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© KYODOJapan considers deploying antiship missile unit to Okinawa's main island
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Kazuaki Shimazaki
Matt HartwellToday 09:40 am JST
If either the US, Japan or Australia ever want that to happen, the minimal requirement is for these three to do something that would irrevocably commit them. While it is the nature of alliances to try to sloth off as much as possible onto your ally, one has to commit enough to keep them fighting for you. That was the United States' basic error when handling the Philippines problem. They let their frontline ally confront China, but don't support it in any substantive way against Chinese coercion. What happened next was inevitable.
Future and current generations have to choose between Akie's United State of Northeast Asia and Abe's quad of bluffing.
A2AD for he goose is A2AD for the gander.
Matt Hartwell
We have a treaty level relationship with the U.S that places us pretty much at the same level of Japan under ANZUS. We have Pine Gap. We have access to pretty much any U.S military equipment we like, apart from nuclear. Every major U.S weapons company has operations in Australia and that is ramping up significantly with the current Australian government focus on trying to get more export dollars from industry.
Not just the U.S i should add. We also have close relations with the major European manufacturers, especially BAE.
Japan is our second largest trading partner and there is no doubt that Japans relationship with America has brought Australia and Japan closer. Other than the submarine issue a couple years back and some ongoing drama regarding Japans whale hunts, there really are no impediments to our relationship with Japan. It continues to strengthen year after year and I've never heard an Australian politician in recent times say anything different.
They buy what we sell. Raw materials. And we sell a lot of it. Btw Japan also buys pretty much the same types of materials although not so much iron ore because Japan is not a developing country and nowhere near as vast. There is no need. Like I said, Japan is our No. 2 partner and in fact, when China stops buying coal from Australia, which is not so far away, could end up being No. 1 again.
A stupid act that was not supported by the vast majority of Australians. But it was done by the Northern Territory government, not the Federal government and unfortunately under our laws, the N.T government were within their rights to do so. Its a decision that should be reversed if it can be.
One reason why foreign interferance laws are in the works and Australia is copping a lot of heat from China on the issue. I don't think it will make any difference. The Australian security community are absolutely intent these laws need to happen and by in large, they have bi-partisan support.
Yes, along with India. There about the same actually. The problem we have on immigration is that we cannot be seen to be rejecting Chinese based purely on ethnicity. I want ethnic Chinese who support democracy and freedom, from say Hong Kong, Taiwan even mainland China to be able to come to Australia. I do not want Chinese CCP nationalists. And unfortunately we have not developed the tools necessary to sort the wheat from the chaff. It is a big problem. I freely admit. You should also keep in mind that lot of Chinese go to America as well, so that arguement could equally apply to them.
Im not going to apologise for Australai fighting of Japanese aggression in WW2. Japan bombed the United States. Japan killed many Australian POW's, sometimes brutally. Japan bombed Darwin and had submarines enter Sydney harbour. Our country was under attack and the Japanese Imperial army at that time got what it deserved, 90% of which was at the hands of the Americans btw.
You'd have stronger argument to say its controlled by Washington, but neither is true.
The withdrawel of Chinese students will not bankrupt us. Even the sale of minerals. We sell minerals to a lot of countries. Most of the companies that engage in that sector are not even Australian and secondly its not industry that actually employs vast numbers of people. Also, we will big effort to move onto India in terms of raw materials sales. Thats absolutely sure.
Im sorry you see it that way. The idea we would go against America and now by extension. Japan and India. The two largest democracies in the world and one of our best partners in Asia for the sake of our relationship with China is really not going to happen. Every Australian commentator has noted that if push comes to shove, we will always side with the U.S. There is no doubt about that. That's before you even consider historical ties to the number U.S ally in Europe, the U.K. And the E.U in general.
Australia & Japan will continue to see their relationship strengthen in every way. No doubt.
Ganbare Japan!, stop your foolishness. Where is it in Taiwan it says anti-China ? Where is it in the world it says that Japan is Taiwan's ally ?
Ganbare Japan!
Matt Hartwell:
Actually, I think many Japanese believe Australia needs to prove it is on USA/Japan side before Japanese can accept it as an ally, and work with it. Australia trades too much with China (Number 1 trade partner), sold off Darwim Port to China, allows PRC to directly fund political campaigns of all major parties, has a big Chinese influence in Universities, and very big immigration from mainland China.Also, many Japanese still remember Australia opposed and faught Japanese soldiers in WW2, and killed and captured many. Still bad image.
. In essence, Australia is controlled by China, and if they disagree with the PRC government, they will have their economy bankrupted overnight. (Australias main exports are minerals and education to China).So no, I believe Australia cannot be trusted as an ally in the military/economic fight against China.
Only USA (and perhaps Taiwan) are true Ally with Japan who have the same thinking and anti-China stance always.
Let Abe find all Ganbare Japan! exited on this earth and send all of them to Taiwan and wish them the best.
xin xin, even giving your head to Abe, he will not be so stupid to dream your dream. Okinawa must not be Japan's, or international law will be just a joke.
Hiro S Nobumasa
On the contrary it is the USA that needs to prove if it's a reliable ally to Taiwan and the Philippines.
Albeit, Washington unceremoniously cut-off diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favor of China and also FORCED Japan to follow suit. Ally indeed!
Duterte must have observed that USA did nothin for 5 long years while China was building islands off Palawan and told the PH navy to back off when it confronted China's navy there.
And the world must have noted that Uncle Sam colonized Okinawa even when the sovereign Ryukyuan people told them to leave .
Abe is now placing missiles in Naha at Amerika's behest to use and amplify the China threat so that USA can justify its illegal occupation of the Ryukyuan Republic.
xin xin
Good move. But the most important and bold move would be setting up a military alliance with Taiwan, and placing missiles there or selling them to Taiwan, together with submarine technology. Difficult but doable.
Matt Hartwell
The Phillipines needs to prove they have changed course before I would consider them an ally. There is some evidence to indicate Duterte is a little less pro-China than he was and certainly the average Filipino is none to happy about having their territory taken over.
I don't know about Japan playing too much of a role for Taiwan. They should focus on humanitarian aid I think and sinking ships. I don't see the average Japanese citizen being comfortable with thousands of Japanese soldiers dead for this cause. China is going to do their image enormous damage if they invade. Absolutely enormous. If they attack their own kind for the sake of ideology and the pursuit of absolute power it will leave nobody in doubt, anywhere in the world, that China is the new world colonizer. They can certainly look forward to a lot of blowback in Chinese expat communities worldwide. I would expect some pretty nasty action in Sydney.
I want Japan to design and build their own native fighters. The West needs an alternative to the F35. If we can get a European and Japanese alternative. That is a positive. Not just 5th generation, bu 6th generation going forward.
Hiro S Nobumasa
Using Taiwan as a pretext for installing missiles in the Crimea of Asia is darn hilarious!
Abe can support Taiwan now by just reestablishing diplomatic relations and supporting Taiwan's membership into the UN. Ditto with Amerika, the silent partner of China!
Those da-kine missiles in Naha is clearly designed to prolong the illegal Japanese and Amerikan occupation of Okinawa which is really against UN's principles.
Ganbare Japan!
As I have commented before, THIS scenario if one of the reason Abe-San is leading the push to change the Constitution. Japan WILL play a role in defending freedom and democracy, of close allies Taiwan, USA, Phillippine, etc etc. Japan will help defend Taiwan if it is invaded by Communist China (and experts are now saying this will likely be before 2020). Several 2500-man Brigades in the islands, equipped with ambhibious assault units, will be ready at 24 hour notice to come to Taiwans aid.AND the surface to ship missiles will take out the PRC aircraft carriers and troop carriers out of the equation.
Hiro S Nobumasa
Heck, USA can do whatever it wants and colonize Okinawa and turned it into giant military base even if the Ryukyuan people don't like it.
Abe adding Japanese missiles in the Ryukyus is hilarious and da- kine like running around the bush!
Why not place those missiles in the Senkakus to guard against Chinese invasion?
This move by Shinzo is designed to prolong the Amerikan and Japanese colonization of the Ryukyus now known as the Crimea of Asia.
Japan should install those missiles where the action is and that's in the Senkakus and not in Naha!
China already has a specialized branch; the Rocket Artillery and Space Corps and they have been doing just that for decades.
The Chinese can do whatever the hell they want on their mainland. But when they start intruding on other nation’s waters and airspace and building military installations on other nations islands, then it becomes a major offense.
Daniel Naumoff
And if the Chinese put anti/ship rockets to defend their own mainland? Will it be considered an offense?
This is a defensive weapons system for the defense of Okinawa. It would play no part if the Republic of China is invaded by the Peoples Republic of China. Japan will take no action if this would happen. It is against Article # 9 of our constitution. We need to learn from the mistakes of our past and concern ourselves only with the defense of Japan.
Hokkaido already is home to several fighter air wings and armored/infantry brigades.
A legacy of the Cold War, when Japan, under influence of US advice, was preparing for a land invasion by Crazy Ivan.
The defense environment has now changed and the SDF is shifting its focus to the southwestern islands that are constantly being threatened by Chinese expansion.
Abe should stop picking fight against China. The war was ended 70 years ago and if Abe wants to continue it, he will be a big loser. Okinawa is not Japan's and Japan is not Abe's. If Abe is a real tough guy, he should buy a ticket, go to Beijing, knock Xi's door, and sit down to have a real meeting with him.
Hiro S Nobumasa
Abe's decision to again rape Okinawa by placing missiles on Ryukyuan sacred soil is a prelude to 'Battle of Okinawa, Part 2.
Hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, children and the elderly were killed in a war that Ryukyuans have nothin to do with.
Ryukyuans would again ask Shinzo , where was your dad during the war?
If Abe wants to defend the Senkakus from an invasion by China then why not place the missiles there?
After all Japan constantly declared that those islands are inherent Japanese territory and therefore their is no dispute about sovereignty!
Abe's act of putting those missiles in helpless Okinawa aka the Crimea of Asia not only tramples on the sovereign rights of the Ryukyuan people BUT is a subtle tacit declaration that the Senkakus is not really Japanese territory but rightly belongs to the nascent Taiwan Naruwan Republic.
Common sense would dictate that Nippon should build military bases and batteries of missiles in islands that is inherent Japanese territory and not in the Ryukyus!
Abe should also order the aircraft carrier Izumo to patrol the Senkakus and attack any Chinese ships that dare sail near those isles!
Matt Hartwell, stop abusing democracy. Democracy means tolerance, where is it in your small minded rumblings that you have tolerated different civilizations ? Your intention to divide the Northeast Asia is so obvious. Too bad for you, the Northeast Asia will be more united against your wish.
It would be a deterrent to tourism, that's for sure. I hope the military types posted on Ishigaki, Miyako and Amami-Oshima drop enough money on local businesses to make up for the loss in tourism revenues.
Matt Hartwell
Is this your individual thought bubble or is it a genuine idea in Chinese media etc? I've certainly never read about this idea in any media.
You honestly believe that South Korea and Japan would sell out their successful democracies for a chance to take orders from Beijing? Have you seen South Korean protesters in action? They don't mess around. They tend to take their democracy pretty seriously. Civil war likely I reckon. And the Japanese. Have you ever read any of those polls that measures Japanese attitudes, favorable or not to other countries? China never comes out too favorably.
I know there are strong overlaps in terms of culture, but politically, China is becoming the modern day Soviet Russia. They just banned the letter 'N' for heavans sake because a few Chinese internet users threw around a few naughty words. According to a Guardian article, the following words are currently censored on Weibo
‘Ten thousand years’ (万岁), which is China’s way of saying: ‘Long live!’ or ‘Viva!’
‘Disagree’ (不同意)
‘Xi Zedong’ (习泽东) - a hybrid of the names of Xi and Chairman Mao Zedong
‘Shameless’ (不要脸)
‘Lifelong’ (终身)-‘Personality cult’ (个人崇拜)
-‘Emigrate (移民)
‘Immortality’ (长生不老)...and the letter N
Who on earth would sign up to that level of insanity? Now if China was Taiwan, things would be different...
Interesting they scrubbed "Emigrate" LOL. People looking to bail?
I agree about some sensible reinforcements in Hokkaido. Nothing too provocative. You have to keep in mind that Russia wants to rebuild its influence in the Balkans and Eastern Europe in those countries that share history, language and culture with Russia. Japan does not fit that bill at all. Secondly why open up a Western front with another U.S ally when they already have enough to worry about on their Eastern front with an expanding NATO and E.U.
I just can't see the point for Russia. I can only see them taking steps to match like for like in terms of conventional power. Russia has the GDP of Australia. Its a waste of money for them to annoy Japan too much and have to counter the payback.
Jimizo, thanks for the question. United is Conscious "和“. It is a much broader concept, yet it is much more mutual respect. It is more cultural thing, instead of territorial thing. In the United States of Northeast Asia, people live peacefully and harmonically, freely exchange ideas and gifts, visit each other like relatives, resolve differences with talks, with unified money, unified standards in production, unified language (China, Japan and Korea still share at least 800 common characters). No restrictions in marriage, in citizenship, in education.
Akie, could you please clear up exactly what you mean by ‘united’ with regards to Northeast Asia?
Do you mean one country? A union along the lines of the UK? Something similar to the EU? Just good friends?
Halwick, stop using your ideology to divide Northeast Asians. Japanese are easterners, not westerners. We never eat foods with fingers, no matter how you incite us to do so.
"Interesting move. Limited range"
能ある鷹爪隠す/ A skilled hawk hides its talons.
Don't believe the stated performance of new missiles. The Chinese and the Koreans will find out the hard way the real range of the missiles.
Yubaru wrote the following....
The government is planning on TWO not just Miyako but also on the main island to cover the entire area.
Not obtuse, straight...YOU said Miyako not the main island.
AND I will add that the main island of Okinawa has had surface to surface air defense missiles for quite a long time, with the JSDF, it will be a first that surface to ship missile batteries will be stationed on the main island of Okinawa WITH Miyako too.
With all due respect, there are those in Japan who wishes the US to leave, the constitution changed, and Japan defends itself and have its own military. This is often missing in the comments/discussions here.
Toasted Heretic
Haven't heard that ol' chestnut in a while.
Wanting the military out of Japan doesn't mean you're anti-American and pro-China.
Just means you want Japan free from the influence and dominion of the superpowers.
@Jimizo, Akie means united under China PRC is better.
China, Korea, Japan may be culturally a "big family", but where political ideology is concerned, they ain't and that's the issue. They will never be politically ideologically united......unless they are all forced to be united under China PRC.
It is China PRC doing the dividing in the region by building up and modernizing its military forces and expanding its presence aggressively in the China Seas; supporting North Korea in its goal to unite the entire peninsula under DPRK regime. And finally supporting anti-U.S. protests in Japan and Okinawa to force U.S. military presence out of the region.
Ganbare Japan!
Whaaat? You serious? The Russians are a major threat, already have "gobbled up" Japanese territory, and constantly threaten the region with fighter jets. A couple of Japanese Brigades of 2500-3000 troops each should be placed in Hokkaido across from the illegally occupied Japanese islands. Ready for land assaults. It would get the Hokkaido economy going, reduce unemployment, and let the Russians know who is boss.
@Yubaru....Your obtuse remark makes me think YOU do not read the articles.
Please ask the Chinese government if they think Taiwan is a sovereign nation, they will laugh their arses off at you.
And America "peaceful", guess you haven't ready any news about America for the past 200 years or so.
Matt Hartwell
You really see Russia as a threat? To the Balkans yes, but I can't see them trying to gobble up any Japanese territory or firing off anything unless directly provoked.
The Russians aren't China. They have some funky weapons but they don't have anything like that level of strength. In fact I think post Putin there is a chance that might actually try to pursue better relations with the West, Europe in particular. They'd be a helluva lot better off.
Matt Hartwell
Interesting move. Limited range. Perhaps thats a good thing although no doubt Chinese media will attempt to spin it as something a lot more than it is.
Japan has that right to deploy missiles and China has that right to navigate over that strait and shoot down any incoming missiles! I think China doesnt recognising Okinawa is japan anymore. They were occupied since AD.1879, the long gone Okinawa kingdom!
peaceful, USA??? You need to read some world news.
Yubaru you read articles before you comment? You wrote;
Read the 2nd paragraph.....
Ganbare Japan!
Okinawa is the poorest area of Japan with highest unemployment and lowest development. These bases and military build up in Okinawa will provide jobs and desperately needed money for locals. How hard is that to understand?
Yes, I'm opposed to Okinawa being forced to host so many U.S. bases, but that doesn't mean the SDF should build missile bases while those U.S. bases remain forever as they are. It's so heartbreaking to see hitherto military-free, base-unpolluted islands turned into missile-launching fortresses, thus making them easy targets of attacks in case conflicts should occur.
Good initiative. But Russia is a very serious threat too, don't forget to deploy the similar weapons in northern Hokkaido.
Ganbare Japan!
Japan is well within her rights to fire upon and attack ANY Chinese Military or Commenrcial vessell sailing in these waters, poaching and menacing. Until now, Japan has not opened fire, but with todays massive announcement things will change quickly. Expect no more Chinese ships in the area.
Todays news is fantastic, but Id love to see a full Brigade posted on Ishigaki Island, Amami-Oshima Island and Miyakojima. Having a Brigade in Kyushu is good, but having a Brigade on each island would be a deterrent NO rival military in the area could possibly challenge.Let us hope in time this happens.Having the aircraft carriers in the area soon will be another show of Japans Military might.
@"voiceofokinawa", Are you implying that Japan isn't or shouldn't be allowed to protect its territory and that's okay for Chinese fleet to attack Japanese should conflicts occur?
Since you oppose U.S. forces stationed in Japan or Okinawa, Japan GSDF has to take the initiative . Now you oppose Japan installing that missile unit and personnel on Miyako Island?
You can't have it both ways. Either Japan protects that region or the U.S or both. But then you don't consider China aggressive actions in the region to be threatening, do you?
@Dissillusioned: When China invades and occupies the Senkaku Islands and builds a military base proximity of Okinawa's back yard, then what do you call that?
Jimizo, united is much better than divided.
I still don’t know what you mean by ‘united’. I agree that China, Korea and Japan have far more in common than they care to admit, but I’m still not sure what you are talking about here.
What do you mean by ‘united’?
Jimizo, Northeast Asians are culturally one big family. If Abe can divide Northeast Asia with values, then we should be able to unite it with our culture. Why should neighbors hate each other ? make troubles for others ? Have we suffered enough from the last war ? Are Northeast Asians really so different from each other ? or we are actually very similar with each other ? What is it good for Japan to do anything against China ? Abe uses Americans against China, Abe uses Indians against China, Abe uses Australians against China, Abe even uses Taiwan against China. I am afraid that in the end, Abe himself is used.
I’ve lived in Japan for almost 20 years and spent over a year in China all in all.
I don’t think I’ve come across anyone talking about a ‘United Northeast Asia’. I’m not sure I know what that even means.
voiceofokinawa, there are bad people who don't want a united Northeast Asia. Abe is one of them.
install a surface-to-ship missile unit on Okinawa's Miyako Island to enhance defense against threats to remote islands in the southwest
What bloody threats? From what I’ve seen, Japan is the only one making threats. Japan only needs protection from itself.
The Japanese government believes deploying such missile units on Miyako and Okinawa islands will enable them to attack Chinese fleet passing through the strait in and out of the Pacific Ocean should any conflicts occur? Such war strategy presupposes these Chinese fleet must be destroyed and prevented from navigating the strait freely. What's the underlying meaning of it?
Besides, aren't the U.S. forces stationed in Japan supposed to prevent any such potentiality from ever occurring in the waters near the Japanese archipelago? Will they be simply sitting on the fence? Then, what's the meaning of U.S. forces occupying so much space on land, in the air and at the sea in Japan, especially Okinawa? And the Marines?
Could anyone explain?
B.l. Sharma
Good initiative by the Japanese government to bolster its defense capabilities in view of the frequent threats faced by it in its vicinity.
NihonRyu, you don't need to thank China and other neighbors for being assertiveness and aggression. You are always. Who divided the world with anything possible ? Who proposed quad, diamond, circles, chains ? Which part of the world is the most militarized ? You are talking about laws, then why do you violate international laws to incite Taiwan to separate from China ? You are promoting peace, then why would you prepare for wars ? Who is pretentious ?
What a quartet.
Are you seriously trusting in this shower? I wouldn’t trust this lot to clean a toilet.
To deal with China you need serious people.
Ganbare Japan!, stop bluffing as Abe is. Which international law allows Japan for a total war against neighbors, specifically China ? If not, then stop preparing.
Ganbare Japan!
Me too. Abe-San, Aso-San, Pres. Trump and Michael Pence will sort it out, gauranteed. If the liberal-minded folk are scared, then best to run far away from East Asia.
This is the message to PRC: Japan -- Ready for Peace. Prepared for TOTAL war.
RealCDN, Japanese are Northeast Asians, so are the Chinese. There is no difference between the two. If Japanese are awesome, Chinese must too, because Japanese are just offspring of Chinese. In next a few years, Japan will be no longer No 3, it is already sorted out.
Contrary to what posters from china may post: Japan is awesome, china is not. Looking forward to the next few years within which things should get sorted out.
Ganbare Japan!, how many heads does Abe have to aid Taiwan ? Since the war ended, millions of Japanese were allowed to return back to Japan safely from China and no single bullet fired since then from China to Japan. If Abe dares to raise even one hair against China to liberate Taiwan, he will be finished.
Ganbare Japan!
@ Halwick
I have been reading these reports too. There is a very high chance Communist China will be invading sovereign Taiwan by force by 2020, THIS is exacly a reason Abe-san wants to revise Constitution, so Japan can come to aid of friendly and peaceful soverign nations like Taiwan and USA if the Communist China invades. Communist China would not stand a chance if Japanese military was in the area and fighting side-by-side Taiwan army and Navy and it results in TOTAL war. Japanese military would win within 2-4 weeks the experts say.
The liberal dummies who are against change Constitution just dont get this.
dcog9065, stop double talking like Abe. What is difference between Japan's militarization of Okinawa and Chinese militarization of South China Sea ? If there is any, then China claimed the South China Sea legally in 1945, while Okinawa was "transferred" to Japan without consensus of Okinawa people in 1971.
Abe is bluffing again. There is no way that Japanese will fight China again. If there will be a war, it will be a war that Northeast Asians defend the United States of Northeast Asia.
More offensive weapons spent with tax money against article 9. Miyakojima is a very peaceful, beautiful laid back place. I’m sure the people don’t want it to become another military base and a target.
Very, very good news, and long overdue. The Chinese need to know that any of their ships taking part in any sort of offensive operations against Japan will be eliminated immediately. Far more than a handful of these units should be deployed too and am glad the defense budget is being put to good use here
It's on Miyako Island, not the main Okinawa Island, so Onaga and their anti-U.S. comrades couldn't care less about Miyako. Furthermore, its the Japan GSDF, NOT the U.S. Marines, so again they couldn't care less.
China is expanding its territory by taking control of disputed islands in the region that leads right up to the Ryukyu Islands and mainland Okinawa.
Japan is also probably taking reports that China plans to invade and take Taiwan by force in 2020 very seriously, hence the missile unit installation on Miyako Island to protect that region and Okinawa.
Good news! The type 12 anti ship missile combine with the new xasm-3 anti-ship which is now in full production gives Japan a lethal one two punch. The East China is going to be a grave yard for the PLA Navy.
Payback for the Chinese submarine near senkaku island in January.
Next up the f35B and full deck aircraft carries.
So are the henoko protestors gonna take issue with this? I think not.
Ganbare Japan!
If China wants to continue its Imperialism and expansion, Abe-san will give them the fight of their lives. Theres no-one tougher, or more up for a fight than Abe-san.
Just to give people an idea, here is a link to a picture, showing ANA's cargo hub service here in Okinawa, take a look at the locality of Okinawa, for those who don't know, and you will see the close proximity the island is to nearly ALL of SE Asia.
If that isn't a strategic location, then I don't know the meaning of the word!
Very good idea. China's plan to break the island chains includes slowly expanding it's territory by taking control of disputed islands. Ultimately controlling the entire region out to the mid Pacific.
Is Abe going to turn Japan into a battler field or not ?
Understatement of the year. Now, to the anti-US military crowd, you have another target for your complaining.
Okinawa will never be free from military presence, whether it be US or Japanese. These folks that always come out of the woodwork and complain, really need to take a hard look at the geographical location of Okinawa and attempt to get it through their heads, the reality is Okinawa is far too important strategically to be allowed to be "military-free".