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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Japan may form new unit to watch Chinese navy
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Admittedly, I am no military expert, but 200 folks to watch some radar screens sounds like over-kill. Also, why would you announce to China and the world that you intend to do this? Isn't a big part of the intelligence game about keeping the other side guessing as to exactly what you are up to and what tracking/spying you are doing?
More empty posturing from America's 51st state.
This island is so close to Taiwan it's funny how japan can say it is there island. Only time will tell of who will own the islands. MY MONEY IS ON THE CHINESE ? Does anybody want to bet / wager ?
This island should be the soverignty of Taiwan. 120 miles off the coast of taiwan not Kyushu or Okinawa but Taiwan.
Before the PRC started to escalate their territorial claims the GoJ deemed improve defense unnecessary, their heavy-handed tactics reversed the trend of downgrade defense. It seems to be a message, it imply that the GoJ is planing to defend the islands if the PRC try to take them by force.
It's probably a bargaining chip.
All the more reason to have a station monitoring mainland Chinese activities.
Time for the Samurai Spirit with the US of A. There are boundaries that should not be crossed. However, how about joint exploration?
"Watch" the Chinese Navy. They couldn't even handle a drunk fisherman in a rust-bucket of a boat....
Come back when China gives up all claims to the Spratly Islands, 100 miles off the coast of the Philippines, not...
I can't believe this issue hasn't died out. China just wants to grab more land and resources. I read online certain factions in the party are keeping the issue alive. In the end, what a waste of time!
And remember when they couldn't stop a N Korea boat that hauled ass out of the area? More waste of time and money for Japan.
Um, don' we have satellites for this?
You mean the one that fired machineguns and rockets at the coast guard, forcing them to use their cannon to sink it? I think that qualifies as stopping.
Japan's Navy is awesome. China needs to be careful on this one.
I could have sworn that they got away. Might no have been this instance...
Is there any neighboring country that China does not have a territorial dispute with?
Given the video leak on the JCG, it would be prudent for them to look into a variable sequence code lock on all digital communications synchronized to something uniquely to a Japanese device.
And zero miles off the coast of Japanese territiory.
whiskeysour: "This island should be the soverignty of Taiwan. 120 miles off the coast of taiwan not Kyushu or Okinawa but Taiwan."
I have no idea what you are going on about this rightfully being Taiwan it has never been part of Taiwan and was part of the Ryukyu Kingdom (since at least 1600) that to my knowledge for better or worse is all part of Japan now and unless China or Taiwan suddenly come out and openly state what they have often hinted that all of the former Ryukyu territories are theirs then how close or far this island it for either Taiwan or the main Japanese islands is a moot point!
FYI It is not part of the Senkaku islands if that's what you are thinking do do some checking before making comments.
cruzcontrol..... is there any neighboring country japan does not have a territorial dispute with?
Nice move Japan. You should implement it sooner.
Without doing that, you will lose the territory because China is known for creeping-attack strategy. They will put (floating) buoy first near to the boundary then moving little by little to be followed with fishing boat loaded with special forces disguising as fishermen. Then if you don't drive them away, fishermen then will change clothes to a military uniform. Once in military uniform, Japan can no longer attack or capture using Coast Guard easily.
This move by Japan should have a complimentary action. The SDF should donate all their F-4 Phantoms to the Philippines who is with territorial dispute with China too. Replace all those F-4 with F-15 or or F-18 plus a squadron of spy plane thats can loiter in the air for more than 48 hours.
Then China will have a big problem with the Philippines having F-4 because Spratly is just about 100 miles her coastline. I read an article that the Philippines was blasting all the (floating) buoy put by China using Vietnam-era vintage Huey and propeller-driven war-planes used in counter-insurgency (COIN planes) because that all She has. The Philippines has the weakest air-force in the whole Asia but in spite of that, has the guts to stand face-to-face with China in the Spratly.
could have sworn that they got away. Might no have been this instance... A lot, is there any neighboring country that Japan does not have a territorial dispute with??
CruzControl at 05:17 PM JST - 11th November
Is there any neighboring country that China does not have a territorial dispute with?
susano: "is there any neighboring country japan does not have a territorial dispute with?"
Japan only has 3 neighbors (China and Taiwan considered one) and if you check things out most countries have some territorial issues Canada also has just 3 neighboring countries and is in territorial dispute with all 3 the difference between Canada its 3 neighbors and Japan versus that of China is that the 5 former are acting is a civilized manner compared to the way China has been acting with all 17 of it's territorial disputes.
"cruzcontrol..... is there any neighboring country japan does not have a territorial dispute with?"
Once a country declares war illegal and adopts a Constitution of peace, it is surprising how many "tough diplomatic problems" pop up, isn't it?
what I'm getting at it does not belong to japan.
It belongs to china or Taiwan.
Even (clinton) the USA doesn't want to get involved who rightfully owns the land.
Don't worry the islands will be owned by china.
China doesn't forget easy ! ! !
Limbojapan have you ever been to Kyushu ? Or traveled around japan
Did you know japan has over 1000 islands in their posession how many islands do you need really ?
Pretty soon Hawaiian Islands be be disputed over
whiskeysour, your logic is warped and lacking. China is in a recources grab stage. It is in the process of antagonising virtually every neghbouring country and much of the rest of ther world.
This is not the way forward. Cooperation, respect for others and common sense when considering land and sea claims.
Whether a country has 1000, 10000 or no islands is not at issue, rather who lives there now. Using your logic Taiwan should be return the original inhabitants who now compose 2% of the population.
This little move will cause China expand more of it's navy troops.
Agree, I doubt China gets rattled quickly. Perhaps if MAEHERA would simply mention multilateral approachment-- but the Foreign Minister won't-- then maybe the Chinese and the region would get the message!
I think you're very wrong. It's Japanese territory, defended by both Japan and the United States. China is not going to challenge that. Taiwan won't because it plays a role in US support for Taiwan defense.
If China wants to be seen as even more of threat by all of Asia than it already is, go for it.
An often repeated ridiculous question. Japan has 4 disputes. SKOrea has 4 or 5 disputes. CHINA HAS 17 and leads Asia with disputes with neigbhors in Asia.
..and may produce more children to match with Chinese population ! Thank USA for looking after Japan !
America will not defend these people. DIY.
whiskeysour at 07:31 PM JST - 11th November:
I put Your remarks in quotes followed by my reply.
"what I'm getting at it does not belong to japan. It belongs to china or Taiwan. Even (clinton) the USA doesn't want to get involved who rightfully owns the land."
1- Could you please elaborate on the assertion and also please point out where this island was ever mentioned but the USA!
Again I think you are confused as to what island the article is referring to, Yonaguni Island is an inhabited island that is NOT part of the Senkaku group and has been inhabited since at least the 1600's by the people of Ryukyu.
Why would it be rightfully Taiwan's or China's?
" Don't worry the islands will be owned by china.China doesn't forget easy ! ! !"
2- What do they not forget that the island was never in their possession and was always part of the Ryukyu Kingdom!
It seems that you and China have very bad memories and knowledge of history, if you did then you would know that throughout it's history Japan was not an aggressor or an invader of other save for a very short period of around 60 years prior to that it was isolationist quite to contrary for China which for Centuries had been expanding and invading all it's neighbors including attempts on Japan, please read a bit of history it would not make your comment look so bad.
" Limbojapan have you ever been to Kyushu ? Or traveled around japan"
3- The answer is yes I have been to every prefecture in Japan except Okinawa for business during my 19 years here and I seem to know quite a bit more about them then you seem to.
" Did you know japan has over 1000 islands in their possession how many islands do you need really ?"
4- Yes and your point? Canada has a lot more than that do you want Canada to give them to some needy country or under your logic do you expect Canada to go after more!
"Pretty soon Hawaiian Islands be be disputed over"
5- if you are referring to Japan please read my second point again.
If you are referring to China I would not be surprised seeing they are now claiming territorial rights in the Arctic despite the fact not a single piece of their territory even comes close to bordering the Arctic.
"China doesn't forget easy ! ! "
that interesting coming from a country that was mostly ILLITERATE in the last century and had very low literary rates..unlike Japan.
But it does show by the immature way China behaves on the world stage. Give it another century then the neighbours maybe wouldn't need to watch their immature neighbour so much.
"Pretty soon Hawaiian Islands be be disputed over"
Hawaii was disputed over and doesn't have a very clean history and was taken with the threat of force and discrimination against asains...but not sure that has much to do with China or watching China by another Asian country.
Elbuda Mexicano
If you want to end up being a slave for the Chinese, sure let them take the Senkaku islands, let them take away Okinawa, hell let them take all of Japan, Hawaii, Alaska, the entire west coast of the USA.
Marion Wm Steele
Shades of de-ja-vu! Seems that Japan was the one that started World War Two and they started it by attacking "islands", beginning with Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, Wake, Guam, the Solomons and I first met with them in New Calidonia - and the list could go on and on seems they doe on islands and today Iaccuse them almost daily of "breeding a scab on their nose, because they irratate every one of thier neighbors. This includes Okinawa who they annexed in 1879 and was responsible for the lose of over 240,000 Ryukyuan lives whe they used Okinawa as a buffer to protect the four main islands on Japan Sorry, but I can;t trust them!!!
Watching the Chinese navy is a nice idea, but will build up a navy to counter the Chinese, or will they continue to hide behind the (slowly declining) US? That is question.
You cannot keep bringing up the past. Those who commited attrocities 70 years ago are dead. You need to move on, Hatred breeds hatred.
Using history to justify modern day prejudice is both dangerous and childish.
@TheMarion at 11:04 PM JST - 11th November
Please learn history and if you like read what I wrote in point 2 in my post at 10:25 PM or just take a quick look at wiki and the history of Japan and that of China and then comment on which country has the real history as an aggressor.
I'll give you a hint one country entire history of aggressive behavior towards it neighbors lasted about 60 years and the other for several centuries and is still going on today.
You guess which is which!
Waste money and resource, create jobs though.
Do they think seriously Chinese will bother to send navy to Japan if any conflict happens? It will be mushroom clouds.
Getting back to the source of the article, it's interesting to note that China appears to be in the 2nd phase of it's naval expansion. 2010-2011 is the year where a dozen or more new warships will be brought online; destroyers, fleet replenishment ships, frigates, stealth diesel submarines with AIP, a landing platform dock, and of course the revamped Varyag aircraft carrier.
From 2012-2015 China should field its 3rd generation SSBN and SSN submarines. Plenty of additional assets to deploy further away from home.
After saving the world from global financial collapse, China appears to be focusing on it's version of the Monroe Doctrine.
Other countries including Japan have military equipment, standard of living, etc that China is trying to emulate with alot of help with their economy from the outside world..but their behaviour on the world stage is what China is being judged on... and the root of the problems.
Instead of building up Japan's own navy, japan would like to create a "watch dog" unit for the United, Japan, you are doing things which are beyond the call of duty for us!! Thank you.
The U.S. Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense disagree with you.
Good for you Marion. The United States and the US Armed Forces can. Too bad you can't.
Actually, it is the security treaty which will disagree with him. The secretaries will have to do what the treaty defines.
"an increasingly aggressive stance" certainly describes Japan as well. These two countries deserve each other!
Yep. Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Tajikistan.
...while japan has territorial disputes with 100% of their neighbours. aww poor japan...
Actually, a treaty, agreement or contract can not "disagree" with a person. One or more individuals, as well as governments, based upon the terms and conditons of a treaty, agreement or contract can disagree with a person.
So that individuals or government can also interpret or justify what the treaty defines based on your statement....well, which is kinda true because that security treaty "won't work" when the Russian took over some japanese islands because the U.S government says so?
Japan's focus on detection capability is late. South East Asian defence spending, particularly on navies, has increased dramatically. These countries saw China's rise as a hard threat. Japan was hoping China would continue its soft power approach - however the Chinese party's ideology and control structures would always be based on unbalanced power.
This is not just East China Sea problem for Japan. There are 2,000 miles of coastline in Japan itself. With unpredictability of China military buildup, Japan has to adjust to securing their borders. With the future budget cuts in the U.S. defense, Japan has to take increase responsibility of their borders and surroundings. Time to wake up.
It's a shame that Japan is surrounded by unfriendly and/or hostile neighbors.
It's also amusing that Japan's best friend is the nation that nuked 2 of her cities and firebombed the rest.
The main focus for Japan is about increase in detailed surveillance from new technology satillites, unmanned planes, submarines, and new fighter planes. The change will focus on direct monitoring of China's military and civilian behavior, activities, and other information. Japan has to make drastic changes in gathering of intelligance. It's about time Japan is finally becoming aware of the potential dangers of surroundings.
Jeff Huffman
whiskeysour at 07:31 PM JST - 11th November Limbosojapan what I'm getting at it does not belong to japan. It belongs to china or Taiwan.
Incorrect. The islands have always been considered part of the Ryukyus. The Chinese themselves acknowledged this three time in the last 100 years, including once after the commies took power. The only reason the Chinese want these islands now is for the oil and gas assumed to be in their vicinity. Before this was known, they had not interest in them. Same is true for the islands off the coast of Vietnam that it's been in dispute with Vietnam for at least a decade.
Do a little research before you start making such claims.
You know what is more amusing? We are actually borrowing money from China to upgrade our military equipments so we can better defense Japan from Chinese attackers LOlz?!?
Well, so are you saying that the Chinese and the Taiwanese are working together to corner Japan? Why are they both claiming those islands then? As south China sea issue, China and Taiwan are claiming the ownership of that area too before they even found oil or natural gas, are you implying that China and Taiwan trying to take over the southeast Asia?
jeffrey at 05:01 AM JST - 12th November. Japan has apologized several times over the last decade and went one better by being pretty much responsible for the Chinese "economic miracle" as the primary initially supplier for capital and technology transfer.
But how sincere is Japan's apology? This year you have 66 lawmakers going to Yasukuni to pray for 2.5 million war veterans that massacured China and Nanking. This is incease from 48 two years ago. The taxpayers are paying for these lawmakers to attend. How ridiculous Japan thinks.
is the 2.5M coming directly from the Japanese government? if not, it would just be considered personal donation.
ICBM70 at 05:12 AM JST - 12th November. is the 2.5M coming directly from the Japanese government? if not, it would just be considered personal donation.
Let me clarify. There is are over 2,500,000 veterans of Japanese Imperial Army (1931-1945). Yasukuni stands for shrine/cemetary that remembers these veterans that served in WWII. These 66 lawmakers attended prayer for these veterans. Other than PM Koizumi, all other recent PM never visits there.
Indviduals don't interpret treaties, the legal departments of her signatory governments do. The government officialds follow that interpretation.
Not because the US goverment says so or not. Because under Article 5 of the US-Japan security treaty, the U.S. is obligated to defend and "Japanese controlled territory". In the case of the Senkakus, Japan obviously controls them. In the case of the Northern Islands, the US (as well as the UK and EU) recognize they are owned by Japan but are under Russian control.
If an apology is given at all it is sincere. What's not sincere is that some Chinese refuse to accept it. In the first instance they always claim that Japan has never apologized. CNN reports that Japan has apologized at least 17 times. The first time was in 1972 when Mao Tse Tung and Chou En Lai themselves accepted PM Tanaka's apology resulting in the 1972 Sino-Japanese Friendship Treaty. Faced with evidence of this kind that Japan has apologized, the next step is always to claim that it is insincere. That is a subjective interpretation and is used as an excuse to deny that Japan has apologized so that anti-Japan sentiment can continue. For this reason the usual anti-japan rantings aren't taken very seriously anymore besides their own choir.
Yes it's a shame that Japan is surrounded by two totalitarian dictatorships and one same old xxxx in a new bottle.
It isn't amusing at all if you understand the US agenda of supporting democracy. And we don't carry a big chip on our shoulder, which explains why we are best friends. Aren't you glad we didn't nuke 4 of YOUR cities as MacArthur had planned?
OssanAmerica at 05:43 AM JST - 12th November. If an apology is given at all it is sincere. What's not sincere is that some Chinese refuse to accept it. In the first instance they always claim that Japan has never apologized. CNN reports that Japan has apologized at least 17 times. The first time was in 1972 when Mao Tse Tung and Chou En Lai themselves accepted PM Tanaka's apology resulting in the 1972 Sino-Japanese Friendship Treaty. Faced with evidence of this kind that Japan has apologized, the next step is always to claim that it is insincere.
Talk is cheap but how sincere is Japan textbook? Japan's action has been a problem. Japan's WWII history textbooks for schools continued under PM Koizumi whose LDP had a history of supporting the cover-up of Japan's war guilt and war crimes, and then backing down when the level of protest from Asian neighbors, especially from Korean and China, resulting in Japanese liberals causes embarrassment to Japan internationally. Even today, China has distrust in Japan due to actions of last four decades. This is why they call Japan, the land of two faces.
TheMarion, Most Okinawa people including me do not want to be part of Red China. Therefore we are going to have and defend ourselves.
Nations of all sorts have much to be ashamed of, that is generally how they became nations, taking land from others and killing in their wake.
All nations hounor their war dead, (not something I personally agree with, so whether it is Yasukuni, Lenin or for that matter the millions that pay tribute to Mao each year. ALL of them are guilty of attrocities.
It appears that a video of this new unit on maneuvers has been leaked:
Oops, looks like the Japanese Coast Guard dancing in high school girl's uniforms has been taken down.
Japan's textbooks for one describe Japan as the aggressor in WWII. So, they are not "white washed". Secondly, textbooks designed for Japoanese schools within Japan are really none of China's business. As they love to say "don't interfere in our interal affairs". Finally, Chinese have no qualification to even be commenting on state controlled information and propaganda.
China has distrust because the CCP has used anti-Japan sentiment as a tool to control the masses. And it's still going on now. What's amusing about this is that it was the KMT that fought the Japanese, not the communists.The fact is that Japan's aggression ended in 1945, amd is therefore history and irrelevant, whereas China's aggressions started in 1949 and are going on today and relvant to the world right now.
Pro-China group here are a few question.
Please name the countries that Japan has invaded or attacked prior to 1885 and after 1945?
Now name the countries that China has invade in that same period?
Give you a start:
Japan attempt on Korea in 1552 and 1598 oops can't find much else.
China: Vietnam, Russia, Japan, Taiwan (When it was controlled by the now dwindling natives), India, Korea, Mongolia,now you guys can continue the list it goes on for centuries could get long.
@guanyuu1989;at 04:07 AM JST - 12th November,
You are wrong regarding your list I'll let you figure out where.
And Again I keep having to bring up that the island in question (Yonaguni) is not part of the supposed disputed Senkaku but part of the Ryukyu Kingdom since the 12th century and inhabited by the people of Ryukyu ever since and officially incorporated into Ryukyu in 1610, NEVER part of China not even for one single second!
China has so brainwashed people inside and outside its country that many here have forgotten how China became so large and that is by war and invasion over the centuries China has been THE invader of other countries and territories and it is only natural that its neighbor keep an eye on it.
Japan is doing nothing different then just about every other neighbor has been doing the only difference is that Japan is not being secretive about it and has the technology to do it using fewer location to cover larger a area Vietnam has hundreds of these kind of places and they are all pointing towards China so does India and Russia.
So what if Japan keeps an eye in the local historical bully everyone else is!
OssanAmerica at 07:55 AM JST - 12th November. Secondly, textbooks designed for Japoanese schools within Japan are really none of China's business. As they love to say "don't interfere in our interal affairs".
So what does apology by Japan mean? Nothing? Japan approve of the textbook that are not factual. No wonder Chinese continued to be pissed off. The History textbook for approval for use in high schools by the Japanese Ministry of Education in late 2000. The highlights of the first draft are by now well known: the Japanese invasion of Asia was called the “war in Asia and the Pacific” and the word“invasion” (shinryaku) changed to “advancement” (shinshutsu), or replaced with neutral phases like “extension of the battle line” (sensen o kakudai). References to Unit 731, a bio-warfare unit that most authoritative researchers claim caused thousands of Chinese deaths, were dropped. The 1937 Nanjing massacre, when some historians estimate imperial troops slaughtered thousands of Chinese civilians, was changed to the “Nanjing incident” and the number of casualties downplayed, with the implication that China fabricated the episode. References to “comfort women,” or an estimated 100,000-200,000 sexual slaves from across Asia forced to service imperial troops, were not included. The comfort women, said Professor Fujioka in a famous essay, were prostitutes and “There is no need to teach children these kinds of facts.” Your right, these textbood is designed for manga Japanese schools.
IssanAmerica; The UK is in the EU.
limboinjapan at 08:21 AM JST - 12th November. Please name the countries that Japan has invaded or attacked prior to 1885 and after 1945? China has been THE invader of other countries and territories and it is only natural that its neighbor keep an eye on it.
Did China EVER INVADED Japan in the last 100 years? What did Japan do between 1931 and 1945? They Butchered and raped all of young children, women and old men in China. Even though texbook denies this, the reality is Japan did 300 years of damage and further by their successors by having denials.
You seem to have but one reply to everything and that is WW2 and that seems to be the extent of your knowledge, when cornered with facts about China and the fact that it has been Asia's traditional aggressor and that Japan and all the rest of it's neighbors need to keep a close eye on it your only defense is WW2.
As for the rest of your comment about text books blah, blah, blah, I will ask you have you ever seen a Chinese history text book two words "pure fiction"!
Come back when you have something new to say on the topic of this surveillance unit and not WW2.
This island was and has always been part of Ryukyu and therefore now part of Japan and Japan can do with it as it pleases and again we are talking about a surveillance unit not a forward military offensive or even defensive unit, What' your problem with it?
limboinjapan at 09:12 AM JST - 12th November. This island was and has always been part of Ryukyu and therefore now part of Japan and Japan can do with it as it pleases .
Then tell me this, If Japan can do with it pleases, why don't Japan put JCG personnel and build military installation in Senkaku? They are afraid of upsetting China?
Correction: The United States, the United Kingdom and the European Parliament...
Wow, I didn't know that "Japan was the aggressor in WWII" or "Japan caused great suffering in many Asian countries" were NOT factual. What you;re really saying is that the textbook isn't written EXACTLY as you would like to be. Well too bad. Anyway, there's no end to your arguments, all of which we've seen and heard a thousand times before and the mod is going to start deleting all this OT nonsense so have a pleasant evening.
Moderator: Readers, no further discussion on textbooks or history. Please discuss what is in the story.
sfjp330;"Then tell me this, If Japan can do with it pleases, why don't Japan put JCG personnel and build military installation in Senkaku? They are afraid of upsetting China?"
Again you show how little you know.
Reasons not inhabited no housing, water, sewage, electricity etc.. as compared to Yonaguni inhabited, 3 towns (and great awamori ) and an airport! I would say more a logistics thing more than anything.
But just for you info there is an unmanned post on one of the Senkaku islands what its for well... technology is everything.
Spot on! BTW limboinjapan, remind that shill for me why China would feel it proper to assert its preeminence over the whole Sth China Sea-- as if it's a former province like the Taiwan-- and perhaps he'd remind you again of... WW2!
The Chinese are regional bullies-- there's only one way the Japanese people would outsmart a bully like China by insisting approachment, with the CCP on the multilateral table. You're Foreign Minister should get the sack by failing to insist on it!
From recent PLAN developments, it looks like they are developing pieces to create a carrier battle group. There's going to be a day in the foreseeable future that a huge Chinese navy fleet will pass by this outpost and the Chinese will yell out loud: "observe all you want, there's nothing you can do to stop us from passing over your territory and yes, we will be doing this frequently, so live with it!"
Yes, as I've mentioned in a previous post, China is now in it's 2nd phase of naval expansion with over a dozen new ships to be commissioned in 2010-2011. Much more to follow.
China is following a very prudent strategy of building small batches of ships over time to evaluate then make progressive improvements on the next batch, before serial production. Other countries went all out and produced huge quantities from the outset, then went bankrupt. With China having the largest cash reserves on earth, a much more sophisticated and larger navy is in the works. This is all being done while providing heavy financial support to the United States and Western Europe, 2 regions in desperate need of Chinese bond purchases to keep their bankrupt economies affloat.
Chinaroomcloud;"This is all being done while providing heavy financial support to the United States and Western Europe, 2 regions in desperate need of Chinese bond purchases to keep their bankrupt economies affloat."
I can remember a time when it was the USA that was propping up everybody and even back then those places were not afraid to tell the USA to shove it when they didn't agree with it and it by far had the biggest military at the time, so cool it with your scare mongering and pro CCP propaganda will you please just like the WW2 crap its all off topic.
Now on topic is the fact that depending on the type of equipment used in this proposed facility they could monitor clear into a good part of both China's and unlike Satellites which everyone know just when they are overhead no one would know where or what they are checking at any given time.
Anyway the future is all about technology and automation and in that sense Japan is decades ahead of China and these type of facilities will most likely start popping up in more and more places some manned some unmanned.
Did someone bring up Bio floating platforms? A massive, absolutely MASSIVE Bio Floating Platform used collaboratively to develop the area is a "good" option. A dispute forestalls the peaceful development of a past seemingly irrelevant area.
Because it alreay invaded Tibet a long time ago. PRC is over-sensitive and obnoxious to all its neighbours.
Quote:"Is there any neighboring country that China does not have a territorial dispute with?"
China is very friendly to its neighbors. Pakistan, Bangladesh and other smaller countries, always threatened by bigger nations, are friendly treated by China.
I don't see any aggressive role play by China in its recent history. Who says that Japan's invasion of Asian countries is fiction? Sorry to see such comments. Japan is a peaceful country now but saying that it was always so, is not true.
Sounds like Mischief Reef... I can imagine a few Chinese living in Tokyo now smiling through their teeth LoL
You forgot to mention Sri Lankans and Tamils in the Indian Ocean. We have a strong TAMIL community in Sydney-- more so now-- and conversing to some Tamil neighbors here, they speak as if China's the hand that feeds AUSTRALIA!
OBVIOUSLY the simplistic pro-CCP propaganda already sucked fellow simpletons! Caveat emptor...
babloo at 05:05 PM JST - 12th November;"China is very friendly to its neighbors. Pakistan, Bangladesh and other smaller countries, always threatened by bigger nations, are friendly treated by China."
You should check your facts and a map first Bangladesh does not border China in any way or form second despite China and Pakistan having signed an agreement on their present borders Pakistan is still claiming the parts of Kashmir that China holds and are also claimed by India.
Good try though!
@limboinjapan... by friendly this guy means 'reciprocal'. In that case, he's right!
PRC (China)was established in 1949. By 1951 China was killing UN troops in the Korean War. Guess you missed the war with India and with Vietnam as well.
jruaustralia:"@limboinjapan... by friendly this guy means 'reciprocal'. In that case, he's right!"
The point was neighboring border countries and Bangladesh is not one and Pakistan may have a treaty for one thing but is still claiming another part so in fact they are still in a territorial dispute but it is on hold due to India being in the middle of the 2.
jruaustralia at 10:29 AM JST - 12th November. The Chinese are regional bullies-- there's only one way the Japanese people would outsmart a bully like China by insisting approachment, with the CCP on the multilateral table. You're Foreign Minister should get the sack by failing to insist on it!
China-Japan bilateral ties are currently in the state of in-depth cooperation. Japan's development and prosperity cannot be separated from China's development and prosperity. Japan cannot afford the cost if it pursues a continued rivalry with China. Moreover, the U.S. gave Japan reassurance to set its mind at ease, but it also has to take U.S.-China relations into account itself.
Interesting enough. I never knew that. Could you please hint at some source?
I need to mention that Kashmir is a disputed territory. I don't see how India could claim it from China when its own hold of the region is unlawful according to the UN resolutions.
By friendly I meant not trying to overpower its smaller neighbors.
Do not let a preditor know that you are showing up to arrest him. This is what Japan is doing to China, North Korea and Russia. All military strategies should be kept secret.
@babloo you're making the quote appear like the original post was from me :)
English please, English!