusing it of doing?
Toasted Heretic
I'm not. There were some last year who were salivating over free gropes from a schoolgirl in Tokyo.
Yep. Or they think women are here just to satisfy their inadequacies. Whatever the reasons, this is a scuzzy article for the magazine to publish and encourages men (some men) to treat women as chattel.
So, they are virtual hostesses and these creeps want them to be prostitutes too. The sad thing is, a lot of these women enjoy the attention. Japan is a strange place when it comes to sexism.
jiji Xx
@Dango bong
my guess is that they're thinking of all the free publicity 'outrage' generates....
What's the big deal? The girl gets "guaranteed" (ギャラ) drinks, and at the end of the night, if she likes a guy enough and if she's that type, she'll sleep with him. If most guys who read Shukan Spa are ogres, I'm sure most girls even with the thickest of beer goggles would not sleep with them, regardless of which university they attend.
If anything, the magazine did a service to the female students at these universities. If students there do a bit of soul searching, they may harden their personalities to resist drinking too much and resist advances from guys who think they are easy simply because they attend these universities. This article will make these women stronger!!! (or not).
Alex Einz
I hoped Spa wouldnt budge to it, too bad.
Nobody forcing women to participate in gyaranomi .2.If you accept money for drinking with men ( and probably more ) you are sexualizing yourself, so look in mirror first.
3.Silencing the talk about it does absolutely nothing to resolve ( in case there is anything needing to be resolved )
4.getting paid for drinking is probably way better way to make add-on living than deriheru....
If I were to print a list of the best bars to find willing Japanese women, based on my experience, would that be offensive (What the Dickens' if anyone wants to know number one - in my (not so) recent experience)? Would a girls mag printing a list of where to find the sexiest men be offensive? Or the same girls mag recommending the best love hotels? Or is it that some people search high and low to be offended by what most would just shrug of as frivolous nonsense?
Don't forget the WEF gender gap report, last year Japan was near the bottom, 110th out of 149 countries. There are much, much more subtler and "innocuous" discriminatory social norms in business, schools, families, entertainment, government red tape, LIFE, that keep Japan's ranking low, that as a foreign woman coming from a different kind of educational background I notice everyday. I wish those things would be noticed as much as this kind of raggy article that grabs headlines. Things won't change unless enough Japanese people want it to.
Yes Spa!! is reflective of Japanese misogyny, but still only 28,000 signatures on the protest also tells you that broadly speaking Japan just goes Meh!
Didn't the high and mighty Facebook start off rating students' looks at Harvard?
Terrible article by that magazine.
But I must say this: anyone who views pornography really has no moral basis for condemning it.
To object to this article, but to delight in pornography, is quite hypocritical.
Society is horribly over-obsessed with sex. So, while I certainly agree that this article is terrible, is it really any surprise that our hypersexualized society has created an atmosphere for such things?
Folks, you are all of COURSE fine to have your opinion one way or some other on the article in question.
But trying to ban free speech is a rather daft way to go, we are seeing more & more of this in the west especially on campuses where these young people think the know it all...….haha been there & DONE that, but thankfully I was never as daft as many of these sjw types of today which spout non sense a lot of the time & rarely think much of anything through.
Same is happening with this SPA article a bit, again you a re free to for your opinion on it, but no need to stifle or censor, let SPA spew its crap.
And please stop the shaming tactics like
while the whole idea seems daft for me it is clear the ladies are FREE to attend or NOT, same with places that have "ladies night" or similar
It's Spa Magazine's fault that Japanese women willingly go to parties that they know is for men wanting to meet women (and vice versa), is based around getting drunk, and oh wow - big surprise - the guys want sex?
Seems if the women didn't participate, these parties would die off since it would just be a sausage fest otherwise. And just the same, if they weren't so easy to say yes to hoping into bed, they would get their reputation of being easy. Kind of in the same way that Japanese girls have the same reputation.
Find it more funny how people here get all offended, but then most of them have probably gone to international parties when they first came here, where the guys are not going to "make friends" or how tried their best to get Japanese ladies into bed in the free time.
Why would you pay women to attend your party? Sounds like a bunch of losers who got no game.
Gyara nomi is a new euphemism for what are normally called "companions" in katakana, women who are paid to go to drinking parties to liven them up. A companion will normally be dispatched by a company, which will take a cut and set guidelines. Because women who do gyara nomi are private individuals, I guess some men assume that guidelines do not apply and that you can pick the women up for sex. The going rate will be at least 10,000 yen a party, plus free food and drink. Assuming the woman is thick skinned, this may seem like easy money for two to three hours "work".
The same thing, paid dating and more, happens in the West under the euphemism "sugar daddy". As the other posters note, the existence of women prepared to do this does nothing for women's status in Japan. Some of the social media services promoting gyara nomi suggest its a way for women to get paid handsomely while meeting high earners, again reinforcing gender stereotypes.
fwiw, the offending magazine has a list of universities along with comments that suggest women who are a bit plain and whose hair, clothes, makeup, bag are a bit messy are easy to pick up, not the well-dressed and well-appointed ones. Putting it in these terms is tasteless, but "lower your standards" is probably going to be good advice to anyone looking to have sex with as many people as possible.
Look!; it's time to get "Offended" by something, AGAIN.
Agree. When I first came here I wanted to make friends and learn English. I went to a couple of international parties, but all the Japanese women wanted to do is to get in bed with a foreigner.
Toasted Heretic
Agreed, the idiots should be allowed expose their shortcomings and it may serve as a cautinary warning to anyone entertaining the idea of going to one of these parties.
Trying to ban free speech is a rather daft way to go, don't you think? People who are brave enough to take advantage of women, and indulge in objectifying women and teens - I'm sure they can handle a bit of shaming.
Bugle Boy of Company B
I think many people are rather confused.
Guys will go after women (sober or drunk) at ANY university. This article merely shows which universities have more girls with lower standards. If people want to be angry, be angry at the easy girls at the universities at the top of the list - OR - be angry with guys everywhere.
Oh! The horror! I hope you resisted.
Kenji Fujimori
Japan ranks bottom of the G7 countries on female representation in politics and business, and campaigns like the #MeToo movement have struggled to take off in the country.
"Japan ranks bottom..."
Yes, and they always will so long as pointing that out in leads to the knee-jerk reaction of being offended instead of trying to change, and in fact, often going backwards just for spite.
In any case, this is pure and simple sexism, and rather disgusting for this day and age. It's the kind of thing men and women might gossip about, but not at all fit for a magazine survey. And notice how there is no apology for doing it, just the usual, "Sorry if people are upset about it." The saddest part is that not only will they get no punishment at all, sales will increase and this kind of survey will become a trend for them.
As a woman myself, i don't necessarily dislike it. I'm rather fed up with mediocre antisexism movements.
Super Free by any other name. Oh you pretty things, don’t you know you’re driving your Mamas and Papas insane.
Regarding Japan's 110th or so world ranking of gender equality, it should be noted that Japan scores highly on both education and health. The problem areas are business and politics. Since Japanese women are educated, there really should be more pressure to improve women's situation on those two front. Regarding politics, it would of course help if women actually voted for women candidates and boycotted the usual old buffers who call women "baby machines" and the like.
Toasted Heretic
Nothing wrong at all with talking about sex. But perhaps misogyny and general rapiness should get the short shrift it deserves.
Today sexism equals - daring to think a woman can actually enjoy sex.
What kind of idiot adults who run Spa would condone and publish such a survey? That this type of behavior is not unusual is indicative of the mentality of too many Japanese males. Education on rights of females should be taught from an early age.
Toasted Heretic
Agreed, macv. And it's not just Japanese males that need educating.
You give these women / girls good salaries respect for them would go up. They would be freer to choose quality mates.
If there were no women willing to accept money to attend these drinking parties, what do you know, there wouldn't be any issue or survey to complain about. If the same women didn't then decide to have sex with guys(s) from the drinking parties, there would also be no issue or survey to complain about because world would quickly spread that there is no action to be found there, the women would no longer be asked to attend (or be paid), and normalcy would quickly return to the college campuses.